24% of Facebook Mobile App Usage Attributed to Youtube

9:40 PM Add Comment
24% of Facebook Mobile App Usage Attributed to Youtube -

recently reported that YouTube views from mobile devices now account for a quarter the total consumption of the video service. Robert Kyncl said YouTube mobile views were up 6 percent in total to 25 percent over the past 18 months.

Bytemobile has seen this trend, and in our latest analysis report analyzed the relationship between the two main mobile applications, Facebook and Youtube. The analysis revealed that the vast majority of the volume of data generated by the Facebook application to access other sites via Youtube is at 24%. To find the top 10 websites that traffic to Facebook, download the full report here

-. Anna Yong

Sharefile StorageZones

8:39 PM Add Comment
Sharefile StorageZones -

We announced the general availability of Sharefile StorageZones Synergy last few weeks, but if you want to know more, we have a great video passage we put together



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the importance of business processes, Part 1: Release Management

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Citrix Secure Browser: use quaisquer aplicações em seu navegador favorito

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Four steps to "applications and desktops as a service" using Citrix XenApp 6.5

7:38 PM Add Comment
Four steps to "applications and desktops as a service" using Citrix XenApp 6.5 -

Citrix was in the "Apps and desktop as a service" business for over 20 years and in this blog I want to share my personal and general guidelines for the deployment "Apps and desktop as a service" using Citrix XenApp 6.5:


Step 1 - Install and configure Citrix License server

Step 2 - Install and configure Citrix XenApp

Step 3 - Install and configure Citrix Web Interface

Step 4 - Install Citrix Receiver on an endpoint device and test the connectivity for Citrix Web Site URL interface


Step 1 - Install and configure Citrix License server

  1. Citrix Installation License server
  2. Citrix server License Setup

Step 2 - Install and configure Citrix XenApp

  1. Prepare your Citrix environment XenApp
  2. Install Citrix XenApp
  3. Citrix XenApp
  4. configure Citrix XenApp farm
  5. Post a resource on the Citrix XenApp server

Step 3 - Install and configure Citrix Web Interface

  1. How does Citrix Web Interface
  2. Install Citrix Web Interface
  3. Select a type Site Citrix Web Interface to configure
  4. Create site Citrix Web Interface
  5. configure Citrix Web Interface settings

Step 4 - Install Citrix Receiver on a endpoint device and test connectivity to Citrix Web Interface URL

  1. Enter Citrix Web Interface site URL in the browser to end-device point
  2. Download and install the client software needed when prompted
  3. Authenticate website Citrix Web Interface
  4. Launching published application displayed

Five Steps for Deploying Citrix Provisioning Services 6.1

6:37 PM Add Comment
Five Steps for Deploying Citrix Provisioning Services 6.1 -

The Citrix technology "Provisioning Services" provides administrators the ability to change the subject of a PC / virtual or physical server the seconds it takes the virtual or physical hardware to boot. More "Provisioning Services" reduced operations and maintenance costs using management of a single picture business. In this blog I share the general guidelines I follow to deploy Provisioning Services 6.1:


Step 1 - Review Provisioning Services 6.1 "Product Overview"

Step 2 - Review system requirements - very Important

Step 3 - Install and configure licenses (note: if you already have a XenDesktop 5.6 and XenApp 6.5 license server so the same license server can be used for Provisioning services 6.1)

Step 4 - Installing and configuring Provisioning services 6.1

Step 5 - Target Device 'configure Provisioning services


Step 1 - critical Provisioning services 6.1 "product Overview"

Step 2 - review system requirements

Step 3 - Install and configure licenses (note: if you already have a XenDesktop 5.6 and XenApp 6.5 license server so the same license server can be used for Provisioning services 6.1)

  1. licensing Overview
  2. Install Citrix License server
  3. license server configure Citrix

Step 4 - Install and configure Provisioning services 6.1

  1. Install Provisioning services 6.1
  2. Configuring Provisioning services 6.1

Step 5 - the target device Configure Provisioning services

  1. Prepare the target device for imaging
  2. captures the image of the target device
  3. Set the vDisk deployment
  4. Provisioning services 6.1 test by starting the network target device.

Developer Day CloudStack で 使用 し た 資料

5:36 PM Add Comment
Developer Day CloudStack で 使用 し た 資料 -

2012 年 11 月 10 日 に 開 催 し た CloduStack Developer Day を 開 催 し ま し た.

土 曜 日 に も か か わ ら ず, 多 く の 方 に 参加 い た だ き, あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た.

当日 Alex Huang が 使 っ た ス ラ イ ド と 動画 を 共有 し ま す.

[Event page] (Japanese)
CloudStack Developer Day

[Youtube] (English except for the Talk lighting)
[2012-11-10] The introduction and Archtecutre Apache CloudStack
[2012-11-10] The Archtecture Network Apache CloudStack
[2012-11-10] Tell lightning CloudStack developer Day
[2012-11-10] Virtual Router Apache CloudStack
[2012-11-10] scalability Apache CloudStack
[2012-11-10] Roadmap Apache CloudStack
[2012-11-10] Apache Apache CloudStack process
[2012-11-10] Reading source code Apache CloudStack

[Slideshare] (in English)
1 introduction to CloudStack developer day
2 architectural day CloudStack developer
3.5 developer day NRS CloudStack
3 Networking CloudStack developer day
4 Virtual day router CloudStack developer
day 5 scalability CloudStack developer
day 6 Roadmap CloudStack Developer
7 Apache day Process CloudStack Developer
day 8 reading the source code CloudStack Developer
9 plug-in CloudStack Developer day


Kimihiko Kitase

marketing Solution
Citrix Systems Japan KK
twitter: @kktiase
Facebook: XenServer Fan page
Facebook: CloudStack Fan page

NetScaler 10 - Firewall Application Click the rule, scanning and application, Burger and fries - all made to work well together

4:35 PM Add Comment
NetScaler 10 - Firewall Application Click the rule, scanning and application, Burger and fries - all made to work well together -

There are a lot of NetScaler 10 features in Firewall and just NetScaler Application! (AppFW) only have very nifty features that really needs to have its own spotlight to shine, especially with all enthusiasm about TriScale -which is something everyone talks about all areas! :-)

Here are some new features: highlights AppFW

• CEF recording medium - CEF recording medium is the ability to connect using Common Event Format newspapers. What is good for interoperability with vendors such as RSA and Arcsight considering that these suppliers support the CEF format of

• Click the rule -. Using CEF newspapers from the GUI, click the log and decide whether to deploy as a rule by just right-click to make a selection. so much easier to do relaxation of rules or when not to learning

• High Availability (HA) for the transparency of data from -. Data from HA spreads to the secondary device for transparent failover. It's cool to customers for transparent failover of Learned data

• Scan and Apply -. With Qualys partnership, a very exciting capacity now available that allows the release of the Application Qualys vulnerability tool to beconverted NetScaler rules. Faster and easier deployment to secure selectively applications. A blog dedicated to this subject will be made soon

• Security without session -. While a blog on what was done last year for consistency field. But which is added in NetScaler 10 is also without the security session for closing the URL. This is extremely useful when the client has the need to intensify his / her deployment but does not have enough memory

label media • Politics -. Allows multiple policies to be invoked at a time. This saves customers time really when many politicians invoke

• Supports POST requests CHUNKED -. Some applications such as iPhone applications requires the server to return large amounts of data, hence the need for chunking. With NetScaler 10, now there is an option for those chunk POST requests containing large amounts of data. For more information on Chunk, here is a link to wiki

• Profile Import / Export -. The ability to export the profile of a NetScaler to create the same configuration on other boxes NetScaler is a blessing for customers who have multiple boxes and / or have staging environments who just want to take the profiles transparent Production

• signatures -. secondary controls Response - This feature provides the flexibility to add other rules in signatures vs traditional controls. Adding credit cards, comments stripping and safe object in signatures.

Please go through docs to citrix.com Download page for details on each of the above features and many more other improvements and features that are available in NetScaler 10. We are not to name a burger and fries functionality, but the metaphor is the same in terms of ensuring existing functionality and new features are adaptable to really work well together for the best customer solutions!

By adopting a modular approach to XenDesktop design

3:34 PM Add Comment
By adopting a modular approach to XenDesktop design -

As you build your desktop transformation project, you must consider the size you want to scale your XenDesktop site , and when the risk into the equation. If you read the blog of Daniel Feller on extending XenDesktop sites, you will know what I mean. XenDesktop can grow very large single-site infrastructure, but at some point, you will hit that point of view the risk of tipping, and will need to look at building your architecture into smaller modules that are easy to digest to avoid risk of a site failure affecting the entire user base.

Enter the XenDesktop Modular Reference Architecture. The modular architecture breaks the various components required to deliver virtual desktops in three basic layers; access layer, the desktop layer and the control layer. Each layer is then divided into modules and components that can be scaled as needed to meet the growth in the environment, and allows multiple hosted VDI or hosted shared desktop pods site to minimize the risk of a single site failure XenDesktop.

As its name suggests, the access layer contains components that provide user access to the environment; NetScaler appliances and Web Interface servers. The NetScaler does double because it provides a secure through integrated Access Gateway access and also provides intelligent load balancing for the Web interface, controller XenDesktop and XenApp infrastructure controller.

The desktop layer provides the resources to accommodate the hypervisor and provide virtual desktops using VDI and hosted shared FlexCast hosted models. Each pod in the office layer corresponds to a XenDesktop or XenApp farm website. As the configuration grows in size, the additional sites pods can be added to the configuration to increase the number of virtual desktops delivered while allowing a lower risk and a redundancy element.

The control layer is home to the various controllers and infrastructure necessary for the management and delivery of virtual desktops. It is divided into two general areas; per workstation of the nacelle control elements and data centers inter-control elements. The per-desktop pod elements are unique to a pod of office and provide the specific control elements necessary to make it work; XenDesktop and XenApp controllers, and Provisioning Servers as needed. The data centers of inter-operating elements serve the whole architecture XenDesktop.

Want to know more? Download the XenDesktop Modular Reference Architecture from the Citrix Knowledge Center or find it in the XenDesktop Design Handbook. . The document breaks down the layers and the specific components and provides design guidance, and a sample configuration. And do not forget to visit us at Citrix Synergy. You will be able to get deeper into the series of processing office into five parts:

Part1: Getting started with the transformation of your office
Part 2: Design successful transformation your office
Part 3: the user experience design tips for transforming your office
Part 4: Go live with the transformation of your office
Part 5: Keep your desktop transformation works well

Rich Meesters - Architect
Worldwide Consulting Solutions
Twitter: @richski

Matrix42 Webinar

2:33 PM Add Comment
Matrix42 Webinar -

Matrix42 Webinar If you attended the webinar Matrix42, you learned Matrix42 and Citrix can provide both flexibility and mobility for end users while providing along with full iT control and management oversight for all user settings -. virtual, physical and mobile

Matrix42 was established in 1992, has 350 employees and has been a Citrix partner since 2010.

Where they integrate

corresponds to Matrix42 'XenDesktop architecture helping to unify virtualization infrastructure, simplify the overall administration and increase IT efficiency.

Why customers buy Matrix42

the most common reason why customers buy Matrix42 is to provide dynamic workplace manageable by combining physical and mobile management with virtualization management .

Where Matrix42 is unique

Where Matrix42 is unique in the market is that they are, in fact, the only configuration management provider to offer full support for device management physical and virtual in the same management solution (same console for both).

to view the webinar now, click here.

Search the Citrix Ready catalog here

Join Citrix Ready program here

Let's talk Turkey ... More breakfast is

1:32 PM Add Comment
Let's talk Turkey ... More breakfast is -

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And this could not be truer than at Citrix Summit in San Francisco. Join us for breakfast on 7-8 May at the Moscone West for the chance to talk frankly with Citrix representatives on the topics we have heard most important to you.

This is your chance to talk with the experts in a casual setting and hear first hand about the issues that shape the roadmap Citrix channel. Be aware of areas such as:

  • Citrix Service Provider - Deliver simplicity of cloud hosted desktops and applications for SMEs, offering customers the services they want in an easy, pay-as-you-go model
  • mobile Workstyles -. proven solutions, including the transformation of the office and bring your own, can maximize interaction and personal productivity in mobile work environment. Be prepared to support your customers more and more pressure from employees to use their smartphones, tablets and other devices flood the workplace
  • CloudStack -. The latest and most advanced software platform to build open source environments very reliable and scalable cloud computing
  • V-Alliance -. the global initiative behind the strategic partnership between Citrix and Microsoft that will provide comprehensive virtualization solutions to partners, allowing them to engage in final opportunities at the end of virtualization in every way with key customers
  • Citrix and Cisco -. Citrix and Cisco are creating opportunities for partners to expand their revenue potential through the sale of offering differentiated integer solutions that combine industry leading technologies, and all related services that are necessary to bring about the solution the market
  • Desktop transformation -. enables companies to transform desktops and applications in a service request as a cloud accessible from any device, anywhere. Develop your conversations with customers about desktop virtualization enterprise-wide, the user performance, and scalability.

Take some food, coffee and a seat, and we'll talk. Join us for breakfast at Moscone West

Monday, May 7 e , 8:00 -9 :. 30 h

Tuesday, May 8 e , 7:00 am to 08: 00

Go there


Sneak Peek: Booth Citrix Synergy 2012

12:31 PM Add Comment
Sneak Peek: Booth Citrix Synergy 2012 -

Citrix booth at Synergy 2012 At Citrix Synergy 2012 Booth, you will have the opportunity to see hands on demonstrations of the latest and greatest Citrix products and talk with experts about any Citrix environment. How all these demos and environments come? The story begins with Citrix products operating at several layers including as XenServer hypervisor to XenDesktop delivers virtual desktops and Citrix Receiver running on multiple endpoints. Services

All back-end acting as a private cloud is hosted on XenServer, providing a virtualization platform of robust and efficient servers for core components. Any form of domain controllers and XD brokers with NetScaler VPX appliances and devices VDI-in-a-Box are all running in pools using the power of thin cloning for optimal storage savings. Many Citrix Booth endpoints you'll see in the demos are leveraging virtual desktops created by Machine Creation Services on XenServer and XenDesktop negotiated.

Citrix Booth demos leverage Citrix Receiver to run their applications and desktops over a wide range of devices, including thin clients, workstations and laptops running XenClient. The growing role of mobile devices is highlighted with receiver operating on iPads, iPhones and Android devices that leverage the Citrix Mobility Pack for an improved user experience. Citrix Receiver StoreFront is used to manage access to these resources from an administrative perspective, empowerment demos to use applications such as Office, the GoTo products, and more. Demos have the ability to run applications both online and offline as they choose their applications from the self-service model of Citrix Receiver.

Some demos exploit Access Gateway for secure remote access to off-site infrastructure to demonstrate their product. Others, such as product range GoTo products connect directly to the Internet from their booth to demonstrate the capabilities of their demonstration.

Dell is the exclusive sponsor for the Citrix Booth this year, providing the material used for the back -end infrastructure and demonstration floor. For the server side computing, Dell R720 servers are used to host XenServer while Dell EqualLogic PS 4100XV devices are used for storage with backup power provided by UPSes 2700W rack mountable. This is handled by a PowerEdge KVM remote access, enabling remote management via server consoles. On the demo track, there is a widescreen Dell and Wyse devices that are used with Citrix products. Latitude E6520 laptops, ultra small form factor OptiPlex 70 desktops, the powerful Precision T7500 workstations and Latitude ST tablet will all be visible on the demo floor. Wyse thin computing with Citrix demonstrate through Z0 devices and Xenith.

Remember to check the Booth Citrix Synergy 2012 in San Francisco and see all major Citrix products work together!

XenServer - We are the champions

10:29 PM Add Comment
XenServer - We are the champions -

Recommendation Info-Tech Research Group: "Look closely at Citrix as an alternative to VMware !. It offers many of the same VMware features, but at a lower price. in addition, if you plan to go into an internal cloud infrastructure, Citrix is ​​a viable option. "

as part of a product team, is always great to be recognized by industry analysts and win prizes for your product. Everyone from engineering to product management becomes excited to know that what they are trying to build is to have an impact on the market. The latest in a series of warm and fuzzies for Cloud Platforms Group at Citrix XenServer is that has been recognized for the second consecutive year by Info-Tech Research Group as the leader in its report Virtualization Vendor Landscape servers.

in its 2012 report, Info-Tech Research Group has recognized Citrix as a "champion" in its virtualization server Vendor Landscape. Info-Tech defines Champions as "offering excellent value", "have a strong market presence" and acting as "trend setters for the industry"

Champion Award : ".. Citrixprovides a comprehensive server virtualization solution that is scalable with a good consolidation ratio He has a strong development roadmap in the cloud infrastructure"

Value Price " . Citrix is ​​also the Value Award winner. in addition to providing a robust solution, it comes at a much lower cost than many of its competitors. "Info-Tech Research Group notes that" Citrix has maintained the highest Info-Tech Value ScoreTM the suppliers group. Vendors were indexed to the performance of Citrix to provide a comprehensive view on its product offerings. "

Knowing the work that goes into building a product like XenServer and competition in this space, it feels good to be called publicly -out for our efforts. Thank you to the more than 100,000 Citrix customers XenServer using today and 100,000 next we promise will have the same technical and economic advantages that our existing customers.

Details and the full report >>

Fabric network coverage with Microsoft SCVMM 2012 and NetScaler

11:30 AM Add Comment
Fabric network coverage with Microsoft SCVMM 2012 and NetScaler -

As companies move from the data center to the private cloud, the key differentiator is automation complete tissue and management service. Microsoft® System Center 2012 cloud and management solutions data center brings together different pieces to facilitate the deployment and management of applications and private and public cloud infrastructure. It offers a flexible and cost effective solution with all the principles and cloud integrated techniques, managing multi-hypervisor environment and ensures a dynamic resource optimization and provides load balancing and high availability solutions to ensure application availability and acceleration .

As applications are moved to the public / private cloud environment, availability and acceleration remains key. SCVMM 2012 enables support of load balancing solutions and ADC such that they are part of basic functionality fabric management stack. NetScaler as ADC works with SCVMM module long and offers a great value for deployed applications. With the automation of application deployment in the cloud, NetScaler has a key role to play in ensuring application availability, acceleration, optimization, visibility and security. NetScaler can help define service models that can fully automate the deployment and management of applications. SCVMM 2012 specifies a VIP (virtual server) model which simplifies the load balancing configuration and deployment

You can download the NetScaler LB provider package for SCVMM 2012 from :.

https: // www .citrix.com / English / ss / downloads / details.asp downloadId = 2319228 & productId = 21679

Once installation is complete, you can view the package installed in the configuration provider section for Virtual Machine Manager:

now you're ready to add a Load Balancer for NetScaler. Start the wizard Add Load Balancer Load Balancer available network and complete the logical flow:

  • RunAs account
  • Select the host group where NetScaler is available
  • Select the manufacturer and model
  • Specify the host name IP / DNS address
  • Select supplier load balancing configuration
  • Run "test" to validate basic functions of the load balancer

with test success, the load balancing configuration is successful.

now, you must set the VIP model that implements the basic load balancing settings for a virtual server to be created. This step is key, because it defines the parameters that make a highly available, optimized and secure application. The load balancer VIP model wizard takes you through the steps to configure VIP model:

  • Basic Details
    • Model name
    • Description
    • VIP Port
  • type of load balancer
    • Select
    • Manufacturer specific "Citrix Systems, Inc."
    • Model as "Citrix NetScaler"
  • Load Balancing Protocol
    • protocol could be HTTP, HTTPS or custom
    • custom allows you to use the wide variety of protocols available on NetScaler
  • define the persistence settings
    • persistence may be defined as Source IP, Dest IP, ID session or personalized
    • custom allows you to use one of several other persistence settings available
  • Select the load balancing method
    • less Connections, fastest response time, Round Robin or custom
    • with custom, you can use another effective method of load balancing NetScaler
  • define a monitoring health service
    • types available health monitor are HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, PING, UDP
  • configuration Summary of the VIP model

above is a screen example that you want once you get to the last step of this wizard. When you click Finish, load balancer configuration is complete and a VIP model is created. You can now use this model in any service deployment model !!

Start now :)

Receiver + + ShareFile CloudGateway: Your mobile business - Delivered

9:28 PM Add Comment
Receiver + + ShareFile CloudGateway: Your mobile business - Delivered -

Last fall, when we announced the acquisition of ShareFile, there were a ton of positive feedback about it development. It was not because everyone has felt the craving for another synchronization and sharing tool. Instead, it was the recognition of the fascinating opportunities that emerged as a result of this union, as Citrix called, "Follow Me Data". Sharefile powerful data sharing platform coupled with the Citrix portfolio of existing and emerging technologies in the field of IT end-user and secure access were the ingredients for a powerful vision that sought to resolve both the data and mobility problems.

Well, we have worked hard to deliver the first phase of this vision as part of the announcement CloudGateway 2 Synergy 2012 in San Francisco. The combined capabilities of the receiver, and ShareFile CloudGateway enable mobile business, collaborative and secure, while addressing the biggest concerns data leakage. Some key features of this solution being announced today are:

secure access data from any device : Users have the freedom to access their files from any device that can run Receiver on it - and that's more than 2B devices! This makes it very convenient for users of existing XenDesktop to adopt this solution

Collaborate with anyone :. Whether users want to send a file link to a colleague or IT wants to assign fine read / write permissions on a folder, companies now have control over how employees interact with their data on their devices receiver. These features unlock the power of ShareFile platform

Single Sign On (SSO) to applications and data :. With CloudGateway in the backend, users can connect the receiver with their usual powers (a single factor or multi-factor). They have access to all their applications and now their documents as well. For the user, they go to one place and get a self-service access to everything they need to be productive - we like to call their 'Unified StoreFront

Integration Windows Virtual apps : There is another great advantage for apps + data - quick access to view and edit documents. Let me explain. For example, when I am connected to my iPad receiver (which gives me access to my virtual applications and data ShareFile), I can not only preview a spreadsheet, but also open in full blown MS Excel for mapping and other sophisticated tasks - simply by connecting to Receiver, giving me SSO to all my applications and data. The fact is - for spreadsheets, there is nothing like ExcelJ. I find it handy when I travel with just my iPad, and still do not feel less productive

user-based provisioning AD-automatic :. With CloudGateway, it can control the AD groups have access to ShareFile service and those who do not. This way the employees join, leave, move or switch groups, their accounts are created / removed / updated appropriately, without intervention from the IT

remote wipe :. Let's face it - we all devices lose (and some people have a propensity to do it more often!). No problem. With one click on CloudGateway, you can delete all corporate data (in the receiver) on the device and prevent abuse.

We are very pleased to launch the Enterprise Mobility consists of Citrix Receiver Management Solution Citrix ShareFile + + Citrix CloudGateway with the main characteristics above. But the journey is far from over. We are working on other crucial areas such as intelligent and contextual political support for file access and sharing, ShareFile access via a receiver for Windows 8 Metro, and more. These will be presented in later versions. You will also have the opportunity to explore the Tech Preview of ShareFile on site Synergy 2012 - Come and say hello

Why Every month of the year does not THEY be the month of May?

8:27 PM Add Comment
Why Every month of the year does not THEY be the month of May? -

By Patrick Rohrbasser, Country Manager Citrix, France

The month of May in France: the thrush, the parades and commemorations, SES elections (Sometimes) son festival in Cannes, ice SES saints. But May est Where The traditionally on leave balance in business. This year it is particularly busy bridges and days off: 1st May, 8 May, Ascension, Pentecost ... So much Takes That looks like a nightmare pay few directors OÜ HR services

YET this month exception Could Be enable to institute News rules. FINALLY cars Why Every month of the year would not be in May?

The issue is NOT denuee provocation, I admit. Yet she wants if not mindless she looks. Let me clarify what this suit Abord Who is not evident not What To Each month of the year either systematically punctuated Days OU Chomes. It is of no doubt either to challenge the 11 days Holidays Who are legally Definis in France by Article L3133-1 of the Labour Code.

Seeking Flexibility

however legitimately on May Seek to Decrease the impact on the activity of Companies and the productivity _their_ wages. Two or all Companies and Employees, share the aspiration Sami: greater flexibility in June. If one refers to the Recent Studies on self Account What Makes 87% of French employees believe Whether telecommuting Lets be Autant Nay, more productive. They pay 72% of Entre, CELA Sami argument Consisting of non pour Joining June business [1]. In The Same time, Businesses, Including The largest Whether current conditions Bring to bear in June Attention run control _their_ costs assistance structure, pace and crossing declare 91% Ready Ë consider La Mise en Place d 'flexible work environments end of 2013 [2] carriers ACCORDING They earn productivity (54%) and improvement in the quality of services (41%). So would remain ONLY reconcile the two parties?

The exception BECOMES rule

Pour CELA It Is nothing less than to change not proceed paradigm to June technological developments. Because Of That Which Was there some standard tend to June Become exception. And vice versa. This is especially Obvious soon LORs That is interested in Many of the tools that I bring employees-have remedy TO BUSINESSES Today. In the Majority of Companies, All is in place for the following theorem What is verified: Individuals working in an office, not use PC business and are mainly related to a A wired network. by the management of the IT services are essentially the onsite Thoughts June uniform Way and offers in the form of ... On application suites for different roles, places and Sami Devices. Or, in recent years, this pattern has lost its universality son. Additionally room and the mobile user is, UN passes device to another, Between Them CERTAIN same ... Being in itself to personal wireless network connecting. more applications are delivered and more under the form of cloud services AND ALL IT departments are offering self-service through the application of business libraries.

The existing IT solutions for what the transition from model to another UN occurs. They are identified by the Companies who do not have the emergence of the BYOD phenomenon Whereas ou thus broadening one of the consumerization of IT AND MAKING pour consider desktop virtualization PROJECTS. These solutions are CÉS to ensure Sami Whether on May éffectuer son work in the conditions Same everywhere, in the office or elsewhere, suggesting THUS June Different Way of Working and new.

more than telecommute: the "workshifting"

Across the Atlantic, this evolution carries no name: the "workshifting". In its most simple form workshifting Is to leave Select the time, place and resources (eg computing), the better pay Adapted insurer continuity and quality of work. It's definition Done June largest May she telecommuting and not by movement Who Consequent offer more combinations. Workshifting Affect Strategies As much teleworkers What roaming Employees, the Providers, the Top Executives, subcontractors, etc. They MAY be applied to any part ll (teams, divisions, SUBSIDIARIES, etc.) of the Companies Who is soon LORs "dematerialize" and "offshoring" (Two offices verbs to be taken literally meaning, not the Seņs Let gives them commonly).

Rest assured, you will not find here the exhaustive list accents marketing Benefits que la Cense Bring Workshifting is. Pour MUCH I will cite two cases figure who points of view illustrate my good Founds of this approach.

A WELL implemented workshifting Strategy In Përmet Company Opening Of A New talent SINCE the social OÜ Other criteria Geographical have no Sámi salience. No matter FINALLY Whether adequate and qualified person either based in more than a hundred kilometers of Local Closest to the Company of LORs That can serums it to Work at It or elsewhere in the office at Same terms ( same applications, memes levels of access and security, etc.) and ... That son manager will pay the Summer Formed situation better manage this. A solution Who should be explored by the hour 'where' is difficult to Implement Adaptation of unfilled vacancies and applicants JUDGES Sometimes mobile LITTLE jobs.

Another advantage is workshiting That gives employees the possibility of insurer balance between work life and private life Who Fits The Best in Their Time Use and al Their needs. According WorldatWork [3], plus a company be placed high on the scale of the flexibility, the more the son of voluntary departure rate is Low. An employee Who Shall Remain to pay delivery Wait A eg furniture Work Will there all day aussi Way (Or even more) What if he was in office son productive. De même, Jun heavy snowfall OÜ A sick child meant more than the employee Will not Work. Of same, a Monday, May 7, employee Will not Work from home or any other location the son choice, better pay power Enjoy the rest of the day.

These two examples Who possible with this approach to rethink work and coat in the enterprise workstation. It remains to Providing the means clustering Technology but also regulatory and social Who would allow to accelerate the movement. This last-, Once lancé Sami to do: a little foresight and Imagineur A whole new world of work.

Towards a new relationship to work?

after auto boast, if put on Gartner as the success of the PC (Personal Cloud) and the Sustainability of the phenomenon BYO D / AP / N (Bring your camera / Applications / Network clean) on Could Be soon emerge a new class of workers. With all its production tools, knowledge, collaboration and communication "Embedded" TAI employee Could Be Connected To take seduced companion of duty, able to go from project to project Who Each liver requires skills. A utopia? Not so on So refers to US statistics: Who show That a person of 38 years (age Average in the US) were 12 "Today jobs." Employment is not all ... Two years on whether Considers Whether that person to Start Work at 16 [4]. Make this person a "homo numericus" accomplished and voila whole design of the business, and labor Who Takes A new dimension.

[1] Study commissioned by Citrix and conducted online by Maximiles in February 2012

[2] study global index workshifting Sponsored by Citrix, October 2011

[3] "Flexibility in the workplace," WorldatWork, February 2011

[4] Gartner ITxpo 2011

Application Migration Guides Windows 7 workbook and virtualization projects

7:26 PM Add Comment
Application Migration Guides Windows 7 workbook and virtualization projects -

It's all about the speed and accuracy when trying to meet the deadline of the IOC to launch a virtualization project - or migrate before windows XP support Date ends in April 2014 a new Citrix AppDNA application migration workbook gives you the details you need to start a migration project and to determine the time and the necessary costs. Use this app Migration Workbook to determine whether you should try manual testing or gain reassurance on your calendar with the AppDNA application management software, automated application management option.

In February 2012, the Microsoft Springboard Series Insider Newsletter painted a picture rather urgent for companies who want to migrate to Windows 7: "First, IT pros need between 18 to 24 months to a Windows 7 deployment from start to finish. On that note, the second thing is, if you were to start your deployment project on 13 February, with 784 days to the end of support for Windows XP, you would have ended up with less than 30 days to spare. "

Good news! You can shave some migration time by eliminating tests and sanitation iterative cycles that come with manual testing. Keep some time in your Windows 7 project last . level timeline You can assess the compatibility of the application of critical applications in minutes versus days or weeks response technology Let the implementation of AppDNA management software

-.?. Automate application testing

- Display clear demand for sanitation options

- Automate application preparation - physical or virtual

- Share overview of the application management According to the draft general migration

the same idea to automate the pre-deployment work applies to virtualization projects. companies see real results with AppDNA automation of the initial process. For Citrix XenApp migration project, registered 89% of their time testing client. The customer had estimated the manual test to take 5 people 140 days. Using a AppDNA application management software, the team effectively saved 620 days of work. Learn more about automated application testing experience this AppDNA customer in this case study.

Relying solely on enforcement manual testing has a number of problems that cause delays. Manual testing is

- inaccurate (due to human error and completeness)

- slow (many laboratories, many, many scenarios required for testing)

- expensive (many people internally or through a systems integrator, a lot of time involved, several laboratories / machinery required)

- non-exhaustive (unlikely to catch most errors)

Automate application tests with specific, proven software suite AppDNA means you have a better chance to deadlines -. and stay within budget

if you are panicking or do you have enough time if you start early and automate significant parts of the migration with AppDNA software? Use the new application workbook Migration

- Understand your environment

- Estimate the cost of manual application testing

- Calculate the cost of the automated application of testing

- Learn how automation can help you meet your deadline

-. Save the overall costs of application migration project

Download AppDNA migration of applications Workbook here -. and start planning your migration today

Использование Citrix Diagnostic Facility для трассировки событий

6:25 PM Add Comment
Использование Citrix Diagnostic Facility для трассировки событий -
Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix. Сегодня я расскажу о расширенном сборе диагностической информации с помощью Citrix Diagnostic Facility (CDF).
CDF позволяет отследить различные компоненты и процессы почти всех программных продуктов Citrix, например, XenApp, XenDesktop, SSO и Advanced Access Control.
Сбор диагностической информации осуществляется с помощью сервиса Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server (CdfSvc.exe), который отвечает за старт и остановку трассировки на сервере, где сервис установлен.
Собранная информация хранится в файле, имеющем расширение .etl . Для расшифровки и просмотра содержимого этой информации необходима утилита CDFControl и специальные файлы символов, имеющие расширение .tmf . Подробнее о том как работает CDF вы можете почитать здесь.
Используя утилиту CDFControl для Citrix XenApp (как локально на сервере, так и удалённо с рабочей станции администратора) можно отследить следующие компоненты (со ссылками на необходимые модули для компонентов, для которых нет встроенных категорий):
  • All IMA
  • Access Management console
  • list application
  • Application limits
  • app streaming
  • Citrix Policies *
  • client drive mapping
  • Com Port mapping
  • logins disconnections
  • Installation Manager
  • Kerberos
  • load management
  • multi-screen
  • RAVE (Multimedia)
  • print
  • Seamless
  • session disconnections
  • sharing session
  • Smard Cards
  • SSLR (SpeedScreen Latency Reduction)
  • VIP
  • XML [1945007Service]
  • HDX MediaStream flash redirection Problems
  • logon Problems Delayed
  • slow connection / customer failure issues
  • printer driver replication issues
  • Shadowing issues
  • time zone problems
  • One problem with Kerberos ( or Kerberos authentication with smart card)
* Не работает с новыми политиками Citrix - How to enable Packet Tracing group policy in XenApp 6 and XenDesktop 5.
Публично доступные файлы символов находятся здесь, здесь например для XenApp 6. Файлы символов обновляются на еженедельной основе, поэтому самостоятельно не получится расшифровать все события, для этого вам придется обратиться в Техническую Поддержку Citrix.
Дополнительная информация
  • Без на CDFConrol XenApp 6.x можно собрать журналы трассировки, используя PowerShell.
  • Трассировка profile описана Management здесь.
  • Использование CDFControl для сбора информации при старте ОС описана здесь.
  • Как добавить дополнительные провайдеры для Citrix Receiver можно узнать здесь.
  • Лучшие практики по сбору трассировки для передачи в Техническую Поддержку Citrix.