VPNMaps Ranks IPVanish fastest VPN to the United States

1:20 PM Add Comment
VPNMaps Ranks IPVanish fastest VPN to the United States -

IPVanish fastest VPN United States!

VPNMaps was created to provide VPN users with information to help decide which VPN best suits their needs. VPNMaps provides a map of the best VPN servers of major suppliers so you can see them easily by using various search criteria, including features and geo-location.

In addition to providing a complete map providers up VPN, VPNMaps recently tested the connection speed of the US top VPN providers to find the fastest VPN USA in 2013. The result? IPVanish is the fastest VPN United States! The speed tests are based on several criteria such as:

  • local and international speed tests
  • the total number of data centers and their geographical distribution
  • Datacenter security and backup connections
  • Level 2 internet providers

VPNMaps classified IPVanish VPN # 1 fastest USA VPN 2013 class, followed HideMyAss of leader of the longtime industry. In the short time since our inception IPVanish became undoubtedly the fastest network and the fastest growing VPN in the world! Offering the complete package VPN lowest price IPVanish offers the following features for only $ 6.49 / month for an annual subscription:

  • More than 7,000 IP addresses on 100+ servers in 43 countries
  • faster connection speeds
  • unlimited bandwidth
  • Free Software VPN IPVanish
  • Open VPN, L2TP and PPTP
  • works on multiple devices

Use IPVanish to protect your online identity and data; to monitor the location of your IP, protect yourself on Wi-Fi hotspots and block unwanted marketing. To play to complete the speed test results and make an informed decision on the best VPN provider, visit VPNMaps - the fastest in the United States VPN 2013.

Stay Secure During Internet Safety Month with IPVanish VPN

12:19 PM Add Comment
Stay Secure During Internet Safety Month with IPVanish VPN -

Internet Safety Month June 2013

In our last message "June is Month Internet security "we talked about how the National Cyber ​​security Alliance (NCSA) encourages all digital users" STOP. THINK. CONNECT. "When Internet access. We also mentioned that the best practices NCSA recommends to help everyone stay "cyber security" this summer, including adjusting privacy settings, do not use Wi-Fi hotspots to check your bank account or pay invoices, etc.

Although these suggestions are great, using VPN IPVanish not have to worry about. IPVanish takes all the work on Internet surfing safely. There is no having to set your privacy settings, or to avoid Wi-Fi hotspots. Fortunately, with all that IPVanish you do online while using a Wi-Fi hotspot, like at the airport or your local coffee remains secure.

IPVanish protects your online identity and data encryption. Once you're connected to IPVanish anything you send over the Internet is encrypted, which means it is only readable by the source you want to. Also with 7000+ IPs on 100+ servers in 43 countries, you control the location of your IP and you will always have a high speed connection no matter where you are in the world.

For as little as $ 6.49 / month for an annual subscription, IPVanish offers the following advantages:

  • free software VPN IPVanish
  • 24 × 7 Support technical
  • manage, protect and control your data
  • Prevent Hot spot hazards
  • broadband connection, no bandwidth charges
  • Secure Safe Browsing
  • hide behind 7000+ IPs
  • OpenVPN, L2TP and PPTP

Try IPVanish today to stress safety online free.

Uncle Sam is not the only Tracking You Online

10:17 PM Add Comment
Uncle Sam is not the only Tracking You Online -

With all the recent revelations about the NSA monitoring, you can not forget that private companies have done this for years. Just think how long e-commerce has been poured. Web user's data and online activities are monitored and controlled by private companies, in order to create sales, not to defend against terrorism.

Consumers choose to engage these companies using various websites, services and social networks. All these online businesses require their privacy policies to be accepted before you can register and use their site. Therefore, there is nothing secret or illegal about what they do, because you agree to it.

According to an officer of security and risk, "Google's policies, Apple, Amazon and Yahoo to privacy are all between 00 and 3000 words, and the privacy policy of Facebook is war and peace privacy policies at nearly 10,000 words. "so, it is no surprise that no one takes the time to actually read these things before you start to use the site.

See how your data is used online in this info-graphic provided by Baynote, Big Brother is a technology company.

protecting your privacy and personal data need not be complicated or full-time employment. IPVanish makes it easy by offering a free and easy to install VPN, with support to the customer 24-7, visual guides and step by step instructions. Try it today and see how easy it is to surf the Web safely.

What is the greatest threat to the privacy

11:18 AM Add Comment
What is the greatest threat to the privacy -

According to Slate - "The greatest threat to privacy is neither Facebook nor the NSA is. our own apathy. "in a recent Washington Post poll 56% of Americans consider the NSA snooping acceptable, while 45% think it should go even futher. Compare that to an AP-CNBC poll in 2012 that found that 13% Americans do trust Facebook to keep their private data. the majority of respondents have little or no faith that Facebook protects their privacy.

These surveys suggest that the average American is more comfortable with this the government is doing than they are with Facebook. most Americans assume they will never be outside of an investigation, and the government has little use for their information. for many people, the fear of having an illicit relationship, a photo racy, or personal communications unintentionally revealed to their friends and colleagues is more visceral - and more realistic - fear of being poorly prosecuted for a crime

Maybe be the longstanding rumor surrounding privacy Facebook and other Internet companies opened the way for public acceptance of spying for the NSA? Why not let the government get on the skirts of the Googles and Microsofts? The problem with this attitude is, however, you can not withdraw from the NSA spying program. This is not to say that Americans should not tolerate online spying by the NSA - just that we should not adopt a blasé attitude toward it

One easy step you can take to protect your online identity is to use. VPN. IPVanish VPN prevents you from being tracked because you are provided with 7000 + IP on 100+ servers in 43 countries to choose from. When using IP IPVanish treat your real IP address remains anonymous to the search engines and sites

Learn more about how to protect IPVanish your privacy online Why VPN - IPVanish VPN

Source: IOL SciTech ..

Spy that your research on health?

9:16 PM Add Comment
Spy that your research on health? -

Your health research are shared with third parties

In a study of 20 popular health sites, seven were found to share research information to third parties such as traders and manufacturers, which could come back to haunt users, according to experts.

do not assume that you are anonymous when seeking information on health topics sensitive online, experts say. Search terms for certain websites of health media users shared with outside companies that track consumers and target advertising, according to a new study.

Dr. Marco Huesch, of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, has used the interception software and found seven of the 20 popular health sites provided research information to third parties .

The study did not indicate whether the research data have been used for more targeted advertisements. But Huesch noted that consumer information "is very valuable" for retailers and manufacturers.

"These things are not free. People who invest in these third-party data are sophisticated technology companies," he told Reuters Health.

"At the end of the day, these tools are used in ways that are pretty unsavory and creepy." For example, he said, an insurance company could use the research data to discriminate by not announcing deals with someone who has sought information on depression

Source :. NY Daily News

Comment IPVanish customer

8:15 PM Add Comment
Comment IPVanish customer -

During the weekend, we have received excellent feedback from a customer information page on Facebook that we IPVanish VPN thought we'd share with you here:

I just wanted to thank you for your service. I`ma customer in Germany for a few months now. You`re the best VPN service goes far tried, and tried going a lot.

I hope you will always protect your paying customers of any request, even if you`re in the United States. I love your particular servers Iceland and Switzerland. Pretty reliable and fast. Keep up the great work. I guess I'll remain a paying customer if you keep this up

- Mirko H.

Thank you Mirko and thank you to all our customers! We appreciate your questions and comments and it is our pleasure to serve you. We will continue to work hard to develop new features and enhancements to provide the best speeds, the most secure connections, the best technical support and the lowest price available anywhere.

UK Leased Internet filtering system raises concerns

7:14 PM Add Comment
UK Leased Internet filtering system raises concerns -

UK Internet filtering system Rented Involves Chinese government

The pornography filtering system Internet welcomed by British Prime Minister David Cameron has alleged links with the government of China, reports the BBC. The filtering system known as' Homesafe is managed by Huawei subsidiary TalkTalk. Huawei is a controversial Chinese company founded by Ren Zhengfei a former officer KPA China release.

'Homesafe requires UK ISPs to block automatically online pornography and has been criticized as a huge violation of privacy. Especially because for to remove the filter the client must actively contact the provider and ask to have the filter removed. It is unclear how this will take place, whether by telephone or other form, but essentially Internet users in the UK will have to identify themselves as porn observers if they want access to the full Web.

For nearly 10 years, Huawei has been part of the telecommunications infrastructure in the United Kingdom - with BT as their largest customer. There must still have concerns regarding the BT connection, however TalkTalk sending web traffic raises concerns for Huawei

Intelligence and Security Committee of the United Kingdom addressed some of them, according to the BBC.

committee said, "the alleged links between Huawei and the Chinese state are of concern because they generate suspicions about whether Huawei's intentions are purely commercial and are more political . " the committee had also expressed worries that a test center in the UK has set up to review the Huawei products was filled by experts employed by the Chinese firm.

in the United States, intelligence committees have gone further, brand Huawei a threat to national. Security

British Prime Minister David Cameron holds filters are designed not to censor but to protect children

Source :. Business Insider

The delicate balance between civil liberties and security

6:13 PM Add Comment
The delicate balance between civil liberties and security -

The delicate balance between civil liberties and security

the results of a Pew research Internet privacy survey conducted earlier this month - after the PRISM surveillance program of the National Security Agency in the United States was revealed - indicate a point in public opinion about government spying on its own citizens turning

for the first time since the organization. began asking the question in 04, more respondents believe that the government has gone too far in restricting civil liberties (47 percent) believe that the government has not done enough to protect the country against terrorism (35 percent). In October 2010, 47 percent of respondents indicated that they felt that the government has not done enough to fight against terrorism and 32 percent said the government went too far in restricting civil liberties .

However, half of the 1,480 US citizens questioned in the recent Pew Research poll approve of government surveillance data over the Internet and telephone to combat terrorism, while 44 percent disapprove. At the same time, 70 percent of respondents believe that the government uses the data for purposes that the fight against terrorism.


A recent Pew Research poll shows US citizens believe the government is using the data collected for purposes other than the fight against terrorism, but half still support data collection efforts of the government. (Credit: Pew Research Center)

Read the full article at: Internet privacy in an age of Monitoring - How To - CNET

IPVanish Windows Update Software

5:12 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Windows Update Software -

IPVanish Software Update for Windows

The IPVanish development team has worked hard this summer and today ' hui, we published several improvements and bug fixes to the software Windows v1.3.1.11 IPVanish

new software enhancements and bug fixes are :.

  • improved functionality auto-connectivity
  • Several improvements to the detection of IP addresses, including:
    • IP address will be displayed even while disconnected
    • the thread will no longer be displayed as "unknown"
    • IP will remain empty until the user IP has been successfully detected
  • Fixed a bug where the login date IPVanish to remain in the operating system after the force quit the application.

All current users of Windows IPVanish will be asked to update to the latest version upon connection. If you currently use IPVanish VPN, register now for as low as $ 6.49 / month to start protecting your online identity and data.

We welcome any feedback you may have that are actively improving our software and service attributes to continue building the fastest service and most secure VPN in the world. You can email us at support@ipvanish.com.

Facebook more concerned with growth than the privacy

4:10 PM Add Comment
Facebook more concerned with growth than the privacy -

Growth Trumps Privacy with Facebook

Internet.org Facebook wants to spread aggressively Internet connectivity in the developing world. But this should not be the top priority

Right now, about two-thirds of the world population -. Some 5 billion people - have no access to the Web. The social media giant - which has 1.15 billion customers already - knows there are billions more out there who sign up if only they could get online

This is a good goal but it should not be their priority. .

Internet.org will try to accelerate the adoption by offering cheaper devices to access the Internet and the development of more efficient applications that require less data to work. (Notably absent from Internet.org are other emblematic Internet companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple and Twitter.)

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg even floats the idea that Internet connectivity should be considered a human right, on the same list as freedom of expression or a fair trial.

There is no doubt that better communication stimulates trade. Farmers and small entrepreneurs in remote African villages already use basic mobile phones (voice and simple text only), even without an Internet connection, greatly improve their businesses. Full Internet connectivity via smartphones serve them even better.

But do not go overboard. Internet connectivity would be a great improvement, but it ranks behind food, clean water, decent housing - or the safety of war and other forms of violence. If Facebook really wants to help the world, it could directly contribute to solving these problems.

This week may not have been the most opportune moment to promote the benefits of Internet connectivity. The issue of the Internet on the minds of Americans is their private life .

Facebook and other Internet giants should first consider improving privacy and security they offer to their existing customers. This week Mr. Zuckerberg has suffered the embarrassment of having a Palestinian hack programmer in his own Facebook page. The programmer had no malicious intent; he only wanted to prove that Facebook account someone is vulnerable to hackers

Read more about: Internet privacy if growth away - CSMonitor.com

then how to keep you safe. hackers and other cyber criminals to Why VPN? - IPVanish.com

Video Exploits Our cultural dependence on phones

3:09 PM Add Comment
Video Exploits Our cultural dependence on phones -

Exploits Video Our cultural dependence phones - I forgot my phone

In this short viral film, I forgot my phone our cultural obsession and addiction with our smart phones is captured. Instead of living the moment, we want to capture so we can display it anywhere in our social networks. From what we have for dinner, what we drink, to the group that we are following -. Photos and sometimes videos are taken

Charlene Guzman - who wrote and stars in the film - shows scenes that can hit too close to home, say something about how we often use the technology over forge, real human relationships.

This video has over 20 million views and if you have not seen it, you must have passed without your phone too long and good for you! Comment on the blog for NPR's "All Tech Considered" suggests a game when you go to dinner with friends or family, you have everyone place their phone in the middle of the table and the first person to pick up their phone or interact with it must pay the entire bill

Source :. NPR - All Tech Considered

Anonymity, privacy and security online

2:08 PM Add Comment
Anonymity, privacy and security online -

anonymity, privacy and online safety - Last Pew Research Center Study

According to a 35 -page study by the Pew Research Center released earlier this month, the average Internet user is concerned about privacy. 86% of adult Internet users have taken steps to prevent surveillance of organizations or others, including spouses, colleagues, hackers and cyber criminals.

This study is important because it proves that users do not rely on the web as they did making it difficult for website owners to gather information on who visits their site. Making it difficult to solicit advertising for them. Study results found that 55% of adult Internet users specifically want to avoid surveillance by some people, organizations and government.


IPVanish VPN prevents hackers and cyber criminals and surveillance of the other groups (as noted above.) A low price guarantee your freedom online by allowing you to take control of your Internet access. IPVanish with VPN, you can choose your IP from IP 7000+ on 100+ servers in 44 countries.

Choosing your IP address rather than using the one assigned by your ISP protects your online identity and data, bypassing Internet censorship restrictions and much more. For more information Why VPN? -. IPVanish VPN

Stalking Goes Online Mobile

1:07 PM Add Comment
Stalking Goes Online Mobile -

Stalking Online Goes Mobile, Mobile Software IPVanish VPN Device can help

A cookie , also known as HTTP cookie web biscuit , or cookie browser , is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the web browser of any user the user browses the site. Every time the user loads the site, the browser sends the cookie to the server to inform the site of the previous user activity.

Because cookies do not work on mobile applications, advertisers and companies like Google and Facebook have included sophisticated new ways to track mobile users and get hyper-targeted, individualized small ads front of them.

privacy advocates are concerned that consumers do not realize how their private information is on their phones and how much is made vulnerable simply by downloading and using applications search the mobile web or even just to go about daily life with a phone in your pocket.

last week, the NSA admitted that he collected cell tower data in 2010 and 2011 to locate cell phones. Jennifer King, the privacy of students and the Federal Trade Adviser Commission on mobile tracking states, "People do not include tracking, either the browser or mobile device, and have no visibility on practices underway. Even as a technology professional, it is often difficult to sort out what is happening. "(Telegram.com)

Fortunately IPVanish VPN made clear track mobile, and that is the reason why our development team has created a VPN software for iPhone, iPad and Droid. Using IPVanish on your mobile device gives you the following privacy features:

  • Blocks marketing Unwanted
  • protects your online identity and data
  • protects you WiFi hotspots
  • Provides a virtual firewall

Sign IPVanish VPN today and start protecting your mobile privacy!

How Apple can read your iMessages

12:06 PM Add Comment
How Apple can read your iMessages -

How Apple can read your iMessages

The iPhone is among one of the best known and most popular mobile phones on the planet. Hundreds of millions of people use the iPhone to communicate with friends, family and coworkers each and every day. One of the most popular ways to communicate on the iPhone is to send an iMessage. The difference between a standard text message and sent iMessage iMessage app from Apple is that the sent messages are encrypted from end to end.

After the recent allegations that Apple was cooperating with the NSA and sharing iMessages users to known program monitoring as the PRISM, Apple responded by publicly saying in a statement on its website that iMessages, "are protected by an encryption end to end, so no one but the sender and receiver can see or read. " The statement added: "Apple can not decrypt the data."

according to a ZDNet article, recent research and demonstrations by researchers Quarkslab blew security iMessage Apple open. At a conference Hack In The Box Quarkslab Kuala Lumpur, they demonstrated that, due to the lack of certificate pinning, "Apple can technically read your iMessages when they want."

The hacker attack involves a man in the middle scenario where the hacker can intercept and read iMessages sent between two phones or they can take a step further and change the messages before they reach their destination without another iPhone user experience. Quarkslab currently offers an application known as "Protect IMTM" (available for download on GitHub) to patch the vulnerability, but it can not be installed on a device or iOS6 iOS 7 jailbroken.

For complete and truly safe surfing and email to your friends, we recommend using a VPN connection IPVanish to encrypt all internet traffic and the message to and from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. To learn more about IPVanish VPN and how it protects your online identity and privacy, visit Why VPN? - IPVanish.

This message is brought to you by our friends at College VPN.

IPVanish launches 6 new VPN server in one month

10:04 PM Add Comment
IPVanish launches 6 new VPN server in one month -

IPVanish launches 6 new VPN server in one month

IPVanish is the faster and fastest growing VPN service worldwide . We prove once again by adding a new server to Budapest, making it the new VPN server 6 added in less than a month

reminder, IPVanish added the following VPN servers since October 25:

  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Las Vegas, United States
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • Paris, France
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • New! Budapest, Hungary

IPVanish international VPN network is now at 7,000+ IP on 105+ servers in 45 countries and 59 cities.

The Top 10 reasons to use IPVanish:

  • check the location of your IP
  • Block unwanted marketing
  • Protect your online identity and data
  • Accelerate online games
  • free software IPVanish VPN
  • Protect yourself on WiFi hotspots
  • Acts as a virtual firewall
  • works on multiple devices
  • high-speed connections
  • unlimited bandwidth

Register today for as little as $ 6.49 / month and start protecting what is yours!

What your online image project About You?

11:05 AM Add Comment
What your online image project About You? -

What is your online image project About You?

Although most Internet users tend to share more - all types of information, they are not generally concerned about the impact that their actions online can bring. According to a survey by Microsoft, 56% do not think about how their online actions could affect their lives. The survey questioned 5,000 people in the United States, Germany, Ireland, Spain and Canada. Moreover, 62% do not consider how their online behavior may affect the long term other.

Chief Privacy Officer at Microsoft, Brendon Lynch says, "everything depends much on who has access to the data, each personal information that exists about you online - whether posted by you or other - has the potential to impact how you are viewed by family and friends, an employer, a mortgage lender and more "

14% of adults surveyed reported experiencing negative consequences because of the online behavior of someone else. Some have suffered serious consequences such as:

  • 21% said they were fired from their jobs
  • 16% lost about getting a job or have lost their health insurance
  • 14% was not accepted to their college of choice
  • 15 percent were rejected for a mortgage.

others said that their online activities have caused a friend or family member to lose a friendship, or embarrassed, or are victims of identity theft.

In order to better manage their online reputation, users must regularly search the Web for their name and email addresses to see what has been written about them, Lynch recommended. In the survey, 37% of adults said they never do

For more, see PCMag infographic below :.


Holiday savings Sabai Technology

9:03 PM Add Comment
Holiday savings Sabai Technology -

Sabai Technology Holiday Savings


Sabai Technology, IPVanish VPN partner offers holiday savings on their high-end and easy to use IPVanish configured routers. You can also receive a promotional code to enter the crate IPVanish to save 20% on a subscription IPVanish just to visit their website! IPVanish protects your online identity and data by putting you in control of your IP address. Read more about Why VPN?

Sabai Technology offers VPN tunnel without stress, so there is no need to understand the complicated process of configuring a router.

To name a few benefits of IPVanish Sabai VPN configured routers -. Ready, increases network security, prevent packet sniffing, and extends your VPN service to any device on your network

The following promotional prices are available:

IPVanish VPN Routers configured including free delivery Domestic Standard:

  • Asus N66U on sale for only $ 259.99 (except $ 40 !)
  • Netgear WNR3500L on sale for only $ 149.99 (save $ 20!)
  • Linksys E2500 on sale for only $ 119.99 (save $ 20!)


  • One year Sabai freedom only $ 49 ( save $ 50!)


Sabai Technology Visit today to check their holiday sales and get a code coupon to save 20% on IPVanish subscription by entering at check here. A router configured Sabai IPVanish + subscription IPVanish = 100% safe online!

scheduled maintenance December 17 01:30 MST

8:02 PM Add Comment
scheduled maintenance December 17 01:30 MST -

For a short time this morning - about 1:30 to 1:45 MST MST we will be making upgrades our shopping experience and to update our servers. Meanwhile, the cart will not be available. We appreciate your business and thank you in advance for your patience as we work hard to make our services better for you.


The IPVanish team

Can we really trust cloud storage?

7:01 PM Add Comment
Can we really trust cloud storage? -

Cloud storage is cheap and easy to use and seems like a dream come true until the safety issues arise. Many companies and individuals are reluctant to move to cloud storage because of the fear of a breach or hack. Because privacy on the Internet is a subject of daily news, security issues penetrate everything we do online. It is no coincidence that the word of 2013 is privacy or the privacy of the Internet was also considered important that human rights by the UN.

Everything we do online is followed, observed and stored in some cases.

However, IPVanish VPN Lowers security problems by creating a safe environment for the web every day. Once you establish your VPN connection all your online data is passed through an encrypted tunnel, giving no visibility to your traffic

Regarding cloud storage. IPVanish recently partnered with BoxCryptor. BoxCryptor offers quick and easy to your files according cloud for secure storage on all platforms and all major cloud providers using the highest safety standards encryption. BoxCryptor Visit today to learn more.

The two services complement each other giving users the best protection and security available online. When using IPVanish and BoxCryptor together, both the data circulating on the Internet and files stored in the cloud will be encrypted and protected.

For as little as $ 6.49 a month, customers get the best IPVanish VPN package valued in the world, including a 7,000+ IP network on 110+ servers in 47 countries and 61 cities.

IPVanish launch second server in Mexico City, Mexico

6:00 PM Add Comment
IPVanish launch second server in Mexico City, Mexico -

Even today, IPVanish added a second VPN server in Mexico City, Mexico! Like all IPVanish VPN servers, the new Mexico City server supports all VPN protocols (major OpenVPN, L2TP and PPTP), unlimited connectivity and bandwidth throttle free for all customers. This recent network expansion brings the total number of servers IPVanish to 113 servers in 47 countries worldwide (and growing!)

For as low as $ 6.49 / month, customers receive the IPVanish the following benefits:

  • Free Software VPN
  • Mobile awards and Android Free iOS Apps
  • Direct access to Tier-1 VPN IPVanish
  • Not Logging
  • unlimited use with VPN Switching Server unlimited
  • 2 simultaneous connection to secure multiple devices
  • 100% online security
  • Wi- Fi Hotspot protection

Try IPVanish VPN today and discover how easy it is to protect your online identity and data!

The Shocking Truth About Online Privacy

4:59 PM Add Comment
The Shocking Truth About Online Privacy -

Mail & Guardian Chief Technology Officer, Alistair Fairweather wanted to know how easy it is for someone to know private details of your life with none other than the Internet. So, he asked readers of his blog for volunteers interested in having their privacy invaded systematically. To his surprise, he received about 20 volunteers who all felt confident in their ability to protect their online privacy. Even when he sent them to make sure they knew what they were signing for, the general response was "We are confident in our privacy online. Do your best."

with warned target, he began his experience with just the name and email address of each volunteer. He began his journey in the world of open-source intelligence (or OSINT) using Google, Facebook and some other online sources and found much more than he ever thought it would be! He was able to discover the about his goals for the protection of the following personal-savvy information in hours: for exact home address, date of birth, work email addresses, the names and photos of the extended family, childhood homes of addresses, cell phone numbers private , and more!

The shocking truth about online private life is even when you think you are doing a good job to protect you online, you're probably not. There's always more security measures can be implemented.


You can know exactly what he discovered about his goals and what tools he used private by visiting How are you really online ? and make you less of an obvious target be sure to:

  • Check your privacy settings on all social media platforms
  • Do not post your home address anywhere online - If you must use a PO Box
  • Do not post your private cell phone number anywhere online
  • Do not use the same username and password and / or e-mail address for each online account
  • Stop and Think before you post! (Once you put something online - good luck trying to retract)

Blog and Forum IPVanish security for Turkish speakers

3:58 PM 1 Comment
Blog and Forum IPVanish security for Turkish speakers -
IPVanish Network Expansion

Blog and Forum IPVanish security for Turkish speakers

We work hard IPVanish to bring our security service to a wider global audience. To do this, we develop valuable partnerships around the world and today we have great news for the needs of our customers in Turkey.

Our Turkish partner, http://saklansana.com, published in both Turkish IPVanish blog: http://blog.saklansana.com and forum, http://vpn.saklansana.com. All three of these resources provide valuable information on security and online protection for those whose mother tongue is Turkish.

Connection Instructions IPVanish VPN software are provided on both the blog and forum for Mac and Windows users with more on the way! Stay tuned for more announcements of our global expansion IPVanish that continues to push the boundaries of the VPN space by moving one of VPNs Tier 1 real world.

IPVanish Ranked # 1 in VPN Review Site 'Choose VPN'

2:57 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Ranked # 1 in VPN Review Site 'Choose VPN' -

Select VPN was created in 2013 in order to save time consumers VPN and money by examining the best VPN providers on the market. Choose VPN taken steps to VPN users by listing and ranking of each provider by considering the following:

  • Customer Support
  • bandwidth limitations
  • offered VPN Protocols
  • VPN billing cycle
  • connection speed and quality
  • device compatibility
  • Location VPN servers
  • Opinion VPN user
  • Number of servers
  • VPN packages offered
  • payment methods

using these determinants, Choose VPN classified IPVanish the No. 1 featured VPN [1945011!] hundreds of services


in their comprehensive review of IPVanish some points they mention this IPVanish set apart from other services include:

IPVanish trying to provide the best services in the lowest price possible. They accept all kinds of online payment, including PayPal.

IPVanish uses the best encryption and the identity of the user is hidden from the world at all costs.

Their VPN service is suitable for computers and smartphones, and also run on a wide range of platforms, including Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android.

They dedicated technicians and email support, live chat and support forum provided for customer support.

to read the full review and make an informed decision about what VPN service is best for you, visit Select VPN -. examination VPN IPVanish

Some comments from our customers

1:56 PM Add Comment
Some comments from our customers -

Lifehacker recently asked its readers about the VPN they think are the best, by publishing the following virtual private networks, or VPNs, are perfect to protect your privacy and security while using the Internet. Whether at home or abroad, they are essential for protecting your data. This week we want to know which ones you think are the best.

Of course, we are a little partial IPVanish our VPN to be the best but you do not have to take our word for it. Take a look at what some of our customers had to say ...


Warrantless searches of communications of Americans

12:55 PM Add Comment
Warrantless searches of communications of Americans -

The Washington Times published the following information via the Associated Press:


Administration Obama has conducted research of American communications in the framework of the national security Agency surveillance operations targeting foreigners located outside the United States, senior intelligence administration has confirmed in a letter to Congress disclosed Tuesday.

The research was authorized by a court secret surveillance in 2011, but we do not know until Tuesday if such research on the Americans had been conducted.

The recent recognition of warrantless searches on Americans offer more insight into the US government's surveillance operations set up after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 01 the government has broadly interpreted these laws to allow collection of communications of innocent Americans, the Obama administration maintains practice are legal. But President Barack Obama has promised to review some of these programs to determine whether the government should be led this type of monitoring at all.

Learn more about government agencies monitoring our actitivy online here and how IPVanish keeps your online identity and private data by visiting Why VPN? -. IPVanish VPN

IPVanish unaffected by Heartbeat Exploit

11:54 AM Add Comment
IPVanish unaffected by Heartbeat Exploit -

IPVanish As a user, you may have heard of OpenSSL heartbeat (of heartbleed) feat. Well, you can be assured because IPVanish do not support the TLS extension 15 (heartbeat) so that we not affected by this feat. Our users are safe

Just in case you want to test OpenVPN, you can use tools such as public http://possible.lv/tools/hb/ - just enter the server name IPVanish you use and will show you that we are clean.

We appreciate your business and we understand the importance of privacy on the Internet is you, please feel free to any questions or concerns you might have to support@ipvanish.com.

Feds agreement with the flight Wi-Fi providers

10:53 PM Add Comment
Feds agreement with the flight Wi-Fi providers -

Wired recently published an article stating: Gogo, the provider flight Wi-Fi, is used by millions of airline passengers every year to stay connected while flying the friendly skies. But if you think along government monitoring arm has no vertical reach, think again.

Gogo and others that offer Wi-Fi on planes must follow the same wiretap provisions requiring telecom and terrestrial Internet service providers to assist law enforcement US and NSA as tracking users when so ordered. But they can do more than the law requires.

According to Gogo letter submitted to the Federal Communications Commission, the company has voluntarily exceeded the requirements of the Communications Assistance Act for law enforcement, or CALEA, adding features to its service request the application of the law. The revelation alarms civil liberties groups, who say the companies should not be cut deals with the government that can improve the ability to monitor or track users.

"CALEA itself is a massive violation of user rights," said Peter Eckersley of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Having the ISP [now] who say that CALEA is not enough, we will be even more intrusive in what we collect on people is, frankly, outrageous."

Click here to read the article complete.

Types of personal data and how much it is worth?

9:52 PM Add Comment
Types of personal data and how much it is worth? -

British Ministers discuss changes that would allow the sale of taxpayer data to third parties. But how much is personal data? Does it come at all surprising that revenues from Internet advertising increased exponetially over the past 10 years, announced 2013 revenues $ 42.8 billion in the United States.

Google and Facebook have business models based on the use of personal data, but most people do not grasp exactly who has access to the data track they create on the internet. Some believe that the sharing of data is the price they pay for the use of the Internet. Others claim that the use of their personal data is a violation of privacy even when they have given their consent (using the Web site, etc.)

If people have the right to choose what to share and get paid for their own information?

recently Dutch student Shawn Buckles took the matter into his own hands with the decision to sell its "data soul" on the Web The Next website. He was paid £ 288 for its data, including all private message conversations for browsing data. theguardian.com Buckles says, "I read that data of a person going for less than 50 cents for the moment, so I think I added lot of value to my data. on the other hand, I sold my most intimate information. I do not know if there is an amount just for that. "

Buckles is right, because when makes buying personal data they buy in packs which makes it very cheap and no individual receives no money for it. ?

What types of personal data is there

The data that brands are interested is roughly divided into three types:

volunteered data - content created and shared by individuals, such as their social media profiles

observed data - .. captured by recording the actions of individuals, such as location data using cell phones

inferred data -. what brands you can work on the first two

inferred data type with a real practical value, and the first two, not surprisingly, are cheap; they simply help to build a picture of the third.

Read more here.

Save 10% with FlashRouters ipvanish10 Code

8:51 PM Add Comment
Save 10% with FlashRouters ipvanish10 Code -

In a post recent blog, entitled Use a Secure Router DD-WRT to avoid Backdoor Spy explained the security advantages of using a DD-WRT router FlashRouters configured to IPVanish such as:

  • He anonymizes your entire network IPVanish via a VPN server of your choice
  • OpenVPN. and PPTP connections let you encrypt all of your network with one IPVanish VPN connection.
  • Each device connected encryption gains and a separate IP address from the country of your choice.

It is through our valuable partnership with FlashRouters that we are able to offer our customers an out-of-the-box solution to prevent eavesdropping backdoor.

now through 5/31/14, FlashRouters offers 10% savings Overall specific router IPVanish found here. Just enter the coupon code ipvanish10 upon departure and the savings will be deducted.

With this offer, you can save $ 35 on a R7000 high-end router making it the lowest price he has ever been offered.

if you are currently subscribed IPVanish and want to make life easier and safer FlashRouters visit today to save 10% on a custom router.

you will also find out how you can use a DD-WRT router to stay safe while connected to Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PS3, Sony SMP, AppleTV, Roku XDS, and many other devices!

If you are new to IPVanish try today and see how easy it is to control your IP address! Register now for as low as $ 6.49 / month.

IPVanish VPN Updated Android App

7:50 PM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN Updated Android App -

The IPVanish development team has worked hard to continue to improve their subscriber experience VPN and just released their new version of Android App VPN IPVanish in the store game.

What's new for v1.0.13?

  • full support KitKat
  • Updated Version OpenVPN
  • problem solved late in account validation

IPVanish subscribers Android App currently have installed will be prompted to update v1.0.13 during client launch.

Stay tuned as IPVanish development, operations and support work tirelessly to continue to develop and improve the fastest, safest and best price premium VPN service today for subscribers worldwide

IPVanish adds a new server Slovenia

6:49 PM Add Comment
IPVanish adds a new server Slovenia -

Following closely behind recent updates to extend the VPN server as IPVanish IPVanish Server continues its expansion in Asia IPVanish now offers over 0 Worldwide Anonymous servers, we still have another server to announce

the newest addition to offering IPVanish of 14,000+ IPs on 0+ servers in 55 countries is:

  • Ljubljana, Slovenia

for as low as $ 6.49 / month IPVanish gives you control of your IP address, which in its turn protects your online identity and data Internet bypasses the restrictions of censorship, and more. Join today safe from cybercrime!

New OpenSSL Flaw has no impact IPVanish

5:48 PM Add Comment
New OpenSSL Flaw has no impact IPVanish -

First IPVanish your service is not affected by the new security flaw found in OpenSSL. Neither made versions of OpenSSL server software are in use at IPVanish and therefore your IPVanish VPN traffic remains secure

Q:.? Is my secure IPVanish traffic

A: Yes

Q :. What is the security issue

A: Unlike heartbleed this vulnerability is only exploitable when the client of the user and the server software are both vulnerable. As a precaution, you should update your local OpenVPN software

Q:.? Do I need to update my IPVanish customer

A: No, IPVanish software shall not in any way

Q :. Do I need to update other applications such as Tunnelblick and OpenVPN

A: Although we do not control the party VPN applications, we recommend go to their latest versions.

Best VPN Service Magazine Reviews IPVanish

4:47 PM Add Comment
Best VPN Service Magazine Reviews IPVanish -

Magazine Best VPN service is an excellent resource for those who want to protect their identity and data online, surf anonymously and access blocked content from almost anywhere in the world using a VPN. They provide comprehensive reviews of VPN services to help their readers to make an informed decision when choosing the best provider to meet their needs.

Recently, Best VPN Service Magazine conducted a review on IPVanish including a speed test and the results were amazing. IPVanish received a score of 94% and in summary is considered very fast, reliable and secure. But you do not have to take our word for it, you can read the full review at IPVanish Review.


New Addition anonymous server in Belarus

3:46 PM Add Comment
New Addition anonymous server in Belarus -

IPVanish continues its rapid expansion VPN today with a new VPN server deployment in Minsk, Belarus. Belarus is bordered by Russia to the northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest and Minsk is the capital.


This server further network brings IPVanish footprint 135+ servers in 59 countries and 72 cities, with more expansions underway.

IPVanish allows you to surf anonymously and access blocked content from all corners of the globe. Try us today for as low as $ 6.49 / month to start protecting your presence and online data and to have the freedom to watch what you want, when you want!

8 Essential Apps for Back to School

2:45 PM Add Comment
8 Essential Apps for Back to School -

CNET came with a list of applications essential to help the study, homework, classwork and stay contact with the outside world of the school. Just remember to use them.

SimpleMind Free (Android, iOS)

When you try to write a paper, but I can not get your thoughts organized, try a mind map. You can add ideas and then rearrange wiring board by changing the assignment.

EasyBib (Android, iOS)

If you want to jump to try to understand what information to include in your quotes, this application do the work for you. Just scan the bar code on the back of your book and bam! The quote is saved in a list with other books you've scanned.

SuperCard Flashcards (Android) or Flashcards + (iOS)

Don 't spend an hour or more written on flash cards, just so that you can lose one with the answer to question No. 1 on your exam! Instead, use one of these applications, which will allow you to add information on both sides of a virtual card, you ask, and mark the cards of issues you need to consider more frequently.

Google Drive (Android, iOS) and Dropbox (Android, iOS)

Not every mission is the method of studying note card. Both cloud storage applications offer a great place to keep your notes longer so you can study on the go. If you do not enter your notes, you can "scan" them with a photo.

Google Now (Google Search) (Android, iOS)

This application will provide reminders, travel time, the package tracking reports, schedules movies, news, stocks, sports, and voice search. - Perfect for the busy student

RealCalc Scientific Calculator (Android) or PCalc (iOS)

you have forgotten your calculator in the dormitory or even at home, and now you need in the classroom? Provided that your teacher does not bother me that you have a phone or tablet in your workspace (might want to ask first), these applications are great alternatives.

Duolingo (Android, iOS)

you want some extra practice your foreign language course? Duolingo transforms language learning in a game that encourages you to progress successfully, a health bar, and reminders to play.

myHomework Student Planner (Android) or iStudiez (iOS)

instead of trying to squeeze class schedules, assignments, project deadlines, study groups, and notes in your calendar, try using a planning application designed for students. Both options are great, and offer all the organization you need to get through the year.

IPVanish Rated as VPN service Unbeatable

1:44 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Rated as VPN service Unbeatable -

VPNRanks.com provides comprehensive reviews of VPN services to help its readers to make an informed decision about how best VPN provider for their needs. This site also provides the latest news and current events in the world of technology and tricks of the trade so that you can achieve true freedom of the Internet.

VPNRanks.com recently completed a review on IPVanish VPN and ranked as # 1 IPVanish VPN marketing service provider based on the following:

  • plans and prices
  • servers
  • Protocols and Encryption
  • Compatibility
  • Customer Support
  • payment methods
  • Software & Tutorials
  • Log & Privacy Policy
  • Free trial
  • speed test

After analyzing the characteristics of IPVanish and how they compare to other suppliers, VPNRanks.com concluded, "with its attractive features and pricing plans of the competitive market, IPVanish is a VPN that you should add to your bucket alternatives. VPN Ranks strongly recommends trial "


Read the full review and see the results of speed tests to VPNRanks.com - .. IPVanish Review

Another big US retailer Hacked

12:43 PM Add Comment
Another big US retailer Hacked -

According to Krebs on Security:

New data collected from the underground cybercrime suggests that credit card and apparent violation rate in Home Depot involves almost all the company's stores across the nation.

evidence that a large US retailer had been hacked and was leaking card data surfaced Tuesday on the magazine Cybercrime Rescator [dot] DC , the shop which is mainly responsible for the sale of stolen cards in the Target Sally Beauty PF Chang and Harbor Freight credit card violations.

As for the cards offered for sale in the wake of these violations, RESCATOR lists for each store card according to the city shop code, state and ZIP from which each card was stolen. See this story for examples of this process in the case of Sally Beauty, and this room who has the same analysis on the data card stolen from the breach of the target.

What does this mean for you?

In American credit card users have zero fraud liability, which means that if your card is compromised and the fraud occurs, these charges will be reversed. However, it is of course a major drawback and all the fraudulent charges will be detected by the issuer of the card, so it is your duty to report.

What can you do about it?

  1. constantly monitor your account for unauthorized charges and report them to your credit card company immediately.
  2. Use IPVanish!
  3. Log in to a secure server and IPVanish anonymous IP address that will encrypt your data, keeping safe from hackers and cyber criminals BEFORE making purchases online by credit card .

Try IPVanish today with 10% savings on your first billing cycle, and learn about how our global IP VPN network of 14,000+ on more than 135 servers in 60 country, protects your data online, identity and many more.

learn more about the postal code data and how it allows theives create counterfeit copies of credit cards / consumption rate, then use them to buy expensive goods here.

IPVanish Protected From Shellshock Bug vulnerability

11:42 AM Add Comment
IPVanish Protected From Shellshock Bug vulnerability -

IPV_Shellshock_Post 2

A super computer bug called 'Shellshock' also known as name Bashdoor recently surfaced on the internet. According to the guidelines issued by the team preparing for emergencies US Computer, IPVanish updated all critical components in the service of our users keep 100% safe and secure.

Shellshock affects Linux operating systems and Mac, allowing hackers to steal your personal information and take control of your computer to the Internet enabled. IPVanish supports the operating systems, which prevents users from being hacked while using Wi-Fi, and help keep the presence information private line. Those who currently use IPVanish are encouraged to sign and take advantage of benefits such as unblocking websites, bypassing the geographical restrictions and stay anonymous online.

Updates IPVanish iOS8 App

10:41 PM Add Comment
Updates IPVanish iOS8 App -

Here at IPVanish we are continually looking for ways to improve the user experience. We are delighted to announce that we have updated our iOS app IPVanish 8 in the Apple App Store. The update is available for immediate download and offers four new features as well as overall performance improvements. IPVanish VPN iOS App subscribers will be invited to update the latest versions at the launch customer

New features :.

  • Selection Improved city
  • Added support for IPSec
  • Added warning for the first installation profile to alert the user to the fact that the profile is "Unsigned" and that this is normal.
  • An alert informing the user that their DNS may return incorrect results. This occurs if a timeout API calls, such as login, and only if the resolved IP foraccount.ipvanish.com is not what we expect

Fixes include:

  • Duplicate installation configuration profile attempts causing application settings Apple crash (This is one that is commonly reported as VPN IPVanish crashes when you try to install the profile )
  • Ensure that the additional revenue for a user are not called to that user. Covers a corner cases where users can, for whatever reason, have multiple accounts. Kevin already fixed it on the backend, but it is the long term solution.

6 Money Saving Tips holiday shopping

9:40 PM Add Comment
6 Money Saving Tips holiday shopping -

IPVanish Shopping Smart Series

Shopping during the holidays can be expensive, and many time. In the second part of IPVanish Smart Shopping Series, we provide you with tips to save money and stay sane when shopping navigation online and offline madness holidays.

1. Make a list. Note everyone you plan to buy a gift for, regardless of the size of the gift can be. Include ideas of what to give each person, and the maximum amount you are willing to spend. This will help you create and manage a holiday shopping budget.

2. Online Research Products. If you are not sure which specific item to buy (for example, you want to buy your husband a digital camera, but do not know what brand or model is best), seeking good reputation via online review sites like Amazon and CNET.

3. During Black Friday Shop. Get an edge over other buyers by checking a site like Black Friday before the big day. The site compiles Black Friday ads to various stores and updates information as it becomes available, allowing you to plan which shops to hit and what products you intend to buy.

4. Get free holiday shipping. last minute shoppers, here's a gift for you. On December 18, hundreds of online merchants will offer free shipping with delivery on Christmas Eve. Visit the Free Shipping Day for a list of sites and retailers that participate in Free Shipping Day activities this year.

5. Do it yourself. If you are inclined creative, avoid mall madness altogether and bake a batch of cookies, sewing custom tote bags, or make beautiful earrings for friends and family. If you need to learn a new skill, look into the classes in your area or invest in a

Source how to make a reservation or visit the YouTube -It tutorials for just about all boats there . Real Simple

IPVanish launches 3 new servers

8:39 PM Add Comment
IPVanish launches 3 new servers -
VPN Server Update!

IPVanish continues to work tirelessly to provide the most rewarding VPN only a tier-1 VPN service experience can provide. That is why we are pleased to announce the latest server additions to our global VPN:

• Johannesburg, South Africa (2 servers)
• Manila, Philippines (2 servers)
• Larnaca, Cyprus

These servers will allow users to enjoy the highest levels of encryption and the fastest speed of delivery in the VPN industry. With more than 140 servers in 60+ countries, our VPN service continues to expand its already massive network worldwide. Users can experience the freedom of the Internet around the world using their favorite devices, such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

WebRTC Security Hole Leaks real IP addresses

7:38 PM Add Comment
WebRTC Security Hole Leaks real IP addresses -
WebRTC Security Hole Leaks Real IP Addresses

[Updated 8/24/2015]

Virtual Private Network (VPN ) and proxy users could face serious security problems if they do not take appropriate measures to protect their accounts. The threat allows websites to see the local IP addresses at home, but is a solution for IPVanish users. The massive failure comes through WebRTC ( Web RTC Web Real-Time Communication ) and browsers that support this communication protocol.

What Web RTC?

If you're not familiar with WebRTC, it is ultimately the technology that simplifies the integration of real-time communications in a web browser. WebRTC is an open source protocol that supports browser applications to browser for voice calls, video chat and file sharing. It is a widely supported plugin and used among the most popular Internet browsers, including Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

How leaks IP addresses?

In this WebRTC security hole, a website can use a simple script to access the IP address information from STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) servers. These STUN servers are regularly used by VPN servers are used to translate a local address IP address of a new public IP address and vice versa thanks to a protocol called NAT (Network Address Translation). To do this, the STUN server maintains a table of your basic public IP-VPN and your local ( "true") during a connectivity. Local addresses and public IP of the user can be derived from these applications with JavaScript. Wireless routers in the home replicate a similar function in the translation of private IP addresses to the people and back.
A researcher from San Francisco, Daniel Roesler, posted a demonstration to better illustrate how the RTC web vulnerability works. The STUN server sends a ping back that contains the IP address and client port. Demo Roesler initially claimed that browser plug-ins can not block the vulnerability, but in reality, there are several easy solutions available to fix the security hole and mitigate this defect.

Who is affected and how can the security hole fixed?

Although existing reports are only Windows operating systems are affected, this is a browser issue. Both Windows and Macintosh users are also at risk. By default, Internet Explorer and Safari browsers are not affected by the fault WebRTC. Users of Firefox and Chrome on the other hand have a problem to solve.

Mozilla Firefox users can download NoScript Firefox Add-Ons or by typing about: config in the address bar and setting media.peerconnection.enabled "to" False.
Chrome Unfortunately, users are assigned to a point where there is not a complete protection. While the extension called WebRTC limiter Network was released during the summer of 2015 as a solution to this issue, there are some reports that there are still leaks in specific cases.

Alternately, those who use the affected browsers can set up a wireless home router to connect to their VPN service directly. This removes the likelihood of a software-based (in this case, a browser based) failure to show any information about the user.

Day Giveaway Rules IPVanish St. Patrick

6:37 PM Add Comment
Day Giveaway Rules IPVanish St. Patrick -
Enter to Win One Year of IPVanish!


1. Promotion Description: The 'Giveaway' starts on 03.17.2015 at 16:15 (Eastern Time (US & Canada)) and ends on 18/03/2015 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time (US & Canada)) (the "Promotion period"). By entering the Contest, each entrant unconditionally accepts and agrees to abide and comply with these Official Rules and the decisions of IPVanish ( "Sponsor"), which shall be final and binding in all respects. The sponsor is responsible for the collection, submission or processing of entries and the general administration of the donation. Participants must look solely to Sponsor with questions, comments or problems related to the Giveaway.

2. Eligibility: Open to legal residents of all countries that have 18 or more years. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Sponsor and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, retailers, sales representatives, advertising and promotion, and each of their respective officers, directors and employees (collectively, the "Promotion Entities"), and members their immediate families and / or persons living in the same household as such persons, are ineligible to enter the Giveaway or win a prize.

3. Winner Selection: The Contest winner will be selected by random draw from all eligible entries received valid throughout the promotion period. The draw will be made within 10 days by the Sponsor or its designated representatives, whose decisions are final. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Winner will be notified by the response to the comments provided in the input information or approximately 30 days after the draw. The potential winner must accept the prize as directed by Sponsor within 48 hours of notification. Any notification of winner does not respond or returned to the sender may result in forfeiture prices. Potential winner may be required to sign and return an affidavit of eligibility and liability release and a publicity release (collectively, "Prize Claim Documents"). No substitution or transfer of a prize is permitted except by Sponsor

4. Price.

  • Three (3) winners will receive one year of IPVanish Service (approximate retail value or "ARV": $ 77.99 each)

One prize per person per household will be awarded. Gift cards and gift certificates are subject to terms and conditions of the issuer. Prizes can not be transferred, exchanged against the money or substituted by the winner. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to award a substitute prize of equal or greater value if a prize described in these Official Rules is available or can not be awarded, in whole or in part, for any reason. The ARV of the prize represents a good faith determination of the sponsor. This determination is final and binding and final. If the actual value proves to be lower than the stated ARV, the difference will not be awarded in cash. Sponsor makes no representation or warranty as to the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions and limitations of use. Sponsor will not replace any items lost or stolen prizes.

The prize will be awarded and / or delivered to addresses in all countries. All federal, state and / or local taxes, fees and surcharges are the sole responsibility of the prize winner. Failure of the Official Rules will result in forfeiture of the prize.

5. Enter online :. Enter the Giveaway in the online promotion period leaving a blog comment, a comment on a Facebook post or Twitter meet the condition as stated in the post Giveaway

Automated or robotic entries submitted by individuals or organizations will be disqualified. the entry of the Internet must be made by the participant. Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple addresses / e-mail, identities, registrations, connections or other methods, including, but not limited to, a Commercial contest / gift subscription notification and / or entering services, will cancel the registration of the participant and the participant may be disqualified. Final eligibility for the awarding of the prize is subject to verification of eligibility as noted below. All entries must be posted at the end of the promotion period in order to participate. database of Sponsor clock will be the official timekeeper for this Contest.

6. Confidentiality: All participants agree that if they are chosen as the winner, some of their personal identifying information may be disclosed to third parties at least as required by law, including, not limited to, the list of winners. All personal information submitted in the Contest can be shared by and between the Promotion Entities, and each of the Promotion Entities will use this information in accordance with their policy of independent online privacy. IPVanish the policy of privacy can be found at https://www.ipvanish.com/privacy-policy.php

7. Limitation of Liability: The Sponsor is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information whether caused by website users or by any equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Giveaway or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of submissions in the Giveaway. The Sponsor is not responsible for any misdirected or lost mail or any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of entries. Sponsor is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, e-mail or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on Internet or at any website or combination thereof, including injury or damage to entrant or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation in download Giveaway materials. If for any reason the Giveaway is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus bugs, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of Sponsor which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the contest, then Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the contest. In such event, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, conduct the draw from all eligible entries received before or after cancellation, suspension or modification.

In the case of a dispute that has registered online to participate in the contest, the registration will be declared made by the authorized account holder is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an address email by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization (eg business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the address of email subject. A potential winner may be requested to provide Sponsor with proof that the potential winner is the holder of the email address of authorized account. If a dispute can not be resolved to Sponsor's satisfaction, the entry will be deemed ineligible.

8. Winners List: For a copy of any legally required list of winners or a copy of the Official Rules, send the relevant application and a self-address, stamped envelope # 10 in IPVanish cc: Day Giveaway IPVanish St. Patrick W. Fairbanks Ave. 127 # 217 Winter Park Florida 32789. The request must be received no later than 10 days + 6 MONTHS for the winner and, at the end of the promotion, for a copy of the rules.

9. Sponsor: The Giveaway is sponsored by IPVanish, 127 W. Fairbanks Ave. # 217 Winter Park Florida 32789, support@ipvanish.com

10. Facebook Disclaimer: Participants must understand that they are providing their information to Sponsor and not to Facebook. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.

11. Additional Rules
a. To qualify, you must complete the entry IPVanish Giveaway by leaving a comment on the blog post Facebook or Twitter status to receive the valid entries for a chance to win.
b. All winners will be selected by lot from the Giveaway entry form.
c. Winners will contactedvia respond to comments submitted with your completed Giveaway entries.
d. Entered the Giveaway IPVanish submitted during the Promotion Period will be accepted; any input before or after this period will not be considered.
e. We reserve the right to change the rules of the Giveaway at any time.

f. When you submit valid entries completed in the Giveaway IPVanish, you agree to all terms and conditions found by clicking the link at the bottom of the registration form and the rules set out in this section.
g. We will notify the winners within 30 days of the end of the promotion.
h. By entering the Giveaway, you give us the right to use your first name and country of origin in one of our marketing materials, email campaigns or social messaging on our blog, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter on Giveaway .
I. All the rules described in this section, as well as the terms and conditions are subject to change at our discretion at any time.

IPVanish adds 5 new VPN servers in Oceania

5:36 PM Add Comment
IPVanish adds 5 new VPN servers in Oceania -
VPN Server Update!

[Updated May 20th, 2015]

IPVanish continues to grow as the fastest VPN service provider in the world with the only true tier-1 network in the world; and we are delighted to announce the addition of our first two VPN servers in Auckland, New Zealand , a server in Sydney, Australia and two new servers Melbourne, Australia !

These new servers will enable our clients to connect anonymously to the Internet from an Australian address or New Zealand IP with high levels of encryption with the fastest speeds in the VPN industry. Users can experience freedom online from all over the world using virtually any Internet-enabled device. See also: Setup VPN software

With the addition of new servers Auckland and Melbourne, we now have over 180 servers in 60+ countries. You can expect IPVanish to continue developing and improving our network to provide the ultimate VPN experience for customers worldwide.

Not a IPVanish subscriber?

Register now with the promo code BLOG15 'and save 25% -off your first billing cycle!

VPN Summer Savings | Christmas in August

4:35 PM Add Comment
VPN Summer Savings | Christmas in August -
ake 25% off ANY IPVanish plan from now until August 31!

We celebrate Christmas in August by offering a 25% discount on all VPN Plans! *

From now until August 31, all new subscribers will have access to IPVanish VPN fastest network in the world for as little as $ 4.87 / month! Be sure to enjoy this summer provides security by using the promo code 25SUMMER at checkout.
1 VPN month plan
[1945006750] $ / mo
three months VPN Plan
$ 6.75 / mo
1-Year VPN Plan
[1945006487] $ / mo
* This offer is valid for the first billing cycle of all IPVanish plans.

What are the benefits of IPVanish VPN use?

  • Direct access to the fastest VPN worldwide
  • 100% online identity and data protection
  • Unmetered VPN Bandwidth
  • Unlimited switching server
  • free, easy to use, software and mobile applications
  • zero Logs
  • 24 / Support 7 customer

with 225+ servers in 60+ countries around the world and more than 25,000 anonymous IPs to choose from, IPVanish subscribers can surf the Web safely and get access to web content from anywhere in the world !

Want to hear more about IPVanish contests, exclusive offers and promotions? Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Keep your friends close and your VPN Closer

3:34 PM Add Comment
Keep your friends close and your VPN Closer -

IPV_WhichVPN_blog THIS ONE VPN, or virtual private networks, are a great way to maximize the safety and privacy while surfing the web, and choosing the right one is a must to get the most for your money. If you do not know already, the location of the VPN server you choose is quite striking. We will explain how the distance between you and your VPN of choice is an important factor for many different reasons

If you think about it, it is easier for information to travel a shorter distance. the greater the distance between information and its destination faster than the information will be delivered. With every web page you visit, asking the information be sent to your computer from the server of this web page - thus the two physical locations are close to each other, the more information is received. While the distance between you and a VPN is the most important factor affecting the speed, there are other aspects that impact as well.

Since using a VPN adds an extra layer of security to information being sent and received, the process is a little slower in spite of your proximity to the server location. Instead of the information has been sent from one place to another, it moves through a safe and secure tunnel to its destination. Just like the way it's faster to send and receive information of the nearest server you, the same goes for VPN servers that are closest to you. If you have a fast Internet connection or not, using a VPN server that is halfway around the world could significantly slow down the login process; your information will be sent all the way to the VPN server, and through it to its destination.

Although online users daily may not notice a big difference in their connection speeds, the same can not be said of avid file sharers. file sharers, such as business people and others that include file sharing in their daily tasks, take the weight when it comes to using remote VPN servers. What should take a few minutes to ask from the server can take hours, thereby affecting their file sharing process.

In short, it is always best to find the VPN server that is closest to you, always able to meet your needs and able to keep your information private and as secure as possible. If you are looking for only the benefits of a VPN encryption has to offer, then it should be easy to find a server that is close to you to use so that your connection speeds are optimized. However, if you try to bypass blocks geolocation and Internet restrictions, then it may be a little harder to find enough server near you that allows you to bypass the blocks and continue without connection speed loss. While considering what your own personal needs are when it comes to browsing online, it is important to keep in mind these factors when choosing the right VPN server.

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Toronto VPN servers Scheduled Maintenance

2:33 PM Add Comment
Toronto VPN servers Scheduled Maintenance -
VPN Server Update!

Many of our VPN servers based in Toronto are scheduled for maintenance this weekend, Sunday, October 18. These servers will be maintained to optimize capacity loads and optimize the connection speed. The maintenance window will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST and will affect tor-tor-c01 and c02. If you are experiencing outages at this place during this window, please sign in to one of our alternative Canadian servers.

IPVanish always working to expand our global reach to give our customers the best options, the fastest speeds and most secure connections as possible. Notre-1 VPN network offers 25,000 level anonymous IP addresses on 225+ servers in over 60 countries.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to improve IPVanish!

Expansion IPVanish Network - 350+ VPN servers + 40.000 Anonymous IPs

1:32 PM Add Comment
Expansion IPVanish Network - 350+ VPN servers + 40.000 Anonymous IPs -
IPVanish Network Expansion

As you already know, because of our ad servers before 10 VPN Added San Jose and Dallas, October was a busy month for IPVanish, and we do not stop there. Our expansion Tier-1 network comprises adding 28 total secure servers and an increase in our pool of IP addresses of anonymous 25000-40000! These additions server and IP addresses IPVanish give more options than ever to connect to the Internet users with secure VPN connections from all over the world

The new location marks are for IPVanish the following:.

  • Prague, Czech Republic (3 servers)
  • Lisbon, Portugal (2)
  • Liverpool, United Kingdom (1)

Furthermore the new locations, IPVanish also added multiple VPN servers already established places:

  • London, United Kingdom (2 servers)
  • Singapore (5)
  • Dallas, TX ( 5)
  • San Jose, CA (5)
  • Atlanta, GA (5)

The VPN IPVanish has upgraded to 40,000+ IPs on 350+ servers in 60+ countries! IPVanish subscribers complete anonymity online, and access to web content worldwide. In addition to getting direct access to the VPN the fastest in the world, users also benefit from having all the traffic comes with the highest levels of encryption available.

If there is not a server in a location you need, please send a request via the Expansion Server IPVanish page. Visit at any time to enter your favorite server area!

Do not have an account? Join today for as little as $ 6.49 per month!

IPVanish Named Best VPN provider by VPNProviders.com

12:31 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Named Best VPN provider by VPNProviders.com -

Like many VPN users know, VPNProviders.com aims to help readers protect their online privacy and unlock geographical restrictions. Starting with the basics, VPN providers explained how a VPN and benefits of the use of one before help a reader determine which provider best meet their needs.

Similarly, we at IPVanish believe in protecting the freedom inherent to the online freedom and a secure Internet without restriction. So when we were informed that VPNProviders.com, one of the most reliable authors of VPN service providers IPVanish named the best provider VPN 2015 naturally we were on the moon.

As explained VPNProviders.com they saw our IPVanish VPN service as a particular stand out because it is the only commercial VPN Top Tier in the world, but their honor came from two distinct criteria :. the protection of the network infrastructure and user privacy

They found our network to be quite impressive, with more than 350 VPN servers in 60+ countries worldwide. The speed tests have resulted in a fast connection, always reliable which was incomparable. It was in their explanation of a Top Tier VPN network for readers where they really allowed our offers to shine. "The management of their own network gives them control over the hardware and connections that members rely on to protect their privacy and geo unlock restrictions." This fact alone gives IPVanish an advantage over other services in terms of privacy, performance, and price.

for the second criterion, VPN providers referenced our bold privacy policy in order to emphasize our unprecedented zero logs policy. "IPVanish does not collect or log all trafficking or use of a virtual private network service. " this policy works with our internal and network management operations, ensuring that our users' information is not transmitted to a third party.

us IPVanish thanks VPN providers to confer this honor on us. by appointing IPVanish best VPN provider 2015 VPN providers has breathed new life to our cause. We will continue our commitment to protecting the online privacy of citizens of the world and thus, work to an Internet without restriction for all.