The majority of nations in favor of Extended Internet Control

3:23 PM
The majority of nations in favor of Extended Internet Control -

Nations that previously retired now Proposals for Internet Control Extended

For both recent weeks, the United States is with EU allies have tried to convince the delegates of other nations that ITU should not be extended to cover the Internet control. These efforts seem to have worked as nations, including Russia and China withdrew their proposals. But those same nations were in favor of an expanded Internet control in an informal vote last night that must have shocked those who fight for freedom of the Internet.

According to Reuters, "Like a marathon session at the UN World Conference on International Telecommunications concluded at about 01:30 local time in Dubai, the President has requested" the room feeling "and noted that the non-binding resolution had the support of the majority, while denying that it was a vote. "

that resolution would keep most of the Internet away from nations who abuse. The biggest question remaining in this is whether the country should have control of" process "by giving them the same authority (IP address assignment) currently held by US based non-profit ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

US Ambassador Terry Kramer tweeted "We will work around the clock. The United States remains committed to maintaining the Internet on the ITRs (Treaty). "

With the World Conference of the ITU to an end tomorrow something has to give. It is clear that most nations want more control over the Internet as the US and the EU fight to have it removed completely says... "There have been rumors of the United States walk on the conference If that happened, everything would probably fall apart this is probably not going to happen, but Kramer and other US delegates have their work cut out for them if they intend to fight against the combined interests of certain powerful nations. "

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