Top 5 reasons you want to download the preview Excalibur tech

4:35 PM Add Comment
Top 5 reasons you want to download the preview Excalibur tech -

Wow! - There is much excitement at Synergy Europe this year! The level of customer and energy partner was unreal to the keynote Mark. And ads on Project Avalon! As many customers and partners here in Barcelona this week, I too am very excited about ads around Avalon Project, particularly the Excalibur next tech preview. I know there were a lot of new and exciting announcements shared by Mark during the keynote about Avalon so I scribbled some notes (OK, 5 highlights the key) on why you want to download the technology preview Excalibur. Let's start!

1. Simplified, unified, and expanded FlexCast 2.0 Architecture

Here's your chance to experience first hand the new unified architecture FlexCast 2.0. This new architecture combines simplified and integrated supply with customization tools to desktops and applications. We also simplified management experience with intuitive workflows to guide the Citrix administrator and make it easier to quickly deliver desktops and applications to users. In other words, the technology preview Excalibur no more standing XenDesktop infrastructure to deliver desktops and XenApp a separate infrastructure for delivery applications. With Excalibur is an installation, architecture, bracket to meet all your XenApp and XenDesktop delivery needs.

2. Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8

I know many of you were "eating away bits" to try XenDesktop to deliver Windows 8 positions or virtual XenApp work to deliver an application from Windows Server 2012. the Excalibur technology preview will allow you to do so. Now you are able to deliver a desktop computer Hosted VDI and VM hosted Windows 8 applications and hosted shared desktops and applications applications from Windows Server 2012. Everything from a unified architecture and simple to install.

3. Intelligent configuration validation

Have you ever thought you properly configured your XenApp or XenDesktop server, only to discover later that you missed a step configuration, or worse, a wrong word? Usually, this means time wasted trying to locate the error or creates problems of scale as your environment grows. Would not it be great if there was an intelligent configuration tool for deploying desktops and applications proactively verifies in real time configuration errors and simplify the provisioning profile management and display settings? Excalibur and the overview of the technology, you get to try this first hand.

4. Storefront for applications and data

As the saying goes "end users happy happy IT equal." End users want a self-service and a consistent experience with their personal computers and applications so we will give to them! in the overview Excalibur tech IT admins can create centralized enterprise app stores directly from Studio to deliver desktops, applications and other resources for users on any device, anywhere with Citrix CloudGateway.

5. It is all about users

the technology preview Excalibur makes improvements to customization capabilities, critical to managing a coherent and personal user experience. iT can now manage their profiles and Citrix console redirection records in the studio, including Citrix roaming and mandatory profiles. In addition, Director provides real-time analysis with an array of edge sensitive to the context of empowering support helpdesk and Citrix specialists because quickly and resolve problems before they negatively affect users end.

Watch this space for the ad when you can enter technical preview MyCitrix.

Furthermore, I expect the technology preview will be available for download from on Nov 1. Hope this answers yet ... And I'll follow with another blog when it is displayed

on Excalibur technology preview is now available for download ... Follow this blog to download :. / Blogs / 2012 / 01.11 / the-Excalibur-tech-preview-is available to download /

ShareFile announcing the general availability with StorageZones

3:34 PM Add Comment
ShareFile announcing the general availability with StorageZones -

One of the biggest announcements we made at Synergy Barcelona is the "StorageZones" feature ShareFile Enterprise. StorageZones is now generally available for all new and existing customers of ShareFile Enterprise.

For most customers, the most interesting aspect is that it allows StorageZones Sharefile data to be located "on the spot" in its own data center one. For various reasons, compliance, data sovereignty, and performance data Sharefile placing the premises is something a number of our customers are interested. But this is far from the whole story about StorageZones, I'll get to later.

Before I jump into the details of StorageZones, we'll take a step back and describe the product architecture ShareFile. ShareFile consists of two subsystems:

  • The Control system. This subsystem provides ShareFile Web application, account information (assuming you are not using Active Directory integration) and brokerage services. It is maintained in the data center Citrix, as our whole (SaaS) products such as GoToMeeting, GoToMyPC, etc. a-Service Software-as-note that customers will soon have the choice of setting up ShareFile accounts on the domain, where the control system lives in our data center based in Frankfurt. This complements what we offer today, where the control system lives in our data centers based in the United States.
  • The Storage system . This is where the files actually live. Before StorageZones, customers have a choice of 8-3 pitches cloud-based worldwide in the US, Dublin, Tokyo, Singapore, Sao Paolo and Sydney (added in early December 2012). operations Citrix ShareFile uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) in each of these places. The main component of the storage system that Citrix ShareFile Operations manages is called

With StorageZones, the storage system can be placed in a location "Storage Center." Citrix Locations managed or customer managed ( on site) locations. For locations managed by the customer, basically what we have done is to allow customers to install the Storage Center component to the location of their choice. You can find a video of this on CitrixTV.

StorageZones managed clients allow root folder locations to manually specify within a ShareFile account. For example, a sales record "Asia Pacific" could be located in Sydney area; a "UK Sales" file could be placed in an area in London. This ensures optimal performance for users, addresses and data sovereignty and compliance requirements for IT. Note that only one ShareFile account may use both Citrix StorageZones managed and managed by the customer

An important point about StorageZones :. This does not mean ShareFile became a 100% "on site" product. ShareFile is a software-as-a-service (SaaS), with the flexibility of hosting files either on site or in managed storage Citrix ShareFile Cloud. We firmly believe in the benefits of this architecture, that a SaaS approach keeps the product updated to our customers at all times and allows us to innovate and add new features quickly. This also reduces operational costs for our customers. For example, you never have to consider the costs and time involved in a project to upgrade a version of ShareFile to another. There are other products on the market that are installed and maintained 100% on site, such as traditional enterprise software. At present, this is not what we aspire to do with ShareFile

We aim to take StorageZones even further in the future *, and work on a number of different initiatives :.

  • StorageZone connectors. The idea behind StorageZone Connectors to provide secure access to existing file stores, such as network shares and Microsoft SharePoint. Imagine your Windows file shares to be available on your iPad or iPhone next to your Sharefile data, and you get the idea. We just released a Tech Preview of StorageZone connectors, with support for access to network shares via iPad and iPhone apps.
  • Support Citrix StorageZone more options managed beyond AWS. Global coverage with Amazon AWS is great, but we are also interested to support other cloud services with a presence in markets such as China, the US central, continental Europe, Australia, Canada, and much more. We announced our intention to support Microsoft Azure, and we are actively working with Microsoft to allow StorageZones Citrix managed and administered by the client in Azure.
  • allows administrators to select specific areas of StorageZone Citrix managed to root- level folders. For example, if you have a global deployment, host files of your Asian users can be placed in AWS AWS-Singapore or Tokyo; and host files of your European users can be placed in AWS-Dublin.

With the general availability of ShareFile with StorageZones, we achieved an important milestone with the product. And as you can see, we are only beginning ...

Bill Carovano
ShareFile Product Management

Follow me on Twitter: @bill_carovano

* Disclaimer: the development, release and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion and is subject to change without notice or consultation. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality and should not be relied upon to make purchasing decisions or incorporated into a contract .

35% fewer dropped calls or 57% Less Stalling video

2:33 PM Add Comment
35% fewer dropped calls or 57% Less Stalling video -

On the way to work this morning, I saw a billboard Mobile, with aT & T announced: "We have reduced dropped calls by 35% in SF." Clearly, dropped calls are a measure of the quality of calls. However, as smartphone penetration increases (US Q2 2012 smartphone penetration was over 50%) the quality of mobile data will increase in importance

Bytemobile is able to measure the quality of mobile data. For example, on average, we reduce the video dropping 57%. These types of quality measures are integral to our index of user experience (UXI), announced today at Citrix Synergy. For more information see Bytemobile Mobile Analytics Reports

-. Anna Yong

PVS Internals 1 - Cache Manager

1:32 PM Add Comment
PVS Internals 1 - Cache Manager -

Before reading this article, you definitely want to check out the incredible White Paper Dan Allen called Advanced Memory and Storage Considerations for Provisioning Services. I will not explain the basics here, so I recommend you do your homework first.

I'll write a follow blog later. This first part will focus on theory, while the second part will focus on how you can use this knowledge in real life, how to properly determine the amount of memory required for the PVS server and what tools can help you during testing and troubleshooting.


Back in 00, Messrs Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett came up with the term "Lie-to-children" in their marvelous Discworld book in science (I can recommend to everyone). According to Wikipedia, a lie to children-is an expression that describes the simplification of technical equipment or difficult to understand for consumption by children. The word "children" should not be taken literally, but as including everyone in the process of learning about a topic, regardless of age.

There are a lot of "Lies-to-children" in IT all around us, we often just do not recognize them anymore. When we try to explain something to end users or parents of family (especially older ones), we often use to explain complex technical problem and many times we do not even realize that it's not 100% true what we say. It is quite true, and if necessary we can always explain the details later, right

the developers tend to improve the product with each and all versions - and sometimes (especially if we talk about the core components), these changes are very complex and has evolved over the years into something that can not be easily explained in a few sentences. Guess what happens when developer attempts to translate complex MSDN article with tons of references to API to regular iT Pro? That is true -. It's time to come up with just another lie to children

One of the most common examples is related to free memory - the memory you want to have as much freedom as possible to keep your sensitive system but is this really the case? In fact free memory is bad memory - he is lost and useless. You do not want to free memory - you want to use as much as you can. I highly recommend the series of the famous Mark Russinovich called "Pushing the limits of Windows."

Provisioning Services

As we all know, Citrix Provisioning Services enables us to distribute the operating systems and allows management of a single image. The way I like to think that PVS is a super cheap cache that sits between your expensive storage systems and target devices that wants to read from that storage. In this perspective, PVS is not as magical as you wait - we just use the Windows caching mechanism to our advantage, that's why I'll spend most of the article on the internal mechanism of Windows caching of

one. the most common questions that we are often dealt with is "how much memory should I allocate my PVS servers." Answer (and you probably do not want to hear that) is "It depends." If you really want an answer, it would be "your used memory + total size of all your VHD files" - and this would of course mean that you waste your resources and do not allocate them efficiently. To understand this vague answer, let's take a look at how Windows caching mechanism works internally

If you are looking for a basic rule for start the test, you can use the following formula :.
+ 4GB (2GB #vDisksClient *) + (* #vDisksXenApp 5GB)

We use 2GB for customer platform like Windows XP or Windows 7 and 5GB for XenApp servers (hypothesis restarts daily for guests and weekly reboots for servers)

Windows Caching
years, I can imagine that there was a discussion between Windows engineers -. there are tons of free memory on there and it is simply wasted, should not we do something? For example, we could use to cache information, right? If we use finishing with the processing of certain data, instead of expensive flushing pages, we'll leave it where it is - and perhaps use it later. This day was very important for us, if known, we should mark our calendars and celebrate each year. Not only greatly improved the responsiveness of the overall system, but it also allowed us to develop our products -. Citrix Provisioning Services

In Windows, most file system operations are automatically cached - and this applies to both read and write. You can divide the memory in your system for a few different categories (I am completely ignorant virtual vs. physical memory here, focusing on only the physical memory - paging lists are stored only in physical memory).

  • reserved Hardware
  • When using
  • Amended
  • Standby
  • free

We can further divide this list into three different areas of perspective caching manager:

  • When using (hardware + booked in use) - here dragons beware, do not touch, do not care
  • cached (+ modified before) - here are your cached data, recycle if necessary
  • Free - wasted trying to find a use for it

"cache" memory is memory that is not immediately required by any active process, but Windows used for caching information instead. If necessary, however, it can be easily repurposed and assigned to any process that requires more memory (available memory will be used first however). + Free cache memory is called memory.

The best way (and yes, it is a lie) how to explain the difference between standby and modified page lists is that availability is read-only shop, while modified is used for operations write cache

When you read something from your disk, the pages are automatically stored in the list of spare memory -. so if you access these data again, you can avoid costly IRP (IO Request Packet) and you can recover from the fast memory instead. Windows uses standby for read caching - this includes not only the frequently used data, but also data collected by SuperFetch

When you change the data (or other data), the changes are stored in changing memory. the list and are being written to disk when possible. The principle is quite simple to understand -Because it makes a lot of sense. For example, when you copy a file from a network share - during the copy operation, the pages are automatically included in the amended list, lazy writer will these pages, write to disk and automatically move pages to the waiting list. So when you open the file, it is actually open memory and there is no need to read from disk. "Flushing" modified pages does not happen all at once -. It is dynamic, partially controlled by the lazy writer planned and partly by the current conditions of the operating system (for example, the writer is generated when memory is overcommitted)

important lesson - list change is not only a buffer - the data that are written here are moved read only memory (standby) when the operation is complete. If you see 2 GB of data waiting to memory before the copy operation, 100MB in the list changed during the copy operation and 2GB eve of stored data after copying it is not to say that the spare memory is the same as before the copy operation. Instead of copying the pages, they are simply moved from one list to another.

list changed when copying large files
copy operation is complete - notice that the pages have been moved to change Mode

now that many people have difficulty understanding is that technically you are not cached files complete - caching manager uses the virtual block principle; Therefore, it allows you to cache only certain parts of the file. As a developer, you can change this behavior (typical example - when copying large files, prefetching is used and the data is read sequentially on the basis of recognized pattern). Each block is identified by its address and offset - at the end (especially with a random access solution as Provisioning Services), your map file may look more like an Emmental cheese (or Swiss cheese for all you Americans!) . This is also how SuperFetch works - it does not need to understand that when you click "I agree", you click on "Next." You just know that when virtual block at "A" with offset "B" is requested, the next request will address "C" with an offset "D".

The best way how to think before and modified page lists is that Windows uses to store data that might be needed later. There is no harm in keeping them around a little longer, just in case we need it

Now this is again lying to children -. The story is not over yet. When you start to explain to someone cache manager, one of the obvious questions is related to the fact that your valuable data (eg indices or system libraries) could easily get crushed by a large VHD file that you plan not actually running until next year. Internally, there are 8 different waiting lists with different priorities (0-7 - the higher the number, the higher the priority). For example Priority 7 is static set generated by smart people at Microsoft, the priority 6 are residents VIP SuperFetch, Priority 5 is your standard priority and lower priority are used by low priority or reading process before operations.

Consequences for PVS

There are many aspects where understanding the Windows Cache Manager can help you properly design the PVS environment. In the most obvious example (how to correct sizing of the memory PVS) through regular maintenance tasks (how to copy between servers vDisk) to less obvious subjects (if you delete vDisk when you do not plan the use more?).

vDisk replication between servers

Windows Majority and 3rd party utilities are using buffered IOs to perform operations of reading / writing. The reason is quite simple - this functionality is provided by Windows API, so it does not really matter if you use Explorer, Robocopy or other tools. Some utilities (Xcopy, RichCopy and the latest Robocopy) support unbuffered switches for copy operations. But would you use buffered or unbuffered IOs with PVS?

What happens if you use the old approach vDisk active / passive? You've updated your .vhd file on your master server, now you want to replicate to the rest of the servers. Most times, it is actually buffered IO you want - because unbuffered IOs are used in case you do not plan to access the resource afterwards, which is not the case. The copy operation has to go through the priority list 2, so copying large files VHD should not affect your target devices running (most VHD blocks will be cached with priority 5). And since you plan to spend your target devices in this new version of VHD files, copying will actually pre-caching that VHD file for you.

It is also important to remember that it takes two to tango. When you copy vDisk PVS PVS A to B, both servers are affected by this operation. The default behavior when using the copy operation is unbuffered if the server Do not use the memory waiting for the copy operation, the server B will proceed as planned - it will save pages to amended list and transfer them to the watch list after the writer has finished.

it is also important to stress again that this caching mechanism has nothing to do with Provisioning services, it is just the functionality of the operating system that we enjoy. This means that there is another side effect here - as the target device is probably based on Windows customer, this means that it is also using the standby memory for caching. That's why you do not see IOs constant reading of PVS to the target device - target device will simply use its own cache waiting for caching all the read operations from the PVS server. In an interconnected world of Windows devices, a file can easily be cached on multiple devices

When the file is deleted, all cached entries are automatically purged -. So if you do not plan to use these large files and you want to clear your cache, just delete them.

When the cache of the target device is full, the provisioning server waiting cache is not as important as you expect. You can use this behavior to your advantage when you use versioning active / passive with two different vDisk - once your devices operate regularly, you can easily swap the vDisk even if your PVS server does not have enough memory to run two vdisk fully blown files (of course, you want to carefully test this scenario for a negative impact before using it in your production environment)

the file was deleted after copy operation -. notice that the memory was released

Pagefile sizing

Note another pattern here - PVS server is designed to have large amounts of memory "wasted" so that Windows can take and use for caching vDisk. If you have seen the blog post Rintalan Nicholas (The Pagefile Done Right!, One of the items with "must read" tag), you already know that there is no magic formula to calculate the right size pagefile. What you can really say is that if your responsible commitment not to increase, more memory, plus the swap file should be. One of the prime examples is PVS server -. You can hardly find an example where the huge memory can be accommodated with a very small pagefile

Help - my server has 128GB of memory, but none is free

This is very common concern - almost as common as people complain about no free memory in Windows Vista. Based on what we have discussed here, Windows will try to keep the amount of free memory minimum. Remember to empty the cache eve -. This could rise to NT period, but operating systems these days knows better than us what to do and caching and memory is a static process that can be modified by configuration changes magic

However, you might want to check what is stored in the memory - for example, scripts or misconfigured antivirus calculate hashes can also affect your sleep cache. If you want to dig deeper, subscribe to RSS Citrix and wait for the next post on this topic. We will leave the theory behind and dig deep into the Windows cache and practical aspects PVS servers.

Ehm, then what does that really mean?

To summarize:.

  • most copy operations in Windows are cached (even the local operations)
  • free memory is bad memory and it is quite normal if your server PVS has little free memory
  • cache manager is cached blocks, not entire files, so you do not need to plan caching entire VHD memory
  • Buffered Unbuffered copy operations can affect your cache, however, the impact is much smaller (and may actually be beneficial) than most people think
  • There are different priorities for the data set cached, so you need not fear that the copy operation will empty your cache completely
  • not only the design of the memory of the PVS server is important, but also the design target memory devices. If not let memory for caching on target devices, they will need to perform more read operations from the PVS server

In the next part of this blog, we will take a look at some tools that can help you determine the appropriate size of PVS RAM and gives you some insight into how your cache is actually used. Stay tuned.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Dan Allen and Nicholas Rintalan for the great feedback, it helped me a lot while I was preparing this blog.

UPDATE: You can find the second part of this article here

Zugec Martin

Enterprise Mobility - so geht die neue Freiheit

12:31 PM Add Comment
Enterprise Mobility - so geht die neue Freiheit -

Alle Jahre wieder ... nein, wäre es für einen Weihnachtspost doch etwas zu früh. Vor zwei Wochen hat ein Jahr allerdings bei unserem Fixpunkt in Citrix stattgefunden Die jährlichen Summit Konferenzen und Synergy in Barcelona. Summit Beim, der Veranstaltung für den Channel, the war began Teilnehmern 1700, 74 Sessions und komplett ausgebuchten Learning Labs absolut Volles Haus. Noch einmal Naturgemäß Deutlich Grosser Fiel Synergy die aus: 4,000 Besucher und mehr als 60 Sessions haben auch hier für einen vollen Erfolg gesorgt

Eine Frage, die sich um viele Diskussionen drehten :. Wird sich mobile Arbeiten the durchsetzen? Die Antwort ist kurz und knapp: Ja. Citrix hat das erst kürzlich in einer Studie zum Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft belegt - so gut wie jedes Unternehmen wird Arbeitsformen mobile einführen, für alle Mitarbeiter, oder einen großen Teil für zumindest. Das kann für Firmen Verantwortliche in den auch bedrohlich wirken. Die Zeiten und fest gefügter Strukturen enger Rahmenbedingungen am Arbeitsplatz sind damit nämlich vorbei, und so geht auch ein Stück liebgewonnene Sicherheit verloren. Weil aber keine Lösung kann Ignorieren breast, suchen viele Unternehmen nach einer Unterstützung beim einführen mobilen Infrastruktur. Gut fahren sie, meiner Meinung nach, folgender mit Mobility-Strategie: Soviel Flexibilität und Freiheit für die Mitarbeiter wie möglich, soviel Sicherheit und Kontrolle fürs Unternehmen wie nötig

Was Unternehmen dafür brauchen sind nahtlose Enterprise-Mobility-Lösungen. Also Infrastruktur eine aus einem Guss. Ein ganz Wichtiger Gesichtspunkt dabei ist der Bedienkomfort. Müssen das vor allem "ältere Generationen" vielfach noch lernen: Business-Anwendungen dürfen auch Spaß machen. Sonst sehr schnell greifen die Mitarbeiter wieder auf die bunten, intuitiv bedienbaren Apps aus ihrer Freizeit zurück. Und damit dann wandern Häufig selbst in die Daten sensibelste weiten Internets - eine für jeden Horrorvorstellung Verantwortlichen. Aus dem eigentlich erfreulichen Ansatz, dass nämlich Mitarbeiter selbständig den Weg suchen produktivsten, wird schnell ein Security-Albtraum.

Auf der Citrix Synergy hat gezeigt, wie eine Plattform entsprechende aussehen kann. Citrix Receiver als drei Milliarden Ausgangspunkt versetzt Geräte in die Lage, von überall his sicher years Firmennetz anzudocken. Wir arbeiten zusammen mit künftig noch enger Cisco, um hier noch mehr zu bieten Möglichkeiten und Grenzen so weit wie möglich einzureißen. Eine Alternative zu öffentlichen Online-Speicherdiensten aus dem Bereich bietet Consumer-Citrix ShareFile. Die Anwendung steht den Diensten in bekannten nichts nach - mit einem kleinen, aber bedeutenden Unterschied Die IT-Abteilung hat volle jederzeit über die Kontrolle Firmendaten. Ein dritter Wichtiger Bestandteil der Lösung ist eine Management-Plattform für die Zahl zunehmende a mobilen Endgeräten. Dafür haben wir im Angebot Citrix CloudGateway, um sämtliche nahtlos Geräte von einem Punkt aus zu zentralen verwalten. Alles in allem steht eine komplette so-Enterprise Mobility Solution-bereit.

Aber das alles nur Nutzt bedingt, wenn nicht die Ausrüstung bedienbar komfortabel ist. Dabei stehen wir zu den Konkurrenz letztendlich in all applications, die wir täglich privat nutzen. Um Überzeugend wirklich zu sein, die müssen mindestens Business-Apps genauso intuitiv und gut within bedienbar. Citrix hat mit der Me @ Work eine Reihe von-Serie Apps gestartet, die genau das bietet. Die waren bisher Reaktionen darauf sehr positiv. Mein Eindruck ist: Viele Unternehmen auf warten passende Lösungen, die Arbeiten mobile machen und einfach den ihnen Schrecken nehmen. Denn dann hat viele die neue Freiheit für alle Sonnenseiten Beteiligten. möchte sie nicht mehr missen the Ich.

XenDesktop Site Checker v1.7

11:30 AM Add Comment
XenDesktop Site Checker v1.7 -

I just wanted to update everyone on my progress with the site checker XenDesktop, and intend to release v1.7 this week.

This version was focused on speed and functionality of the tool. Some of the key changes are:

  • Added Catalogue and enumeration Desktop Group
  • Added a regex search box to quickly find matching nodes in the tree
  • Click to enlarge / TreeNodes collapse, left / right keys to navigate
  • Added right-click the power shares machine
  • Add sub tasks sessions node right on logout / logoff
  • node power Added actions to display running and insider power brokerage shares finished
  • logging fixed and control
  • Tweaked TreeView to construct child nodes when expanding parent nodes (much faster to load), clicking some nodes will also update the child nodes (such as sessions and Hunt groups)
I'll update this post once v1.7 is live CTX133767.

The Big Switch to NRS and CloudStack (guest post BigSwitch)

10:29 PM Add Comment
The Big Switch to NRS and CloudStack (guest post BigSwitch) -

This client comes from our friends large switching networks.

as a member of the Big Switch team last year, I am incredibly happy that today we are announcing the general availability of the Open Software-Defined network architecture, including Big network controller, Big Virtual Switch, Big Tap. During the past year, we looked mature NRS from a new, "maybe a little-days" technology to a real must for anyone looking to deploy a truly flexible, scalable cloud datacenter.

at the same time, we've tried to keep a rather low profile, but have been busy behind the scenes. as best I can tell, we do a few things very differently than everyone in the ecosystem and NRS, while our choices not just released our nights and weekends, we expect that they will create a lot of value for our customers Let me highlight some key differences.

  • Rather than considering RPS as particular point solution, we actually separate architecture in a platform (ie Big network controller.) and applications. virtualization of the network (Big Virtual Switch) is one of the applications that we started with and is a great addition to a CloudStack deployment but Big Switch and its ecosystem partners have a number of other solutions in the pipeline as well.
  • open standards, open source, and open APIs are cooked in the heart of everything we build. We opened the source code of the kernel of our controller platform in a project called Floodlight used standard protocols like OpenFlow, and we work with the Open Networking Foundation to create standardized programming API. Again, we found these design principles around the opening to map directly to those of the CloudStack community.
  • Finally, we have developed our platform to work with hypervisor switches and physical devices in the network. As people on the CloudStack cloud building you certainly can, collection management networks and physical networks say separately creates an additional burden and limit the scope and flexibility of the overall solution. What is really needed is a single platform that can operate across physical and virtual domains network.

Since the early days of our company, we have worked closely with Citrix team and open source communities for both Xen and CloudStack. RPS solution, especially one that supports network virtualization to be incorporated in both the hypervisor and platform and cloud orchestration we clearly recognize CloudStack and Xen as two of the most mature parts and sophisticated open source cloud infrastructure available today.

Today we are pleased to announce that both Big Big Network Controller and Virtual Switch are certified Citrix Ready on the XenServer and wait to be there with CloudPlatform early next year. Big Virtual Switch (BVS) allows administrators to dynamically provision cloud virtual networks, which can be coupled with XenServer and CloudPlatform to offer a flexible cloud infrastructure, agile and highly scalable. This joint solution is really exciting for us and we heard great feedback on it from our customers so far. We designed BVS to allow users to take full advantage of their clouds by eliminating network constraints and manual configurations and we are excited to bring these capabilities to Citrix customers and the wider Apache community.

If you want to know more about our solution, see this video and visit us at

-. Mike Cohen, director of strategic alliances with large switching networks

Optimizations for Windows 8 and 2012 virtual desktops Windows Server

9:28 PM Add Comment
Optimizations for Windows 8 and 2012 virtual desktops Windows Server -

Excalibur Tech Preview provides a preview of several enhancements to Desktop Agent XenDesktop designed to provide a user experience with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 virtual desktops.

HDX technologies are important for the delivery of the new generation of Windows desktop and Windows 8 style applications because the DirectX graphics technology has become the new standard. Excalibur offers a choice of software-based (CPU) rendering or hardware (GPU) rendering of Windows 8 desktops and DirectX 3D applications. (And do not worry, OpenGL apps advantages, too.) Rendering hardware maximizes server scalability by offloading the CPU, but at the cost of more expensive server speed.

Windows 8 is particularly well suited to mobile devices. So much work goes into the Windows Activation Support multi-touch for future versions of Citrix Receiver for iOS and Android. Our engineers have also managed to get a computer desk and very fluid application experience on mobile networks, even when bandwidth is limited. As discussed in detail in my blog on Adaptive Display, the HDX SuperCodec has been improved in Excalibur with H.264 Compression-Deep XenDesktop HDX 3D Pro, which dynamically adjusts to changing network conditions.

GPU also come into play as an option for H.264 encoding. Today GPUs are not limited to graphics rendering; they are high-performance processing engines. As with the graphics rendering using the GPU for compression offloads the CPU of the server to obtain a higher user density. Modern GPUs such as NVIDIA Quadro and VGX offer new series of real-time processing power to encode video stream.

Using a Windows device to access your Windows virtual desktop continues to provide special benefits. With Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, the Office of the composition is performed by the Desktop Window Manager, an application based on DirectX previously known to deliver the Aero theme in Windows 7. With Excalibur, we took the Aero Redirection function and XenDesktop 5.5 expanded office Composition Redirection. All you need is a 9 or better DirectX graphics processor on the user's Windows device. HDX interrogates the Windows device the user to verify that he required GPU capabilities and automatically returns to the server-side desktop composition if it does not. We can redirect the Office client devices capable composition regardless of whether the Aero translucency effect is on (Win7) or off (Win8 / Win7), sending the DirectX graphics commands to the user device for local rendering. Coupled with improvements in the efficiency of bandwidth that we have made in Excalibur, the result of this unique HDX technology is such a level of responsiveness and interactivity that you think your Windows desktop 8 is being performance in the cloud. HDX feel like local.

Derek Thorslund
Director of product management, HDX

XenDesktop WorkerDiag

8:27 PM Add Comment
XenDesktop WorkerDiag -

I would like to introduce a tool that I am working on to complete the "XenDesktop Site Checker". As part of the climbing team, I often have problems with desktops that can be difficult to track down and diagnose in larger environments. In an effort to help identify and troubleshoot workstations with questions, I came up with 'WorkerDiag'.

WorkerDiag was designed as a way to provide fast and relevant details of workstations in a XenDesktop 5.x environment by using PowerShell and WMI SDK to enumerate and display the key data points for each workstation:

Desktops can be filtered according to the Office group, feeding status, recording status, and time from a desktop computer has become unregistered. These results are color-coded and sortable, and can be exported in CSV format for further analysis. Right-click on a desktop provides additional actions, such as the ability to power manage the virtual machine, restart / start the service desk, and computer management to open the selected machine.

WorkerDiag will be included in site Checker v1.8, which should be available for download CTX133767 early next week (I'll update this post once it is available). As always, your comments are appreciated!

App Orchestration:

7:26 PM Add Comment
App Orchestration: - architecture

With the recent release of Cloud Provider Pack, our app orchestration technology (aka Project Rainmaker) is now available for immediate download and use . You can find more information on the many benefits you get from this technology in several recent blogs. In other words - we reinvented how to manage complex multi-tenant, multi-farm XenApp deployments with minimal effort by the administrator

This article is the second in a series blogs by. the team responsible for creating the app orchestration technology, in which we will delve deeply into the architecture, deployment and customization of various components of this revolutionary new engineering technology. (The first is available here.) Today I will cover the architecture of the app orchestration system, and introduce all the elements that make up this system.

App Orchestration Component Diagram

Let this break down and investigate the individual components.

Server Configuration

what server hosts the main components of the application orchestration. In the center of the entire image is the App Orchestration Engine, and REST API that exposes. All components communicate with the engine exclusively via the REST API.

App Orchestration Engine

This component is the "brains" behind the app orchestration technology. Each time a configuration change is made, it is written to the database application orchestration and the App Orchestration Engine determines all actions that must occur in all organizational units, Farms, workload machinery, and machinery Web interface to apply this change. These actions are planned as "Workflows" and are added to send queues for different agents.

When a configuration change is made, it ends immediately. The intention of the administrator is stored in the database, allowing officers to apply the changes asynchronously. We call this approach "desired state" because we always keep track of the final goal of the administrator. This allows the system to perform multiple operations across different products and agents in the correct sequence and over extended periods of time , always moving the underlying systems towards the final goal. If there are failures, they can be corrected and the system will automatically retrieve and keep walking to the desired configuration.

the desired-state approach enables the orchestration application technology to be highly resistant to breakdowns and failures. If the configuration server is offline, the user sessions and the functioning of the normal XenApp farm are unaffected. the only impact is that configuration changes can not be made during this outage. However, for reasons of DR and more available, it is recommended at least two configuration servers are created by deployment.


This is the final point where all other app orchestration components communicate with the application Orchestration Engine. The REST API uses HTTP (S) exclusively.

In order to perform all operations that we automate, some agents require Active Directory domain administrator credentials. Although these are protected by the access control so that only agents can read them via the API, they are always transmitted over this channel, and on the network. For this reason, it is essential that production deployments use HTTPS to protect these identification when transmitting information. The installer App Studio it is easy to configure the REST API and Web service console to use SSL

There will be other blogs on the subject of the API. Stay tuned.

Web Service Console

Citrix App Studio is the name of UI component that you use to configure the application orchestration. The user interface is written in HTML 5 and has been tested on multiple browsers to ensure compatibility. Web Console service component hosts the Web interface.

The Web console and the Web interface service are stateless. This enables administrators to connect to the Web user interface on a configuration server and make changes

Agent -. Server Configuration

The agent appears several times in the component diagram, and serves multiple roles. The agent is the "muscle" behind the power of the application orchestration - it performs actions that the App Orchestration Engine has determined are necessary to bring the system to the desired configuration

On the server configuration, the. Agent is responsible for the interface with Active Directory for operations such as creating and UO import tracking, and moving the workload of machines UO good when they are awarded. All communications with AD is via Active Directory Web Services (ADW)

The agent is also responsible for communication with the workload of the machines that are not yet allocated, and are not part of a XenApp farm so. for example, during the import process of the machine. It does this using PowerShell Remoting (WinRM) and run the app orchestration scripts that are there pre-installed.

Web Server Interface

For deployment, ultimately users should be able to run the applications they subscribe to, and that means they have access to a site Web interface (Note: support StoreFront will come at a later date)

App orchestration manages several farms and automatically allocates farms to tenants as isolation and requirements. capacity limits. To simplify the use of the web interface in these complex scenarios, app orchestration also create and configure Web Interface sites automatically depending on insulation requirements by tenant

Agent -. Web Server interface

On the Web Interface server, the agent is responsible for the creation of sites and pointing these sites on farms for each tenant. The sites are created using the basic settings. App orchestration do not interface with Access Gateway or Netscaler, so once the sites are created, you may need to perform additional manual configuration to allow users to access external sites.

XenApp controllers

App orchestration manages XenApp 6.5 farms only. To create the proper isolation level to accommodate users in a CSP environment, XenApp farms are strictly divided into two server types: controllers, and the workload Machines (aka __gVirt_NP_NNS_NNPS <__ Hosts session). Controllers ever host the sessions and the work load machines never receive session data on other workloads machines.

XenApp controllers managed by the application orchestration must have the agent installed. It is also very important to realize that the application orchestration imposes it gets the desired state of the App Orchestration Engine. This means that the import of a firm that has already configuration, such as host session or existing applications, may cause the configuration to be crushed or damaged. Do not import firm containing the existing configuration in App Studio

Agent -. XenApp Controllers

On XenApp controllers, the agent is responsible for creating and managing groups of workers and published applications, and to manage the "drain" mode session hosts. It maintains the relationships between users, applications, labor groups, and organizational units so that multi-tenancy and isolation are achieved, corresponding to the desired configuration. It is also responsible for the "Join" and "A-assembly" workload machinery on the farm; It does this by connecting to these machines using PowerShell Remoting (WinRM) and run the app orchestration scripts that are there pre-installed

XenApp workloads machines -. aka Hosts Session

Of course, the main measure of the user's ability in XenApp is the number of servers that can host sessions. App orchestration automatically manages the allocation, decommissioning, isolation, drainage, assembly and unjoining these machines on farms and move them to the correct organizational units.

App Orchestration Scripts

Since the density of users per host session is a very important number for CSP, app orchestration was designed so that it zero CPU and memory footprint on the machines hosting the sessions. There are no additional services, and no workflows are directed to a current sessions Home session. The only element that orchestrate application adds to the session host is a collection of scripts and programs that are called remotely via PowerShell Remoting, when the machine is either in preparation for hosting the sessions or being dismantled.

All other actions are orchestrated around the session hosts are carried out by officials or on the XenApp controllers or about configuring the server itself.


Although long, this article has only scratched the surface of how the application works orchestration. Expect a series of blog posts over the coming weeks providing deeper dives into all the different components and features provided.

This blog is part of a series on the application orchestration. For the remaining articles in this series, please refer to these articles:

  • Concepts
  • architecture (this article)
  • Provisioning machinery ( forthcoming)
  • Tenants Management (forthcoming)
  • Advertisements Management (forthcoming)
  • Following Management (forthcoming)
  • Patcher workload machines (forthcoming)
  • Understanding Workflows (forthcoming)
  • Troubleshooting (forthcoming)
  • integration with CloudPortal services Manager (forthcoming)

Future of Mobile Startups, and towards IT

6:25 PM Add Comment
Future of Mobile Startups, and towards IT -

Have you heard of the Citrix Startup Accelerator? It has been running since the beginning of 2011; we have invested in 11 startups interesting very cool; some of which are great examples of the new features in our computer world emerging from mobile. At the upcoming Citrix Synergy, I will share some ideas on how it will continue to turn upside down by using some of our investments as point - SYN225, 11:00 11 May (We'll also have a full day on May 9 track dedicated to startups, startup Citrix Accelerator, our current and future societies called Startup.Synergy.)

Here's a video interview I did with the recent MEGA startup Weekend, talk about quelques- such changes to the phone as a universal client that universal brain, and central to some amazing changes in our market. Come to the session, learn about the future of the mobile phone, why you should pay attention to the Citrix Startup Accelerator companies, and perhaps gain some recognition for entrepreneurs at an early stage and startup weekends.

Dr. Michael Harries, Chief Technologist Citrix Startup Accelerator

Lakeside Webinar

5:24 PM Add Comment
Lakeside Webinar -

Lakeside Webinar If you attended the webinar Lakeside, you have learned about the new tool from FastTrack, developed in collaboration with Citrix using the SysTrack technology, which enables users Citrix to generate deep visibility into their environment necessary for successful desktop transformation.

Lakeside Software was established in 1997, has 0 employees and has been a partner since 1997. Citrix Lakeside is the creator of thin client management software OEM'd and distributed by Citrix, also known as SysTrack , which was originally sold worldwide to Citrix Resource Manager.

Where they correspond

Lakeside Software integrates into the architecture XenDesktop Citrix customers by giving the user, application and system usage data they need to complete desktop transformation.

Why customers buy Lakeside Software

The most common reason why customers buy Lakeside Software to develop deep insight into their user environments. With a deeper vision, IT can make better infrastructure management decisions.

What makes unique Lakeside

Where Lakeside Software is unique in the market, is their patented architecture DataMine distributed relational database, which aggregates user- level data. DataMine enables sophisticated intelligence SysTrack reports provide an overview unprecedented user, application and system usage and resource utilization. In addition, Citrix has entered into a collaboration agreement with Lakeside Software to make it easier for Citrix customers accelerate the deployment of desktop virtualization by offering the new Citrix Virtual Desktop tool evaluation called FastTrack, which is based on the product SysTrack Lakeside Software.

To view the webinar now, click here.

Search the Citrix Ready catalog here

Join Citrix Ready program here

Come by the Citrix Partner Enablement Station partners in the Solutions Center to find classes in your area

4:23 PM Add Comment
Come by the Citrix Partner Enablement Station partners in the Solutions Center to find classes in your area -

Citrix Partner Enablement is a roadmap local startup camps, workshops and webinars put together to make our Americas partner community continues to be up to speed with our new technology. All classes have been created with one thing in mind: to increase your knowledge Citrix, reducing your sales cycle and increasing profitability

Partner Enablement of classes are offered at different levels as well, regardless of your Citrix experience you can find. the appropriate workshop, training camp or webinar. Follow the roadmap and reach the highest level.

We are at Citrix Summit in San Francisco, to help 7 to 8 May our partners get a better understanding of the roadmap and timetable, and to find courses in their area.

Three separate tracks are available concentrated on different functions within your organization - sales, technical and Lead Generation. Citrix Channel Enablement workshops and training camps are open to all the Americas CSA partners and most are available free of charge. Partners can use MDF dollars and COOP for registration fees and travel as specified in the 2012 MDF COOP directives. See upcoming events in your area

Come by the Citrix Partner Enablement station in the Partner Solutions Center to learn more about:

  • the Partner Enablement Calendar and roadmap
  • classes available and how to find classes in your area that meet your business needs
  • If certification (s) are required for the class you are interested in
  • reapply Gen packages available to partners

Register now Summit Citrix and come to the Center partner Solutions Monday and Tuesday to see us at the station Enablement Citrix partner !

How Sweet to be a floating cloud Synergy!

3:22 PM Add Comment
How Sweet to be a floating cloud Synergy! -

Have you ever had this feeling before? No? Well, that is exactly what participants Synergy experience this year! Join us in San Francisco and be carried away on Thursday, May 10 at Synergy Party! Be prepared and the experience of band Lifehouse to the ultimate social event!

from 9 to 11 May, Citrix Synergy will show you how cloud computing, virtualization technologies and networking are changing the way companies do business. This event IT histori address current topics and challenges that everyone talks about - mobile workstyles, IT consumerization and BYO, enterprise and cloud services hosted cloud, and the optimization and network security

do not miss it.! We will be there for you!

Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

What is the latest, coolest and best of NetScaler?

2:21 PM Add Comment
What is the latest, coolest and best of NetScaler? -

Well, check for yourself and attend the Synergy Syn324 session Thursday, May 10 at 17:00! First, the impressive presentation engineers knows the product inside and are very passionate about these the coolest features they want to talk to you. They have a lot of experience with load balancing of clients, global load balancing to security features and platform. NetScaler their accumulative experience is 35+ years! Some of the features they talk about is how to adapt to different load conditions dynamically scaling out and scaling in the server infrastructure, and enjoy one of the last protocol without losing operational control of your network, and more. They also like to be challenged with difficult questions, so come and ask better questions. Since this session was the last before night party Synergy, we give the coolest jacket that Citrix NetScaler has never been seen to the best question of the public.

Another session to highlight is Synergy Syn305 Friday, May 11 at 10am. If you want to know what is happening with your applications, where your users are, what devices they use to access applications and optimize applications based on user behavior, then this session is for you. We will also pass by the partners that we and other NetScaler features that really provide visibility of all applications. In this session, we will also give Citrix a surprise prize for the best question of the public.

So come to these sessions Synergy NetScaler next week and happy learning! For more information Synergy here.

The Partner Summit appreciation Party was a "good time rockin!

1:20 PM Add Comment
The Partner Summit appreciation Party was a "good time rockin! -

Partner Appreciation Party at Citrix Summit San Francisco, May 7 to 8 was an exciting way to prepare the ground for the rest of the week in the Summit and Synergy. And is sure to be an evening that will be remembered as a legend.

Citrix partners kicked in high gear and cheered until they were hoarse as they swayed to the live music mega-platinum entertainment alternative rock band, Bush. After a day of intense sessions, technical deep dives, sales and marketing strategies, participants let their hair to the partner of recognition. And it was a party not to be missed.

The participants appreciated the picturesque views of the skyline of San Francisco on the terrace of the Metreon and experienced the delicious flavors of a "taste of San Francisco" cuisine. Then, the party has reached a new high when Bush took the stage with singer Gavin Rossdale, guitarist Chris Traynor on, drummer Robin Goodridge and bassist Corey Britz with their new sound modern rock. Playing songs hit like the 2011 release "The Sound of Winter" and classics like "The chemicals between us," emotional, bittersweet song Rossdale and intensity of the group's brand left the audience cheering for more .

You are mobile and we know

12:19 PM Add Comment
You are mobile and we know -

Citrix entered the mobile market with a vengeance. This week alone, our customers and partners have heard about our exciting progress of products in the areas of enterprise app stores, data synchronization and sharing, mobile application management (to name a few) in our receiver product lines and the CloudGateway Sharefile. But the real excitement for me is that these new products allow us to offer to its customers.

To have a real understanding of what businesses need a mobility solution, Citrix has interviewed 510 IT managers, CIOs and architects April 2012. We asked about the impact of mobility computing and how you can bring your own device trends are changing the way they manage the devices. Here are some of the things we heard

  • mobile device's popularity is divided On average, the iPhone is the main SmartPhone used by 39% of organizations while 36% of. BlackBerry respondents is the primary device of their business. Unsurprisingly, the iPad is the favorite tablet, with 91% saying the Apple device is their primary tablet.
  • There are many applications to manage. Companies of all sizes manage a large number of applications. On average, respondents said they had 216 applications within their organization - it goes up (down) with the company size
  • Application heterogeneity is growth .. Windows applications account for 61% of a company's portfolio, followed by internal Web applications in 24% to 10% SaaS apps, and mobile applications to 7%. This image seems to become even more diverse next year, with Windows apps decreasing 50% and SaaS and mobile handset has increased to 25% of a company's portfolio.
  • Productivity applications go mobile. When asked what applications are going mobile, there is a clear preference towards productivity - 58% of respondents the site of these applications as a priority. Collaboration and enterprise applications online closely follow with 51% and 49% of respondents, respectively, saying such applications as mobile up over the next 12 months.
  • Security issues are still ahead. Ninety-five percent of respondents say they are "concerned" about the information contained in the emails being stored on mobile devices, 94% are concerned about the information stored in mobile applications and 91 % are concerned about the enterprise data stored "in-the-wild 'with storage services in personal cloud.
  • Clear shift of device to applications and data. Today, mobility strategy of a company focused on managing the device itself - 62% of respondents said they currently manage mobile physical devices. However, when asked about their preference, 93% of respondents said they would prefer a business application management strategy and data while only 7% would like to manage the device.

The results speak loud and clear. With this increased mobility, companies must ensure that employees are more productive on the go as they are in the office. To do this, they need solutions that provide enterprise content to employees on billions of devices used while providing the ability to control and secure this content. That's why we are so enthusiastic about the enterprise mobility management solutions offered by Citrix. Now he can safely any type of application (Windows, Web, SaaS and now mobile) and all user data to any device. As noted above, this is exactly what our customers have told us they want.

"Кракозябры» в меню, заголовках окон или всплывающих подсказках опубликованных приложений

11:18 AM Add Comment
"Кракозябры» в меню, заголовках окон или всплывающих подсказках опубликованных приложений -

За последнюю неделю я получил два одинаковых вопроса по этой проблеме и решил поделиться её решением с вами, дорогие читатели.


  1. Администратор забыл применить региональные настройки к профилю по умолчанию и изменить язык для программ, не поддерживающих Unicode
  2. Приложение некорректно работает с кодовыми страницами windows


Соотвественно причинам предлагаеются следующие решения:

  1. При установке сервера или из Панели управления-> Региональные настройки установить необходимые
    настройки, применить их к профилю по умолчанию и установить язык для программ, не поддерживающих Unicode (Local Exchange system). . Требуется перезагрузка сервера
  2. В реестре переназначить кодовые Windows страницы:


"1250" = "c_1251.nls"

"1252" = "c_1251.nls"

Exclusive Live Webinar: Create your own marketing campaigns and increase your pipeline

10:17 PM Add Comment
Exclusive Live Webinar: Create your own marketing campaigns and increase your pipeline -

Which tool allows you to create an email campaign, breath in your contact list , gather the tracks and let you do all this for free ? oss for this Webinar Thursday, May 17 at 14:00 EDT and discover this amazing innovative platform !

Partners, create your own marketing campaigns Citrix Marketing Concierge Demand Site Generation and follow all the metrics one place. We will show how to navigate the site, how to find the latest campaigns and resources, and we will give you the best marketing practices, tips and tricks. Also, find out more about our new partner portal of the brand and how you can buy contact lists and we'll show you some links of the partner program very helpful too.

Who miss this opportunity?

Register now on the concierge instead Demand Gen Citrix marketing homepage.

Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

The scoop on remote PC

9:16 PM Add Comment
The scoop on remote PC -
Hello and Good Friday to you! Just a quick introduction if we are not properly implemented. I went on Citrix to go over 8 years now, and before that I was in various IT functions and sysadmin Citrix client that for 12 years before joining Citrix. In these almost 8 years, I am a sales engineer, a specialist in technology supporting all SEs Americas XenDesktop / XenApp, and now a new role as WW Sales Technology Evangelist. It is my job to help technology solutions inward champion. Today I want to discuss with you remote PC
Last week at Synergy 2012 Mark Templeton announced a new additional exciting model line FlexCast - .. Physics, with PC technology remote underlying
to examine the Synergy session for "What's new XD / XA" check out from brand 34 : 00, including a demonstration of the technology.
Remote PC is composed of new deliverables: Redesigned Windows 7 VDA and remote PC service. This is next to the Windows XP VDA that some of you may have used in the past before XenDesktop. So far, Citrix was not externally promoted this as a method of using XenDesktop, unless you have used 3D Pro for physical connectivity solution.
Based on customer feedback, I am extremely proud Citrix offers this to you in many ways:
  1. Full unconditional support for the VDA on a PC "normal" physical in XenDesktop cell with Windows XP and 7 (32/64) will be supported - sorry Vista
  2. full support "bolting on" existing infrastructure: Nothing new is required Web Interface 5.4 is supported, but no new features will be included for remote PC - seek to CloudGateway site - logical, CG is the future
  3. XD 5.6 broker is required but has been shipped since the beginning of 2012, and you should be on it already - get him here: asp? productID = 163057
  4. No additional costs compared to competing solutions. Just need a license XenDesktop VDI and distributed instant
  5. Zero administration :. You will not need to go into any console to deploy this solution with remote PC service #awesome Remote PC service will autocreate the catalog Desktop Group, then map the user to the machine determined intervals. Touchless the deployment was the goal here
  6. affordable, quick as lightning distributed VDI :. It is an interesting word! Synergy in the cabin last week, I demo'd a fullscreen 720p .MOV trailer on a 1st generation iPad without bleeding / blocking / depixelation ... ..etc etc. with the speech quality using the HDX for remote PC! I did not change anything, except deploy the Virtual Desktop Agent with electronic software delivery mechanisms company I use today
  7. Total Value of Ownership :. Remote PC will be included in the Enterprise and higher editions, where FlesxCast lives. This license gives you the opportunity to take advantage of VDI, and other models FlexCast for users and devices - so enjoy! You will most likely an ongoing project that is looking to VDI - and you already have with this solution. For example, in the Synergy video, I demonstrated streaming combining (Provisioning Services) and remote PC. Management of the central image with temporary office of delivery in a single offering. When the asset is fully amortized, passing current PVS to a hypervisor or use the image with MCS. Now you are on BYOD and VDI and thin clients, etc. etc. etc. Maybe the user will be a perfect user for hosted shared desktops when the time comes. Freedom of choice is a pretty big deal, but you'll still have obvously need to turn these applications
  8. Wake on LAN: Green computing is on the mind of everyone, and I also demonstrated integration prototype using Intel AMT integration. For more information, see this blog: More to come the Wake on LAN, but I'm interested to hear what you think, so please leave a comment! Do you have a home-grown solution, etc.

Remote PC will be available in June as part of XenDesktop 5.6 Feature Pack 1 -. For details, contact your Citrix sales representative or a partner

PS - a great partner and colleague industry Jarian Gibson Choice Solutions, also wrote a piece after my interview in the cabin here Synergy : pc-based / So I wanted to thank him publicly for the great blog shoutout! ! Thank you Jarian

PSS - follow me on Twitter and Twitter hashtag @CitrixGabe #RemotePC

UTA - Dan Fallon also wrote a fantastic blog here, check it out! "The remote PC is its beauty simplicitly." I love that line - thank you Dan

pssss - Andrew Morgan wrote an amazing blog on #RemotePC here: this-has-the-potential-to-be-a-winner-what-you-think -do / - thank you Andrew

How Brand Citrix Receiver for Web

8:15 PM Add Comment
How Brand Citrix Receiver for Web -

There have been many requests asking how stigmatize Citrix Receiver for Web. Just look Providers Citrix Service LinkedIn group to know that this is a subject that has generated much interest.

Jeroen Tielen has already done much of the heavy lifting when it comes to the Citrix Receiver branding for the web - see his blog post on how to customize branding: http: //

I provide a step step by step guide on how to do it, and also how to extend it. CSPs have also said they want to provide a list of URL links, for example links to helpdesk / support sites, feedback mechanisms, etc ...

In other words, let's start with this:

The "Front" website

And end up with something like this:

the "After" website

branding of the Connect

Let's start by creating a new site Storefront for a white label reseller. It also isolates all our changes just this new site, and we can always return to the Citrix brand image by default.

1. Run the Server Role Manager Citrix XenApp, and click the Edit link configuration for the Storefront receiver. This will start the MMC snap-in for Citrix Receiver Storefront.

2. In the left tree view, click the receiver for the Web, then to the far right pane, click Create Website.

3. Change the way web site for everything you want the URL path to your dealer. In the screen above screen, you can see I chose "/Citrix/TenantACME".

Now that we have created a new website, let's take a look. If you use a default environment, you will see that it has created a new folder in C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME, and that in this case there is a css folder, media folder, a scripts folder and a folder uiareas. These seem promising!

start with the background. If you have already read the blog Jeroen you know that the file that we want to change is in C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME media bg_bubbles.jpg. Simply replace this file with another JPG image with the same name. Here's an example:

Citrix Receiver for Web - New Background with white text

Not bad, but the white text is a bit hard to read. We'll start with the username / password and change it to black

Open C :. Inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME css in a text editor such as Notepad and search for "logonbox-label LogonForm #" (it will be near the end). You will find a section of text that looks something like this:

# label logonbox-LogonForm {color: white display: table-cell; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; vertical-align: bottom;}

All you have to do is to change the part of the highlighted text from "white" to "black"

label logonbox-LogonForm # {color: black display: table-cell; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; vertical-align: bottom;}

Although you in this file, you will also need to change other things too. For example all messages will be blank. So the search ".ctxsui-messagebox {height: 142px" (up) and change the color to black and

.ctxsui-messagebox {height: 142px; min-width: 388px; max-height: 0px; width: 510px; display: table; color: black ;}

The Citrix Receiver logo is also very difficult to read because he is white. It is an image, so all we have to do is replace C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME uiareas Authentication media logo_notagline.png with a different image, as we did for the background image. We will also change the image "Screen_SemiTranslucent.png" (the light bar passes through the middle) and the image "VerticalGreenBarOnly.png" (the vertical bar on the left) and, since our background is more than one theme blue.

Our website now looks like this:

Citrix Receiver for Web - new background with black text

it looks much nicer! You can see that we stigmatized to the dealer with the "Powered by ACME" tagline in the logo image. Until now, if we have not really anything new presented. All we have done is tweak a few pictures and some minor CSS. Now let's tackle the fun stuff: adding links

Added links on the login page

Before you jump in, let's take a look on how the page is structured !. If you use Internet Explorer or Chrome press F12 to follow along. The web page is structured as a series of nested tags. These divide the page into logical sections. It is laid out like this:

Citrix Receiver - DOM model

You can see the great Divs, and one that is of interest to us is "authentication". This is the only division that is visible first (the others are set to "display: none"). How this page works is that these Divs toggles on or off -., For example, once you connect the "authentication" Div become hidden and "resources" will become visible Div

you can see that the "authentication" Div further consists of other divs. What we will do is insert another division in the "authentication" Div. So our code will be visible only when the authentication screen is displayed, hidden and otherwise

Create a new text file called "HelpLinks.js" in your C :. Inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME folder scripts. We will add our javascript code into its own file so that we can keep isolated from the main code. In this file, copy and paste the following items:

 var SetLinks = function () {var content = '    '; newDiv var = $ (content); newDiv.insertAfter ( '# logonbelt-bottomshadow'); }; 

What this does is add the HTML code (the part that is highlighted) right after the "# logonbelt-bottomshadow" in our Div. It does not need to be exactly, but the important thing is that our new Div is added somewhere within the "authentication" Div.

But so far, this code is not linked to anything. Open C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME Default.htm in a text editor such as Notepad and add a reference to our new Javascript file. Find this line in the html page (up):


Now add another line before:


The references our new javascript, but does not invoke. To do this, we change the C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME scripts Default.htm.script.min.js file in Notepad. Find Next:

$ (document) .ready (function () {CtxsApplication.preinit ()

Now change this so it looks like this:

$ (document) .ready (function () { SetLinks () CtxsApplication.preinit ()

Let's take a glance eye now.

Citrix Receiver for Web - New background with links

Nice! Let's see what has changed in our page structure.

Citrix Receiver for Web - DOM model with new Div

notice that our new division was added just after the "logonbelt-bottomshadow" Div.

the rest is just a matter of polish. Some things you could do.

  • our helpdesk and feedback links look a little bare. You can edit the HTML code in HelpLinks.js to decorate these links with some images (as in the "After" image at the top of this article)
  • After user connects. and sees the applications you notice that white text on a light background can be a little hard to read. To update the search for the text color for "# resources # header-header userinfo {float: left;", "# # resources header header-logofflink {float: left;" and ".myapps-name {padding-top: 6px ;. " in the file and update each of them with a darker color
  • shading around each of the applications also may need a little tweaking because of background light. Update the image at C :. Inetpub wwwroot Citrix TenantACME uiareas Store media MainAppIcon_normal.png if you want to change

You may have noticed that, generally, you will have an easier time if you stay with a dark background. Also, depending on your setup and release, some of the file names may be slightly different. For example, the Citrix logo image could be called "logo_tagline.png" instead of "logo_notagline.png"

What if you do not want the links on the authentication page, but * * after the user logs? This can be done using the same principles in this article:

  • Look at the structure of the website
  • Find where you want to place your new HTML (a new sub -div. in the "resources" Div in our case)
  • Add some javascript to insert new HTML after an element of existing division of the page (insert after the "resource-footer" Div work)
  • Call your javaScript Default.htm.script.min.js

I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. If you are having trouble let me know in the comments section and perhaps an enterprising individual display their response

(caveat emptor: None of that is officially supported by Citrix, take it -is.)
(Thanks to Scott Novack who also contributed to this article.)

AppFlow on up.time

7:14 PM Add Comment
AppFlow on up.time -

As a product manager, there is nothing more exciting than to watch how quickly your product is being adopted on the market.

Today I am pleased to confirm the compatibility of AppFlow on up.time

(Yes ... it means that we just added one more vendor to our long list of supported providers for AppFlow)

We just completed our testing and I am happy to share the results with you ...

Adding successful device:

successful Trending:

Applow successful data collection:

successfully Reports

during this test, we also discovered that some custom feeds are not recognized until .time IE LB / CS vserver, etc service names are not recovered from the 265 recording data.

In summary, up.time can consume most of AppFlow records but there are some custom feeds that will not be recognized. Here is a list of suppliers that support Citrix NetScaler AppFlow entirely.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your comments!

Workstyles Mobile + Cloud Services Citrix =

6:13 PM Add Comment
Workstyles Mobile + Cloud Services Citrix = -

It is rare that there is a convergence of technology trends, each of which profoundly changes the entire IT landscape. That's why today's announcement that Citrix has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Bytemobile is considered really big news

First -. Powering Cloud Services

Gone the days when organizations have developed all of their internal applications, deploy in their own data centers and delivered over networks they built and managed. Think Microsoft Office365, and Citrix ShareFile - to name a few examples leading SaaS. Even if the application is developed in-house, it is often running in a third cloud infrastructure such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and SoftLayer.

Hence Citrix comes in? Simple. Our cloud networking solutions, namely NetScaler, are already feeding the world largest cloud and Internet data centers. You may not realize it, but Citrix technology is providing many of the most popular cloud based applications and services today. faster performance. Improved reliability. True scalability cloud. All compliments of Citrix NetScaler backstage.

But alas, there was a missing link. Although Citrix cloud can skillfully supply services as soon as the first byte out of the cloud data center, experience the ultimate end user is thank you to the Internet gods. Or, increasingly, the mobile operators

Next -. Workstyles mobile activation

Nobody disputes the impact that mobile devices - smartphones, tablets, etc. - Make on how we work and where we work. For many of us, our mobile device (or, more commonly, devices ) is the default platform for access to enterprise applications, leveraging Web-based services, and - of course - email. But to achieve full productivity of mobile devices you need high performance and a user experience similar to traditional desktops.

For over a decade, Bytemobile has developed best-in-class data and video optimization technologies and is today powering networks of the largest mobile operators in the world (MNO) . Their solutions enhance the mobile user experience, while increasing the efficiency of mobile networks. Net net: Bytemobile solutions pickup where Citrix NetScaler let off


The combination.? A piece of portfolio-end solution that combines cloud services (NetScaler) with mobile data delivery (Bytemobile) so that users worldwide can fully realize the power of the cloud in the palm of their hand. It is the convergence. This is the Citrix vision.

For all Bytemobile employees, partners and customers, welcome to Citrix!

How to get applications that use as USB hardware to run inside streaming isolation App

5:12 PM Add Comment
How to get applications that use as USB hardware to run inside streaming isolation App

- Applications that talk directly to USB drives for examples Signature Pad etc .. may have challenges to work, if they are executed within the isolation environment. Imagine a situation where :.

  1. An application "X" that is installed and speaks to a USB drive or some equipment directly on site
  2. App "X" to work with a program that is broadcast on the desktop or the server (or) app is streaming needs to talk to / run the application locally installed "X".
  3. In both situations app "X" installed outside insulation must run inside insulation work with Streamed application.

When the application that needs to talk directly to the USB drivers or any other materials, Insulation works inside they may fail, especially if App "X" makes use of NamedPipes talk with USB drive (which is the most commonly used method). Failure is because, by default, all NamedPipes created by any application within the isolation are isolated means that these namedpipes created by the application within isolation are not understandable to the external environment.

We can make use of Rules long streaming App in solve this problem , let me explain how. There may be two solutions:

If you're not an expert on working with the rules App Feature streaming Why read the rules and how the rules

Solution 1: Add a rule to Ignore all namedpipes for the profiled application that needs executed with / launch app "X".

This solution is no better way to do things, but the simplest way to get App "X" executed in isolation successfully. But it can have side effects if the App NamedPipes profile is created, in which case these NamedPipes created by Streamed App will be visible outside isolation, which can break multi-user scenarios ..

Alternative 2: Discover specific needed NamedPipes / App created by "X", and Ignore the latter.

We can not ignore that NamedPipes that are created by App "X" so that the side effects we discussed in Solution 1 can be avoided. We can find out all that namedpipes App "X" using Process Explorer

  1. App Launch "X" locally (not in isolation), and Explorer tool tool. open process (procexp.exe)
  2. List down all NamedPipes used by App "X" process explorer, given a preview below for an example of the application :.

    NamedPipe Listed
    NamedPipe List: ranking on the path name

  3. now change the target Profile streamed App, add NamedPipes Ignore rule for these specific NamedPipes

Distribution profile added Regulations and the launch of the App "X" that needs to talk to the USB hardware based, works fine .

a consultant put me in contact with a similar problem, the problem of the above solution has been resolved, and one of my superiors asked to write a message, so that it can be helpful to others with similar problem also, credits for this position will both.

Easy Steps to analyze and apply continuous with Cenzic

4:11 PM Add Comment
Easy Steps to analyze and apply continuous with Cenzic -
Given the positive feedback on the Qualys Integration and Knowledge Base (KB) for him in the previous blog, here KB similar to Cenzic. Although NetScaler Application Firewall (AppFW) has been out for a long time with the integration Cenzic, now with NetScaler 10 converter is also now part of the NetScaler GUI vs download the XSLT file. The KB provides exact steps of Cenzic Hailstorm Enterprise Arc download the file to upload the output file to NetScaler AppFW
Here are some catches Cenzic GUI can also be found in KB article CTX133285 :.
Here is a screenshot of selecting an application to test with later hail Enterprise Cenzic Arc:
and one on how to download the output file :.
the rest of the KB should be similar to how we did the integration steps Qualys

Citrix XenServer - x86 server virtualization Magic Quadrant leader

3:09 PM Add Comment
Citrix XenServer - x86 server virtualization Magic Quadrant leader -

2011 was the most important year in terms of XenServer momentum again and we applaud Gartner for recognizing that. Over the past 12 months, we have surpassed 100,000 customers and we are fast approaching 1 million downloads free edition of XenServer. We believe this placement by Gartner analysts is a recognition of the strategic relevance of a flexible virtualization platform in the Citrix portfolio and reward our efforts with a placement in the leaders quadrant. While it is easy to assume that server virtualization as a category can be something as close as server consolidation company, we believe Gartner properly consider server virtualization as a set of workloads:

Gartner defn: the market for x86 server virtualization infrastructure includes all charges x86 work (ie, application servers, Web and database; virtual desktops hosted [HVDs] file, print and security servers). deployed on standard x86 physical servers

At Citrix, we were driving XenServer deeper into the market for optimizing workloads and engineering of a platform for use cases the next generation. By the admission of Gartner, the server virtualization market has matured and businesses are now considering multiple virtualization solutions. This is a significant change in the market and we have been anticipating. Users are no longer looking for a generic platform for consolidation, virtualization rather that best fits their application needs. According to Citrix virtualization strategies I'll share two data points to illustrate some favorable changes, we enjoy:

  • Desktop Virtualization - XenDesktop is the industry leader in Desktop Virtualization solution - powers XenServer important services for the majority of XenDesktop deployments
  • public, private and hybrid cloud - Xen / XenServer powers 4 of 5 large clouds - over 50% of the 20 public clouds and over 80% of CloudStack cloud

obviously some major trends in our favor to Citrix and the above data points are the result of having run on a strong vision. We just returned from a week with the XenServer engineering and product management team, I look forward to future releases that should accelerate that momentum. Thank you to all those who have downloaded XenServer, posted in our forum or mailing lists, encouraged others to use the contributed code or even a kind word to say. You play a role in the success of this platform and we appreciate it.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose

Remote PC Output Web

2:08 PM Add Comment
Remote PC Output Web -

Those of you on the current SA for XenDesktop Enterprise and Platinum Editions are now allowed to use remote PC and download the XenDesktop Feature Pack 1 bits here:

For all others, the download and give it a test! You will need to login with your MyCitrix account and select "Custom Download"

The components you need for remote computer are :.

  1. office and delivery components (not necessary if you already XD 5.6 broker in your deployment)
  2. Update Agent Virtual Desktop (which is the agent who is installed on the physical PC)
  3. remote PC services (optional) - attaches to a service broker and XD 5.6 autoassigns the user to their machine without iT / HelpDesk intervention, and the user does not to remember their machine name / IP address never

to deploy

  1. install XD 5.6 broker (about 10 minutes) (install DesktopDirectorUpdate and GroupPolicyUpdate if desired)
  2. install remote PC service on the XD 5.6 broker (again, optional) - configure the XML file (about 3 minutes)
  3. install VDA pointing negotiate using the chain in eDocs ( sure to install the switches with the installation command line indicated in the installation section eDocs ) and then restart and connect locally a times - the user is now assigned to their own dekstop
  4. FINISH - test and appreciate

to see it in action, check out the video here: http: //www.citrix .com / tv / # videos / 06

for more information on installing the repository see eDocs here: cds -RemotePC-wrapper.html

Let us know how it goes for you

EDIT: you may also notice that Al mentioned below, that touch-Optimized Desktop is enabled by default when you connect to the remote PC (and VDI virtual machines for that matter) - if you have not had the opportunity to train your users or to change your supports for it yet, be sure to adjust the GroupPolicyUpdate included with XD 5.6 FP1 http: // media / proddocs / topic / XenDesktop-56fp1 / ps-ref-political-mobile-experience.html

Sizing LUN with VAAI - Another perspective Citrix

1:07 PM Add Comment
Sizing LUN with VAAI - Another perspective Citrix -

Let's face it - we see a lot of VMware there. And I could see a bit more than most people since I am part of our team of board and I work primarily in the large space / Corporate. In all honesty, I probably made about the same amount of XenDesktop on vSphere deployments as XenDesktop on XenServer or Hyper-V deployments. So I had to stay strong enough on VMW over the years ... and that means staying on top of major improvements that affect Citrix in the latest versions (vSphere 4.x and 5.x). So while it may seem odd that I write an article on VMware mostly I feel like it would be a disservice to our customers if I have not written on this particular issue because it is such a game changer My opinion. Before you begin, if you did not read my last article on LUN sizing, it would be wise to read it now. block-based Because it is essentially a follow-up article I will refer to several things of this previous article.

Before jumping into VAAI (and ATS and specifically the impact of this important feature is the LUN sizing), we need to reconsider some of the basics related to VMFS and how SCSI reservations have been used in the past to "lock". As many of you know, VMFS is a clustered file system owner of VMware. And while VMFS allows VMW to do some interesting things like storing thin provision bloc, it also has some special considerations being a distributed file system. For several ESX hosts can actually "share" a single VMFS LUNs based on, something is needed to control all operations between ESX hosts. Otherwise, you'd have serious problems such as corruption of data if multiple hosts have tried to write on the same block on a LUN simultaneously. To keep ESX "failed" host and prevent this kind of thing happens, VMFS uses locks on disk to synchronize metadata updates. And these types of metadata updates are required when you create, modify or delete files. Earlier versions of VMFS (pre-ESX 3.5) used SCSI reservations to acquire those locks. And while a SCSI reservation is needed only for a short time to get the lock, if you have many virtual machines on each ESX host (ie as in a deployment XD) and they all reside on the same LUN, you can see how there might be discord and conflict SCSI reservation become a problem. For this reason (and some others that I described in my last article on LUN sizing), storage vendors and VMW and Citrix have sort of agreement to effectively cap the number of virtual machines on a block-based LUNs somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30 . So most of us out there have been adhering to this advice 20-30 VM per LUN and all is well and good ...

But that was then and this is now. Starting with ESX 3.5, VMW has recognized this problem associated SCSI reservation conflicts and implemented something called optimistic locking . Essentially, it delays the acquisition of the lock disk SCSI reservation through until as late as possible in the life cycle of the update VMFS metadata. But perhaps what is most important is that in optimistic fashion that a single SCSI reserve is used per transaction versus a reservation by lock. So more intelligent locking and less comprehensive SCSI reservations. And this has certainly made things better, but you still do not see VMW (or we) recommending more than 30 virtual machines per LUN in deployments with ESX 3.5.

And vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) came a couple there for years and it began to change the game (but not quite when it was originally released - I'll explain in a minute what I mean by that). If VAAI is new to you, then perhaps you will want to consult the FAQ VMW about it. But the idea behind VAAI is simple - allow ESXi hosts to offload specific operations VM and storage equipment storage management consistent, freeing up valuable resources on the host. There are several characteristics or "primitive" within VAAI, but a primitive I really care that is related to this topic LUN sizing is ATS (Atomic Test & Set). From vSphere 4.1 and VAAI-capable networks, VMFS-3 began using TTY for locks on disk rather than SCSI reservations. ATS is one of many within primitive VAAI as I mentioned and it is sometimes referred to as "hardware acceleration" or "locking hardware acceleration." What does it mean? Instead of implementing the lock via the SCSI reservations (in software) lock is now discharged in the table and in fact the equipment! What really makes ATS under the covers is a "compare and write" SCSI blocks in a single operation using specific operating codes to owners berries. And this allows much more granular locking block storage devices . in other words, instead of whole LUN locking via SCSI reservations, we can now lock only specific blocks within a LUN we need - and we lock via ATS is done on the side of table in hardware, it is much faster and more efficient. I hope the lights go off because it is absolutely going to revolutionize how we size the LUN with VMFS.

But note that I say "not quite" in that last paragraph. what I mean by that is VAAI ATS and debuted in vSphere 4.1, it was a kind of half-baked. as one of VMware storage architects explains in this excellent article on VMFS locking, VMFS-3 in vSphere 4.1 only used ATS for total "operations" just 2 to 8. so we would always come back with the SCSI reservations if you need one 6 operations described in this article. But the real kick ATS was used only if the lock on the disc is not supported! So if there was a claim whatsoever (XD think of a deployment with 100 virtual machines on ESX hosts that share LUNs), then it would actually come back with SCSI reservations. So even if you had a table VAAI able XD in your vSphere deployment on, I bet VMW Board does not recommend more than 30 virtual machines per LUN block-based still with vSphere 4.1!

Fast forward to today and VMW vSphere 5.0 U1 is shipping now. And vSphere 5.x uses VMFS-5 ... and now I have to give VMW accessories to finally get it right with VMFS-5. Not only almost all network support VAAI companies now, but VMFS-5 uses ATS operations for 8 ... even when there is contention or mid-air collisions. This means absolutely no SCSI reserve on VMFS-5 implementations with VAAI-capable tables. It's awesome.

But what does that mean, Basil?!? This means that if you deploy XenDesktop on vSphere 5.x with VAAI-able table, you should not be the size of the LUN block-based (FC, iSCSI, FCoE) with 20-30 VM per LUN ! Note I say "block-based" LUN in the previous statement -. None of this stuff we're talking about (SCSI reservations, LUN, ATS, etc.) apply file-based storage protocols such as NFS

So, I'm sure your next question is how we size the LUN with VMFS-5 and VAAI? How many virtual machines per LUN is the sweet-spot now? I can tell you that I personally saw a couple newer 5.x XD vSphere 5.x deployments with VAAI tables (both EMC and NetApp) well over 30 virtual machines per LUN. I just watched a deployment that had about 55 PVS wC disks on each LUN basis FC -... with absolutely zero performance issues and extremely low latency. It was pretty amazing since I am so used to say to create more customers, small LUN in the past!

What is the new magic number with VAAI? I did a ton of research on this subject, asked some colleagues of EMC and VMW, and devoured every piece of literature on this subject on the web I could find. The bottom line is the direction varies depending on who you talk to. In a test conducted by EMC, they saw 50% less / O queue and virtual machines I started 4 times faster compared to the same config on a non-VAAI-able network. In another test conducted by HP, they got 6 times more virtual machines per LUN with VAAI. Hitachi said simply that the number of virtual machines per LUN is more stress (which is a hard sell for me personally, but it speaks volumes about the power of VAAI). NetApp has tested 128 VMs per LUN (which is essentially 5 times what we recommended before) and saw no performance degradation with VAAI. Other experts as Duncan provide formulas. And finally, and perhaps this is the most revealing, VMW publishes some limitations and maximum configuration with each new version of vSphere and View. Before the days of VAAI, they recommended more than 64 virtual machines per LUN (and remember - we always set up no more than 20-30 in practice). But now VMW said they recommend no more than 140 virtual machines per LUN with VAAI support. So if you do the math and essentially cut in half like we did before, many "real" we might want to implement in practice could be more like 50-75 per LUN VM . After all this analysis and research, it seems that the smart money is somewhere around 2-3x what we have recommended before. It's nice to see some storage vendors saying 4-6x, but I would start with probably 50-75 VM per LUN and only implement across nearly 100 or 0 virtual machines per LUN after rigorous testing in a non-production environment.

It goes without saying that LUNs must be able to support the IOPS virtual machines generate. But since we're talking VAAI able networks (Enterprise Storage), I bet it will not be a problem because many times "LUN" is actually a representation / abstraction virtual LUN small batches with perhaps 100 pins behind.

Finally, before any LUN sizing with these numbers, please check the network supports VAAI / TTY for your particular storage protocol and 'HardwareAcceleratedLocking is enabled on your ESXi hosts ( it should be by default, but I would definitely check). Here is an excellent article with a handy table broken down by storage array and a protocol to check if your network supports VAAI and ATS (column "Hardware Assisted Locking" in the table). And the FAQ VMW VAAI I told you just now is the CLI / vCLI commands to validate if ATS is activated.

I hope this guide helps. Good luck out there and feel free to leave me a comment below if you liked the article or issue.

Cheers, Nick

Nick Rintalan, principal architect, enterprise architecture, Citrix Consulting