A couple of interesting things about the human brain

2:22 PM Add Comment
A couple of interesting things about the human brain -

The human brain is the most powerful and yet the least understood part of the human anatomy. While there is much we do not know, researchers have been able to determine some amazing facts about our gray matter. For example, if your brain is a computer, it would be equivalent to half a million Sony PlayStation 4 (TM) game consoles be. In networking terms, it would consist of 100 billion nodes and 1 quadrillion links.

These and many other facts in this following info-graphic, inspired by the Citrix 2019 technology landscape and Citrix Chief Technology Advocate identified Reuven Cohen.

A few interesting things about the brain [Infographic] of Citrix

The new Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 is available

1:21 PM Add Comment
The new Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 is available -

If you want to make user applications and app access almost instantly? Interested in promoting the storage performance for XenApp and XenDesktop and storage costs by up to 80%? Do you wait for the newest FIPS compliant app and desktop delivery solution?

Well, that's the wait is over and the Citrix mobile workstation trip just got better!

The new Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6, announced last month, is now available for Download and study . This version is the most advanced application and desktop virtualization solution, Citrix has ever delivered - an unmatched combination of ease of use, security, and manageability to the industry's only unified, cloud-ready and mobile-optimized platform provides

Here are 7.6 some of the major highlights of the version that organizations continue to enable Windows as a service for each user on any device over any network or in the cloud to provide:

Experience Superior user

  • Instant App access -. New and operate pre-launch and Session Linger in tandem improved virtual applications to users with a fast, local-like introduction experience
  • provide
  • Resilient connectivity - New Connection leasing technology ensures the user can access their applications and desktops even if the database is not accessible
  • unauthenticated access -. Anonymous fast access to applications with their own authentication process allows -especially valuable healthcare, where every second counts
  • Enriched Multimedia - .. Improved image sharpening and acceleration and DirectX / 2D rendering capabilities provide a superior user experience on any device
  • [1945009[ selection of equipment -. New Clientless Receiver for HTML5 and native Receiver for Chrome, allowing easy access to virtual Windows applications from users' preferred device
  • USB plug-n-play - Generic USB redirection used for specific USB devices such as voice recorders, USB 3.0 is ready in 7.6, so that plug-n-play operation with new receiver versions for Windows and Linux come

Better safety

  • Unmatched standards - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 includes the only unified application and desktop virtualization solution that is FIPS 140-2 compliant and also in the evaluation for Common Criteria.
  • Improved authentication -. New versions of receiver support local and remote use of smart cards for device applications and desktops of Android, iOS and Linux access to
  • Content control - New clipboard content filtering and directional control policies can granular control administrators, which can be copied to and from a virtual workplace

Simpler management

  • . Unified architecture -. 3rd generation FlexCast Management Architecture (FMA) IT enables applications and desktops on local or in the cloud and scale to deliver with ease
  • Breakthrough Storage Performance - Services 7.6 cuts storage costs up to 80% of IOPS reduce by 99% and improve the storage capacity of 20X
  • Enhanced App management provisioning - better New App Folders allow administrators to organize and easier to manage hundreds or thousands of published applications in Studio
  • Increased surveillance -. Improvements to the Director and EdgeSight are app usage reporting, real-time license warnings hotfix inventory tracking, and more.
  • Unified Communications -. A new update for HDX RealTime Optimization Pack for Microsoft Lync, Lync Server 2013 and the optimized delivery and use of the Lync 2010 client
  • supports Integrated environment -. new storefront to provide 2.6 Aggregate new XenApp sites with existing XenApp farms user with a single point of access for all virtual applications and desktops available
  • System Center Integration - Citrix Connector 7.5 allows administrators to use Microsoft system Center Configuration Manager to define and access to Citrix virtual applications and desktops manage
  • Simplified upgrades -. New tools are available videos and guides for smooth upgrading the Citrix environment, if you are planning a Windows Server Migration.

To learn more, check. The new features in XenApp 7.6 and innovations in XenDesktop 7.6 pages Citrix.com For further learning 7.6, watch the recording of our September 10 th Webinar-key practical standing room only.

Customer XenApp 6.5 Today

We recognize that many customers of Citrix XenApp 6.5 continue to rely for their mission-critical applications. As such XenApp 6.5 Customer power will be on Subscription Advantage (SA) will be able to use many functions for their 7.6 XenApp 6.5 farm. These features include :. The HDX RealTime Optimization Pack for Lync, Provisioning Services, Citrix Connector for System Center Configuration Manager, Citrix Director, and the new versions of Receiver Storefront and

Who should upgrade to XenApp 7.6 and When?

Whatever version of XenApp you are currently using or have recently implemented, we suggest you much our October 7th webinar introduces the XenApp to visit 7.6 upgrade planning. It will be packed with: information about the benefits of the single FMA platform of 7.6; Guidelines for the above date in your XenApp 6.5 environment listed integrate many of the latest components; and how to make the best upgrade to 7.6, if you are willing to step.

Exciting times before, as companies include Citrix Mobile jobs and develop into a software-defined workspace. 7.6 XenApp and XenDesktop are the cornerstones of our vision solutions, and we believe, on your success

Also available:., Order your download or trial

The PIV and CAC enabled iPad - a truly mobile thin client

12:20 PM Add Comment
The PIV and CAC enabled iPad - a truly mobile thin client -

How can you tell who is a federal employee, if you are in coffee compound or an airport? They are the ones, bulky laptops, usually littered with asset tag sticker on the cover and desperately looking for an open socket like a lost puppy. Or they answer emails on her Blackberry while on an Android her friends an SMS. The sad reality is this is not a joke; it is the reality and dilemma every federal employee tries remotely to work.

How to roll out the next generation of iPhones and iPads, federal employees are stuck pondering how they could be productive using applications might that not operate their federal jobs. There are two ways they could make use of these new devices: they can storm the office of the CIO and a waiver to HSPD-12 to go back to ask for usernames and passwords. Or they may ask if Citrix is ​​right for them.

On Monday, June 16 th 2014 Citrix Receiver 5.9 released for iOS devices. While we are to improve our product with each new version always enthusiastic, this version of Citrix Receiver is a big deal for our federal customers, because it supports smart card authentication to virtual desktops and applications. You can now access secure any application or desktop from your iPad or iPhone. Click here to login and decrypt emails addition by. Your smart card on the iPad or iPhone You can even browse secure Web sites that require PIV or CAC Authentication.

Citrix Receiver 5.9 works without your enterprise applications or confidential data on your iPad or iPhone Download (zero-data-at-rest). No harmful iPads can your network because they infiltrate into a mobile thin client. This is a dream come true! be with Citrix Receiver on iPads or iPhones Finally DoD customers fully productive! You can download Receiver 5.9 on iTunes and be sure to check this video, demonstrates how this works for a DoD customer

Getting Started

  1. download receiver 5.9 from the Apple Store on your iPad.
  2. a compatible card reader and smart card in conjunction. Receiver 5.9 supports PIV and CAC smart cards.
  3. configure Receiver Storefront 5.9 URL for your Citrix XenApp or Citrix XenDesktop environment can access. See complete list of requirements here.

If you do not have a XenApp or XenDesktop environment, download your free trial of Citrix XenApp or Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp or XenDesktop Setup before proceeding. We have a few handy guides for 7.5 Setup XenApp and XenDesktop got 7.5 setup. Be sure to configure storefront for smart card authentication. If you use a NetScaler, then follow these instructions to configure the showcase.

If you already implemented on XenApp or XenDesktop and with Storefront 2.5 or configured later for smart card authentication, use the following steps to set up Receiver 5.9 for CAC or PIV authentication on the iPad:

step 1. download and Citrix receiver 5.9 on the iPad

step 2. install Connect your CAC or PIV reader on the iPad and smart card ,

Step 3. Start Citrix Receiver on your iPad, click "Add Account" and enter the URL of your website storefront.

Step 4. to the "Use Smart Card" toggle, so it. In color

Step 5. Enter your PIN and start your applications is green. or desktops

. Tip: Make sure that each root certificate and intermediate certificate installed on your storefront server installed on the iPad

Citrix Receiver Version 5.9 for iOS demonstrated leadership and commitment of the Citrix company allow to be on any device and productive from any location. We support smart card authentication on iOS, Android, thin clients, zero clients and regular PCs and Macs. No other supplier offers such a broad portfolio of supported devices.

For more information on Citrix solutions for DoD customer

XenMobile APNs CSR Signing Portal Live Now

11:19 AM Add Comment
XenMobile APNs CSR Signing Portal Live Now -

XenMobile: Automated APNS Certificate Signing Service

XenMobile now customers an automated service provides a CSR for signing submit. Previously, customers had CSRs manually submit a Citrix SE or Support Organization. The improved process, customers can submit requests to Citrix at XenMobile APNs CSR Signing website (MyCitrix ID required). After submission of Citrix CSR is with its Mobile Signing Device Management signing certificate and automatically the signed file back to the customer

XenMobile - APNS Certificate Signing Service Web Portal

Once the customer the signed CSR from Citrix it receives the signed CSR Apple on Apple push certificate portal (Apple ID required) easily submit and then download the APNs certificate from Apple.

The last step in this process is to import the APNs certificate from Apple in XenMobile Device Manager.

The method for producing an APNs certificate requests

to iOS devices with Device Manager, register and must manage to set up and create an Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) certificate from Apple. This section describes the steps for requesting an APNs certificate are:

Step 1 Create a CSR on IIS


create a CSR on a Mac

generate a CSR with a Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 08 R2 and Microsoft IIS or a Mac computer. Citrix recommends this method.


Step 2 to the CSR sign Send the CSR Citrix (required MyCitrix ID) at the XenMobile APNs CSR Signing site. Citrix signed the CSR from his mobile device management signing certificate and returns the signed file into a .plist format.


Step 3 Signed CSR Apple ad Send the signed CSR Apple on Apple push certificate portal (Apple ID required) and then download the APNs certificate from Apple.


Step 4 To create a PFX APNs use certificate from Microsoft IIS.


To a PFX APNs certificate create on a Mac computer.


Build a PFX certificate APNs OpenSSL.

to the APNs certificate as PCKS # 12 (PFX) certificate (IIS, Mac or SSL).


Step 5 import the APNs certificate in the device Manager import the certificate into the device Manager.


  • The certificate APNs from Apple allows the management of mobile devices through the Apple Push Network. If you accidentally or intentionally revoke the certificate, you will lose the ability to manage your devices.
  • When the iOS Developer Enterprise program used to create a mobile device manager push certificate, you need to take action due to the migration of existing certificates on the Apple Push Certificates Portal. For details, see Apple COA Migration Information Press
  • For more information on Citrix eDocs .: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xenmobile-0/xmob-dm-config-requesting-apns-con.html

XenApp 7.6 upgrade - you have questions, I got answers

9:17 PM Add Comment
XenApp 7.6 upgrade - you have questions, I got answers -

Recently I gave a webinar (recorded for your viewing pleasure) to upgrade to XenApp 7.6, and during this Webinar is only of many efforts was a large turnout Citrix everyone does to make the upgrade to XenApp 7.6, there. Citrix has a website (www.citrix.com/xenapp/upgrade) dedicated to help all of you who are looking at upgrading your existing XenApp 7.6, with links to resources, free training, special programs and more.

I want all to thank you for participating and for presenting some really great questions that I will answer trying to

. F: without electricity user is connecting Leasing enable session to connect Citrix applications, while the database is down?

A: Yes. The delivery controller is to maintain a list of previous connections of the user. These connection parameters used so far will be used in the future when the database is unavailable. The standard time frame is 2 weeks, but this can be modified with power. Leo Singleton wrote a great blog about the ins and outs of the compound Leasing

. Q: When local text echo functionality included with XenApp 7.6?

A: HDX over many years has been extended to the responsiveness and interactivity of the user session, some Local Text Echo was doing, but to improve in a slightly different manner. So local text echo, as it was in 6.5, is not part of 7.6, but HDX contains interactive enhancements that make obsolete the need for local text echo

. Q: How much RAM should give the "Cache in RAM with overflow to disk" feature for XenApp 7.6?

A: Any amount will be an advantage. I have 1 seen assigned 2 and 3 GB of RAM per VM demonstrate significant value to a XenApp VM what IOPS of less than 1 per user. Read more on overflow on the hard drive for XenApp on my blog on 'changing the read / write ratio for XenApp "

Q: What license do I need for XenApp vgpu sharing feature

. A: Available for Enterprise and Platinum Refer to the following feature matrix http://www.citrix.com/go/products/xendesktop/feature-matrix.html

Q: Are there numbers that match the size of the database

A: Yes, these values ​​not changed much since this version?: http://support.citrix.com/servlet/KbServlet/download/36246-102-707006/XenDesktop%207%20Database%20Sizing_v4.pdf

Q: When migrating (not replicate), the XenApp servers have IMA and FMA is running at the same time

A: No. When you are ready, a. XenApp to migrate 6.5 workers on the XenApp 7.6 site, the upgrade Wizard removes the 6.5 workers from the farm, uninstall the 6.5 software and install the 7.6 VDA while the server in the 7.6 site place

. Q: there is a difference / risks of migration tools when using a do rebuild from the farm (assuming that the underlying operating system does not change) [?

a: on the migration tool, the Farm and policy settings migration is only a time saver, especially for large, complex environment As for XenApp workers, many people prefer to reconstruction that it is an opportunity. , again to update the server to a clean state (assuming you have not used something like PVS for image management). The advantage of the upgrade wizard for the workers is that you do not re-install the app / configuration must go

. Q: What steps should I take from version 7.5 to 7.6 do update and wherein the steps ?? License Server? Delivery Controller? Storefront? Director? VDA? What is the correct order

? A: Please refer to this document for detailed steps http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xenapp-xendesktop-76/xad-upgrade.html

Q: If my policies stored in Active Directory, instead of XenApp, do I have the policy Export utility perform

A: No, the export / import farm stored information is only for. For AD policy, you will continue to use them

Q: If the import utility also farm application icons

A: Yes. The symbols are exported and imported as part of the Migration Tool

Q: Does the migration program work for XenApp 6?

A: Yes, although it experimentally. used the commands to the farm, policies and application settings from XenApp 6.5 are the same in XenApp 6.0, but collect the migration program was nearly as in depth as XenApp 6.5

Q untested .: in XenApp 6.5, when we launch two different applications, both of which are hosted on the same server, it creates only 1 session. Is that still the case in 7.6

? A: is This session sharing called and it works in XenApp 7.6

Q: Can VDA on Windows 03 Server installed?

A: No, the VDA only supports Windows 08R2 SP1 2012 2012R2, 7 SP1, 8 and 8.1

Q: How do we allow provisioning Services- RAM cache function, the IOPS for XenApp 6.5 environments conserves?

. A: You need to be managed in the latest version of Provisioning Services and XenApp 6.5 server by Provisioning Services to upgrade

Q: mixed domain environment supported with XenApp 7.6?

A: Yes. Many different types are supported by complex Active Directory deployments, as can be seen from this article: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX122417

Q: Is App-V required for XenApp 7.6, if I would like to stream my applications, like I did in XenApp 6.5?

A: Yes. Application streaming is included in XenApp 6.5 was replaced with Microsoft App-V. 7.6 XenApp includes integration with App-V publishing and integration simplify

. Q: I'm already on XenApp 7.5. Is it worth it to go on XenApp 7.6?

A: You want the following page (http://www.citrix.com/products/xenapp/whats-new.html) and the Webinar on What's new check in XenApp 7.6. Once you are on XenApp 7.x, the upgrade process that simply you can do in place upgrades on a component-by-component basis. So you can have one controller to 7.6 and another at 7.5, while VDAs to 7.5 are. In this way you can take your time to avail for the upgrade instead, a big band type applications do

. Q: We are on XenApp 4.5 and opt to 6.5 and 7.6 to upgrade. Which version would you recommend

? A: As a XenApp 4.5, a solution is Windows 03, you are correct that the time to upgrade is now. I would recommend to the latest Windows operating system (2012R2) move that allows you to enter the longevity over anything else. Plus, when you start with XenApp 7.6, you will not think about the upgrade 6.5-7.6

. Q: When is XenApp 6.5 end of life

A: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX122442

Q: find all Dates Product Lifecycle XenApp here If we have a multiple geographical location providing XenApp 6.5 are using zones, which means we implement Delivery controller, SQL Server, etc. at any place

a need: Provided that these geographical locations are not connected with a low latency connection, then yes, you will have a XenApp Web site at each location. Depending on the size of the pages, it could be advantageous, as this allows you to build smaller failure domains as every site is independent, a fatal error in a location not bring another site. But for XenApp 6.5 deployments with many small areas of only a few servers each, if you are not able to consolidate in a single data center, you are on XenApp 6.5 for the period.

[1945003bleiben] Q. Can a XenApp 7.6 Website Windows 08 and 2012 Server contain

? A: Yes. Based on the new FMA architecture you can create a single page with Windows 08R2 Windows 2012 and 2012R2 have

. Q: What happens when one of the delivery controller goes offline? Is there a service outage

? On a. In XenApp 7.6, all delivery controllers within a site are active-active. If you remember, in XenApp 6.5 and earlier versions, you have a Zone Data Collector, and if the data collector fails, a new one will be selected, which can also host applications. This has caused performance problems if not configured correctly. This risk is no longer relevant in XenApp 7.6

Q: How can we App aggregation feature of storefront and the user grouping in web interface

A configure: See this article: storefront app aggregation: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/dws-storefront-26/dws-configure-ha-example.html and interface user roaming Web: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/web-interface-impington/wi-configure-xd-user-roaming-gransden.html

Q: When I 7.6 to XenApp upgrade from 7.5, I have to storefront to update? Do I have to the web interface to upgrade to storefront

? On a. You can stay on the current version. It could, however, a situation where a new feature in XenApp not work with an older component, or you can use a new storefront Not

. Q: What file did you use? the facade app aggregation function

Configure A: is here: C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix store name web.config where "store name" is the name of your Shops. Also, make a backup copy of the web.config file before changing

. F :? Regarding the database, what information there on high availability

A: For high availability, see the following reference: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xenapp-xendesktop-76/xad-plan-high-availability.html

Logging and Troubleshooting Citrix Receiver: Mac, iOS, Android

10:18 AM Add Comment
Logging and Troubleshooting Citrix Receiver: Mac, iOS, Android -

As a member of Citrix Technical Support for more than a decade, I am proud of some helping valuable and often share overlooked information quickly locate problems and your Citrix receiver to solve problems effectively. Multiple Citrix components provide important diagnostic information. Since most connection scenarios touching multiple Citrix products, this debug information is often removed through multiple independent products.

Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop offer CDF trace

CDF trace our primary Citrix Diagnostic Facility is included and is available in several other Citrix products as well. After basic troubleshooting, Citrix Support will often ask for a CDF trace while to reproduce a problem. The CDF trace is generally obtained by the support representative for a detailed analysis. While this scenario for solving problems has a good track record, it does require access to public (and private) icons to parse the data into readable messages.

Receiver for Mac

For our Mac customers, we have four types of logs: Installer logs, Store Communication protocols Authentication Manager logs and ICA protocols Engine. Motor logging ICA is only in a special debug Receiver for Mac, which can be provided by a support staff available if needed. The other three protocols are readily available in the public version of the Receiver for Mac, but require logging to be activated. The log created is readable without additional parsing.

Receiver extended for iOS logs containing

This is a log function that records all the receiver's debug messages. To the relevant data, Collect advanced protocols must be enabled on your iOS device before you reproduce the problem. A collection of sequential log files are created and are easily shared using the usual methods of the device, such as email or file-sharing applications such as File Share. Since there are a number of protocols, it is important to put the relative time of the failing steps taken to reproduce a problem. These protocols are also highly legible with timestamp and detailed messages (Please note that the extended protocols are disabled after they are sent from the device).

Receiver for Android

We use Android built in log collector collected Logcat. Logging for the Receiver for Android is always on, so it must not be activated. The output is a single log file are all Citrix Receiver messages, so again, a good time marker of the problem is useful. Receiver for Android protocols is the stack traces if a recipient crash occurs.

As Mac and iOS, these protocols are easy to examine for anyone. If all of these protocols, look for clear error messages or obvious failures. If possible, a successful repeat and the appearance does not need to examine them the differences. Search Citrix Support with these questionable messages. Hopefully with the power of this diagnosis you can solve your Citrix Receiver are efficient

Citrix Knowledge Base article for each of these application tools .:

Receiver for Mac Logging

Advanced log for receiver for iOS

receiver for Android logging

Ramp-up of new e-learning published for XenMobile MDM Admins & Help Desk Pro

8:16 PM Add Comment
Ramp-up of new e-learning published for XenMobile MDM Admins & Help Desk Pro -

Recently, the Administering and managing devices with Citrix XenMobile 9.0 video Serie needed on the priorities key skills for managing mobile devices with XenMobile.

Developed by top Citrix experts who brought their findings in the field of education, the course provides a unique learning experience. Students gain access to a series of videos and recorded demos that can be tracked at their own pace, and used as a powerful reference tool

The series is organized in two modules :. Managing devices for the help desk operator and manage and Troubleshooting Device Manager

Available on demand can win in only 3 hours the following skills students .:

  • describe the mobile landscape
  • describe XenMobile architecture
  • XenMobile system Overview Enter
  • manage mobile devices
  • Share of guidelines
  • deploy packages to devices
  • enroll devices
  • send enrollment invitations
  • Manage and the device Manager fix
  • configure options XenMobile
  • view reports
  • configure Automated actions
  • to the system Troubleshooting
  • manage Samsung Devices
  • configure XenMobile mail Manger
  • Use the Android remote Support tool

Register and more information here obtained. Happy learning!

What's new with HDX display in XenDesktop and XenApp 7.x?

7:14 PM Add Comment
What's new with HDX display in XenDesktop and XenApp 7.x? -

Learn more about the new graphics delivery modes
and user experience to improve

have My colleague Gabriel Nguyen and I wrote this comprehensive post , to help you to better influence graphics in the latest XenApp and XenDesktop versions to understand the changes.

XenDesktop 7.x was released for a while and has a number of improvements, including new display technologies such as desktop composition Redirection (the development of Aero Redirection) and H.264). This new delivery methods were on the desktop composition feature is introduced, introduced in Windows Vista and have fundamentally the way applications display pixels on the screen (read more) changed.

If you're Technologies or if you used no idea about the codec to transmit Citrix unfamiliar with these new ads, they can be found in Citrix Virtual Desktop Manual 7.x. Many sections are relevant to both XenApp and XenDesktop. Read more about it in Amit blog series (part 7).

With that said, have you ever wondered if any of these display modes is used by default? Or what operating systems are compatible with these modes? Do you also have the wide range of graphic guidelines in Citrix Studio notice (Or wondered which ones apply to the delivery mode you want to use for your VDAs)? If all or even resonates one of these questions with you, this blog will be useful

We have these problems addressed and will deliver on realistic applications "out of the box," a tutorial:

  1. I would like to 5 for Windows Server to migrate XenApp 03 XenDesktop 7.x Windows Server 08 R2 VDAS in a very low bandwidth environment, how can I configure my graphics directives?
  2. I would like to migrate from 5.6 to XD XD 7.x, how should I put my new policy?

The Big Three (quick reminder)

There are now three main HDX ICA delivery methods in 7.x XenDesktop and XenApp:

  • desktop composition Redirection (DCR)
  • H.264 enhanced Super codec
  • legacy graphics mode

Each graphics mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and again the Citrix Virtual desktop manual 7.x will help you.

desktop composition Redirection (DCR)

DCR is only in XenDesktop with client OS VDAS (Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.x), in conjunction with Windows endpoints. Historically, individual applications would draw make calls on our legacy display driver, which in turn generate HDX (thin wire) protocol to perform would draw on the end user device. With DCR we do Desktop Window Manager (DWM) level are now working with the help of the GPU on the user device to scan the Windows desktop UI. This graphic mode requires DirectX compatible Windows endpoint. DCR is basically an improved version of the Aero Redirection XenDesktop 5.x

NOTE: For now, only Windows Vista, 7 and 8.0 / 8.1 supports endpoints. A prototype of DCR for Mac OS was shown at Citrix Synergy conference, but that is not yet available on the market.

H.264 enhanced Super Codec

The HDX Super Codec is an amalgam of codecs optimized for different types of data. From XenApp / XenDesktop 7.x super codec has an adaptive H.264 encoder extends the Windows 8/2012 new display architecture and the way it attracts window support. From Windows Vista from, although GDI is still supported, it is considered a legacy API from Microsoft. The Citrix Legacy Display Driver is optimized, however, to published GDI commands with successive Windows operating system GDI has transitioned to be a software implementation and not directly supported in the Windows Display Driver.

Although Windows 7 provided a mechanism for loading and using the Citrix Legacy Display Driver, which is no longer available from the Windows 8. Therefore implemented Citrix improved Super Codec, adaptive H.264 technology use that was previously only in the XenDesktop HDX 3D Pro VDA. , Further improvements also as an additional lossless quality text display technology

IMPORTANT have been introduced: when the end point of a non-H.264 aware Receiver runs, we have ensured a relapse "compatibility mode". In "normal use" (the visual quality is as high, medium or low) compatibility mode relies to a large extent on compressed JPEG transfer. Although compatibility mode using JPEG compression, it can be intense bandwidth and we would recommend you use this to avoid as the primary delivery mechanism to the current time.

compatibility mode use is most commonly seen when users have failed (or not) to update their receivers, we would a receiver at least as recent as the server installation of XenDesktop recommend always strong with.

legacy graphics mode

This is the Citrix display mode, used in previous XA / XD versions. Many improvements have been over the years, such as progressive display (PS 4.5 and above), extra color compression (XD4 FP1 and later), Adaptive Display (XD5.5 / XA 6.5 HRP1 and above) introduced, etc ... operation to supply systems with GDI (Windows 7/08 R2 and earlier), it is one of the most efficient modes as far as relates to bandwidth usage.

OS vs display

The following is a compatibility matrix shows which display mode can be used on any operating system.



H.264 **

H.264 compatibility mode

legacy graphics mode

Windows 8


Yes **



Windows 7 Aero


Yes **


Yes *

Windows 7


Yes **



Windows Vista Aero


NA (reason: VDA 5.6 only)

NA (reason: VDA 5.6 only)

Yes *

Windows Vista


NA (reason: VDA 5.6 only)

NA (reason: VDA 5.6 only)


Windows XP


NA (reason: VDA 5.6 only)



Windows 2012 (R2)


Yes * *

Yes (not recommended)

Yes (limited)

Windows 08 R2


Yes **



comments Only on DirectX capable endpoints of Windows and requires a high bandwidth. "Visual quality" on "Lossless" or "Lossless Build" will disable H264, and use the compatibility mode instead of bandwidthintensive intensive ~~ POS = HEADCOMP -. t o avoid the current time Restrictions on Server VDAS: on Server 2012, we can use the Legacy driver but the legacy code is not for the manner optimized Server 2012 performs graphics - so than those with legacy mode on Server 2012 is not highly recommended at the present time and should testing before implemented (and not to forget to implement the optimizations: FPS, Lossy compression, etc ..)

restrictions VDAS workstations:

not deliver desktops Aero, not compatible with Windows 8 and higher than Windows 8 does not support the XPDM driver mode

(*) When was the legacy graphics mode was activated from politics for a VDA, DCR may still be used as long to deliver

1 for compounds Aero. was DCR not disabled (through the policy as well)

2. The endpoint is DCR-capable.

3. The Aero theme has been applied in the meeting

(**) In addition to the requirement operating system, requires one of the following H.264 Receiver versions .:

OS Windows Mac OS X Linux Android iOS Chrome OS
minimum requirement for H.264 3.4 and later 11.8 and later 13.0 and later 3.5 5.9 1.4

Please note that we get the best performance recommend using the latest receiver versions.

We would also like you DeferredUpdateMode called to warn about a setting. This setting is default to support later for Windows Receiver 3.4 and to enable H.264. However, some customers still running Presentation Server 4.0 farms (Windows and Unix) and disabled DeferredUpdateMode an update to fix a problem. Please note, if you do this, you will not be able to use H.264 to your XenApp / XenDesktop 7.x farms.

If your environment OS and receiver requirements are met to provide one of the three display modes, ask yourself at some point will be how the delivery mode that you use to confirm effective! You can now Citrix Director, HDX Monitor or WMIC commands (to access information about WMI) to use for this. This will not only issue the delivery mode of the session, but also all the graphic configuration. We also published a support article to explain all this: How to determine HDX display mode

Citrix graphic guidelines vs display

You've probably noticed the large number of Citrix graphic guidelines which actually makes you wondering which are valid, are used for each delivery mode. Well, pulled a matrix for you will help you:


user /



H.264 compatibility mode

legacy graphics mode


desktop composition visual quality



desktop composition Redirection



capable of enabling VDAS /
endpoints H.264
Disable DCR mode on DCR (or H.264 compatibility mode)
display memory limit





display mode degrade preference



Dynamic Preview window





This function applies only to seamless applications (Published Apps or App Local Access)
image caching



legacy graphics mode



This policy legacy graphics mode
maximum color depth

computer enable


notify users if the experience degrade

The computer is


only for RDS Valid
Persistent cache treshold



Queuing and tossing



extra color compression



extra color compression is an optimization that save on the size of lossy compressed images up to 20%, but on expense of quality. The off makes some images, such as text over a complex background appear sharper.
Extra color compression threshold



heavyweight compression



Lossy compression level



Lossy compression level threshold



minimum image quality



Valid for legacy Adaptative display only :. it sets the minimum acceptable quality for transient (moving) images
moving picture compression



Enables or disables Adaptative display
Progressive compression level



When enabled, adaptive disabled and switch to progressive display
progressive compression threshold



target framerate





target minimum framerate



Valid for legacy Adaptative display only: it uses this setting to determine if the quality of the transient (moving) to drop images.
Visual quality




from the

We the closely Citrix TRMs (Technical Relationship Manager) work with our customers advise them and help them to get fixed their problems. A part of our role, explains our technologies to customers. Many customers do not appreciate getting that the server operating system upgrade, for example, by 2012 means an operating system with Microsoft is the way of the display is available and has changed as a result of behavior and the bandwidth can change.

In the following case studies, we will try and explain how we would a customer talk by displaying changes in XenDesktop 7.x introduced A typical real customers have legacy constraints themselves such as:

  • limited bandwidth
  • Some end-users with old thin clients
  • Unmanaged end users forget their receivers
  • old hardware
  • management processes want to upgrade for example, that all servers have the same

We must also manage expectations of what an upgrade is configured so designed to achieve; if you are involved in such an update, always evaluate the existing means, both technically as Bandwidth used, delivered frame rate, but if the customer and end users are satisfied with the user experience

1 st use case. Migrating XenApp 5 x 64 for Windows 03 on XenDesktop / XenApp 7.x on Windows 08R2


- Several thousand users in thousands of branches

- Low bandwidth (1 mbps) for up to 10 users per branch

- currently XA 5 03 x64 farm that works well and meets the end user

- web application, intranet, office applications and Business applications

from 7 to move to a new XD .x infrastructure with Hosted shared desktops on Windows 08 R2 noticed, the customer that ICA sessions are much more bandwidth compared to XenApp consume 5 sessions.

The object here is the customer to help find a graphics configuration that provides the same ease of use and bandwidth consumption than their XA infrastructure. There are two important facts that should not be neglected:

  1. With XenDesktop 7.x with 08 R2 working with the default settings means that H.264 or H.264-compatibility mode, depending on the recipient is used version
  2. change from Windows 03 Shared on Windows 08 R2 Hosted desktops implies a richer experience improvements introduced by Microsoft (display mode vs OS section above), taking into account the graphics. Richer experience means more bandwidth

Because customers relate to the same bandwidth consumption as in their XenApp to keep 5 Farm, we would advise them to legacy mode to be activated. This will give them 5 supply and some high compression legacy policies enable

the same user experience as in XenApp. Note: In this case, legacy mode was the best solution, since no complex graphics (was displayed animations, videos, etc ...) in the meetings. In some other cases would be much more efficient H.264 relates to a legacy mode until the bandwidth, but at the same time it is a much better user experience than deliver the legacy mode. However, you need to be aware that if you will not have the correct recipient Version your sessions again fall on H.264 compatibility mode consume a lot of bandwidth and should be avoided. If you read Amit blog articles, he published some bandwidth test results conducted supported with Login VSI and H.264 receiver.

Now we want to leave to our application.

The 1 st was point to changes XenApp version and thus the mode change setting. To reduce the bandwidth that uses the following configuration was:

setting value
extra color compression Enables
threshold extra color compression Standard
image caching Enables
legacy graphics mode Enables
Lossy- compression level No
maximum color depth 16 bits per pixel
menu animation prohibited
Persistent cache threshold Standard
Queuing and tossing Enabled
frame rate target 15 fps
view window contents while pulling prohibited
Progressive compression level medium

Please note that this is only an example. A more aggressive configuration are implemented, the bandwidth consumption could more (at the expense of ease of use)

The 2 nd point was to reduce over changing operating systems. As mentioned earlier, Windows 08 R2 is much richer than Windows 03. A very striking example sketched window. Even if you window contents while dragging you hide will find that window outlines in Windows 08 are very different R2 on Windows 03 with the background mixes compare this outline (wallpaper, icons on the desktop, other Windows, etc ...) and it will consume excessive bandwidth when to move the windows.

For some customers, we would recommend a setting called MouseTimer reduce only the bandwidth. This parameter is basically a buffer on the client side and is set for a certain period send MouseTimer only mouse movements. In most cases we have the attitude MouseTimer to 0ms reduces bandwidth by half to find while Windows drag!

Another important note, we recommend "mouse shadows under mouse pointer" to disable in high latency environments.

2 nd application: Migrating from XenDesktop 5.6 with Windows XP and 7 on XenDesktop catalogs 7.x with Windows 7 catalogs

Migration from Windows XP to Windows 7 is pretty close to moving from Windows 03 to Windows 08 R2 (1 st application explained above). In addition, although XenDesktop 5.6 is a much more recent product as XenApp 5, it uses legacy graphics mode. Therefore XD XD 5.6 to 7.x easily migrating XA 5 to XD / XA 7.x could be compared and the recommendations that we showed in the 1 st use case are for this application is considered good.

the big difference of the migration path, however, would. The migration of XD 5.6 to 7.x is as easy as applying a Feature Pack. Customers sometimes do not realize that they move with implications for the CPU in a whole new range of display technologies, bandwidth etc ...

say let a customer has a set of Windows 7 delivered VDIs of XD 5.6 and intends to upgrade XD 7.x. In this case, he is trying DDCs and VDAS update 5.6 to 7.x and apply the same policy as in XD. If he has very limited bandwidth, he may face what could be an unwanted surprise. Depending on its endpoints it is (possibly in compatible mode) with H.264 or DCR, which will have a significant impact on bandwidth consumption compared to the legacy mode.

Of course, there are many customers who do a lot of free bandwidth and improved infrastructure and users are often amazed by the enhancements that can be seen with the richer graphical experience and higher frame rates, they can achieve ,


If you have a migration project to XA / XD 7.x:

  1. you should do an inventory of your endpoints and determine which display mode by default in XD used 7.x (through the matrix control, we are provided)
  2. should the customer's existing farm performance benchmark to their expectations as manage CPU, bandwidth and frame rates delivered, ie know what they are happy with today
  3. If some of the display modes you do not use cases or infrastructure resources in terms of bandwidth and CPU fit to return Legacy mode *
  4. If you have a want to go further and to reduce bandwidth in legacy mode, you can apply an aggressive configuration as we st in the 1 case use exposed. You can also do the trick MouseTimer mentioned above use (this parameter is a must in a very reduced bandwidth)
  5. Do not forget "mouse shadow under cursor pointer" in high latency environments to disable

(*) Please note that legacy graphics mode is NOT our general recommendation. Legacy has been exposed a good fit above for the reasons mentioned above. In other cases, the probably most commonly, H.264 is a better choice will be. On the other hand only DCR is currently recommended in high-bandwidth environments.

Since Legacy mode is a server-wide policy, we have to establish a good practice early, when a customer is ready to silo users found on different servers with different shipping methods. http://bramwolfs.com/2012/05/08/adaptive-display-whats-in-the-game-and-do-we-need-to-fine-tune/ /blogs/2011/08/29/your-user-experience-over-wan-gets-even-better-introducing-adaptive-display-and-gdi-remoting/

help partner marketing kits, new WAN optimization drive

6:13 PM Add Comment
help partner marketing kits, new WAN optimization drive -

Here is a bit of a (rhetorical) Quiz. If you have desktop virtualization across multiple sites providing - branch, mobile office - what would you hold one of the fundamental requirements make it a measurable success? The list could be quite exhaustive here but surely the ultimate end of the game - more than any other - would have Power ? The whole objective has to be focused on maintaining or, even better, to improve the desktop experience to mobile and branch workers. If it does not do something better, or at least keep it at-best "why bother? So far that seems

The problem is pretty clear that server and desktop virtualization needs increase, so that in turn the volume of user actually to applications and data remotely -. Either of offices or remotely via-to go with their mobile devices this can create real chaos with overall WAN performance, which too expensive -. and unnecessary -. bandwidth updates Why? Since upgrading simple network bandwidth increases cost and not really a diagnosis for all underlying performance problems give (think of congestion, distance, latency or application protocol behavior). Where modernization also falls short, it is an insight into the not have affected applications, still give priority, when it comes to mission-critical tasks. go go big or go home? Maybe it's just time to get wiser.

Think about it this way. An upgrade is really only the equivalent of applying the plaster on the cut or graze, so that we no longer see. It's not really something to treat. In this case, it causes only a further headache for the IT manager. Seriously, this is a team that is already overburdened with juggling several branching points and to respond by the management of cloud-based locally hosted applications in a consistent stream of new requirements, to ensure the delivery of desktops and applications over long distances. Phew! The reality is that for these tasks are in fact very few legacy optimization solutions WAN that they can perform. No wonder that by IDG Research, 67% of IT managers in companies currently a WAN optimization solution plan to upgrade their use within the next two years *.

This is where Citrix Cloud Bridge can help. Simply put, Cloudbridge can help connect applications and accelerate, optimize bandwidth usage, and the much-needed insight into application performance offer the user experience is just to make sure where it should be . Cloudbridge can help companies with the infinite capacity and elastic efficiency to increase their data center provided by public cloud providers available, also to simplify while without sacrificing service delivery branch networks. Read this blog for a quick summary of the latest and greatest highlights of Cloudbridge 7.3 Release

Turning WAN optimization conversations into opportunities

Enough with the Band-Aid approach -. It's time to give IT a less headaches and WAN optimization options align the head. Wondering where to start? Do not worry! We have done all the heavy lifting for you and created two completely new Cloudbridge partner marketing campaigns that will help to increase demand and to fill your pipeline.

Available now, these new campaigns, will you help start Kick your marketing efforts, spark discussions that are backed up with intelligent business benefits out insights, 3rd party data and valuable analysis that helps customers their best solution in the implementation of their search for a comprehensive network infrastructure solution helps. Where can you get all these materials? In Citrix Marketing Concierge - a free, exclusive partner resource where you customized, fully integrated to create campaigns directly from your desktop, with lead tracking ability. Kits are fully loaded with landing pages, pre-designed templates, whitepapers, case studies, 3rd party reports the Tolly Group, and more. So what are you waiting for? Follow these three simple steps, the kits to access today: Start

  1. Citrix Marketing Concierge Citrix credentials
  2. Select Campaign Center and filter by key game "Networking: Attach "
  3. you choose your preferred marketing campaign, and you're good to go!

at your fingertips Targeted resources

Citrix Marketing Concierge is a great resource for all find the materials you need your own email marketing kits, Webinars and to provide seminars. Do not forget - we also make it easier for your organization to get found and stand out with our social and web content syndication program. Discover how you can start to benefit from ready already spelled social contributions and web assets that you use, you can turn your website into a lead generation machine today.

Finally, when looking for your broader networking to support calls, check the big new pages in Citrix SalesIQ for sales enablement materials. These sections are devoted to pull together all of the current contents of keys to play, depending on what stage of the sales cycle you are

Remember -. All are these resources available to our partners for free, 24/7

Stay connected

Stay up to date on the latest news, materials and campaign availability of Citrix Channel Marketing :
Follow us on Twitter @ctxsyndication | @citrixmarketing | @ctxmkgconcierge | @citrixpartners
Join our Citrix Marketing Concierge LinkedIn Group and the Citrix Partner Network on LinkedIn follow

You can also reach me directly at louise.malinosky@citrix.com

* source - network World Market Pulse Report "remote IT: driving efficiency in remote offices"

XenApp 5.6 to 6.7 migration: selective applications to use

5:12 PM Add Comment
XenApp 5.6 to 6.7 migration: selective applications to use - Import

Tune Up

The XenApp 6.5 to XenApp 7.6 Migration Tool consists of a series of simple PowerShell scripts

This Export Farm and policy data from XenApp 6.5 in XML files. These XML files are then imported via a script into an existing XenDesktop 7.6 site. The scripts are from the XenApp 7.6 product download page, you will be with an appropriate login ID to have access the product software page login: http://www.citrix.com/downloads/xenapp.html

to the scripts to use is simple and Citrix eDocs contains detailed instructions: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xenapp-xendesktop-76/xad-xamigrate.html

After the export, you have the XML files, allowing you to do selective imports the -MatchFolder or -NotMatchFolder modifiers. For example, your XenApp 6.5 has a farm application folder named EMEA, which contains the following folders: Distribution, IT support and accounting. You can use the following command to import the applications in the fields of sales and accounting folder, but the IT support folder skip:

  Import XAFarm -XmlInputFile myFarmFile.xml   -MatchFolder "Applications / EMEA" -NotMatchFolder "Applications / EMEA / IT Support"  

In addition, you can instead only the sales and accounting folder for import, give all other with the following command skip:

  import XAFarm -XmlInputFile myFarmFile.xml   -MatchFolder "Applications / EMEA / (Sales | Accounting)"  

Finally, one might use -NotMatchFolder modifier alone everything, but to import the IT support folder:

  import XAFarm -XmlInputFile myFarmFile.xml   -NotMatchFolder "Applications / EMEA / IT Support " 

Do not forget that you can practice these modifiers by adding -Preview until the end of the command. In this way, you can see the results of the import script to see without actually importing objects into your website.

4:11 PM Add Comment
- Improve Click Play & See New XenDesktop and XenApp storage optimization of the user experience

There is no better way to learn the new technology than to see

Play Video

safely. I have written and seen many blogs / tweets about how great the new memory-tuning feature for XenApp and XenDesktop. I read how this function can reduce IOPS 7 average of 15 IOPS per user Windows 0.1 IOPS. I read how to create this feature functions through a small RAM buffer within each VM. I Tweets show crazy seen IOPS numbers Standard for use of rotating disks.

In fact, I have done some of this analysis and was completely blown away by the results.

But who cares? Who cares if my IOPS be reduced by 99%?

Unfortunately, unless you are responsible for the storage, you probably will not care. But what if this drastic reduction in IOPS had a direct impact on the user experience? And from someone who VDI far used 100% of the time, the user experience is what really what interests me.


Let's see what the new RAM cache with a feature disk overflow can do for the user experience ...

What impresses me the most is that the workload did not use a some crazy operation that a typical user would not really. You can easily see the improvement of the user experience with something as simple as browsing a few websites.
And all this is done

Without complex configurations

Without expensive SANs

Without SSDs

Without additional hardware

Without additional licenses

Without a learning curve

update: Only one ESG Released -Report validate the cost savings of RAM cache to disk overflow

Citrix NetScaler - Voted 2014 MSExchange.org Readers' Choice Award Winner - Microsoft Exchange Load Balancing

3:10 PM Add Comment
Citrix NetScaler - Voted 2014 MSExchange.org Readers' Choice Award Winner - Microsoft Exchange Load Balancing -

Citrix NetScaler, the industry's most advanced cloud networking platform scored another award and was 2014 winner in the Microsoft Exchange Load balancing category of MSExchange.org Readers Choice Awards.


NetScaler of advanced Application Delivery Controller in the world for mobile and web infrastructure. NetScaler optimizes, secures and controls the delivery of enterprise and cloud services, while the experience for all users to maximize. NetScaler is also established the industry's leading internet delivery system, to touch an estimated 75 percent of Internet users each day. Citrix builds on this guide to create the most advanced cloud networking platform in the world, customers will have a single, integrated solution that combines the flexibility, simplicity and extensibility of the cloud to a network


"our reader survey visitors to our site the opportunity for products that give to see them in their respective category as one of the best tune" said Sean Buttigieg, MSExchange .org manager . "MSExchange.org users are specialists in their field that occur in the work with the various solutions for Exchange Server. Their vote serves as a solid peer-to-peer recommendation of the winning product."

MSExchange .org regular surveys leads to discover which product by Exchange administrators in a particular category of third party solutions preferred for Microsoft Exchange Server. The awards draw a huge response per category and are based entirely on the visitors' votes. MSExchange.org users can submit their votes for the current Readers' Poll in the right bar of the website.

About MSExchange.org

MSExchange.org is a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/07 / 03 resource site. It is the leading Exchange site of over 800,000 Exchange administrators and specialists a month. The site provides the latest Microsoft Exchange Server news, articles and tutorials by leading Exchange experts, message boards, software listings and product reviews.

MSExchange.org belongs to a group of websites TechGenix Ltd. be executed, including http://www.windowsnetworking.com - a comprehensive Windows Networking resource site; http://www.isaserver.org, a Microsoft ISA Server resource site; http://www.windowsecurity.com, a Windows Security resource site and http://www.virtualizationadmin.com, a Server Based Computing resource site; and http://www.cloudcomputingadmin.com, a cloud technologies resource site.

organizations rely on Microsoft for a wide range of business applications, from inventory and customer relations with collaboration tools. Citrix NetScaler is the perfect delivery solution for Microsoft applications. NetScaler provides seamless compatibility with the infrastructure over configuration templates for critical Microsoft applications. Set-up wizard and AppExpert templates make the integration and configuration NetScaler with Microsoft technologies simple. This extensible templates provide preconfigured policies for advanced optimizations such as caching and compression. Also replicate the exact configurations your business needs change through existing templates. NetScaler was the user experience to improve these applications validate whether they are accessed locally or around the world

Eye chart below on partnership: ..)

(click on image probably wondering why you enhance NetScaler for Microsoft Exchange)

you? Here are some of the key benefits are:

Ensure maximum uptime for Exchange

ensures NetScaler High Availability for Exchange Server through the use of load balancing and network -Optimierungsfunktionen. It improves the efficiency of server and network resources. Exchange requests will be directed only to healthy resources able to complete the user's request.

improving the performance of Exchange

Improve optimize the performance of Exchange by using caching, compression, and TCP connection with NetScaler. This helps to reduce the amount of data to be sent to users in significantly shorter reaction times. It also reduces the bandwidth required to improve the end-user experience for a faster and response exchange.

Increase the security

NetScaler Application Firewall ensures the security of your e-mail environment, provides through monitoring and control of access to your Exchange environment. With advanced attack protection, NetScaler ensures exchange from outside threats and protects confidential data and sensitive communications. The Application Firewall also protects the environment on any device anywhere, including mobile clients.

NetScaler is for trial available. Try it free and help our networking experts show you why Microsoft applications require NetScaler for optimal delivery! It is a must-have

consequences: (. * All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners) @NetScaler @bhavinsodha

Command Center 5.2 (42.7) MR now available on the latest OS versions !!

2:09 PM Add Comment
Command Center 5.2 (42.7) MR now available on the latest OS versions !! -

Good news! Additional support is included in our latest release.

I am pleased to inform you that in our latest release, we bring Windows 2012/2012 R2, CentOS 6.2 (32-bit) / (64-bit), CentOS 6.5 (32-bit) and RHEL 6.5 / 6.4 (32bit) to support version. Even better, we've added new features that I think will make life easier, and that with much joy.

Command Center expands AAA support to help you better manage CommandCenter appliances. You can now configure user "Views" under a monitoring dashboard approve. Life is much easier for administrators want to extract groups for RADIUS implementations, better to give AAA support.

And most importantly, you will now be able CommandCenter appliance to monitor performance including memory, CPU, hard disk and other statistics of the management section.

Key Features & Details of this press release.

Support for groups extraction via RADIUS

groups extraction makes life easier for administrators by the user will be dynamically added within a group for approval. It allows you as an administrator, the existing groups of AAA server select and authorizes defined within this AAA server group users. This is done without manually to add users to the group.

This group extraction support has now been extended from Active Directory and OpenLDAP RADIUS. Enjoy the ease in management!

Authorize Views Dashboard monitoring

Each user can see access to Command Center modules to make them authorized along with the specific configuration they create on Command Center as custom task, reports, views, etc. . the implementation help segment really views. But it is not the same data-providing many administrators as you accessed? Why should their "views" create any admin similar to what you created? Well, the answer is, now you do not need.

Now create view and share them with each administrator you want!

Command Center Appliance Performance Monitoring

If you have a centralized management hardware providing many key equipment tracking, you would want to keep a good look at this device. To make this possible, we bring all the important aspects of surveillance CommandCenter appliance in advance on the dashboard give you supply of HA pair live together with notifications to how and when the following thresholds are met.

  • memory usage more than 0%
  • CPU utilization of 100%
  • Page Fault more than 1
  • disk usage by more than 0%
  • status interface going down
  • [1945013blank] HA state

throw bring me some light on importance of upfront page error.

an interruption occurs when a program requests data that is not currently in real memory. This interrupt triggers the operating system, the data from the virtual memory and upload it to bring it into memory. An invalid page fault or page fault error occurs when the operating system can not find the data in the virtual memory. This can happen sometimes when the virtual memory area or table, the virtual addresses mapping to real addresses, is damaged

Here is the list of new features in CC 5.2 Build 42.7 .:

  • support for groups extraction via RADIUS
  • authorization of views Dashboard monitoring
  • Command Center appliance performance monitoring
  • ability CommandCenter SNMP community string
  • to change
  • New integrated task for Cloudbridge Devices

New operating systems support list:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 2012 and 2012 R2 NEW
  • CentOS 6.2 32-bit and 64-bit NEW!
  • CentOS 6.5 (32-bit) NEW!
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 and 6.5 (32-bit) NEW!
  • CentOS 5.1 (32-bit)
  • Microsoft® Windows® 08 and 08 R2
  • Microsoft® Windows® 03 Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft Windows Server ® 03 R2 Standard x64 Edition
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 6.2 (32-bit)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.0 and 5.1
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.0

download link:


New Social Media and Public Relations Hub in Summit brings you the pros!

1:08 PM Add Comment
New Social Media and Public Relations Hub in Summit brings you the pros! -

Citrix Summit Preview Citrix Summit 2015 is packed not only with hands-on training and networking opportunities, this event offers two new stations this year They dedicated social media strategy and public relations opportunities .

to help Brought advance you courtesy of Citrix, experts on hand will provide you with one-on-one consultation and specific takeaways you can run fast.

a level your media exposure with

1. social media rally station ™: get Led by Channel Maven Consulting, you get a comprehensive evaluation of your current online presence and learn how to take your social platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, companies Facebook, Google+ and your SEO efforts to the next level

This custom session depends your specific needs with a counselor

Also included -. a. free professional headshot be taken at the station used to social profiles, your own website or for articles and posts about your company (make sure that your camera ready for on-site photo) ,

2. Public Relations Engage Station . Led by Citrix corporate communications, read the shared media options available to energize your brand awareness and your synergy with Citrix further

We are looking for partners to engage more PR-fronts. Discover this new joint initiative that can generate publicity for your business.

Also expert advice on public relations to get help getting started or further your current efforts.

Make plans to come from two stations continue to drive your business, open:

  • Monday, January 12 to around 16:30 to 19:00
  • Tuesday, January 13 to 11:00 to 21:00
  • Wednesday, January 14 10:30 to 15:00

So much in stock at Summit for you - if you have not already, register now ! Me

connected -. They follow us on LinkedIn and to earn at @CitrixPartners on Twitter

Pssst ... when you attend Las Vegas Mobile App Game Summit points by " Networking "in the arcade!

Let you save time Citrix Partner Marketing. Webinar Replay shows you how.

12:07 PM Add Comment
Let you save time Citrix Partner Marketing. Webinar Replay shows you how. -

time. The villain in many a hard crunched project or last minute deadline. We get it - time is money. And stuff in today's already packed-to-the-max day also darn it's pretty short! So let's get straight to the point. We have two major marketing programs that can use Citrix partners today automate to help and always facilitate in advance online and socially connected, many of the steps. Sounds good right? And that's even better is that they are available at no cost as an exclusive benefit your partner membership with us.

When it comes to marketing activities, take a moment and think about all the tasks you have completed during an average day (if "average" actually exists) your work week. Chances are - like many of us - you think "Wow, there's a lot to do here." It is probably fair to say that all of these processes to automate for you can, a large-win would not, right? What if the automation you could also help create awareness generate leads and maintain relationships also? You can see where I'm going here ...... It's time to get on board and take control back over time in the day.

Meet your new marketing Heroes

Whether Marketing is the only role or only a part of the day-to-day Citrix Social and Citrix Syndication you can help to be all things to all people, even if you do not. Simply put, they help you advance in your online marketing received every day by providing you with instant, automatic access to Citrix provides content for your social media networks and your website. We do all the heavy lifting for you, make sure that you put armed with the tools you need are on the rest of the day - knowing all the time that you have a new relationship building socially and that your company's website is generating leads for your business. Neat huh

Webinar Replay - now available

It's time to take control of your workday back! ready Capes? It's time the marketing superhero you are to be. Yes, yes, cheesy I know, but you get the point - these programs really save time. And money. This is a big win for everyone.

Watch our recent webinar and let us show exactly how to use these programs in your daily marketing activities. What could be easier? I agree.

Get in front with Citrix social and Citrix Syndication *

In this webinar we will discuss exactly how you can use these two important programs to max best to can you help get new friends online and take advantage of new leads network to make free.

now watch the recording. *

* Please note that you need to keep your Citrix use Partner Central credentials to view the webinar on CitrixTV

Stay never miss in connection

something when it comes to something social, partner, demand generation or from the Citrix channel team in connection with marketing. Heres how:

Follow us on Twitter @ctxsyndication | @citrixmarketing | @ctxmkgconcierge | @citrixpartners
contact with the Citrix Partner Network on LinkedIn

You can reach out to me directly at louise.malinosky@citrix.com or @louise_rm

As a custom banner on the login page of Storefront 2.x, Director 7.x or Citrix License Server 11.x

11:06 AM Add Comment
As a custom banner on the login page of Storefront 2.x, Director 7.x or Citrix License Server 11.x -


Add Customizations allow Citrix customers web pages reflect company logos, color schemes, marketing styles and even in some cases security banner. However, adjustments require in-depth knowledge of the structure and coding behind every site.

require some customers that all levels of authentication (all login pages) display Safety Banner, the contour, the rights to privacy (or lack thereof) in accessing their sites. In this case, a simple change to the web page's code performs the addition of text - a security banner - near the authentication fields every time a user

Some adjustments heavily documented visible on the side. - Check-out blogs like this by Feng Huang - but the addition of a security banner or text floating, was not explicitly discussed

This article contains information about modifying the login page of Storefront, Director. and Citrix License Server web pages. Note that it can be made a fundamental Banner configuration and changes the specific size, font and color to suit individual requirements.

After working with the members of the CCS team who implemented in various adaptations of the past, we have consolidated our results in a single point of reference. I want to give a special thank you to Wonmin Lee, William Elvington, Steven Krueger, Dan Morgan, Felipe Bernal and Kelsey Kempler for their help in writing this blog.

Customize the login page for storefront server

This section explains how to customize the banner on Citrix Storefront 2.x server. The following configurations within the contrib folder changes for all the storefront server propagate

  1. In a storefront server to . C: / inetpub / wwwroot / Citrix / Web / contrib
  2. Locate and a copy of custom.script file in the Create same position as backup -. in the event that changes have to be undone, the copy can be used to replace the file custom.script back to the original code.
    custom.script - Copy.js
  3. Open custom .script file in Notepad (as an administrator).
  4. Enter shown the following text as Save and click
    $ (document) .ready (function () {
    $ var markup = $ ( '

    $ markup.insertAfter ( '# logonbelt-bottomShadowColor');

  5. * They note that when copying and pasting of code directly from this blog, the individual and double quotes may not insert symbols correctly and may require manually clearing and re-enter these symbols in the editor. This applies to all code snippets in this blog.

  6. a copy of custom.style file in the search and create the same location as backup - in the event that the changes need to be reversed, the copy can be used to return the custom.style to replace file to the original code.
    custom.style - Copy.css

  7. Open custom.style [1945014[ file in Notepad (as an administrator).
  8. Enter the following text, as shown, add the CSS rules, and click Save :
    #bottom p {
    text-align: center;
    color: white

  9. Locate and a copy of custom. wrstrings.en create; file in the same location as backup - in the event that the changes need to be reversed, the copy can be used, the custom.wrstrings.en to replace file back to the original code
    custom.wrstrings.en -. Copy.js
  10. Open custom.wrstrings.en file in Notepad (as an administrator).
  11. Enter the following text as shown Add the custom string and click Save :

  12. for storefront navigate login page and the banner should the authentication fields as shown below appears:

adjust for Director Server the login page

this section explains how to customize banner on Citrix Director 7.x server. The following configurations must be configured on each Director servers that the custom banner requires

  1. Each Director Server to . C: / inetpub / wwwroot /Director.
  2. a copy of Logon.aspx file in the same location as backup in the event that search and create changes need to be reversed, the copy can be used to the Logon.aspx return file to the original code to replace
    LogOn -. copy. aspx
  3. Open make Logon.aspx submits to the Editor (as an administrator).
  4. Find the following text, enter the bold banner text as shown, and click Save :


  • navigate to the Director login page, and the banner should displayed under the authentication fields are shown:
  • customize the login page for Citrix License Server

    this section explains as the banner on Citrix License Server customize 11.x. The following configurations must be configured on each license server that the custom banner requires

    1. on each license server to . C: / Program Files (x86) / Citrix / licensing / LS / web / strings / s.
    2. they make a copy of default.xml file and move it to the C: / Program files (x86) / Citrix / licensing / LS / web / string / - note that the copy must be stored in a different folder that is not necessarily the strings wallet. In the event that changes have to be undone, the copy can be used to to replace default.xml back to the original code file.
      default - Copy.xml
    3. Open default.xml file in Notepad (as an administrator)
    4. Find the following text, and then delete the bold string .:
      you must login to the administration area. Click on & lt; a href = "{href}" & gt; here & lt; / A & gt; Register .

    5. Enter the bold banner text as shown Save and click on:

    6. Navigate to the License Server web page, click Administrators tab in the upper right corner and the banner should be displayed after the authentication fields before and as shown:


    The above example code is provided as is without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. You can use, modify and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) may include the sample code errors, design flaws or other problems that may cause data loss or damage to property; (B) it may not be possible to make the sample code fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, no longer available to make the current version and / or future versions of the sample code. In no event should the code to support ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to use life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS IN BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SAMPLE CODE, INCLUDING DIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Although the copyright belongs in the code to Citrix, any distribution of the code should have only your own standard of the owner of the rights, and not by Citrix. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any claims arising from the use, modification or distribution of the code created.