Tech Preview: XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack Gallery image

8:27 PM
Tech Preview: XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack Gallery image -

Citrix Labs recently XenDesktop 7.5 Windows Azure Pack Gallery Photo posted. This blog post takes a closer look at the Windows Azure Pack fits in the company and how the XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack Gallery image allows rapid and automated XenDesktop implementations in a private / hybrid cloud scenario.

XenDesktop cloud in a private / hybrid

CC Photo credit: Daniel Lu

if they were to ask a typical company, whether they embraced some form of public cloud, chances are 100% of respondents would say "yes" (and this survey that the adoption amplified).

Now were, if you have the same number of enterprise customers, if they still ask a heavy investment in their own internal data center, the answer would probably be close to 100% also. The reality of cloud adoption that while it offers companies many advantages around cost, efficiency and flexibility; the typical company is managing more internal data centers for some time. Reasons for this are probably a number of factors, which concerns, security concerns, testing or managing legacy applications that can not possibly contain suitable for public cloud.


This increase to the private and hybrid clouds, to implement something that many companies have already begun to evaluate and implement, or plan, because it aspects of public and private clouds look together to combine.

Knowing this, that examines Citrix Labs team how we could help our customers deploy virtual desktops in a private or hybrid cloud scenario. Recently we published a tech preview of our XenDesktop System Center templates. These templates provide an easy way to simplify and automate XenDesktop implementations in a service-based private cloud. Our next project that we has just been released as a Tech Preview is a XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack gallery image.

XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack Gallery Image Tech Preview

What is a XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack Gallery image? Now let us first start with Windows Azure Pack.

"The Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server provides a solution for companies that act as service providers and service providers interested in winning enterprise workloads. ... (It) provides the power of Windows Azure in your data center, so you have a wide range, self-service, cloud multi-tenancy with Windows Azure consistent experiences and services. ( Microsoft Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server Whitepaper )

Windows Azure Pack is to emulate the Windows Azure experience a data center, so that large companies and service providers to have a consistent experience as they provide and independent resources manage of their location - public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud a Windows Azure Pack gallery image is a standard, shareable component of Windows Azure Pack, the virtual machine roles, or server roles as repeatable configuration..

The XenDesktop service self-determination allows customers of a large enterprise or service provider Windows Azure Pack Gallery image provides a consistent installation of XenDesktop roles. Similar in concept to the aforementioned System Center Service templates they should be reusable virtual machine blueprints, which can be used to simplify the deployment and management of virtual machines. The essential difference is that gallery images can be exposed for tenants on the Windows Azure Management Portal Pack, it is easy for a large company or a service provider make gallery images across multiple customers.

Windows Azure Management Portal Pack

If this sounds interesting to you, then our technology preview can be seen. You must be 7.5 Windows Azure Pack and Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 and XenDesktop.

To learn more and to gain access to the technology preview, visit this page. For a walk through of how this works, we have prepared this "as" video on Citrix TV.

, so that the XenDesktop Windows Azure Pack give Galeriebild a try and let us know what you think. For more information on the type of project that works Citrix Labs team, take a look at the trends and innovation website at You can also join the Citrix Labs group at

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