Services, Services, Services - Services Development team is improving all about services

10:29 PM Add Comment
Services, Services, Services - Services Development team is improving all about services -

The Services Development team dedicated to promoting and your service practice areas


We hope to see you at Summit meeting at booth 24 in XenCity

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  • Learn how the time on bets with our Collaborative
  • Learn more about the new Citrix Practicum and E- save learnings
  • Offerings your achievements get overview
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We can not help you to wait in expanding your services! We look forward to you and Summit at booth 24 in XenCity see

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Pssst ... if you participate in the Summit in Las Vegas mobile app game points by " Networking "in the arcade!

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Deploying Configuration Manager 2012 packages and programs with the Citrix Connector

9:28 PM Add Comment
Deploying Configuration Manager 2012 packages and programs with the Citrix Connector -


The Citrix Connector 7.5 for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, also known simply as Citrix known Connector, XenApp and XenDesktop 7 integrated with Configuration Manager 2012 (CM). The Connector simplifies the use of Configuration Manager deployment technology Citrix server and desktop image management to automate. The connector uses the new application / deployment type (App / DT) feature in Configuration Manager 2012 to orchestrate provisioning on the right images at the right time. Administrators can optionally use the app / DT model to the actual application publications.

Many of our customers are to provide still early in the migration to the app / DT model. They are the use nor its extensive library of packages and programs developed with great care over many years. These Citrix customers want to know how we use with these packages and programs all the goodness of the Connector. So if you are interested with the Citrix Connector packages and programs on the Citrix server and desktop provide, this post is for you.

In many cases, packages and programs with the Citrix Connector designed to provide a straight forward process is familiar to every CM administrator. However, there are two scenarios in which specific measures are necessary to prevent unintended consequences when deploy packages and programs with the Citrix Connector

Scenario 1 -. Providing image Managed (MCS or PVS) Citrix hosts

The first scenario, which require special attention to packages and programs for VMs created with Citrix XenDesktop Machine Creation Services (MCS) or Citrix Provisioning Services (PVS) sends. As an administrator, you want software on the master image of a machine catalog and rely on XenDesktop / XenApp deploy to clone VMs workers. VM clones waste compute, storage and network resources, since each clone to reject providing directly the changes when restarting.

Thus, the Citrix Connector is optimized only install applications on the master image of a machine catalog while completely skipping installation of the application on the cloning of the master image. The key factor that can selectively install our applications is a CM client policy that a 3 rd party such as the Citrix Connector jurisdiction if the application or updates to install brings.

Here is the problem. unstoppable CM client policy the installation packages, programs or task sequences; it applies only to the app / DT model and Windows updates. This means that the Citrix Connector can not prevent the installation of packages and programs on MCS or PVS clones, resulting in unnecessary resource utilization.

created solution

to create a device collection, only the update module contains and delivering packages and programs to this device collection instead of the collection device from Citrix Connector

Scenario 2 -. App Publishing of the CM Console

The second scenario game comes when the CM to publish console, the package / program as XenApp hosted application. The Citrix Connector uses CM application detection logic to ensure that the application is installed to Citrix Receiver before publication. This is a symbol appear in the receiver before all servers in a delivery group, the installed applications have to prevent.

Unfortunately implementations package / program have no reliable, continuous application detection logic. Consequently, these orchestration function of the Citrix Connector can not be supported if the Citrix Application Publishing Wizard to publish apps from the Configuration Manager console.

solution 1

use Citrix Studio to use, publish, instead of the Citrix Application Publishing Wizard in the CM console.

solution 2

If you want to use CM application catalog and that the Citrix version of the installed program hosted there to appear, you have a new application with a script deployment type and a Citrix deployment type create. The script DT provides the application of the detection logic of looking for the executable, while the Citrix DT created publishing application in XenDesktop.

solution Details

The rest of this post is divided into two sections and specific examples of how to implement the solutions discussed above. The first focuses on the image management and accurate implementation of the program in the update device for Citrix device collection targeting. The second section focuses hosted on the publication of the installed CM program as Citrix App.

solution for image management and resource utilization

As already mentioned, the Citrix Connector can not prevent the installation of packages and programs on pooled Citrix Session hosts created using Machine Creation Services (MCS) or provisioning service (PVS). To avoid this potential inefficiency, a new device collection needs to be created that contains only the update module. There are four steps to achieve this:

  1. create the new device collection
  2. are running the program on the new device collection
  3. for providing success Update on the monitor device and
  4. to update the pooled Citrix session host with the updated image.

are described in detail in the following these steps.

to see background information on the master image management with the Citrix Connector and the role of the update module, the master image management Video 11534 on CitrixTV.

Before starting, you use the machine catalog ensure properties that there is provided an update device, the Update method property value "Update Device" and the Update Device contains property value a hostname. This is a very important step. If an update device is managed not defined for a Citrix Imagers collection, the steps described below will have zero members in a new device collection result.

Machine Catalog Properties

Step 1: the Configuration Manager console, use one device collection

  • in the Assets and Compliance Section of the Configuration Manager console, click on the " create collecting device" to create action. toolbar band
  • on the General page of the Create device collection Wizard
  • give the collection a name on the parent collection (eg "XDsite1 MCS based Win7 desktop - MasterImage ")
  • for limiting search collection, this is the parent collection created by the Citrix Connector that represents your XD Catalogue (eg XDsite1 MCS Win7 desktops)

  • on the Membership rules page on the Add rule button and query rule from the drop-down menu


  • Name the query rule " IsMasterImage "
  • then click the Edit query statement key

  • in the general click the create "star" icon

  • Select can Citrix_VirtualDesktopInfo attribute class and IsMasterImage attribute
  • be the result properties

  • on the criteria tab, click the create "star" icon

  • on the Criterion properties page, the following values:
  • Criterion type = Simple value
  • Where: Citrix_VirtualDesktopInfo - IsMasterImage
  • operator: is equal to
  • value: 1 (true)
  • Click OK to proceed.

  • Click OK to continue

  • Click OK to proceed.

  • Click Next to proceed to the Summary page

  • on the Summary page Next to apply the settings to the new device collection.

  • with Update Membership discount on the new collection created device the query, and fill in the device collection with the update device Apply computer. When you are done you will have a device collection with a single element, the update module (see example below)

Step 2 -. Ask the program

make Next, the package / program to the collection device in the previous step have. Program delivery is common practice for experienced administrators Configuration Manager and is well-documented on TechNet here. automates order to make the process as possible, we recommend that the provisioning action on "Install" and the purpose is "required" on the Provisioning Settings page of the Deploy Software Wizard.

Step 3 - Monitor Deployment for completion

After providing the software, monitor the deployment to ensure that it successfully installed on the update device in the targeted collection. In the following TechNet article explains how to monitor software installations

For a successful deployment is shown in the figure below , If the program is successful deployment to 100%, go to step 4 and using Citrix tools to propagate the changes to the entire pool of Citrix Session Host.

step 4 -. Update virtual machine instances with New Image

After the software is successfully triggered on the update module, use the appropriate Citrix administration console to propagate the changes to all machine instances in the Catalogue

machine Creation services

use Citrix Studio the master image with the update module to update that the package / program providing received. The following links provide the information necessary for this step.

  • MCS image management (eDocs) mcs.html
  • an update Master Image (eDocs)

Provisioning Services

to use to promote the Provisioning Services Console maintenance version of the vDisk that the package / program provision in the get production version. The following links provide the information necessary for this step.

  • PVS Image Management (eDocs) pvs.html
  • Promotion updated vDisk versions (eDocs)

solution for Application Publishing

the first section of this paper included the installation of packages and programs Citrix machines Configuration Manager manages. This section focuses on the application by the program installs the publication as a virtual Citrix app hosted. There are two ways to publish applications:

  1. using Citrix or Studio
  2. use to the CM console, Citrix Connection console installed extension

Using Citrix. posting Studio to storefront / receiver only

The first and simplest solution is easy to use Citrix Studio to publish the application. Here are the details of how to create a delivery group application

Use posting CM console with the CM App Catalog and storefront / Receiver

If the Configuration Manager Application Catalog to use applications to users to deliver and want the Citrix version of the program hosted there to appear, you must perform the following 5 steps to create a script-based application.

More information (including a how-to-video) via script-based application, use the following resources.

  • publish existing applications
  • create script-based application (eDocs) http: // support. Thread / xenapp-XenDesktop 75 / cn-create script app.html

step 1 - Create a new application

to create a new application with the same name as the package and add a script DT, this application is the package in the new CM 2012 app / DT model that supports the Citrix Connector

step 2 questions -. With this solution you use in a script DT application

script DT to create the detection logic with the Citrix Connector required to ensure that the program is installed prior to the publication in XenDesktop ,

in the preparation of the script DT, however the package / program have an installer on the content page of the wizard, in this scenario, enter install the content. Simply enter "zero" for the installation program and move to the detection method page.

The detection rule of the script-DT is used to detect the presence of the application installed by the package / program. In the example below the detection usually indicates the presence of C: Program Files (x86) Citrix Dev Test APP10 App10.exe in the file system. It is important to use the file system detection method to reference the executable file that will eventually be published in XenDesktop, as you will see later is in. Use the Registry or Windows Installer product code (adjustment type) as an application detection method is not

Step 3 -. Ask, must the app / script DT to the instrument collection of Citrix Session Hosts

as opposed to the package / program that deliberately in a device collection was targeted, that contains only the update module that application with script DT on the device collection by to be deployed Citrix connector that contains all pooled Citrix session hosts. The use of evaluation delivers success if the file, registry key, or from the package / program installed product code is detected, the Citrix Connector tells the application is ready

Step 4 for publication in XenDesktop -. Add the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.5 DT apply

The App / Script DT at the Citrix device collection target, the next step is to add the Citrix DT apply. This will launch the Citrix Publishing Wizard. As you can see in the example below, the Publishing Wizard is the executable defined detection method in the script-DT as the command line of the published application.

Step 5 - Set the app / Citrix DT Connector Created User Collection

, the last step in the Citrix hosted version of contained package / program in the CM application catalog is to provide the application with both the script and DT Citrix DT to a user collection. The Citrix Connector creates user collections in CM, corresponding to the delivery groups defined in XenDesktop. Make sure that you deploy the app to the user collection, which coincides with the selected delivery group if the app posting.


Other Resources

An alternative approach to the methods discussed in this paper is to use the System Center 2012 SP1 Configuration Manager Package Conversion Manager 2.0. This is a tool from Microsoft that supports the conversion of packages and programs in the new app / DT model. ? id = 34605

Embracing Mobility at your own pace with Citrix Workspace Suite

8:27 PM 1 Comment
Embracing Mobility at your own pace with Citrix Workspace Suite -

Synergy Announced exceed 2014 Citrix Workspace Suite companies, helping their business mobility targets with a single solution, the app combines, data and services on any device. In just eight short months hundreds of thousands of people mobile workspaces have as a way embraced improve productivity and increase job satisfaction.

But we are only at the beginning of this mobility transition. And in talking to our customers and prospective organizations, we have a lot about how companies of all sizes respond to mobility needs learned from the business. Generally we have found that organizations in three phases, when it comes to their mobility initiatives:

  • Phase 1: "We have a big appetite mobility but do not know started where to get. " at this stage, organizations recognize the need to create a mobility strategy and begin to examine mobility solutions, but they do not know where to start. Most have an application virtualization solution (to mobilize for Windows applications) instead and look to very tactical Mobile Device Management (MDM) or secure e-mail solution. Unfortunately realize that they quickly realize that they need more skills to fully deliver a solution that from everywhere met the business needs around secure application and data access
  • Phase 2 :. "We have to start somewhere (either to mobilize data or apps) and expand as make these projects successfully demonstrated." Once organizations all the different technologies available in order to understand it, they add, typically a mobile App management (MAM) or File Sync and shares (EFSS) solution for their bets. These point solutions are important as they. Quality content available to begin to make people wherever they are This is where real mobility projects receive valuable
  • Phase 3 :. ". Since we have expanded our mobility initiatives, we added points products, but now we are struggling with multiple vendors and piecing together solutions" Once organizations realize all the pieces needed to deliver them a full mobility solution, their implementations are complex. You can find a supplier solution for app virtualization have another for MDM, another for MAM, yet another for EFSS, and even more for a secure access gateway, productivity apps, WAN optimization, and more. Now, to bring these pieces together is an impossible act.

This is where Citrix Workspace Suite comes in. This solution brings market-leading application and desktop virtualization, Enterprise Mobility Management, EFSS and network provide technologies for the most comprehensive mobile workstation solution available today. Do not just take our word for it; see what the experts have to say!

So, help our customers and prospective customers get out of this cycle and support their initiatives for business mobility, we are happy to announce three extensions of Citrix Workspace Suite actions and licensing options:

  • the trade-up promotion was extended Citrix customers have used our technology to its mobility .. challenges for the years to solve, but as new devices, applications, data and services go mobile, want our customers to extend their expertise to deliver these new services. With this trade to promote, XenApp, XenDesktop, and XenMobile Share File enterprise customers will be able to take advantage of special savings up to 70% for the trade to the Citrix Workspace Suite. Customers trade to keep all the functionality they are accustomed to with their current Citrix products, while adding new, powerful features of its mobile workstation to complete. This is a good option for customers who want to leverage their existing investments in Citrix and upgrade to the leading end-to-end solution for business mobility.
  • VMware, MobileIron and Good Technology customers can update their drop legacy solutions and from 50% to Citrix Workspace Suite. We know that organizations technology decisions in the past they regret. Whether it was an MDM solution, a secure e-mail solution or a VDI solution, the market has matured, and now is the time to leave this legacy products and a complete secure job-Delivery- move solution upwards. And with the Citrix Workspace Suite spare Promotions, now companies can! For VMware, MobileIron and Good Technology desktop and mobile clients, Citrix provides away the ability to migrate from these tactical solutions and buy to provide a comprehensive, integrated solution from a single vendor at 50% is supplied.
  • A new service provider license is now available. Not all organizations that have expertise in-house to provide a safe workplace solutions. These organizations, but looking to the service provider community for help. Since we, the popularity of Citrix Workspace Suite, today announced the addition of Citrix Service Provider license. This new license gives the Citrix Service Provider community the opportunity to offer mobile workstation solutions for their clients.

mobility is a strategic decision and organizations now make their bets. Looking for easy ways to bring the right technologies in the house to take advantage of mobility brings. We are pleased with the success of Citrix Workspace Suite and believe that these announcements ensure our customers 1) an easy way to update a complete mobility solution, 2) an easy way to migrate from point products they have gone today or 3) an ability to work with a service provider of their choice.

More information about Citrix Workspace Suite here and a sales representative to talk about today!

Follow @nflambert

Citrix Share File provides industry-specific solutions for the healthcare, financial services and energy / oil & gas company

7:26 PM Add Comment
Citrix Share File provides industry-specific solutions for the healthcare, financial services and energy / oil & gas company -

Citrix Share File, a company, file sync and sharing (EFSS) service allows IT to mobilize All enterprise data and user productivity authorize everywhere. Share File enables mobile productivity with read-write access to the data, allows users to securely share any files, and synchronize files across all their devices. develops Share File Enterprise for companies that need to comply with certain data security requirements such as HIPAA, the protection of PHI (Protected Health Information), the protection of personal customer / client data, all while providing real-time online and offline access to this sensitive corporate data.

Citrix understands the increasingly complex and intensive operating environments from within various industries and has deliberately chosen Share File skills with the needs of specific sectors align. For example Share File helps industry regulations such as requirements privacy of patient health information, data archiving for the financial sector, and the power in real-time access to manage the data on energy / oil / gas companies.

look at the Citrix Share File-industry solution briefs and see how we can help our customers the requirements that meet their industry:

Share File for Health - Protection Protected Health information

Share File gives healthcare organizations a choice of where data is stored - on the premises, in a private health cloud, or a combination - to meet individual needs. IT can immediately make mobile access to data, including information on current network drives and SharePoint sites. Caregivers can access, synchronize and share files securely in its delivery network and with additional providers. Hospital staff can send relief instructions and wellness resources for patients and to track download statistics. Offline access and integration with email simplify the secure file sharing. View Share File Healthcare Solution Brief

Share File for banks, financial services and Insurance (BFSI) - control and secure corporate data while addressing employee mobility

Share File is an optimal tool for the BFSI industry. It is specifically to facilitate the control of sensitive data secure and confidential financial documents and support compliance with recordkeeping regulations designed. Individual files and folders are encrypted, password protected download via a custom-branded client vault or email. The employees are able to access, synchronize and share files securely within the organization, through divisions and third parties and customers. Address mobility initiatives and provide instant mobile access to data on existing network file drives and SharePoint sites

view Share File BFSI Solution Brief

Share File for Energy / Oil & Gas . - Powering mobile real-time access to critical information

Share File can energy, oil and gas organizations easily and securely synchronize and share files; Exchange of large amounts of data, such as geological maps; Cooperation with large, global projects; and control distribution of up-to-date SOPs. Share File also allows IT to mobilize all corporate data, increasing user productivity. This secure, cloud-based service provides employees and others to access files from the field and meets the mobility needs of industry.

view Share File Energy / Oil & Gas Solution Brief

Share File is used by 99% of Fortune 500 companies. Hospitals, health organizations, banks and financial services, insurance, energy, oil and gas professionals Share File use and have saved time and money and have their unique data security requirements addressed our secure file sharing solutions!

start seeing your free trial of Share File and why trust millions of professionals for Share File Secure Enterprise File Sync and sharing. If you visit more Share File Enterprise

Super User Experience Follows the user supplied by Citrix and Cisco

6:25 PM Add Comment
Super User Experience Follows the user supplied by Citrix and Cisco -

a network Imagine that orchestrated dynamically self, an awesome user -Experience providing the user regardless of the application, device and location.

One where this user's experience follows. This was the motivation for a number of innovations in the data center, wired and wireless networks, but the innovations were not for the end-to-end, agile and open. The mobile and cloud era has fueled this expectation this awesome user experience, where the applications are consumed and come from anywhere. Customers have to provide us with this challenge best user experience, the speed of the software innovation to protect their existing infrastructure investments and effectively the introduction of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) era.

Citrix and Cisco have a proven track record

in software and provides this great user experience on world-class infrastructure of innovation. Therefore, we have begun working together on this bold journey SDN. Citrix was encouraged to integrate our NetScaler family product APIs with Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC), which is part of the Cisco ONE (Open Network Environment) platform is to support "both" data centers and enterprise networks. The addition of the Cisco APIC Enterprise Module (APIC EM), which is supported on the Data Center, wired and wireless network, the transition of customers to SDN without the notion of any forklift upgrades. Permits

At Cisco Live Milan

We are the delivery of this fantastic user -Experience for Citrix XenDesktop user show video in the cloud hosted consuming and accessed through their mobile devices. We are the power of the rich API integration between Citrix NetScalers and Cisco APIC EM where the APIC EM dynamically the network QoS end-to-end orchestration tools, based on Citrix NetScaler Telemetry Intelligence

Citrix NetScaler is proud to be the strategic partner with Cisco to deliver in the long-awaited promise of SDN. Lets share this, awesome user experience witness of user following, at Cisco Live Milan.

Light Blue Bean + Octoblu - Add to your BLE IoT project

5:24 PM Add Comment
Light Blue Bean + Octoblu - Add to your BLE IoT project -

In our last post Chris Matthieu introduced you, our IoT platform Octoblu !. We have added a number of devices plugins that allow you to connect with IoT consumer and DIY products. One of our favorite items is the penetration Design 's Light Blue Bean, an amazing little BLE microcontroller with built-in sensors and pins that allow digital and analog sensors and component interface. We have put a tutorial that will provide you with creating an IoT BLE button with just a light blue Bean and some parts start can be found at your local electronics store. With our plugin or a simple knot script, you can easily control and receive feedback from your Light Blue Bean. Imagine a Octoblu river used to create your bean as a beacon which triggers a flow to start a GTM meeting when you enter a room or do they change the light in your home.


Convoi Citrix: Free cloud-based communications Simplified

4:23 PM Add Comment
Convoi Citrix: Free cloud-based communications Simplified -

Today we are pleased to bring us to you a simple cloud-based business phone. With the free app you can Convoi personal and business calls, texts and voicemails separate by a second line is added on your iPhone immediately.

Convoi a fairly strong had easy to use conference calls and group messaging capability already. But after listening to small business owners, consultants and entrepreneurs, we saw a need for additional capacity to be able to have a business line that calls and texts can all make / receive from their personal device. And while cloud-based business phones are not a new concept, we knew we could solve this problem with a mobile-first perspective for everyday life, work on the go. integrated

Developed in Citrix Innovation Labs Convoi the trust and reliability of Premium Citrix solutions with the innovative thinking of a startup-free cloud-based business communications for all users make available

More Key features for Convoi .:

  • Simple 30 Second set-up - No hardware or IT setup required to buy
  • most every Area code - .. choose a number in any city in the United States / Canada
  • [1945010Rufen] your way - calls work through your phone cell connection or WiFi / LTE, so you always have service. Your choice
  • business messaging - .. Use your convoy number for SMS Business
  • Caller ID + Privacy - Keeps your personal number private. Calls and texts show your convoy phone number on the caller ID instead of your personal number
  • Easy and free conference calls -. No pins or access codes. No need for an additional service more
  • group messages - Set up groups for easy group text messaging. Works with any text input, so that the app to do not need messages Convoi get to
  • call and text history -. Just like you would expect on your iPhone, calls, texts and voicemails displayed all in a central location
  • customizable voicemail -. a customizable greeting that works up regardless of your personal answering machine. Voicemails are no extra cost transcribed
  • Not Disturb -... Plan your open and closed business hours and avoid calls during downtime
  • Free

After a very successful beta phase, Convoi is now for anyone in need of a simple way to a business phone line, without having two phones or pay hundreds per month for an additional phone or traditional PBX. set

Convoi is now available for your iPhone through the Apple App Store. USA, Canada phone number for registration is required. Android will be available in the spring. Feel free to register for Android waiting list here. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news and feature updates.

Welcome Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) Class of 2015!

3:22 PM Add Comment
Welcome Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) Class of 2015! -

The Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP) program recognizes the contributions of those who invested a significant amount of time and resources experts in Citrix products and solutions to be.

Every year we receive and many applications and nominations for the Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) Program Evaluating Award. This year we are pleased to welcome 11 new Citrix technology professionals in our CTP family. Suppose Citrix and CTPs our newest CTP Excellent congratulate:

Anton van Pelt
Twitter @AntonvanPelt
Barry Schiffer
Twitter @BarrySchiffer
Connie Barrera
Twitter @ ConnieBarrera1
Esther Barthel
Twitter @virtues_IT
Hal Long
Twitter @Hal_Lange
Jo Harder
Twitter @joharder
Kees Baggerman
Twitter @KBaggerman
Paul Stansel
Twitter @Pstansel
Sam Jacobs
Twitter @WIguru
Shane Kleinert
Twitter @ shanekleinert
Theresa Miller
Twitter @ 24x7ITConnect
[1945001Zugleich], can I get for following CTPs in recognizing 2015 award renewals:

with a limited number of seats to fill, we are privileged to have received and reviewed a lot of strong candidates. Thanks to all of you who have been nominated or applied. If you were not in this review cycle selected, we recommend you to send your nomination for the next CTP exam cycle again.

Again, congratulations and welcome to our 2015 class of Citrix technology professionals!

Perrine Crampton

Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) Program Manager

ps Do you want to follow the CTPs on Twitter? Use this official Twitter list from the @Citrix account:

Citrix XenServer: How XenStore information

2:21 PM Add Comment
Citrix XenServer: How XenStore information -

Some time ago I wrote a Knowledge Base article (CTX136426) documentation of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) in XenServer to access transfer data between the hypervisor and operating system in a virtual machine as a XenDesktop or XenApp VD. I still receive many inquiries about our SDK Forum which are basically looking to see if such an interface exists, so my articles here I am republishing hoping that google it easier Index

finds warning :! This article is for the technical heart

the WMI interface in XenServer uses the underlying Xen hypervisor XenStore data storage. It is particularly useful for developers looking for products for the XenServer platform to build, such as anti-virus or backup products for XenDesktop or management / monitoring solutions. However, it could also be used by an experienced system administrator to develop their own scripts and tools. WMI provides a mechanism information about a Windows virtual machine from the guest virtual machine (VM), such as access to the VM name or its IP address.

I. From a very helpful, a lot of help had XenServer developer (Ben Chalmers) to write in their Windows Tools team this article, he even wrote under several code examples, others to get started

The information quite technical, but we have a lot of requests for more technical blogs had recently, as feedback from the UK User Group. We try every taste 😉

The history of this functionality

The XenStore_Client.exe is to hear and receive a small executable program that was ( in earlier versions of XenServer) distributed with the XenServer Tools and users allows the value of the parameter in XenStore contained access. This program has been removed from XenServer 6.1.0, since it was not aware of dependencies or other consumers. However, after the program has been removed, remarked Citrix that there were users rely on this unsupported tool. XenStore_Client.exe was never officially supported or tested.

XenServer 6.1.0 introduced an alternative mechanism for extracting XenStore information by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), which provides a much richer interface. This article contains information about WMI to extract for XenStore information.

developers who use XenServer 6.2.0 and CTX136422 outlines above and the Windows guest WMI interface as with XenStore and other hypervisor interfaces communication should read its use and deployment of code examples. The WMI interface can be used in XenServer 6.1.0 as an alternative to XenStore_Client.exe which was in earlier versions of XenServer available.


The XenStore_Client.exe is a small executable program that was (in previous versions of XenServer) distributed with the XenServer Tools and allows users to value the parameter access in XenStore contained. This program has been removed from XenServer 6.1.0, since it was not aware of dependencies or other consumers. However, after the program has been removed, remarked Citrix that there were users rely on this unsupported tool. XenStore_Client.exe was never officially supported or tested.

XenServer 6.1.0 provides an alternative mechanism for extracting XenStore information by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), which provides a much richer interface. This article contains information about WMI to extract for XenStore information.


This item is for (XenServer 6.1.0 and later) clients that use the Windows guest WMI interface as for communication with XenStore and other hypervisor interfaces. The WMI interface can be used in XenServer 6.1.0 as an alternative to XenStore_Client.exe which was in earlier versions of XenServer available.
WMI provides a mechanism for information on a Windows virtual machine to access from the guest virtual machine (VM), such as the name of the VM or its IP address.

Windows host WMI interface

Windows host WMI interface is provided by the device driver xeniface.sys, the part forms the XenServer Tools (Windows paravirtualized drivers). This interface is available for users who are granted access to the root wmi namespace (that is, the device driver namespace). By default, this is only available administrators .

The WMI interface provides a basis singleton object (CitrixXenStoreBase), which can be used to generate unique session objects (CitrixXenStoreSession). This session objects represent individual applications (or functions of an application) and are the objects that have been used to interact with XenStore; Reading, writing, set, and unset watches.

Sessions can also take advantage of the transaction semantics take indivisibility of XenStore operations to ensure. The life of watches and transactions are limited by the lifetime of the session object that it creates. On the driver load, an object CitrixXenStoreBase is WMI, provided that represents a singleton object xenstore properties: UInt64 XenTime. Local Time as Windows set for the VM, and then adjusted by the hypervisor Watch

WMI objects


A singleton object represents XenStore :

features Description
uint64 XenTime the Local time set by the window for the VM, and then adjusted by the clock of the hypervisor.
method Description
(string Id)
Add a CitrixXenStoreSession object to the WMI namespace. The return value (SessionId) is a unique value that can be used to identify the session (at several meetings have the same string ID) .Returns SessionId was created.


Each instance represents a single session of communication with XenStore:

features Description
string ID A string that use the can identify the session and, if any meetings to determine the opening has been left
uint32 SessionID An integer that is unique among all the closed sessions. This integer equal to the integer value returned when AddSession created the session.
Methods Description
StartTransaction until the transaction is completed, all activities at this meeting within a transaction occur (hence activities will not affect on XenStore until the transaction is committed ).
CommitTransaction attempt to commit the current session of the transaction. If this fails, the transaction has been unsuccessful and must be repeated.
EndTransaction Cancel the current transaction without
GetValue (string pathname) Returns string value. Returns the value on the way Pathname in XenStore saved
(String pathname)
Are children {UInt32 NoOfChildNodes, String [NoOfChildNodes] ChildNodes}. For a given node (in pathName), which returns an object containing the number of child nodes, and a set of strings, where each string is the full path name of a child node
(string pathname):
Removes an entry from XenStore (and, if available, all subordinate entries)
SetValue (string pathname, string value) Set the value to a specific path to value
log (string): Specifies a log message to the hypervisor
SetWatch (string pathname) Watch a specified XenStore entry for changes ,
: Several amendments thereto XenStore entry that come in succession soon, can be merged into a WMI event. The event will be available after all changes indicated by the new event occur.
RemoveWatch (String pathname) to remove the clock, set previously with SetWatch.
EndSession () end this session. Remove the Session object from the WMI namespace. All watches and transactions linked to the session ends



event is raised when a certain changes XenStore entry. Several include changes of XenStore event could be merged into a CitrixXenStoreWatchEvent. You can your interest in receiving such an event by calling CitrixXenStoreSession.SetWatch (pathname)

Features Description register
string EventId , the path name of XenStore value has changed


event is triggered when a VM from suspended state again
PowerShell. Example:
The following example uses to demonstrate PowerShell how to script the XenStore WMI interface:

 # find the base object $ base = gwmi -n root  wmi -cl CitrixXenStoreBase # Create a session $ sid = $ base.AddSession ( "MyNewSession") $ session = gwmi -n root  wmi -q "select * from where CitrixXenStoreSession SessionId = $ ($ sid.SessionId)" # value $ session Write .SetValue ( "data / TempValue", "This is a string") # value $ session.GetValue reading ( "data / TempValue"). value # of the current VM name $ session.GetValue read ( "name"). Value # value $ session.RemoveValue remove ( "data / TempValue") #Examine children $ session.GetChildren ( "data"). Children # Set Watch $ pm = register WmiEvent -n root  wmi -q "select * from where CitrixXenStoreWatchEvent EventId = 'data / TempValue'" action {write $ session.getvalue ( "data / TempValue")} $ session .setvalue ( "data / TempValue", "hello") $ session.setvalue ( "data / TempValue", "world") $ watch.action.output # Copyright (c) of Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification are permitted provided that the following conditions # are true: # # 1) disclosure of the source code has the copyright - # - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer , # # 2) passing in binary form must provided with the distribution for the disposal of the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and / or other materials #. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE #. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # Copyright OR ITS EMPLOYEES LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES, LOSS OF DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # OF ANY CAUSE OR THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY #, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # ABOUT POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # 

Visual Basic example:

 rem rem testwmi.vbs a plausibility check for xeniface wmi interface rem can called be cscript.exe rem used is% error-% to 0 on success and 1 set on error rem of text "success" or an error message is also output rem rem This code was developed, should introduce functionality and rem not considered production be quality. Set objWMIService = GetObject ( "winmgmts: \.  Root  wmi") set base = objWmiService.InstancesOf ( "CitrixXenStoreBase") Dim Answer Dim Dim answer2 objItem rem Looking the base object if (base.Count) 1 then wscript.echo ( "too many basic objects found") WScript.Quit (1) end, if for any itementry in rem basis it is a trivial way to get the only element of a collection in vbscript? set objItem = Add itementry next rem two sessions objitem.AddSession "VBSTestSession" reply objitem.AddSession "AnotherVBSTestSession" answer2 rem looking the first session query = "select * from where CitrixXenStoreSession SessionId = '" & answer "'" Set sessions = objWMIService.ExecQuery (query) if (sessions.count) 1 then wscript.echo ( "too many session 1 sessions found") WScript.Quit (1) end, if for any itementry in meetings rem is a trivial way of getting the only element of a collection in vbscript? set session Calculate = itementry next rem te second session query = "select * from where CitrixXenStoreSession SessionId = '" & answer2 & "'" Set sessions2 = objWMIService.ExecQuery (query) if (sessions2.count) 1 then wscript.echo ( "too many session 2 sessions") WScript.Quit (1) end if dim session2 for each ses in sessions2 Set session2 = ses next rem we make sure is the expected session when session.Id "VBSTestSession found" then wscript .echo ( "wrong Sessions found") WScript.Quit (1) end if rem blank session.removevalue a set of entries xenstore "data / wmitestrun" rem and put a known set of values ​​there session.SetValue "data / wmitestrun / test1 "" Testing "session.SetValue" data / wmitestrun / test2 "," 123 Testing "session.SetValue" data / wmitestrun / test3 "," 456 Testing "session.SetValue" data / wmitestrun / test4 "," 789 Testing " rem read value back and xenstore, consider whether it properly session.getvalue "data / wmitestrun / test1" res if res "Testing" is then wscript.echo ( "failed to read or write data / wmitestrun / test1" ) wscript.echo ( "read =" & res) WScript.Quit (1) end when, rem another value of xenstore read back and test them, whether it is right session.getvalue "data / wmitestrun / test2", res if res "123 testing" then wscript.echo ( "failed to read or write data / wmitestrun / test2") wscript.echo ( "read =" & res) WScript.Quit (1) end if rem rem transactions test, the transactions canceled do session.starttransaction nothing () session.SetValue "data / wmitestrun / test1", "weird" session.getvalue "data / wmitestrun / test1" res if res "weird" then wscript.echo ( "failed writing or reading within transaction data / wmitestrun / test1 ") wscript.echo (res) WScript.Quit (1) end when session.aborttransaction () session.getvalue" data / wmitestrun / test1 "res if res" Testing "" = read "then wscript.echo (" failed to read data / wmitestrun / test1 after aborted transaction ") wscript.echo (" read = "& res) WScript.Quit (1) end if rem test, committed that two overlapping transactions honor and breaks and increase error if session.starttransaction required () session2.starttransaction () session.SetValue "data / wmitestrun / test1", "weird" session2.SetValue "data / wmitestrun / test1", "fish" session.getvalue " data / wmitestrun / data / wmitestrun / test1 "res2 if res" weird "then wscript.echo (" failed write or in a transaction to read the data / wmitestrun / test1 session 1 ") wscript test1" res session2.getvalue " .echo ( "read =" & res) WScript.Quit (1) end if if res2 "fish" then wscript.echo ( "failed write or read within the transaction data / wmitestrun / test1 session 2") wscript.echo ( " read = "& res) WScript.Quit (1) end if on error resume next session.committransaction () Err.Clear () when Err.Number 0 then wscript.echo (" could not commit first transaction ") WScript.Quit (1) end if session2.committransaction () when Err.Number = 0 then wscript.echo ( "Both transactions comitted") WScript.Quit (1) end if session2.aborttransaction () session2.getvalue "data / wmitestrun / test1 "res2 if res2" weird "then wscript.echo (" failed commiting the right transaction ") wscript.echo (" read = "& res) WScript.Quit (1) end if rem events an event sink dim rem refsink set up refsink = CreateObject ( "WBemScripting.SWbemSink") wscript.ConnectObject refsink, "EVENTSINK_" stq = "select * from CitrixXenStoreWatchEvent" objwmiservice.ExecNotificationQueryAsync refsink, stq evtcount = 0 rem observe a xenstore entry allEvents = 0 session.setwatch "data / wmitestrun / test1 "session.setvalue" data / wmitestrun / test1 "," MAGIC "session.removevalue" data / wmitestrun / test1 "session.setvalue" data / wmitestrun / test1 "," gold "WScript.Sleep (5000) session.removewatch "data / wmitestrun / test1" rem check we receive an event. Also, because events merged, rem check that if we get our final event, the value we is read by test1 the rem final value, we will set things (note the actual work of counting and control events in rem EVENTSINK_OnObjectready done under the bottom)) when evtcount <= 4 and 1 allEvents then) wscript.echo ( "Failed to catch all the expected events") WScript.Quit (1) end if session.removevalue "data / wmitestrun / test1" rem Check that we read the list of children, an entry has strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject ( "winmgmts:" _ & "{ImpersonationLevel = impersonate} \" & strComputer & " root  cimv2") Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ( "select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") for each operating system in colOperatingSystems rem is a trivial way to get the only element of a collection in vbscript? set myos = os next wscript.echo (myos.Version) if mid (myos.Version, 1, 3) "6.0" then dim children session.getchildren "data / wmitestrun" children when children.noofchildnodes 3 then wscript. ( "check and troubleshoot all of the expected child node") echo WScript.Quit (1) end if end if session.getfirstchild "data / wmitestrun" res res session.getnextsibling end or rem both sessions that we created. session2.EndSession () session.EndSession () WScript.Echo ( "Success") Sub EVENTSINK_OnObjectReady (re, rc) = evtcount evtcount + 1 session.getvalue "data / wmitestrun / test1" res if res = "GOLD" then allEvents = 1 otherwise allEvents = 0 end if end sub rem Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved rem. rem rem Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without rem modification are permitted provided that the following conditions rem are met: rem rem 1) disclosure of the source code has the copyright rem Note, maintaining this list of conditions and the following disclaimer , rem rem 2) passing in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice things, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation rem and / or other materials reproduce rem with the distribution provided. rem rem THIS SOFTWARE BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS rem "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE rem rem. IN NO EVENT SHALL rem copyright OR EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, rem INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES rem (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR rem SERVICES, LOSS OF DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) rem HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY rem, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING rem IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE rem. rem 

Learn more
The following command line tools that come with Windows, are particularly useful for exploring WMI:
• Wbemtext.exe provides a graphical user interface (GUI)
• Wmic.exe is a command line tool that can be used to access WMI

There are a number of external WMI explorer
• Windows management Instrumentation
• Wikipedia :. Windows Management Instrumentation.


The sample code is provided to you AS IS without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. You can use, modify and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) may include the sample code errors, design flaws or other problems that may cause data loss or damage to property; (B) it may not be possible to make the sample code fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, no longer available to make the current version and / or future versions of the sample code. In no event should the code to support ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to use life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS IN BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SAMPLE CODE, INCLUDING DIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Although the copyright belongs in the code to Citrix, any distribution of the code should have only your own standard of the owner of the rights, and not by Citrix. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any claims arising from the use, modification or distribution of the code created.

The top five sessions on Citrix Summit 2015

1:20 PM Add Comment
The top five sessions on Citrix Summit 2015 -

There will be some time taken by all your excellent comments to read and a final report of the Post do event customer surveys about the breakout sessions on Citrix Summit 2015 success! I have come with a tally of five meetings of Las Vegas. Just a note that there are many methods for compiling the reviews like this-I use elected to the amount of the sums received these meetings, both locally in Summit and in the follow-up survey comments (Thanks for the to take the time to fill this out, incidentally, represent. they help plan the event really)

Let's start with the jump Top in session
in the comments and Buzz

SUM129 : ".. Why Citrix beats VMware Everytime "


Vishal Ganeriwala, Director, Technical marketing, and Thomas Berger, Senior Product marketing Manager at Citrix.

This meeting was on the holes and deficiencies in Horizon 6 one of my picks in competitive positioning of a session Catalog blog post, and response was tremendous. Comments included: "It is the best session at the summit was." "Really the video comparisons like" "Good content that I can use when important functions for customers recommend to compare." "The most important information for an SE or account manager is. As we struggle daily VMWare. Vishal and Thomas always do a great job, the VMWare FUD bans and us to use live ammunition to beat them. Some great feedback Excellent! "

Two Revealed focused sessions in Key Vertical markets on sale.

SUM114: ". Selling in healthcare industry trends and to identify industry-specific KPI to, validate and Driving IT and Business Transformation with Citrix Solutions "

by Chris Balzaretti, main Corp. account Manager, Susan Biddle, Head of Vertical Solutions marketing, Jake Hughes Sr., senior sales engineer and Andrew Winiarski, Senior architect, Citrix presented

in this session addressed the challenges and priorities in the developed markets for healthcare leaders top-of-mind and how Citrix IT solutions using "Anatomy of a Deal" discussions to distinguish. The participants said that they "had great structure and flow Large tactical and strategic takeaway points." "Content was powerful some tips I picked up immediately will implement."

SUM115: "In training for sale. . The presented trends, business priorities and requirements budget your education customers to lead to success "[1945019[

by Nicole Nesrsta, Solutions marketing Manager Larry Sweeney, Senior Director understanding Key - Gulf States Olivia Webster, Field Sales Manager II and Amy Sanger, Regional Sales Manager, Southeast Sales, Citrix.

According to the participants of this meeting was "engaging and relevant to the business cases and challenges we" with "oriented large education vertical language that I can apply in my role immediately" and " relevant information that can immediately help sell me. "

Although all the technical sessions were well attended, One in particular had participants really excited!

The exclamation mark in the comments were a giveaway. In addition, this session generated my hands-down favorite comment:


"The optimization of the mobility experience with receiver X1 and Framehawk." Presented by Derek Thorslund, Director, Product management and Stephen Vilke, Senior Director, Media Lab, Citrix. "This game is changing!"

, said one participant. "Super Session", said another this technical session focused on how to use Receiver X1 and Framehawk to create compelling customer benefits. "That to me was probably the best session of the event," a participant said. "Really the Framehawk Tech enjoyed overview secret sauce Will be very helpful to talk to customers." Another participant added. "Excellent tech meeting in first glimpse of Framehawk very useful information and that is critical to our value-add of HDX about 'other'. "finally, asked one participant," Please make me a part of the Tech Preview for Framehawk or I'll fall to the ground and cry ... "I that is a good thing'm pretty confident.

Finally, the Citrix Service Provider track was new for Summit 2015

a panel discussion on the definition of the characteristics of a high quality, differentiated hosted workplace service a great experience for partner delivered:

SUM117 . "Go Vertical and Go Big Higher margins for Hosted Services Get "

Presented by Gary Feldman, CEO, I-Business network; Mike McWilliams, CEO, 3t Systems; Kenneth Oestreich. "Powered by Senior Director of Product Marketing, Citrix; Byron Patrick, CEO and co-founder, Simplified innovations; and Erik van Laar, director, Multrix

investigated the meeting why service provider "go vertical" with a partner panel share insights and real-world experiences. "a truly engaging panel event," one participant commented. "Good panel analysis. Many great insight on specific markets and industries, "said another participant." It was great, right from CSPs to hear about their experiences. "

Thanks again for your feedback. I hope that you save the date for Citrix Summit 2016, the back is in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand in January. Meanwhile, you should follow me on Twitter for news and updates @merisummers at Citrix Synergy 2015 in Orlando May 12-14.