Scaling your dynamic services in a corporate environment or cloud

8:27 PM Add Comment
Scaling your dynamic services in a corporate environment or cloud -

When we refer to large data centers and Cloud, scalability comes to mind and becomes a concern. ADCs and load balancers are critical in such deployments. Although the burden of these services goes UP due to the demand of end users, service owners bring new entities and resources to meet the need. These new entities need to have their definition in the load balancer for them to participate in the transformation of the actual traffic.

Couple releases NetScaler had introduced the service concept based on the area where the service definition on NetScaler is done through the DNS response for the domain. Similarly Domain Services group based has been introduced which consists of members whose IP addresses are obtained by solving the domain names of the servers related to service group. name resolution process may return more IP addresses for the same resource, but we consider that the first IP returned and ignore the rest.

NetScaler 10 , which is a milestone version for all types of cloud deployment, introduced AutoScale option for service groups on the domain basis. You can set up a group-wide based domain services automatically on the basis of all the IP addresses returned by DNS response. It is added as fast enable / disable the option that gives you the option of automatic scaling.

Once a domain based server is linked to the service group with AutoScale enabled, NetScaler dynamically creates and binds to TCP and UDP monitor in the service. NetScaler default uses UDP monitors to send DNS queries to the name server. If the DNS response is truncated NetScaler then falls to dynamically monitor and TCP uses TCP as a means underlying for exchange of DNS messages ensuring that we receive all the data sent by the server. Once NetScaler starts using TCP Monitor does not go back to the UDP screen in real time.

When NetScaler receives multiple IP addresses as part of the single DNS response, it queries all the IP addresses individually and followed up by default. NetScaler ensures that only adds multiple IP addresses to the service group if UP and answer monitor query. Overall NetScaler takes care of setting up the infrastructure with caution, ensuring the provision of good service. Now the question is how we manage these deployments in real time because the DNS records expire after associated TTL ??

Hmmm ... interesting and we'll see what's best NetScaler can do here ... once the registration expires, the NetScaler associated UDP or TCP Monitor uses for sending the resolution request on the same server. After receiving the answer that valid for any changes. In case of no change, the roll continues to operate as such. If new IP addresses found in the response NetScaler acts Scale Up role and made the same set of validations for new IP addresses. After the validation passes, IP addresses are added to the service group for the treatment of traffic. If the DNS response was not specific IP addresses that were received last NetScaler then played very well scale down role and deletes IP addresses from the definition of a service group . IP addresses of withdrawal could be difficult as it may be in direct transactions and connections. NetScaler is the graceful closing connections to these IP addresses and does not end abruptly by the bad experience of the end user. In this period NetScaler ensures that no new connection and the transaction is authorized to be served by these IP addresses and only those existing gracefully terminate.

This kind of integrity in the handling of very special scalability NetScaler for such deployments .... What else ?? ... It is a little more NetScaler is to provide sufficient flexibility with your deployment. You can include static server based on IP and domain based together in the single service group. This gives you flexibility at some point in time you have static members that serve customers. This is important from the standpoint of availability as single NXDOMAIN response may result in removing all associate members in this area, resulting in complete failure. So a mixed mode approach might be best to have. Interesting ... and what more ?? You are also allowed to have multiple domain servers with AutoScale ON in service based on a single domain .... Now you need to think about all the use cases that use scarce as before the ... :)

Announcing Lync 2010 for hosting service for CloudPortal Services Manager

7:26 PM Add Comment
Announcing Lync 2010 for hosting service for CloudPortal Services Manager -

Back in December 2011 we published CloudPortal Services Manager v10 and with it we have announced support for supply Microsoft Enterprise Lync Server 2010. Although CloudPortal services Manager provides the basis for multi-tenancy for users Lync Enterprise separating a tenant to another, Microsoft recommends using Lync Server 2010 multi-tenant hosting package to provide full isolation between your tenants (reflection characteristics like SIP safe limit). Today we are pleased to announce the release of a new service module for CloudPortal Services Manager v10 allows the provision of Lync Hosting Pack multi-tenant.

Once you build your Lync deployment, you can add this new service to your existing deployment CloudPortal Manager v10 services and be able to start supplying Lync to your resellers and customers. And since most Lync configuration is via policies, CloudPortal facilitate the provision of these policies to your end users based on the type of service offered. And you can use CloudPortal the company provided voice customers, resellers and URIs available to online users.

Consult Microsoft Lync Hosting Pack Deployment Guide to better understand the hosting package and how it differs from Enterprise Lync. Whether you choose Enterprise Lync or Lync Hosting Pack, we are pleased to say that we now have support for both Lync deployments. And here are some great material to get you

  • Video Deployment -. See the steps necessary for the deployment of this new service
  • Lync Enterprise Installation and Lync 2010 for Web Hosting Services - Use this procedure to install Enterprise Lync or Lync 2010 for hosting services on the Web Lync front-end server
  • Configuring Lync 2010 for hosting service -. Use this document to see how to configure Lync 2010 for hosting service
  • Provisioning Lync 2010 for hosting services -. Use this document to see how to provide clients and users with Lync 2010 for hosting service

and make sure you sign up for a webinar about adding Lync 2010 for Hosters to portfolio Manager with CloudPortal services

Citrix CloudPlatform help simplify SoftLayer private clouds

6:25 PM Add Comment
Citrix CloudPlatform help simplify SoftLayer private clouds -

What if the client companies could build a secure private cloud within hours? Thank you for SoftLayer and Citrix CloudPlatform, they can!

Build on experience building its public cloud, SoftLayer has been able to design a private cloud hosted service that meets a business user. The new offer SoftLayer Private Cloud uses Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) IaaS software to orchestrate and automate the construction of a private cloud environment while allowing a single access, control, customization and complex configurations a company needs.

"For some time our customers have used our portfolio of dedicated servers, network resources, and virtualization options to build their own private clouds. Now, with SoftLayer Clouds private, instead of starting at square one, you can start with your loan cloud for everything you want to do with it, "said Duke Skarda, Chief Technology Officer for SoftLayer."

SoftLayer is aligned with Citrix on our virtualization strategy and cloud technologies and users of XenServer NetScaler as long time and we are delighted that they have chosen Citrix CloudPlatform to supply this new service for them. The proven scalability and single management pane Citrix CloudPlatform glass provides the perfect base for this offer hosted private cloud that will cover 13 SoftLayer data centers worldwide.

Catch the team in Citrix CloudPlatform CloudExpo, RightScale User Conference and ODCA Forecast 2012 NY June 11-14. Stop by the booth to CloudExpo to see a demo or catch one of the many language sites and educational sessions:

KEYNOTE - Step up to a higher Cloud
Sameer Dholakia

Architecting Your cloud: lessons from 100 CloudStack deployments
Shannon Williams

A Higher cloud waiting for you
Orestes Melgarejo

Race Crash In Open Source Cloud Computing
Peder Ulander

RightScale user Conference - back that * aaS up - Bridging Clouds multiple to splitting and redundancy
Peder Ulander

Open Data Center Alliance - panel Cloud Management
Peder Ulander

Good things come in small packages

5:24 PM Add Comment
Good things come in small packages -

Now that Brom launched, we have asked our Citrix friends come visit their blog for a spot of tea (as Simon Crosby could say) and to write a few words about what we do, what they do, and how we can solve customer problems together. Ok, ditching the king 'us' and move to me.

Four months after leaving Citrix, I'm super excited to be officially tell you about the Bromium Microvisor ™, our second-generation virtualization platform that takes a revolutionary new approach to the use hardware virtualization. As the title of this blog states, good things come in small packages - we call ours micro-virtualization, in order to manufacture inherently safe and dignified end trusted devices

The Bromium Microvisor protects automatically each task on the vulnerable. operating system and hardware instantly isolates in a virtual computer, which is a lightweight material of insulation container argued that access to all services of the operating system policy. virtual computers running natively on the operating system without impact on performance, but to protect the system permanently - even against unknown threats: A micro-VM can only access the services of the operating system or peripheral via simple commands pausing the tasks and instantly arbitrate access by the Microvisor. This provides a safety net of unbreakable material for all insulation technologies the software used by the operating system and applications, and impose strict controls on access to sensitive data, networks and other resources .

In the desktop arena, applies Bromium micro-virtualization in a Windows desktop running to automatically identify and instantly isolate individual tasks, protection against current and future attacks targeted design. The technology has broad applicability, protection terminals to the consumerization of IT. But let's talk about desktop virtualization.

XenDesktop fulfills an essential role in enterprise IT. workstations and Windows applications are here to stay. However, users will still human (and by that I mean gullible and fallible, like me and you) and the software will always be vulnerable, so that the wicked will enter. The architecture of the system Brom assumes that users will make mistakes, and that zero-day vulnerabilities are inevitable. It is built from the ground with the presumption that micro-VM will be compromised at some point, but ensures that the attacker could not gain access to sensitive data or applications, or continue an attack. A micro-VM can only access data on a "need to know", and all the changes it makes are nulled soon as the user closes the application, and automatically disabling malware and eliminate costs sanitation, even for PCs that have not been patched.

In Citrix-speak, whatever the FlexCast flavor you can use to deliver your Windows desktops and applications, our technology can guarantee the security of end to end users on laptops using Citrix Receiver to access their hosted sessions. Brom protects data on the device while running, and to prevent attacks from all external vectors (USB, web, applications, MIME types, etc.) on the client by design - so there is no risk of "personal" of a user's activities, such as browsing the web or web-mail receiver compromise, browser, office or business. To this end, we are working with Citrix on the development of Brom plug-in receiver and are looking for beta customers who put Receiver in their business.

With the Bromium Microvisor on all company laptops, there would be no risk of an attack, as the APT RSA compromise, in which a user can click on an infected attachment and expose the most sensitive company information for malware. In addition, our technology provides secure end to end access for enterprise web applications, SaaS or enterprise apps / clouds isolating individual websites in virtual computers that are not only protected against Outside vectors mentioned above, but also from each other. This translates to complete security for anyone using a rich client to access a hosted Citrix environment.

If we start thinking outside the endpoint, Bromium micro-virtualization could also be used to protect server-side browsers or other hosted productivity applications and vulnerable MIME type, which prevents attack compromise the Windows Server instances running client applications ... But I'm ahead of me.

From the Bromium plug-in for the receiver, we continue to explore the data state, workstations and applications in nature, I am sure we will find many more cases of use, and we look forward to working closely with Citrix on joint solutions that will benefit all types desktop deployment in the enterprise. Bromium micro-virtualization is the only technology that can enable secure applications and data secure and not to coexist on a single system with guaranteed mutual isolation. Please give us a visit to to learn more and join the conversation!

Hugs not Wars

4:23 PM Add Comment
Hugs not Wars -

If you were able to attend GigaOm Structure of last week in San Francisco, you would have seen an interesting dynamic unfold in "wars of API: provide the de facto standard "session that included Sameer Dholakia (Citrix), Chris Kemp (OpenStack, Nebula) and Marten Mickos (Eucalyptus) a discussion to debate the relative merits of API clouds turned out to be a serial eye. of even opening remarks that highlighted the differences that may exist in the philosophies of open source. First, you have pure open source play, crushed OpenStack community-led development project and on the other you have commercial open source products from Citrix and Eucalyptus. (I will not use this forum to discuss the differences between them). this is in my opinion, was a series of humorous shots that showed on the panel which was built something for the actual customer deployment and who was not.

I congratulate Sameer and Marten to keep their composure in the light of what came out as Kemp attacks. While everyone agrees that open source is the right model for accelerating the development of the cloud platform, there were very different views on where the value of this drift. While OpenStack seems to believe that the inclusion of hardware vendors (as highlighted Mickos) in their universe developer will add momentum to their project, I agree with the assertion that the creation Sameer a community of customers and partners that we are actively deploying with live accounts finally added an order of magnitude more value to a project like Apache CloudStack.

Ultimately, Citrix and ecosystem Apache CloudStack learn in the trenches what it takes to build clouds by the evolution of a product and project real-world scenarios. I can appreciate the efforts to maintain civility on a topic that the media enjoys portraying as a war and loved that ended in a group hug (video - screen cap below) that I think will go down as a historic moment in the birth of cloud computing. From my point of view, you can not have a war until you have someone or something to fight on the battlefield and it was obvious after this session that OpenStack is yet to show up and do not have a weapon.

Hatching your XenDesktop farm in AWS CloudFormation with a model

3:22 PM Add Comment
Hatching your XenDesktop farm in AWS CloudFormation with a model -

By Paul Wilson

office is your XenDesktop Hosted-shared (XenApp) farm in the Cloud? Have you thought about putting it there? If it only took a few hours to create a XenApp farm in the cloud, would you consider the delivery of cloud services for your applications and desktops?

If you are new to Amazon Web Services (AWS), you should know that Citrix recently released a white paper and a model CloudFormation can get up and running with your own XenApp farm as little as three hours. This model uses CloudFormation the public Amazon Machine Images (AMIS) and snapshots to build a base in a firm AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This way, you can raise a motion on delivery clouds. Of course, you need to bring a few things along, like XenDesktop licenses and applications.

Environment Overview

When using CloudFormation script in its default configuration, a core XenApp farm will be created in the Availability Zone AWS US-East, which costs about 3 $ 25 / hour to run. The graph and table below outline the components of the XenApp farm.

host [Internal IP] role notes
Bastion [] Provides access to a private network Bastion works as a jump box access via RDP to the elastic IP address assigned
access Gateway (AG) VPX [] Provides remote access to applications hosted on the private network uses an elastic IP address for external access points and on the site's internal Web Interface
NAT gateway iNet Provides Internet access to all hosts on the private network uses an elastic IP address to all outbound Internet traffic
AD domain controller [] Provides authentication and authorization services and DNS services for public and private subnets This is set up as a new domain in a new forest using the domain name provided when the instance is created
XenApp [] XenApp-BDC [] Provides data collector and XML services for the farm and the Web interface queries Two hosts are configured for fault tolerance. Use these to administer the farm
Web Interface [] Provides Web Interface sites for internal and external access http: // wi-xenapp / Citrix / InternalXenApp (internal XenApp) http: // wi-xenapp / Citrix / XenApp (Access Gateway)
install the server [] Provides the installation media XenApp 6.5 and accommodates the execution of PowerShell scripts that build the farm May also be operated as a server files for roaming profiles
servers workers [DHCP] workers are user connections servers hosting published applications AMI default working server has not installed applications. All workers will receive random server names and IP addresses assigned by DHCP in the range to

what you need

for CloudFormation template to complete successfully, you will need the following:

  • Amazon AWS account (
  • at least three elastic IP addresses available (Amazon limits each account for 5) for the NAT host, AG, and Bastion
  • at least ten instances available (Amazon limits each account to 20)

to actually connect to remote applications, you also need the following:

  • Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop licenses (demo licenses are available via your MyCitrix account)
  • Microsoft RDS licenses (if you want to go beyond the trial period)
  • domain name and SSL certificate for the AG

usage model

This post outlines the steps required to use the template and build CloudFormation the XenApp farm - adventurous users can try the procedure on their own. Otherwise, the installation guide contains step by step instructions. The installation process includes general steps: ...

  1. Log in to the AWS console
  2. Select the tab CloudFormation
  3. Select Create new stack
  4. Specify the name of the stack and the location of CloudFormation template, or download a copy of the model.
  5. Fill the model parameters section and the steps in the remaining wizard.

notes the number of job servers is the number of servers that will be still running. Even if you stop these servers down, AWS restart.

  1. Wait 30 minutes for the instance creation in the end.

Build Farm

At this point, all instances in the figure above have been fully built. The iNet NAT gateway, AD domain controller, install server and host Bastion are fully configured. (Not bad -. 40% you through the process after only 30 minutes) Once the bodies have been created, the next step is to configure the XenApp components, including data collectors XenApp Web Interface and workers servers. To do this, connect to remote host Bastion. From there, you use the RDP client to connect to the installation server ( to complete the following steps:

  1. Open a PowerShell prompt
  2. Change the directory C .: Program Files (x86) citrix App delivery configuration Tools.
  3. Run the model. AWS-Farm-Build.ps1.
  4. answer a few setup questions and type YES.
  5. Wait about 2 hours.

If this process fails, you can try to troubleshoot, or in most cases, it is faster to simply remove the battery and AWS again. The scripts are quite robust and provide useful troubleshooting messages. If nothing goes wrong (Sometime errors can occur due to wait times, not unexpected on a public cloud), all XenApp servers are installed and joined to the farm, and the Web Interface server roles and license are installed. This means that the firm is 0% configured with only licenses, published applications, and Access Gateway components left to complete.

Licensing and Administrative Tasks

To configure licenses and publish applications, use the host Bastion to RDP to, the Data Collector XenApp. The Role Manager wizard starts automatically and you must configure the service license for the server. It is probably also best to launch AppCenter and configure a policy to set the license server for all servers in the farm. At this point, you can publish applications to the working group and test access by visiting the site of one XenApp servers.

Remote Access Configuration

The Access Gateway AMI is an AMI that we reuse existing for this configuration. As such, the device must be configured to point to our cloud resources. You can log in to the administration console (using the admin credentials / admin) by going to from an internal host (such as Bastion host or the external interface via the elastic IP address instead of in the previous URL). Once connected, update the following sections:

  1. Secure Ticket Authority - Drop existing and add the FQDNs and on 8080.
  2. XenApp or XenDesktop - Set the IP address range to be XXX5 - xxx254 and enable session reliability protocol
  3. Logon Points - Point interface website at http :. //xenapp-wi.domain. . com / Citrix / XenApp
  4. Licensing - Provide a valid license file. Without it, the connections through Access Gateway fail
  5. Admin Password -. Please change the admin password immediately. Do not do it leaves open a point that can that can lead to a breach of safety input
  6. Name Service Providers - .. Updating DNS name servers if the VPC system IP subnet of address was changed from the default
  7. networking - Updating the IP network address and the default gateway if the IP subnet VPC addressing system was changed from the default value
  8. Certificates - .. Add a valid SSL certificate to the device AG
  9. Restart Access Gateway.

once the configuration tasks are complete, you should be able to successfully connect to the elastic IP address assigned to the access gateway and launch an application.

Wrapping it up

If you want to watch these steps in action, follow the blog CitrixTV available on video, we are in the editing process. We will update this blog with the URL Citrix TV when we finished.

And of course, you could read the installation guide that comes with the model that guides you through the installation as well.

now you have a new XenApp farm in the cloud. Take the opportunity to:

  • Application Testing
  • Business Continuity
  • Proof-of-Concept
  • Performance Testing XenApp in the cloud
  • Learning to manage AWS resources

comments and comment CloudFormation model are welcome. In the next blog articles, I'll discuss how to create your own images to use with AMI model CloudFormation and a little more on some of the secret sauce that we used that makes this possible. Moreover, as the model evolves CloudFormation, I'll post new versions.

Meet Citrix Geek of the week - Brandon Shell

2:21 PM Add Comment
Meet Citrix Geek of the week - Brandon Shell -

Comrades Community Greetings

The "Geek the "series of blog week highlights one of the members of our outstanding community each week, so you can get to know more about them and what they do in and community!

Our Geek of the week is

Brandon Shell
Practice Manager - SBC
Splunk - San Francisco, CA
(Brandon is based in Florida)

What was your first computer project and what was your role?

my first computer project was upgrading a large number of computers for one of my father's clients. I was the "doer".

What do you like most about working with technology every day?

The puzzles that technology provides and the satisfaction of solving complex problems.

besides being an IT architect / consultant, what other industry and employment appeals to you?

Wait ... there are other industries ?? I think I would be a design architect.

What is your favorite Citrix technology and why?

Hmmm ... this is hard. I have a love / hate relationship with XenApp, Citrix but if was to reduce their portfolio in a single product, this would be it.

What are the technical events you are eager to attend this year?

The CTP Summit and Geek Speak Live! Synergy Barcelona. If you talk about public-only event, so I think BriForum.

Who is your favorite DC Comics heroes and why?

This is hard ... I guess it's between Green Lantern (because it can create anything he can imagine) and Batman (proves you can be great if you just work hard).

What do you like better to be a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) ?

networking with other CTPs. The technical content is high, but the relationships are invaluable.

What scientific (any field, past or present) do you most admire and why?

I guess Brian Greene. I understand how he takes complex concepts and make them simple.

This was the largest Citrix deployment you have architected / implemented, and what was the takeaway?

400 XenApp servers with 30,000 users. Takeaways:.? Scalability issues and seemingly insignificant numbers become significant scale

Who is your favorite character in the Star Wars saga and why

Yoda ... well duh! It is friggen Yoda !!!

Read more about Brandon by:

  • After him on Twitter @bsonposh
  • catching his impressive technical sessions Geek Speak Live! Synergy
  • him Geek Speak Meeting, BriForum and other community events
  • Waiting for SNL to pick it up ... the guy has a natural talent for funny!

Laura Whalen
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Follow me on Twitter

1 & 1 Internet powers cloud with Citrix XenServer

1:20 PM Add Comment
1 & 1 Internet powers cloud with Citrix XenServer -

Since my arrival Citrix earlier this year, I emphasize XenServer dominant position in the market for service providers. It is one of the key criteria that maintains the best in Citrix hypervisors in analyst reports (Gartner) (Info-Tech) and an important part of the vision of the Citrix cloud. In speaking with many of these customers, it is clear that XenServer provides the mature stable platform, virtualization, they are looking for with a price that is absolutely unmatched. Today, we add more great hosting provider in the world to this list with the announcement that 1 & 1 Internet selected XenServer to power their public cloud services.

With 11 million customers supported by five highly available green data across Europe and the US, 1 & 1 Internet selected XenServer to provide a flexible infrastructure from which to launch its public cloud services. XenServer will make it possible for the global hosting company to deliver granular control of server resources using a proven cloud-ready virtualization platform to meet customer price, performance and scalability .

1 & 1 Internet has created its Dynamic Cloud Server on XenServer technology because of

- the maturity of the product

- Open source code base

- flexible pricing model

- Citrix support and services worldwide

We welcome 1 & 1 to the family of XenServer customers and we look forward to helping them efficiently and economically effectively scale their cloud services to meet the needs of their clientele.

What comes to Citrix Receiver

12:19 PM Add Comment
What comes to Citrix Receiver -

In a few weeks, the next version of Receiver will allow customers to mobilize their Intranet, web and Windows business applications; provide a single connection for SaaS and Web applications; secure corporate data on BYO devices; run native mobile applications; and faster delivery BYO and enterprise devices! Access to apps and data in one Receiver

applications and data from one device
When used in combination with CloudGateway 2 and ShareFile, Receiver will give users access to all their applications corporate and maintaining data on each of their devices. With this release, the receiver will give users a single, secure workspace to access cloud applications (web, SaaS and Windows applications hosted XenApp) while locally running their native data and applications (including native mobile apps on mobile devices). The user will always have access to the resources they need to be productive on any device.

A receiver
More than that, a combination of features simplify the deployment receiver. Our initiative for a receiver will allow users to download Receiver, a company's download page or an application store for mobile receivers while assets knowing their email address or a single server address this brings much simplicity for organizations. CloudGateway automatically configures the key parameters and advanced software features, such as integration ShareFile, VPN access, offline apps, and the new Lync optimization HDX Real Time Media Engine, if any of the chosen platform. Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for users to obtain and use these great new features

Receiver for Windows :. CitrixReceiver.exe becoming the standard for Windows users go forward
All new features above are a key component for the next version of CitrixReciever.exe. Importantly, these new capabilities will not be included in the "enterprise" version of Citrix Receiver for Windows. In fact, you may have noticed that we recently moved this version for client software download area on inherited and relabeled it Citrix Receiver for Windows (former PNA). This version will continue to support some cases of very specific use, the authentication of the particular smart card, until the comparable capabilities are added to the CitrixReceiver.exe core.

In the future, all improvements will focus on the only CitrixReceiver. EXE. Planned updates include support for smart card eliminates the need for involvement of the browser - something customers have been asking for. updates CitrixReceiver.exe will also support Windows 8, IPv6 and other advanced features so that each user has access to the most advanced capabilities through a single receiver.

New options with Windows 8
It is important, Windows 8 is almost here and bring a number of amazing new features, including a range of ultrabooks incredibly elegant touch, tablets and Windows Phone 8 devices, many based on ARM processors. Users will have a choice of using CitrixReceiver.exe on their Windows 8 devices in desktop mode or using a new Receiver for Windows Metro, a preview of what will be on the app store Microsoft Windows soon.

CitrixReceiver.exe will have the most advanced HDX and security features, including the mapping of client drives, Lync Optimization, 3DPro graphics, and full VPN access to Windows 8 Intel-based desktops , tablets and ultrabooks. Receiver for Metro will be particularly agile for use both Intel and ARM-based Windows 8 tablets and ultrabooks and will have an effective touch interface.

We are all very happy these new improvements and what we have planned and expect them to get in several ways.

Have you customized Unified Storefront Your Email Yet?

11:18 AM Add Comment
Have you customized Unified Storefront Your Email Yet? -

To be productive, people need the freedom to work to their own devices, but the explosion of devices and applications used in the workplace is create chaos for iT. With Unified Storefront , organizations can build an enterprise application store to better manage users, applications and data in all scenarios of the device and access. Learn how Receiver + + CloudGateway Sharefile can solve the problems of access, user experience, application management, support, data security and control.

Partners, see the exciting New campaign for Unified Storefront Citrix janitor marketing! Send an email to your customers or prospects to FREE , give them 4 easy steps to set up their app store business and increase your sales pipeline! Search: storefron Unified t select 4 easy steps to set up their corporate app store - functional IT (White Papers)

Be the first to send this email out and generate leads! It's free!

For more updates, follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

AAA - does this mean for you

10:17 PM Add Comment
AAA - does this mean for you -

My mother could not understand what my day to day job is like, but I could see her say I know "AAA" - its society towing my car if I'm stuck on the road or the company that manages my insurance! :-) But term NetScaler technology, this AAA functionality is to allow NetScaler to manage access controls against an administrator to manage access controls separately for each application. Having NetScaler to control, it also allows you to use the same controls in all different applications within the same domain with the same device. NetScaler AAA supports authentication, authorization, and auditing for all traffic of the application that crosses NetScaler. See diagram below from eDocs NetScaler I find very useful way works on AAA - traffic flow authentication process - Congratulations to the team docs

This feature has been around since 9.x with NetScaler release and has improved considerably since the initial release. A note in NetScaler 10, in addition to SAML blog previously, is the AAA-TM (traffic management) disconnect function. For customers with Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Sharepoint SAP, Web Interface, it is not to have to rewrite the policy logout sessions, this disconnect function AAA-TM will make it easier for administrators. See KB article CTXS133537 to provide more details on this new improvement and how to configure this feature.

Migrating from the Web interface to Storefront

9:16 PM Add Comment
Migrating from the Web interface to Storefront -

Citrix Consulting has updated the CloudGateway Express Implementation Guide to reflect the latest StoreFront 1.2 and the receiver 3.3. The guide provides step by step instructions for setting up a proof of concept for StoreFront. Building a proof of concept environment is the best way to allow users to see the benefits of StoreFront no impact on production. While putting together the POC guide, I am very happy to see all the new Storefront 1.2 features such as additional support for XenDesktop and customer HTML5.

With the POC guide update, I will post a series of blog posts discuss additional considerations when migrating from the web interface for StoreFront. The next blog articles are deeper in the HTML5 client configuration with Access Gateway, user provisioning first time with account services, and ideas for a gradual approach allowing users to opt using StoreFront while keeping the optional web interface. So StoreFront is a great product, a sudden transition to a new interface can be a shock to users. Allow users to choose before StoreFront Web Interface is completely eliminated will help gain acceptance.

Do not let your StoreFront Start Bare (Auto & Icons featured)

StoreFront takes a different approach to the application display from the the Web interface. Instead of having all applications appear on the Home screen, users will be presented with a blank screen when they first login. Before a user can launch an application, they must choose from a list of applications that will then place the application on the approach screen.This house applications deemed "self-service" allowing users to select the applications that they use on a regular basis to be shown. The applications selected to be on the home screen are then stored in a SQL database that enables applications appear on the Home screen from any device they connect from.

To prevent users from having a blank screen when they first log in, it is recommended that administrators automatically implement appearing applications. To do this, set Keywords: Auto the description of the application within XenApp. Another keyword that can be used to organize applications is featured. Unlike the keyword auto which places certain applications on the home screen, the keyword only place in Featured Featured applications category. The application will also appear in a different category if a client application file was specified. To request a feature, set Keywords: Featured as the description of the XenApp inside. Since StoreFront does not show the value of the description field, adding additional text after the keyword will not provide any advantage and will not stop the word run. Web interface, however, shows the value of the description field in the detail view as shown below:


Although it was generally a good idea to organize applications in the Web interface in folders, it is even more important to do with StoreFront. Each published application and desktop appears in the Desktop Receiver under the "All Applications", unless otherwise stated. This makes it difficult for users to easily find the applications they need for similar applications are grouped.

To easily move applications organized in the XenApp console subfolders in a corresponding client application file, the following PowerShell command can be used:

 Add-PSSnapin citrix * - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Get-XAApplication -FolderPath Applications  "admin Tools" | Set-XAApplication -ClientFolder "Administrative Tools" 
If none of the categories are used, the menu is very strict. This is how it should look, applications grouped into easily recognizable categories. Also note the descriptive category .

How StoreFront Treats Desktops

StoreFront 1.2 introduces many important features for viewing workstations by via the receptor for the web page. These improvements include navigation and launch of workstations without requiring the subscription, the launch of the desktop on logon if one office is published, allowing the Web site must be configured to access only the office and access to local (transparent reverse).

As with the web interface does not differentiate between StoreFront XenDesktops hosted desktops and XenApp server desktop published. Both workstations appear within the category Desktops. StoreFront also includes automatic launch and Desktop Viewer capabilities. If this feature is not desired for a specific Terminal Server services office, the XenApp administrator can add a special keyword in the field of office published description. The keyword format is as follows: Keywords: TreatAsApp. This keyword can also be used on desktops published from XenApp and they appear with applications so that all appear in one window without tabs.The configuration XML below shows the user interface display for applications and desktops to be personalized. It allows a receiver to the website to limit the view to either applications or workstations and allows the default display to set. If XenApp is mainly used, change the default view to "apps" would be recommended.


Get a glimpse of what's in store for Project Avalon, NetScaler and Citrix Synergy

8:15 PM Add Comment
Get a glimpse of what's in store for Project Avalon, NetScaler and Citrix Synergy -

Four Citrix Synergy session tracks are not the only way to think about breakouts in Barcelona. There are a number of interesting themes running through the Agenda 60-session. . Whatever your upper area of ​​focus is, you'll find plenty of choice of session to provide technical training, best practices and the latest technology news coming

Content highlights:

  • Project Avalon -. There will be sessions for enterprises and cloud providers on this important cloud transformation initiative, an exciting project to provide applications and Windows desktops as a cloud services
  • mobility : the conference will include a major focus on mobile workstyles including architectural overviews, new deep technology and dives on the latest Citrix CloudGateway and Citrix Receiver frees
  • BYOD .: If you are involved in an initiative to bring your camera Thursday proposed a working session on the planning of the program, followed by technical sessions that combine office processing and orientation of the mobile device for more BYOD best practices.
  • cloud services Special attention for cloud service providers and telecom operators will be held on Wednesday, covering the challenges and business requirements unique cloud. Topics will include Citrix CloudPlatform and cloud networking solutions
  • desktop virtualization :. Wednesday will showcase a wide range of what is new, including a recovery session on extending virtual desktops to any PC with Citrix XenClient and RemotePC. Thursday provides deep dives on a full range of topics, including Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, Citrix HDX and Citrix AppDNA technologies and best storage practices and supply.
  • Collaboration New and exciting ways of working will be presented on Wednesday and Thursday, including Podio, Citrix ShareFile and Citrix GoToMeeting with HDFaces video conferencing
  • network .: the Barcelona conference has the largest range of sessions we've ever presented network in Europe! Learn about Citrix NetScaler SDX and TriScale, CloudBridge Citrix, Citrix Branch Repeater and best practices for Citrix XenDesktop and Citrix XenApp, plus a spotlight on safety.

As you can see, the catalog of the session is much more than a list of breakouts. It is a collection of themes that address the most intriguing and challenging questions of the cloud era.

I invite you to consult the catalog of the complete session and make your plans to attend Synergy in Barcelona. And be sure to follow me on Twitter @merisummers for updates to content Synergy.

Citrix Profile Management and VDI - The right to part 3

7:13 PM Add Comment
Citrix Profile Management and VDI - The right to part 3 -

I have already written two blog posts on properly configuring Citrix Management Profile and Folder Redirection and architecting so that it fits for large environments! . If you do not have read the previous two articles, then I suggest you read them first. You can find them in the links below:

/ blogs / 2012/02/11 / citrix-profile-management-and-vdi-do-it-right /

/ blogs / 2012 / 08/05 / citrix-profile-management-and-vdi-do-it-right-hand-2 /

in this third and final installment of this series, I will provide some guidelines IOPS and network bandwidth requirements for NAS devices or file servers hosting Citrix management profiles and redirected folders, which should help you determine the number of users that you can place on a single file server or NAS device .

First, I have to turn the standard of your mileage will vary warning! Try to determine how many users you can get on a file server is like trying to determine how many users you can get on a XenApp server, or the number of virtual desktops you can get on a single server? Based on what your users are, the applications they run and the hardware specifications of the server, the number of XenApp or XenDesktop users per server can vary considerably. Thus, the number of file server users may vary significantly both on the basis of all the same variables. That being said, I'll give you some figures from the real world of what I have personally seen to customers in the area and I will also provide data based on tests I've done and the criteria of my own personal consumption IOPS on my desktop.

File Server Performance and Scalability

Before entering the requirements for managing profiles and folder redirection, we're going to first review some basic details about file server performance and scalability. There are many things that will affect how a file server or NAS appliance will perform and scale. Some of the key elements that will determine the scalability include:

  • How many IOPS does the physical storage media? IOPS capacity is driven by the following:
    • How many disks / spindles are in the RAID set
    • What type of RAID is used (RAID 1, 5, 6, 10, etc. ..)
    • What is the memory RAID controller cache and how is it configured?
    • are they writing optimized or first sent to the SSD storage hierarchy?
  • How much RAM does the server to read CIFS caching?
  • How long are network adapters?
  • How many processor cores are there?
  • Which version of CIFS / SMB is used 1.0, 2.0 or 2.1?
  • has CIFS and TCP been set correctly?
  • See my previous blog on tuning CIFS / blogs / 2010/10/21 / smb -Tuning-for-xenapp-and-file servers-on-windows-server-08 /

If you use Microsoft windows 08 R2 file servers or clusters (physical or virtual), then please make sure you do at least the following :.

  1. Give the file server at least 32 GB of RAM (preferably 64 GB)
  2. Give the file server cores at least 2+ / vCPUs (preferably if 4+ it will host a large number of users).
  3. Implement all my blog CIFS tuning adjustment SMB recommendations mentioned above.
  4. If the file server is physically make sure you teaming / bonding multiple cards.
  5. If you use local storage (not I! Hope), make sure you have as many 15k SAS drives as possible in the server and you have a RAID card with at least 1GB of battery backup cache. For a Windows file server I would recommend the shared cache between 25% read and 75% write.

If you use an enterprise class NAS device from NetApp or EMC, we hope it's safe to assume that the RAM, processors, and RAID configuration has been optimized. However, if you use a NAS device, it is still essential that you check the version of CIFS used (make sure it supports SMB 2) and make sure that CIFS and, if necessary, TCP has been set correctly .

As you can see, there are many variables that will determine how File Services which will occur. I do not want this blog in an article on design and storage subsystems agreement and protocol stacks for file servers, so I'll just focus on two key indicators that you need to determine .

  1. How many do you need IOPS per user and what is the ratio of read / write?
  2. How much bandwidth you need per user?

For the rest of this article, we will assume the management team and provide file services granted their infrastructure properly and all you need to provide is the amount of IOPS your users will generate and the amount of network bandwidth, they will consume.

IOPS how do we need?

So, the biggest question everyone wants to know is how many IOPS you really need for folder redirection and profiles? I decided to tackle this issue by examining data from three sources:

  1. How many IOPS should I use on my office
  2. How many IOPS are used in a automated test using the average LoginVSI workload?
  3. how many IOPS and bandwidth of the network are actually used on a live production system by a real customer?

It is important to remember that for my tests I I'm only tracking IOPS generated against the file server disks hosting the profile and redirected data folders. I do not follow local IOPS generated against C real Windows 7 workstations :. Records

My Own Office

For my first piece of analysis, I decided to examine the IOPS using my own laptop. For this test, I directed all my records, my profile and personal directory on a hosting dedicated disk nothing else for me to track the use of total IOPS against the disc to see how I produce.

I passed my test for 64 minutes and during that time opened many applications I normally use and I made sure I did as much as the actions possible. For all 64 minutes, I took no breaks and I am extremely active and actually ran more applications and has more tasks in this short time that I usually do not because I wanted workload to be the heaviest and the worst scenario I generate using my typical applications. Before the beginning of my test, I made sure that everything has been restarted so that none of my data would be held in the memory cache everywhere

Here is a summary of my actions :.

  • I Iogged and immediately open Windows Media Player and started playing my AC / DC playlist of my home directory. MP3 played for the entire test.
  • I open Internet Explorer and Firefox to some pages I usually regular checks and left both browsers and several tabs open all the time. I went often to the two browsers to view various websites for the whole duration of the test.
  • I open Microsoft Communicator, and connected to my company server.
  • I open Outlook for my company Citrix Exchange Server. I have a 1.3 GB OST file and use Outlook in cached mode and I have a file of 1.7 GB PST.
  • I sent / received mail.
  • I opened the elements of my inbox and did my normal mail and calendar tasks.
  • I opened my email to PST file.
  • I cleaned items from my inbox and articles from my inbox to my PST moved.
  • I emptied my deleted items, which had over 3,000 emails in it.
  • I closed corporate Outlook and Outlook ran two more times using the MAPI profiles for my personal email accounts which both have 1GB + PST files.
  • I printed several emails with PDF files in my home directory.
  • After checking my personal email, I reopened my Outlook for Corporate Exchange MAPI profile.
  • Outlook remains open for the rest of the test and I frequently used.
  • I opened and edited several Excel Spreadsheets in my home directory.
  • I opened and edited several Word documents from my home directory.
  • I downloaded a file of 108 MB of ShareFile to my home directory.
  • I open Quicken and updated my accounts and ran several reports. My Quicken file in my home directory.
  • I saved a PowerPoint file 6MB my Outlook to my home directory and saw it.
  • I unsubscribed.

The table below shows the total of my IOPS against the hosting drive my profile, redirected folders and home directory:

Avg. Total IOPS Avg. Read IOPS Avg. Write IOPS Max Read IOPS Max Write IOPS
5.7 3.1 2.6 189 36

The disk backup my profile, home directory, redirected folders was one SATA 70 RPM disk nothing accommodation. My workload was the only item currently running at the time, so that all IOPS were generated by my use. I average 5.7 total IOPS compared with a reading / writing 55/45%. While there were periodic spikes, mostly, no peaks were supported and I rarely went beyond 30 IOPS for more than a few seconds.

After a more detailed analysis of my workload, I was ultimately able to determine that the majority of my IOPS were generated by Outlook as it was to read and write to my file excluding cache OAB (Outlook.ost) and many large PST files I have.

LoginVSI Medium Workload

for my next test, I decided to use the average work load LoginVSI. If you are not familiar with LoginVSI, then you should really check. It was developed by a company called Login Consultants. They are a group of highly qualified virtualization consultants who have written excellent white tools and books. Check them out here:

I reconfigured the average workload so that all I / O has been redirected to a file server unique and lacked the staff of each user directory. I set the shared directory on the same file server and so all I / Os generated by the workload would be followed, including the IE content and multimedia files. This single file server I have also placed all profiles of test users, redirected folders and directories.

The average workflow is an automated script that connects and performs the following actions during about 13 minutes

  1. Logs on
  2. Open Outlook using PST
  3. open and create / edit Word documents
  4. Open and create / edit Excel documents
  5. Open and create / edit PowerPoint documents
  6. opens IE
  7. opens the flash and media players
  8. disconnect

My test ran for a total of 15 minutes and included 3 users test each running the full workload means once. The table below details the total IOPS generated by 3 handsets users.

Avg. Total IOPS Avg. Read IOPS Avg. Write IOPS Max Read IOPS Max Write IOPS
7.2 3.5 3.7 127 57

the following table details the total use of network generated against the file server, which had a single NIC operating at 1 Gig.

Avg. RX Mbps Avg. TX Mbps Max RX Mbps Max Mbps TX
.48 Mbps 1.14 Mbps 20.75 Mbps 26.99 Mbps

When looking at network utilization, it is important to remember that the network operates full duplex. For Gb NIC 1, this means that you can send and receive 1 Gb simultaneously. However, since we are limited to a maximum speed of 1 Gig in one direction, we will take the largest number in any single direction and use it to determine our average bandwidth per user. Based on the data from this test, the average IOPS and bandwidth per user is shown in the following table.

Avg. Total IOPS Read / Write Ratio Avg. Bandwidth
2.4 49/51% .36 Mbps

Real World customer

while my first two tests provided valuable data, they were based on more limited and controlled scenarios also included use of the home directory rather than simply using Citrix Profile management and redirected folders. My last piece of data involves global real numbers generated by a XenDesktop client who has a production environment that has been running for over a year and a half. Here are some details on the environment:

  • XenDesktop is used with a peak average of about 450 concurrent users per day
  • All workstations are Windows 7 non-persistent delivered. via Provisioning services.
  • Citrix management profiles and folder redirection has been implemented according to best practices outlined in my first blog in this series.
  • A virtual file server R2 dedicated Windows 08 is used to host the redirect from Profile Management and folders. Directories are on a different server.
  • Most users are standard office productivity workers. There are many different applications used, but the most common applications are Office 2010 and Lync, Internet Explorer, Firefox, media players, Adobe Acrobat, etc ...

I followed the use performance over several days between 06: 00-18: 00 to make sure each day has provided a model similar use. Daily was almost exactly the same from the point of view of use, showing that the data is valid. Also, I collected data over a period of 12 hours to make sure I am able to get all the ups and downs so that I could focus on periods of high use. For this customer, there were two particular periods that provided the best evidence:

  1. 07 hours 00-09 hours 30 (This is the period when most of the logon user)
  2. 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (This is the period with the greatest number of users and the highest use)

now, let's take a look at data for each of these time periods

. 7:00 to 9:30 - the period logon

during the login period above, we started with 103 workstations already connected at 07:00 and over the next 150 minutes additional 243 users connected to a stable and consistent rate of about a user every 37 seconds. We ended up with 346 users connected by 09:30. Average number of users connected during the time was 225.

Avg. Total IOPS Avg. Read IOPS Avg. Write IOPS Max Read IOPS Max Write IOPS
127 50 77 962 663
Avg. RX Mbps Avg. TX Mbps Max RX Mbps Max Mbps TX
4.58 mbps 15.92 mbps 230 mbps 360 mbps

Based on the time data of logon, average IOPS and bandwidth per user is shown in the table below.

Avg. Total IOPS Read / Write Ratio Avg. Bandwidth
.5 40/60% .07 Mbps

10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - the extended period of use

over the long period of use, we started with 364 connected workstations and peaked at 444 workstations logged. By 11:00 we hit the use of advanced and stayed on top until some users began to disconnect around 15:30. Throughout the period, our average number of connected users was 420.

Avg. Total IOPS Avg. Read IOPS Avg. Write IOPS Max Read IOPS Max Write IOPS


78 394 1058 3925
Avg. RX Mbps Avg. TX Mbps Max RX Mbps Max TX Mbps
5.95 Mbps 6.43 Mbps

159 Mbps

348 Mbps

on that basis supported real world data, average IOPS and bandwidth per user is shown in the table below.

Avg. Total IOPS Read / Write Ratio Avg. Bandwidth
1.1 17/83% .02 Mbps

making sense of the numbers IOPS

now that we have a concrete example of the customer, we will try to make some sense of IOPS numbers. During the logon of the day where most connections occur, the file server is on average a fraction of 40/60 when playing versus IOPS write. This value is actually in line with the results of the test LoginVSI and results of the heavy workload of 64 minutes on my own desktop. My office was 60/40, 50/50 and was LoginVSI the customer real world was 40/60 vs. Reading writing.

However, as we look at the file server for the 5+ hours of sustained activity in the middle of the day, we see a major change in the ratio of read / write. Our ratio was actually a split 17/83% on bed writing report. So why workload to spend more write operations during the day? The answer lies in the reading skills of caching the file server and the read cache for each connection to the office file server. Once a file is read from disk, load Windows caching system RAM. The file is actually cached in two places; on the file server and the Windows client that read from the file server. So, as the day progresses, more and more read operations are handled by the RAM Cache system on the virtual desktop that originally read the file or by RAM file server system cache. That is why it is important to give your file server as much memory as possible. This is the same principle that allows our provisioning server to function effectively because it puts vDisk cache. You can get more details on Windows Caching of two documents that I've written.

/ blogs / 2010/11/05 / provisioning-and-services-CIFS performance-tuning shops

This native Windows ability to read caching is why we recommend that the cache on a RAID controller configured to be a 25/75 read for write caching. Since Windows has a built in caching mechanism for the readings, we spend more RAID controller resources for write operations.

Also, when you look at the IOPS figures for the period logon from the long period of use, you will notice that the IOPS load is much lighter during the login period and we do not really see any type of a file server IOPS massive hit in the known connection to as the logon storm. I'm sure many of you are wondering why or think that the numbers must be wrong. However, I can explain it very easily by saying that we have effectively eliminated the impact of the opening storm session because we have correctly configured profile management and Folder Redirection by the recommendations in my first blog this series. More importantly, we redirected all records including AppData, and thus the initial charge of reading the profile from the file server is quite minimal. In fact, after 18+ months of use, here are the statistics for the profile and redirected folders on the file server.

Type of file Number of users Avg . User-size
folder Profile 5617 14.6 MB
Records forwarded 5617 89 MB

essential to note here is that the average size of our Citrix Management profile profile is less 15 MB. For those who have worked with profiles for any length of time, you know that's an incredibly small number. We achieved this by properly configuring the management profile with all necessary exclusions and redirecting all records available by default in Windows 7 via a group policy. You will notice that the average size of our redirected folders is 89 MB. As mentioned earlier, this client environment documents, videos and music files are not redirected to this file server. These folders are redirected to the user home directories hosted on other groups of files. When you look deeper into it, we find that about 80% + of all data in the redirected folder is AppData. If we redirect AppData, each user on average, would download 70MB + or more each time they connect. It would indeed place a greater load on the server to spin and create a logon script of the storm in IOPS perspective. I will not go into the pros / cons to redirect AppData because you can read my detailed reasons on why it should always be redirected to non-persistent desktops in the first part of this blog. We currently have zero compatibility issues for AppData redirected to this client and we have zero performance issues. I heard some people claim that it slows down the applications, but I can guarantee you that if you design your file services infrastructure correctly, it will not quite have a negative impact. If you really want to slow your users down, and try to let roam AppData or Streaming and watch what happens to your performance and file servers IOPS load !!! The reality is that 80% + of all the files in AppData never actually read all day to read them unnecessarily or download unnecessarily not only adds network overhead, but more importantly, it pollutes cache system on your file server and on your virtual Windows 7 desktop with AppData files that do not need to be read and cached. This will decrease the cache / Copy Read Hit% on your file servers and unnecessarily increase your IOPS read!

Making Sense network numbers

network bandwidth So we need to support properly configured Citrix Profiles and Folder Redirection? Well, during the LoginVSI test we averaged .36 Mbps per user. My real-world customer consumed .07 Mbps per user during the time of peak logon.

The rapid growth of a small business to integrate? Need a scalable ADC device? No problem

6:12 PM Add Comment
The rapid growth of a small business to integrate? Need a scalable ADC device? No problem -

As a successful entrepreneur, you need to minimize capital expenditures and keep a tight leash on IT budgets. A great way to do this is to avoid forklift upgrades at all costs. Well, Citrix NetScaler has you covered with a profitable application delivery controller (ADC) that scales from entry level is medium enterprise capacity requirements. On a single NetScaler MPX 8000 series Layer 7 throughput ranges from 2 Gbps to 6 Gbps with a single Pay-As-You-Grow licensing. This design consists of three models that offer unique scalability, superior price performance, and the ability of leading SSL. The models include the MPX 80, 8400 and 80 with 2, 4, and 6 Gbps throughput Layer 7 respectfully. Although aimed at small and medium companies running a wide range of features, they are also an ideal solution for optimizing deployments of virtual solutions Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop.

This platform further reduces IT costs by consolidating multiple disparate products on a design. Whether you need to secure your applications through a firewall application or managing SSL VPN tunnels and maximize your availability SQL database server, NetScaler is ready. Unlike all other choices NetScaler is able to perform all functional modules simultaneously and offers the largest capacity in its class for settings such as SSL transactions per second, HTTP request per second and simultaneous TCP connections. When you want to eliminate inactive devices in high-availability pairs or amplify scalability, these models support the TriScale clustering.

For the first time, organizations with entry level capacity needs may well turn to midrange performance requirements without tearing the old units and use them for paperweights. While leveraging the power of the application controller and providing the most comprehensive services available.

Configuring Applications for the test unit Scalability Server Login VSI with Part 2: HDX MediaStream Flash Redirection and Single User Login VSI test ...

5:11 PM Add Comment
Configuring Applications for the test unit Scalability Server Login VSI with Part 2: HDX MediaStream Flash Redirection and Single User Login VSI test ... -

HDX MediaStream Flash single-user redirection and VSI Testing

in the first blog in this series we covered the preparations for individual applications installed and tested software. In this blog, we'll cover configuration redirection HDX MediaStream Flash as well as single-user tests, leading to extensive testing single server system will be covered in the third part.

redirection HDX MediaStream Flash is important for overall performance because it allows you to move the processing of Adobe Flash Player to user devices rather than using network server resources. Users see the same high-definition experience when using their end devices to access Flash content, including animations, videos and applications. By moving the processing to the user device, HDX MediaStream for Flash reduces server and network load, resulting in greater scalability.

Once Flash redirection HDX MediaStream has been configured, the VSI single-user testing ensures that everything is in place before most multi-user test runs.

HDX MediaStream Flash Redirection to connect VSI test

plug-in Adobe Flash must be installed on the XenDesktop master the vDisk image and the launch customer Login VSI . Citrix HDX MediaStream for Flash XD 5.6 requires minimal use of Adobe Flash 10.1. The default version of Adobe Flash comes with the 3.5 Agent Login VSI is so you need to uninstall and reinstall the Flash plug-in on the newest VDA and the launcher.

The most recent Adobe plug-in is called a universal installer. The Universal Installer is the same 32-bit executable and 64-bit Windows. Citrix HDX flash Agent Virtual Desktop (VDA) supports the 32-bit version of Adobe Flash for Internet Explorer at this time. If you use a 64bit Windows 7 as guest virtual machines with the VDA, the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer with 32-bit Adobe Flash is used.

More information on flash V2 plugins and requirements can be found in the link below. It is recommended to ensure that both the pitcher and the VDA are the same Adobe Flash version number. At the time of this writing, version 11.1 is available in version 11.3 is currently the latest version of Adobe Flash. enable-client ad.html

There are two types of flash plugins that need be loaded for flash Redirection to occur successfully. The first flash plug-in is for the VDA using Adobe Flash Active X MSI installable. This may also be known under the name Flash Player for Windows Internet Explorer.

The second version of the Flash plugin is known is known as Adobe Flash Player name for Windows Other browsers or NSAPI (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface) and is in a format exe. This plugin is loaded on VSI customers launcher.

Naming each appropriate to match their installation location will greatly save any errors that may occur during installation and future trials. Additional information on HDX MediaStream can be found on the link below.

After installation, verification fast in Control Panel -> flash Player on the launcher and VDA confirm that you have the correct version of Adobe flash installed and ready.

on the VDA, you will notice the Adobe Flash plugin tell ActiveX version as shown in the screenshots below. It is also a good practice to disable Adobe Flash updates in your tests that can be done here.

On the launch customer VSI you will see that the plug-in version is loaded. It is also a good practice to disable Adobe Flash updates in your tests that can be done here.

More information on Adobe Flash can be found in the administration guide using the link below.

For virtual machines that have access to the Internet, the link below will download the plug base and then pour on the remaining necessary components.

for virtual machines that can not access the Internet to download the Adobe NS APIPA entirety, the link -Dessous provide you the entire 11.1 exe file.

Enable HDX Flash Redirection on VSI Launcher

After installation on user devices, no additional configuration is required to implement the HDX MediaStream flash Redirection is ready for use by your absent-users overriding any of the policy settings on the client. If you want to change the default settings on the user's device, you can do it with the editor of Group Policy objects.

Set Enable HDX MediaStream for Flash on user device to determine whether Flash Redirection is enabled on Windows devices your users.

In the editor of Group Policy objects, expand either the Computer Configuration or User configuration node as shown below.

then expand Administrative Templates and Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) node and select HDX MediaStream for Flash -. customer

In the Settings list, select Enable HDX MediaStream for Flash on the user device and click the link to change policy setting .

Select On and check the forced . This setting will force the launcher to use the client-side processing each time throughout the test and will save time having to change the setting of each launcher manually. More detailed measures can be found on the link below.

When this process is applied to computer Login_VSI_XD_Launchers of each of the launchers will be restarted. A simple restart of the VSI launchers console can help make this process easy and fast. confirmed configured parameters are displayed below.

Creation of the intranet site redirection VSI

By default, the sites created on the customer VSI connection that is installed in VDA will not work with HDX MediaStream for flash. Websites and flash content to be copied from the folder Lib Configuration Login VSI target Microsoft Internal IIS or Apache Server. The video below shows how to perform this configuration step.

Once the sites are configured and tested, you can create the user load test medium Login VSI working. It is very important to make sure you have saved the test configuration before starting and custom settings show the new URL for the Web server as shown below.

Application XenDesktop flash Policy

last step is to apply the policy to flash the Office group. Application of Flash policies below apply Flash client side during testing Login VSI. Apply the policy to the desktop group that was created to connect VSI as shown below.

To verify that the policy is applied correctly, we can launch a test session as Login_VSI user. By selecting preferences, optimized content button must be checked as in the example below.

The realization of a Single User Login VSI test

The system should now be ready to make a mono test user under the control of VSI Login. At this point, it is assumed that virtual machines Login VSI and XenDesktop are configured and other test conditions were met. Once all the settings such as Strategy Group Flash installed and policies XD are applied then you can begin testing Login VSI using Flash.

The reason to conduct a single-user test is simple verification of the application. Since the applications have been tested at the VM console before converting our image to a Citrix Provisioning Server vDisk, we know they work manually. However, automation testing with VSI connection goes well beyond the launch of manual applications. In this process, I usually begins with a flash means test Login VSI and allow my launcher to connect to the XenDesktop session.

From there, I wait for the duration of the average workload Login VSI test and observe all applications to the problems with the launch, the execution of a task, the closure. This process confirms that all aspects of Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Bull Zip Printing, and nothing else in the workload runs cleanly and without pop-up applications or unforeseen problems. Although this extra step may seem tedious, it offers a higher level of confidence. If a user single automation test runs until the end, then a test with two thousand users should have a very high success rate. Once a single-user test has successfully executed more ambitious Login VSI test with a larger number of users can be launched, with anticipation of success.

Checking HDX MediaStream Flash is Working Direction

As the test is running, you can check the Flash redirection works on the caster pulling manager tasks and research Pseudocontainer.exe or pseudocontainer2.exe for flash V2 . In Flash V2 you can also check the Flash Redirection works by right-clicking in the trailer of the flash movie (shown below), and you will redirect About Citrix HDX MediaStream Flash appear. As Flash sites and movie trailers begin the pseudocontainer.exe ActiveX or redirection pseudocontainer2.exe run on the launcher and flash made customer will be unloaded.

The process pseudocontainer will remain active for the duration of the film and will change in the percentage CPU on the launcher. During our test the scalability of CPU pitcher was between 1-5 percent CPU usage for the duration of the movie trailer. The CPU usage percentage may vary with other Flash-based applications as well. Again, while this amount of CPU unloading may not seem important, it can make a big difference in hundreds of running desktops on a single server blade.

Receiver for iOS 5.6.2 RELEASED

4:10 PM Add Comment
Receiver for iOS 5.6.2 RELEASED -

Receiver for iOS 5.6.2 version is now available in the App Store. The items discussed in the press are:

1. improving the performance of HTML5 applications - some HTML5 applications reporting widespread slow loading of 'application. The patch addresses this delay to improve the speed of HTML5 applications launch.

2. Improved experience refresh applications - while the receiver is charging or refresh the application when enumerating and a network error occurs, the receiver hangs or displays invalid error messages. This addresses both the crash problem and displays an appropriate error message.

3. Improved support for VDI-in-a-box - question arises while pressing the login button when using a WebInterface account to connect to a VDI-in-a-box solution. There was no response to tapping on the login button. The logon experience has been improved for the VDI-in-a-B0X infrastructure.

4. Bug fixes associated with the base of the URL generator configuration - several bugs for processing a generated URL link configuration were identified . These issues are addressed in this release. The URL Generator configuration tool is again supported for iOS recipient.

5. Correction: Web Interface Authentication Access Gateway (white screen) - after manually configured a WebInterface plus an Access Gateway site, the procedure login generates a blank screen instead of the Home screen Receiver.

6. Correction :. Safe Browsing works consistently over cellular networks - Search the secure application in the receiver would freeze or crash randomly on some cellular connections

7. Correction : XenDesktop and launching virtual keyboard - the virtual keyboard has been popping up automatically even if rejected. The behavior was changed to meet the parameters.

XenClient Solves problem Ghost, opening the door for XenDesktop

3:09 PM Add Comment
XenClient Solves problem Ghost, opening the door for XenDesktop -

Visma Video Testimonial

Visma in Norway is an accounting software company with over 00 employees. Their IT team wanted a better way to manage training PC through 10 facilities, such as existing Ghost solution was originally enormous management problems.

Visma is a client XenApp Platinum and because of the new functionality of XenClient, they are now planning to upgrade to XenDesktop. XenClient Enterprise not only solve their problem, he opened the eyes of even greater opportunities with Citrix.

Watch this short video to hear their story.

file sharing and e-mail synchronization is faster with 6.1 Repeater secure

2:08 PM Add Comment
file sharing and e-mail synchronization is faster with 6.1 Repeater secure -

Companies covering multiple geographic areas using WAN links to interconnect several branches and headquarters. Thus the acceleration of desktop applications, while ensuring the safety becomes absolutely critical to the success of the company in order to fight against latency, slow response time and potential threats introduced by WAN. Citrix Branch Repeater helps you achieve this goal, among others, a specialized protocol acceleration for Windows network systems and Microsoft Outlook.

The Branch Repeater (6.1 and higher) is now equipped with a feature to compression on SMB signed and encrypted MAPI traffic resulting in lower latency and better user experience for essential office activities as file sharing, Outlook mail synchronization and more.

With the introduction of this feature, we no longer need to compromise on network security (ie signature and disable encryption) to achieve optimization benefits WAN on SMB and MAPI protocols. Moreover, it is transparent to the servers and the feature-ie customers can be used without configuration changes in clients and servers.

What are signed and encrypted MAPI SMB?

signature and encryption are used to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and respond. Windows Vista and Windows 7 use SMB signed to protect access to shared files and printers on the network. Similarly, Microsoft Outlook 07 and Microsoft Outlook 2010 use encrypted MAPI to communicate with Microsoft Exchange for protection against attacks. Both SMB and require MAPI session key exchange occurs between the server and the client for signing and encryption, respectively. This exchange of session key is performed using NTLM or Kerberos authentication mechanism.

Branch Repeater has support for decrypting, followed by compression or decompression as it is a side BR BR client or server side and then eventually encrypt traffic for SMB signed and encrypted MAPI. This support is now available for both NTLM and Kerberos mechanisms.

How to configure SMB Branch Repeater for signed and encrypted MAPI optimization?

Branch Repeater uses the concept of 'Delegate user' to intercept the exchange of session keys between the client and the server and have access to the session key. Steps Branch Repeater devices for SMB signed and encrypted MAPI optimization are listed below with an illustration:

configuration Repeater for SMB signed and encrypted MAPI

Step 1. user Configuration delegate in the current directory on the domain controller.

Step 2. Add BR server side Windows domain.

Step 3. Add the delegate user credentials BR server side.

Step 4. Configuring BR server side and client side BR as secure partners by building a secure tunnel between the two devices.

you can see that this easy -to-configure feature ensures a faster response time in the most commonly used desktop applications-and thus enables higher productivity.

Citrix and Microsoft Live Videocast: A day in the life of IT

1:07 PM Add Comment
Citrix and Microsoft Live Videocast: A day in the life of IT -

Join Citrix and Microsoft behind the scenes of a computer store Monday, September 20th at 14:00 aND and catch all the action when

• a virus strikes
• enforcement and device asks stream society
• A new player (Operating System) hits the scene
• budgets sink to unthinkable low
• executives go wild

over the ninety minutes you will see live re creations of these scenes as they play in computer shops in real life. We will expose the pitfalls of traditional IT management and show how the streamlined infrastructure supervision promise is now a reality, and what it really looks like. You'll laugh, you'll cry; but most importantly, you will see first hand the realities and unreleased uncensored Citrix and Microsoft desktop virtualization solution, how it differs from traditional desktop management model and the ultimate reward when implemented.



Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto and get the latest updates.

Citrix Knowledge Center Полезные по работе с сервисами Citrix

12:06 PM Add Comment
Citrix Knowledge Center Полезные по работе с сервисами Citrix -

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix.

Как и где выписать лицензию? Куда обратиться по вопросам, связанным с получением лицензий

Support Citrix Customer Service - это бесплатный сервис Citrix, который отвечает на ваши вопросы по купленным вами лицензиям и решает проблемы с их получением и размещением. Полезные ссылки:

  • MyCitrix Manage Licenses - User Guide
  • FAQ - Citrix Licensing Portal System
  • Brief Troubleshooting Guide for Customer Service
  • How to Open a customer service request Through My support

У вас проблема с продуктами Citrix? Работает не так как Вы ожидали или не работает вовсе

Citrix Technical Support Services - это платный сервис Citrix, который предоставляет услуги по решению технических проблем вашей инфраструктуры Citrix. Например, проблемы с конфигурацией, проблемы с совместимостью с ОС и или приложениями или исправление дефектов программных продуктов Citrix. О том как открыть сервисный запрос в технической поддержке Citrix, какую информацию собрать и что проверить вам расскажут следующие статьи Citrix Knowledge Center:

  • Citrix Technical Support Welcome Guide
  • Brief Troubleshooting Guide
  • How to open a request for technical support - Premier support customers
  • How to open a technical support - Software Maintenance Preferred customers support
  • How to open a technical support. maintenance of equipment - Customers

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