How to Protect Your Online Privacy

5:12 PM Add Comment
How to Protect Your Online Privacy -

In How to protect your privacy online - Malcolm Burnley - The Atlantic: "The average American visits of Internet users in 1462 Web different sites per year. The median duration of the privacy policies of popular websites is 2,514 words. Read all policies of each website that you call in a year of Privacy take you 10 full days. Not that legalese give you much of an idea of ​​what you risk every time you check your email, shop online, or fly over the news. "

If you're anything as the average Internet user, you do not take the time to read the privacy policies, because it interrupts and slows down the process that you go online to do. most web users go online with a one goal in mind, whether to find a new pair of shoes, check email or to compare prices of air tickets, to check the box saying you read the privacy policy becomes second nature opposed reading scroll through pages of information.

Even if you have read all the privacy policies required by each site you visit, just know what information is collected and what it will be used not to protect you. Similarly, when you already plan on using this website, regardless of what the privacy policy may or may not say, going over with a fine tooth comb is futile.

Therefore IPVanish using VPN is the most effective way to ensure your online identity is protected. IPVanish not only encrypt the data you send over the Internet making it readable by the source, it is provided for this purpose also controls the location of your IP address.

Your IP address is basically your tattoo or signature when you 're online. Every website you visit uses your IP address to find out what your physical location (so they can geo-target advertisements to you), as well as the connection type and Internet Service Provider. IPVanish offers 7000+ IPs on 100+ servers in 43 countries with broadband connections and without bandwidth charges. Try IPVanish today to start surfing the web safely and protect your privacy online!

What personally identifiable information (PII)?

4:11 PM Add Comment
What personally identifiable information (PII)? -

sites collect personally identifiable information (PII)

With the recent revisions of children online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) it's probably a good idea to know what defines personally identifiable information (PII).

COPPA is a law of privacy created by the Federal Trade Commission in 1998 and was designed to give parents more control over personally identifiable information (PII) that websites and applications collect children users under 13 years COPPA involves what PII is collected from users and how it is stored and shared. PII includes the following:

  • Name and surname
  • A home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or city ​​
  • online form
  • A screen name or user name that works like the online contact information
  • A phone number
  • a social security number
  • a persistent identifier that can be used to recognize a user over time and across different websites or online services
  • a photograph, video or an audio file, when such a file contains an image of a child or a voice
  • of sufficient geo-location information to identify the street name and the name of a city or a city
  • information about the child or the parents of this child that the operator collects online from the child and combines with an identifier described above

startup Internet companies tend to ignore the rules of COPPA because their site or application was not originally designed for children. But later, they discover that children are actually a growing part of their public and this is COPPA comes in. The most recent changes to COPPA begin to be implemented on July 1.

IPVanish use VPN to protect you and your family of personal information to be shared. Your information is kept safe because of encryption, which makes everything you send via Internet readable by the source, it is intended. For as low as $ 6.49 / month for an annual program, you can surf the Web safely. Read more about Why VPN to why IPVanish is the best choice to protect your PII

Source :. The Next Web

PBS: online sharing Era offers advantages of "Big Data," Privacy Compromise

3:10 PM Add Comment
PBS: online sharing Era offers advantages of "Big Data," Privacy Compromise -

PBS NewsHour - online sharing Era

Watch the video below to learn from PBS NewsHour. Revelations about the NSA's secret programs have strengthened the national interest to find a balance between privacy and security Jeffrey Brown discusses the public perception of surveillance data with Jules Polonetsky of the future of privacy Forum, Kashmir Hill of Forbes and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, co-author of "Big data."

More PBS NewsHour.

VPN Creative Awards IPVanish Best VPN Provider 2013

2:09 PM Add Comment
VPN Creative Awards IPVanish Best VPN Provider 2013 -

In April of this year in the survey of a VPN Creative player, IPVanish was chosen as the best VPN service from a list of candidates VPN services. We are particularly proud of this award as the votes were cast by VPN users located around the world. Who better to judge the service users themselves? Thank you to everyone who participated and to name the best service IPVanish VPN 2013!

In the short elapsed time IPVanish has made several improvements to both its VPN server infrastructure and software ... and we will continue to. . We are committed to providing the best Internet privacy tool on the market, the period

IPVanish Recent milestones include:

  • 100 Exceeding VPN servers worldwide
  • Doubling our global IP address
  • releasing a new Windows client, free for all guests
  • Introducing the Android App VPN

IPVanish focuses on offering the best service in the world by constantly adding servers in locations that are important to our customers and to constantly evaluate and refine our VPN software. All IPVanish software is free and easy to use and makes it convenient for our users to access IPVanish from all over the world. IPVanish also offers complete visual guides and step by step instructions for the installation of our software as well as 24-7 customer support.

If you are a regular reader of our blog, you know that has received many awards from top industry sites. "Best VPN Provider 2013" VPN Creative price is just the latest official recognition of the quality of IPVanish service, and we promise to continue to improve IPVanish experience for all our customers.

For more information and make an informed decision about the best VPN provider for you, read the full review at Creative VPN -. IPVanish Review

A connected world

1:08 PM Add Comment
A connected world -

According to The Washington Post: Over 550,000 miles of submarine fiber optic cable wrap around the world to deliver emails , Web pages, other electronic communications and telephone calls from one continent to another at the speed of light. Since the cables reach land, they connect? the landing stations that route voice, data and Internet traffic to national networks or transmit the signal to another submarine network which carries data on their international destination.

Click here to learn how a cable network linking North America to the world.

As people chat around the world, browse and post pictures through online services, most of the information flow to the technological scope of the supervision of the United States. Although the laws, rules of procedure and internal policies limit how such information may be collected and used, data billions of devices around the world pass through the Internet choke points that States STATES and its allies are capable of supervision .

This large-scale monitoring of fiber networks is parallel to PRISM NSA that allows analysts to access data from nine major Internet companies including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL and Apple, according to PowerPoint slides classified NSA. (The companies said the collection is legal and limited.)

When the NSA collects communications, a target abroad foreigner who speaks or e-mailing with an American, the e- mail or phone call American is considered "incidental" collected. It is considered "inadvertently" collected if the target is proven to be an American, according to rules and people familiar with the programs. The extent of the accidental and involuntary collection were not disclosed, leading some lawmakers to require disclosure of estimates of the number of Americans communications have been collected.

By using software that analyzes traffic and "sniffs" the targeted e- mail address, t he company can remove the email traffic automatically to provide the government as several former government officials and industry experts.

" people have to realize that there are many ways for the government to obtain large amounts of e-mail ," said Chris Soghoian, an expert in technology with the American civil Liberties Union

learn more about "agreements with private companies protect US access to data cables for monitoring." - the Washington post

Microsoft Gave NSA access to encrypted messages

12:07 PM Add Comment
Microsoft Gave NSA access to encrypted messages -

Microsoft has worked closely with US intelligence services to allow users to be intercepted communications, including helping the 'national security Agency circumvent own enterprise encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian.

files provided by Edward Snowden illustrate the extent of cooperation between Silicon Valley and intelligence agencies in the past three years. They shed new light on how the top-secret Prism program, which was revealed by the Guardian and the Washington Post last month

The documents show that :.

• Microsoft helped the NSA to circumvent its encryption to address concerns that the agency would be unable to intercept web conversations about the new portal;

• the agency had access to pre-encryption step to email on, including Hotmail;

• The company worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via Prism its storage service SkyDrive cloud, which now has over 250 million users worldwide;

• Microsoft also worked with Data Intercept Unit of the FBI to "understand" potential issues with a feature in that allows users to create email aliases;

• in July last year, nine months after Microsoft bought Skype, the NSAboasted a new capacity has tripled the amount of Skype video calls collected by Prism;

• Material collected by Prism is routinely shared with the FBI andCIA with an NSA document describing the program as a "team sport".

the latest revelations of the NSA further expose the tensions between Silicon Valley and the Obama administration. All the big tech companies are lobbying the government to allow them to communicate in more detail the scope and nature of their cooperation with the NSA to address their concerns customers'privacy. Privately, technology executives are struggling to distance themselves from claims of collaboration and teamwork shown by the documents of the NSA, and insist the process is driven by legal compulsion.

Read the full article How Microsoft gave the NSA access to encrypted messages - World News -. The Guardian

Feds Claim Master encryption keys

11:06 AM Add Comment
Feds Claim Master encryption keys -

US Government is seeking Master encryption keys

Regardless of whether the FBI or NSA has the lawful authority to obtain the master encryption key suppliers, the US government continues to try. Master encryption keys used by Internet companies to protect private communications Web users espionage. According to a person who represents a large Internet company, until now, these applications were rejected on the grounds that they go beyond what the law allows.

However, Internet companies like Google, Facebook and Microsoft declined to disclose whether they have received requests for encryption key demands. In addition, companies such as Apple, Yahoo, AOL, Verizon, Time Warner Cable and Comcast declined to answer questions about whether they disclose encryption keys to government agencies.

A former official claims the Ministry of Justice, "Applications are coming because the Internet is rapidly changing to an encrypted template".

If the government gets the master encryption key of a company, they could decipher the content of communications intercepted by a wiretap or the application of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Web encryption uses a technique called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

A source expressed concern at CNET News that although large Internet companies resist government demands for encryption keys, small businesses without legal support might be less willing to put up a fight.

Federal officials and state law enforcement have said encrypted communications began to be an obstacle to the legal supervision. Valerie Caproni, general counsel of the FBI at the time, told a congressional hearing in 2011, according to a transcript:

Encryption is a problem, and it is a problem we see some suppliers ... for people who have encryption on their traffic, we understand that there would need to be individualized solutions if we get a wiretap order for these people ... We suggest that if the provider communications clear and we have a wiretap order, the supplier must give us clear these communications

Source :. Feds put heat on the web businesses for the master encryption keys - CNET News

FlashRouters and IPVanish Special Offer

10:05 AM Add Comment
FlashRouters and IPVanish Special Offer -

FlashRouters and IPVanish Special Offer - 3 months free IPVanish, See details below

take the decision to use IPVanish VPN is quite simple. You must use a VPN if you want to do any or all of the following:

  • Protect your online identity
  • Maintaining privacy while browsing the Internet
  • control your location intellectual property
  • Manage and control data online
  • unwanted marketing
  • Block
  • Protect yourself on Wi-Fi hotspots

Using IPVanish VPN is the easiest and most profitable to be safe from prying eyes and cybercriminals. Also because IPVanish has a partnership with Flashrouters, it's easier than ever to use a VPN with multiple devices.

Flashrouters IPVanish configured routers offers that allow you to maintain your privacy while using devices such as TVs, computers, iPads, Rokus, tablets and laptops simultaneously. There is no need to waste your time on the configuration of a router because FlashRouters did all the work for you.

FlashRouters provides an output of the solution of the box with a variety of custom routers that have been configured for use IPVanish. FlashRouters updated the plant's control panels and replaced firmware from the factory with the open-source DD-WRT technology. DD-WRT firmware is based on Linux developed to improve wireless Internet routers giving each connected device encryption and a separate IP address in the country of your choice.

IPVanish FlashRouters VPN and set up a special offer, to demonstrate how easy it is to protect your online identity. For a limited time, when you buy a router Flashrouters and 3 or 12 months IPVanish VPN service you will receive 3 months of FREE IPVanish.

Once you buy a router Flashrouters you will receive a confirmation email including a coupon code and a link to IPVanish VPN. Sign up to 3 or 12 months, enter the coupon code at checkout and receive 3 months of free service IPVanish. It is easy!

Visit Flashrouters to buy your router configured IPVanish (enter coupon code at checkout IPVanish and save $ 5) and start protecting your online identity today and privacy now.

Update IPVanish VPN Android App

8:03 PM Add Comment
Update IPVanish VPN Android App -

IPVanish VPN Android App Version 1.08

We are delighted to announce that IPVanish launched an updated version update VPN App Android, version 1.08. This updated version has enhanced reconnection and has been tested in the following cases:

  • Passage in airplane mode. IPVanish goes into "Waiting for network connection usable" state. Once the plane is off, IPVanish reconnects.
  • IPVanish Installed on a Nexus 7, off the Wi-Fi router, it has been connected. IPVanish enters "waiting for network connection usable" state. Reconnect once the signal is back.
  • 3g disabilities in the Android emulator, IPVanish TRYS to reconnect all the time.

The IPVanish VPN App Android uses the protocol and OpenVPN features:

  • unlimited IP address switching by city, country and / or server response time
  • menu preferences of the user complete
  • 100% online identity and data protection
  • Unmetered Bandwidth VPN
  • 24/7 Customer support

IPVanish VPN for cell phones is important because it protects your information against hackers and identity thieves, hiding your IP address for total anonymity, bypass Internet censorship restrictions, using Wi-Fi hotspots securely and allows you to consult privately.

Current IPVanish Android App VPN users will be asked to update to the latest version at launch. A free copy of the Android application can also be found on the page IPVanish VPN software with a visual guide providing step by step instructions.

If you currently do not use VPN IPVanish try today with a 7 day money back guarantee for as low as $ 6.49 / month and start protecting your online identity and data today !

Common Questions and Answers Part 2 VPN IPVanish

7:02 PM Add Comment
Common Questions and Answers Part 2 VPN IPVanish -

Is my ISP see when I'm connected to VPN IPVanish?

All your ISP will see is a secure, encrypted connection to one of our VPN servers. They can not see the traffic or decrypt all your communication.

What newspapers do you keep? Do you monitor my activity?

We do not monitor, record or store the VPN activity logs from a single client. For more details visit Privacy Policy -. IPVanish VPN

Where are your VPN servers located

We add servers to continuously expand our range and now have VPN servers in?

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Egypt
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Moldova
  • New Zealand
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Panama
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • UK
  • US

See our complete list of server .

What is the best server to connect to?

Just decide which place you want to connect and IP selection will happen behind the scenes.

What is the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses?

a static IP address remains the same each time you connect to the Internet while a dynamic IP address changes each time a connection is established.

are IPVanish static or dynamic IP addresses?

Our IP addresses are dynamic. Dynamic IP addresses offer the best anonymity, your traffic will be poured into our thousands of IP addresses instead of a static address.

Security Issues Surround Apple's new system TouchID

6:01 PM Add Comment
Security Issues Surround Apple's new system TouchID -

Security Concerns Surround new Apple TouchID system

Apple hyped its new security system scan

Touch ID fingerprint a "practical and highly secure access to your phone," but if a new report is correct, the system may not be as safe as the company claims. the pirates demand chaos Computer Club (CCC) to have successfully bypassed Touch ID "using means of all the easy days."

"in fact, Apple's sensor just has a higher resolution compared to sensors so far, "a pirate called Starbug said." So we only need to ramp up the resolution of our false. "

While hackers claim that the method is easy, is complicated enough that most of the iPhone 5S users are not as likely to have their safety compromised by everyday thief would have to be prepared to get a high-resolution photograph of a fingerprint and produce a false physical. (It is also not nearly as easy to circumvent Touch ID with this method, for example, deceiving the Android Face Unlock feature with a simple picture of a person).

But the relative simplicity of the method, which involves photographing a fingerprint left behind on a surface, and then creating a glue model of it, called the sophistication of the touch technology in ID question. Before Touch ID was officially announced, Bruce Schneier Wired noted that fingerprint readers have long faced vulnerabilities, and that the simplest readers can be fooled with good copy.

Although to be fooled by a fake finger glue is great for touch ID, there is no question of the most serious security system. On Friday, Senator Al Franken said that the system "raises substantial privacy issues," and wrote a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook asking for more details on Touch ID. Critics fear that the fingerprints of a user can be accessible to hackers or other bad actors. - something Apple says is virtually impossible because Touch ID says only store locally a mathematical representation of the fingerprint of a user

to protect your online identity and data while using the Internet using a VPN. IPVanish VPN gives you control of your IP address blocking in turn unwanted marketing, acts as a virtual firewall, protects you from cybercrime and more. Try it today for only $ 6.49 / month and start protecting what is yours

Source :. the Verge

IPVanish VPN makes it easy to protect your online privacy

5:00 PM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN makes it easy to protect your online privacy -

IPVanish VPN, it's easy to protect your privacy online - Try it Today

in the last message "Examples of behavior we share Why Too Much online," we discussed how some Internet users may find it difficult to protect their privacy. Fortunately, VPN IPVanish it easy. By offering a free VPN software with automatic configuration, step by step instructions, visual guides and support available 24-7 - protect your privacy has never been easier

IPVanish VPN gives you control of your IP address, and shared use IP addresses to add an extra level of security. A VPN keeps your real IP address hidden from search engines because it does not reveal the IP you choose to 7000+ IP address on 100+ servers in 44 countries. Shared IP addresses can literally be used by 20 people at the same time (without compromising your own pace and security) and is an often overlooked advantage because it makes it almost impossible to isolate a single person for their online business.

When you secure your connection to a VPN by taking control of your IP address that you do the following:

  • Protected identity and data
  • Unwanted marketing is blocked
  • security to Wi-Fi hotspots
  • Virtual Firewall is created
  • you will have the same Internet services while traveling as you do to home
  • A shield Cyber ​​crime

Get IPVanish VPN today for as low as $ 6.49 / month.

National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month

3:59 PM Add Comment
National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month -
10th anniversary of

National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security awareness Month and this year marks its 10th Anniversary. National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance and information sharing and analysis Centre Multi-State.

The objective of raising awareness of national security Cyber ​​months is to engage the public and private sectors to educate Americans about cybersecurity and increase awareness of the creation of a cyberspace safe and secure.

Cyber ​​criminals do not discriminate, they target any vulnerable computer system, no matter who they belong. The computer system is attacked could belong to a young professional at work, one person at a retirement home, a small business or a Fortune 500 company That why it's important that everyone no matter age , status, education or profession must be aware of the importance of cybersecurity

Each week of October highlights a different element of cybersecurity such as :.

  • challenges the next 10 years in cyberspace
  • The importance of cybersecurity on all devices
  • Fostering labor cyber next generation
  • local and national efforts to prevent cyber crime
  • on cyber physical security

for more information and / or to get involved, visit the national Cyber Security Awareness Month - Homeland Security

Online privacy or security, which is more important?

2:58 PM Add Comment
Online privacy or security, which is more important? -

Private Life online or safety ...

Since NSA scandal this summer as the NSA continues make headline news, people were wondering important issues. What is more important, privacy or safety online? How much is in online privacy? Privacy is online too much to ask? Security is worth giving up on online privacy?

According to a study by Lab42, a market research company, the nation is divided almost down the middle on the importance of online privacy security risk. 54% would prefer to have more online security at the expense of safety. 52% said that privacy is a thing of the past, and not surprisingly, 57% of consumers say they have less confidence in the government because of the NSA leaks. However, despite the opinion that online privacy is a "lost cause", consumers are still a few steps to protect themselves.

The youngest to the more likely they are to participate in the online and mobile consumer privacy. 56% of Millennials also known as Generation Y (born 1981-00) have their mobile devices password protected, compared to only 36% of consumers aged over 35.

Click the image below to see the full version info-graphic Lab42:


Source: online safety Award

IPVanish VPN Server Expansion

1:57 PM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN Server Expansion -

IPVanish VPN Server Expansion Includes Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

IPVanish, the fastest VPN service the world, today announced it has expanded its global VPN network to include the following new servers:

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (1)

Paris, France ( 1)

Auckland, New Zealand (1)

These additions bring the IPVanish global network of 7000 + IP on 105+ servers in 45 countries worldwide, making it the one of the largest and most redundant VPNs ever.

in the last 15 years, IPVanish out to build the fastest and safest network traffic routing with the stated goal of "providing the best speed VPN, the most connections safe, the best technical support and the most competitive prices on the planet. "We are proud to say that today IPVanish independently testing the VPN network the fastest in the world, while maintaining best-support the safety and 24x7x365 customer industry.

More importantly, IPVanish continues to remain at the forefront of the VPN market and work around the building even faster clock, a stronger and better service for customers worldwide of security.

for how IPVanish protects your online identity and personal data, visit Why VPN? - IPVanish VPN. You can also try our product a no questions asked 7-day money back guarantee. To find out how easy it is to achieve 100% safety, sign up today!

New Mobile App IPVanish VPN press for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users

11:55 AM Add Comment
New Mobile App IPVanish VPN press for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users -

We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile application ! Our new app allows all iPhone; iPad and iPod touch (iOS 7.0 and above) to connect seamlessly 7000+ IP in 61 cities in 47 countries worldwide for secure and convenient Internet browsing in the palm of their hand. The new mobile application uses versions L2TP and PPTP and simplifies the installation of the VPN profile ensuring a fast and secure connection

Earlier this year, we also published an Android application that uses OpenVPN protocol. in fact, we have all the bases covered by providing customized automatic installation software for Windows and Mac, Android and iOS so reduced pre-configured routers. All IPVanish software with visual guides and step by step instructions are available to all new and existing customers IPVanish free and can be found on Page IPVanish VPN software.

Expect more great things to come from IPVanish we continue to add new features and remain committed to providing the absolute best VPN experience for the lowest prices in the industry .

Top 10 most popular passwords and worst of 2013: Do not use

9:53 PM Add Comment
Top 10 most popular passwords and worst of 2013: Do not use -

Not only the worst passwords to use for a number of reasons # 1 being that they are ridiculously easy to guess, they are also the most popular in 2013. not to use these passwords or anything near them. unless your idea of ​​fun is hacked because these passwords are too easy to break into your account.


Splashdata publish this list every year to encourage users to use stronger passwords more complex . Avoid using the same combination of username / password for multiple websites. Especially risky is using the same password for entertainment sites that you do for online email, social networks or financial services sites. Use different passwords for each new website or service you sign up for

Source :. SplashData News

How Safe is your Internet life from Stalkers?

10:54 AM Add Comment
How Safe is your Internet life from Stalkers? -

According to "Beware Someone is spying 'on you online!" - The Times of India, traders are profiling each of your movements online: read your Facebook updates and your tweets, and scanning your emails. It seems that stalking and it is, but if you work in the world of marketing online - it is called mapping

Ignitee CEO, Atul Hedge said, "Mapping occurs on two levels .. A when the user browses various websites without logging in. In this case, it monitors the time spent, the type of content consumed, frequency of visits and so on. A model can be pulled through it. . "

This is just what happens when you're just looking without being connected to a browser or blog Once you're connected, the identification signals are more specific: location [, sex and age As your search terms, no matter how personal or embarrassing, they could be saved are

your emails are also analyzed. - Depending on the coverage, publishers can scan your emails. for example, if someone writes using the keyword "vacation" in the subject line, and the publisher can immediately choose it and start throwing you travel ads. "The purpose of IPVanish VPN is to protect your Internet life from stalkers! Once you 've established your VPN connection your Internet traffic travels through an encrypted tunnel as no longer visible to all third parties, including your ISP. Learn more about how to IPVanish works Why VPN

IPVanish easy to use and affordable for everyone - try it today and save 25% on an annual subscription by entering the coupon code HOLIDAY13 upon departure. Having a safe in 2014 by the Internet privacy a priority!

Join EFF for The Day We Fight Back

8:52 PM Add Comment
Join EFF for The Day We Fight Back -

When you enjoy in privacy online as we do, it is important to be involved! Join the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) today in the fight against mass surveillance

Use this link to join the movement -. Https://

EFF urges legislators to oppose the FISA Improvements Act, support the Law on Freedom USA, and adopt protections for non-Americans

You can also join the conversation on Reddit by visiting :. http: //www.reddit .com / r / thedaywefightback /

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© 2016 IPVanish VPN

"Privacy is becoming a luxury good"

7:51 PM Add Comment
"Privacy is becoming a luxury good" -

This week on NPR Fresh Air Julia Angwin, author of Dragnet Nation. A Quest for Privacy , security and freedom in a world of relentless surveillance was interviewed. Angwin is an investigative journalist who discovered how Google knew about it by asking its research data. She was amazed at how much research revealed

in commercial services storing our online browsing habits to NSA scans and many people followed our smartphones . - Angwin says blind data collection in our society is the norm . in his new book, she details what she did in the attempt to escape from everything, including the creation of a false identity

Some quotes of the highlights of the interview are :.

You can ask Google what they have on you and they actually provide a fairly complete answer. I could see all the Google research I conducted since 06, which was a lot of Google searches. It happens that I was around 26,000 Google searches per month.

What is happening now in the digital age is that they are (data brokers) adding to their files of all kinds of digital information, so they can learn about you, what you do online, what you buy online. ... So now these documents they have become much more accurate. They are not only used to send you spam you can throw. Now they are used online as well to help sites know who you are when you get to their website.

The truth is, what we learn in today's world is that nothing is free. If something is supposed to be free, then it really means they take your data. So what I decided: I have to buy my way out of it. ... Privacy is becoming a luxury product.

Privacy may be a luxury in the digital society today, but that does not mean it has come at a luxury price. Find out why you should use a VPN to today Why VPN -. IPVanish VPN

A chronology of the World Wide Web

6:50 PM Add Comment
A chronology of the World Wide Web -

Today is the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web, to celebrate here is a timeline of the past 25 years:

March 12, 1989: British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee circulates his "information management proposal" to the European organization CERN, laying the foundation for the World Wide Web it. release the code to the public on Christmas day 190.

1993 Mosaic, the browser credited with popularizing the Web with an intuitive interface, is developed by a team led by Marc Andreessen at the University of Illinois. Mosaic is the basis for the Netscape browser business in 1994.

1994 China gets first Internet connection, but content filters

  • The White House launches its website,; some users who enter a .com address end up on a porn site.
  • launches include "David and Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web", the precursor of Yahoo and

1995 .. Microsoft launches Internet Explorer, which triggered a "browser war" which eventually kill Netscape

  • The site eBay online auction launched

1996 Finnish Nokia launches first mobile phone with Internet connectivity

1998 Google begins operations, more and more rapidly in the leading search engine.

  • US government delivers the Web domain system of control over ICANN, a private entity

00 :. the Internet ILOVEYOU virus infects millions of computers worldwide, causing billions of dollars in damage and highlighting online security needs.

  • Internet fever causes dominated Nasdaq composite index technology to a record level of 5048, before the bursting of the dot-com bubble, eroding more than 75 percent of the value in 02 the Nasdaq index fails to reach 5,000 over the next 14 years.

01 Napster, a popular music-swapping service, is ordered shutters by US courts in a key decision on the copyright line

02. a denial of service knocks out eight of 13 servers roots that allow Internet connections

05 :. the number of people connected to the Internet tops a billion

07 :. Estonia leads the first parliamentary election in line

2012 :. online trading for 2012 tops $ 1 trillion, according to private surveys

  • the Facebook social network sections. a billion members; A NASA probe Mars check in Foursquare.
  • A global treaty telecommunications is signed by 89 UN member states, countries claiming the US has too much control of the Internet. The United States and 55 other countries reject the document, saying it could lead to government regulation of the Internet

2013 :. Some 2.7 billion people worldwide are connected to the Internet, about 40 percent of the world population. Chinese than English as the dominant language

Source :. Business Insider

The Australian authorities Push to Have Internet searches stored

5:49 PM Add Comment
The Australian authorities Push to Have Internet searches stored -

Australia's intelligence agency (ASIO) uses the Snowden leaks to leverage its case for legislation that would require the Australian telecommunications companies to store certain types of internet and telephone customer data for a defined period of time, such as two years.

the federal spy agency is supported by police from the Northern Territory, Victoria Police, Australian Federal Police, Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement of integrity, which all say they are in favor of a data retention regime.

in its submission to a parliamentary inquiry into potential changes to telecommunications laws, ASIO argues that more people are encrypting their Web communications after the revelations made by US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden to About generalized data collection programs by governments.

This accelerated the need for changes that would force suppliers to maintain "metadata" to all customers for a prescribed period, he said. Metadata stored on a phone call could include the parties to the appeal, location, duration and time of the call, but not what was said.

The metadata stored on an allocated Internet activity may include your IP address and the IP addresses of Web servers you visit, or uniform resource locators (URLs) you visit and the time at which they were visited, while the metadata could include email addresses, hours and subject.

Fortunately, there IPVanish. Using VPN IPVanish you does't personal information must be reading material for spying eyes. Your web searches are your business! You can protect your online identity and data by taking control of your IP address. Find out how as little as $ 6.49 / month can give you peace of mind to surf the Internet safely by visiting Why VPN - VPN IPVanish

Source :. Sydney Morning Herald

Government Sponsored Hackers come after journalists

4:48 PM Add Comment
Government Sponsored Hackers come after journalists -

Two engineers from Google security who attended and spoke at the Black Hat hacker conference in Singapore last week shared an overview of the news agencies to be targeted by hackers. According to CNET - it was reported that 21 of the 25 major news organizations in the world have been targeted and it is more likely the pirates that've been paid by foreign governments seeking information

sponsored piracy the state has taken. his own life in recent years. Several countries around the world, including the United States, China and Russia, are expected to engage in hacking for information. It is not surprising that some state-sponsored hackers have broadened their scope to reporters, especially given many details of the great journalists about the companies and government officials. Huntley and Marquis-Boire warned that while the technology industry is to come to grips with online safety requirements, many journalists and news organizations are just now becoming aware of the threats.

According to researchers at Google, several news organizations have been hacked successfully last year. Huntley a detailed case told Reuters that Chinese hackers had access to a new decision by sending a fake email questionnaire reporters.

So far, the main hacking attempts on new releases came via email, but hackers sponsored by the State will certainly continue to find other ways to target journalists. Google currently monitors attacks and warns users if they could have fallen prey. But we do not know how other email service providers maintain the same situation.

IPVanish keeps your online data and security identity by putting you in control of your IP address, learn more about VPN Why?

"Encryption: the key to online privacy"

3:47 PM Add Comment
"Encryption: the key to online privacy" -

As noted in a recent article DW titled "Encryption: The key to life private online "

as more details of the systematic monitoring of the government, World come to light, keeping in privacy online is becoming more difficult [

Maybe appears difficult, but we are there to IPVanish to let you know that it is not! Our VPN service is extremely easy, so easy that we voted "most easy to use VPN 2014. "Here are some reasons why:

  1. We provide free VPN software and mobile applications with each subscription including step-by-step visual guides and technical Support 24-7
  2. one-click connection to a secure server of your choice
  3. Our website provides all the information you need in one place - not research or guess (and it is also fully translated in 4 languages ​​- English, Turkish, Dutch, french)

now back to encryption is the key to online privacy - check how IPVanish works

Drops a secure environment for the web every day, passing all your data online (e-mails, instant messages, data transfers, etc.) through a ENCRYPTED TUNNEL (see diagram -Dessous.)

Join today for as little as $ 6.49 / month to see how easy it is to protect your privacy online .

OpenVPN iOS Tutorial Now Available

2:46 PM Add Comment
OpenVPN iOS Tutorial Now Available -

As always IPVanish our team is working hard with our Objective 1 to mind - customer satisfaction. We want our customers to have a smooth and easy VPN experience, that's why there is no guesswork with our VPN configurations. We provide comprehensive visual guides, including step by step instructions for the following:

  • Windows - PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN
  • Mac OS X - PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN
  • iOS - (new!) PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN
  • Android - PPTP, L2TP
  • Ubuntu - PPTP, L2TP
  • Routers - Setup OpenVPN DD-WRT and tomato OpenVPN

Our latest addition is the OpenVPN tutorial iOS and you can find it with other operating systems and devices listed above during the VPN configuration. We also provide technical support 24-7 email where our knowledgeable and helpful staff are happy to answer any questions you may have.

In IPVanish we take online privacy seriously and we know our customers do too! We appreciate your business and we are here to help you.

If you are currently using the IPVanish register now for as low as $ 6.49 / month to start protecting what is yours.

Russian "Facebook" now in the hands of Putin Allies

1:45 PM Add Comment
Russian "Facebook" now in the hands of Putin Allies -

Pavel Durov, founder of VKontakte, most popular social network in Russia said Monday that he had been shot and that the site was now "under complete control" of two close allies of President Vladimir Putin .

announcing his shot on his VKontakte page, Durov said ". Today VKontakte passes under the complete control of Igor Sechin and Alisher Usmanov" Usmanov is a metals magnate who has expanded into technology through its company, which steadilyupped its stake in Russian social network. Until recently, Usmanov owned a 10% stake in Facebook. Sechin is the leader of the hard line siloviki faction that supports Putin, is CEO of Rosneft, the oil company owned, and is considered one of the closest advisers of the Russian president.

" Probably, in the Russian context, something like this was inevitable , but I'm glad we took seven and a half years," Durov continued. "We did a lot. And part of what has been done can not be returned."

Although Kremlin maintains tight control over television and some print media it has been lax about allowing freedom of expression to flourish online. This is changing, especially after anti-Putin demonstrations in the winter of 2011-12 that were organized by an opposition that was particularly active online.

Durov, a press-shy 29 year old who founded a network which today has over 100 million users in Russia and other post-Soviet countries, has largely stayed out politics but says he refused previous Kremlin attempts to censor VKontakte .

Source: BuzzFeed

IPVanish Privacy Awareness Promotion

12:44 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Privacy Awareness Promotion -

Due to the growing importance of privacy in today's world and celebrate the privacy Week awareness (4 to 10 May), IPVanish will be awarding five lucky winners with IPVanish VPN accounts .

Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is an initiative of the Asia-Pacific authorities forum __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS <__ confidentiality (APPA), which is held every year to promote awareness of privacy issues and the importance of privacy and private

the Giveaway :.
IPVanish 5 award winners with an account IPVanish 1 year. Both new and existing users are eligible (existing users will have free time added to his account). The IPVanish Privacy Awareness Promotion runs from May 2 to May 10, 2014. Five winners will then be chosen at random and notified by email on May 13, 2014.

Click here to learn more and enter to win !

Thank you to participate in privacy promotion

11:43 AM Add Comment
Thank you to participate in privacy promotion -

The IPVanish Promotion Privacy ended today with five winners receiving 1 year free IPVanish! Thank you to all who participated in the promotion, over 40 entries the 5 winners were selected at random and notified by email.

Just because the promotion is over does not mean that we can forget in online privacy. In the privacy of the Internet society today is a necessary priority and we must be vigilant to protect our online identity and data at any time. Therefore IPVanish makes it easy! Join today for as low as $ 6.49 / month

It is easy to fall in waiting victim of cyber criminals to steal our credit card information while we are using a unassumingly WIFI connection -. Waiting to board a plane or while enjoying a drink at our favorite place.

Make the week confidentiality ID theft awareness test to see how much you know about identity theft.

European expansion IPVanish

9:41 PM Add Comment
European expansion IPVanish -

IPVanish VPN fastest and strongest growth VPN and supplier of Internet freedom has been busy to prepare the highly anticipated 2014 World Cup in order to facilitate local visualization 8 new servers were added to Amsterdam, bringing the total to 11, and additional servers were also added in Zurich, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, Israel. This latest expansion brings our global offer of 14,000+ anonymous IP 130+ secure servers in 56 countries.

The Amsterdam servers is the gateway to the EU during the EU use IP addresses IPVanish users have direct access to local content so they can watch World Cup broadcast their team home . Located on the coast of Amsterdam offers unmatched VPN experience with direct access to its massive peering inter-Atlantic data center, providing fastest speed server available.

Not only have we increased our points of presence in Europe just in time for the World Cup, but we also offer a 25% saving on all IPVanish plan with the coupon code FOOTBALL valid until July 13 e . Taking advantage of this offer allows you to watch your favorite football team wherever you are!

5 Tips to protect your privacy

10:42 AM Add Comment
5 Tips to protect your privacy -

ABC News asked an independent researcher and consultant Ashkan Soltani five tips to protect your privacy and to help prevent the followed on the Internet. They include:

  1. Ad Industry Opt-out: Unfortunately, however, most third-party trackers that you meet online are not part of the advertising Digital Association or Advertising Network initiative, which means you will not have an op-out through their monitoring tools. Moreover, even if you opt out, fine print often still allows the third monitor to non-advertising purposes, such as analysis or safety site
  2. Interent Browser Settings :. Unfortunately, this setting is not enabled by default for most browsers and users need to dig for the option in the browser settings
  3. Life Plugins :. Electronic Frontier Foundation also has a new plug -in called Privacy Badger for Mozilla and Chrome, but it is still at a very early Alpha stage of development
  4. Log / Private Browsing Mode. to prevent the first part of Facebook as you follow - even when you are not visiting - you must ensure that you are not connected when browsing
  5. (physical) monitoring in stores: [ your activity in the stores is also monitored and often related to your online business. You can skip loyalty cards (or at least use an email address to register) - which for some stores means missing on savings. But most companies use the information you provide to the loyalty program to sync your purchases to your online business!

Visit Why VPN? - IPVanish VPN to see how a VPN and how you can protect your privacy online with a single click by taking control of your IP address

Source: ABC News


IPVanish VPN adds 16 new global payment options

8:40 PM 1 Comment
IPVanish VPN adds 16 new global payment options -

We added 16 new secure payment methods to choose from when buying its encryption services and World-class VPN anonymity. With the expansion of today's payment option, IPVanish now offers more payment options than any other VPN service!

In addition to PayPal and all major credit cards are already accepted IPVanish added the following payment methods, including some anonymous and cash options:

  • PaySafeCard
  • Giropay
  • Alipay
  • CashU
  • Mister cash
  • Poli
  • SOFORT Bank
  • Boleto Bancario
  • DineroMail 7eleven
  • DineroMail Oxxo
  • Transfer DineroMail Bank
  • DineroMail ServiPag
  • Przelewy24
  • ELV
  • EPS

These additions could not have come at a better time with the World Cup being so the best time to try IPVanish VPN now! You save 25% on new account with FOOTBALL coupon code. Click here to start protecting what is yours and to get into the action of the World Cup, no matter where you are in the world.

The dangers for the future of the Internet

7:39 PM Add Comment
The dangers for the future of the Internet -

Pew Research appointed 4 "Net threats" that the Internet experts fear as they look to the future of the Web. Pew has complied this list by making a "Canvassing experts' survey that they sent to thousands of those who are known as technology builders, analysts and industry experts

Threats net experts fear are :.

  1. measures taken by nation states to maintain security and political control will lead to more blocking, filtering, segmentation and the balkanization of the Internet.
  2. trust evaporate in the wake of revelations about government and corporate surveillance and probably more oversight in the future.
  3. commercial pressures affecting everything from the architecture of the Internet to the flow of information will endanger the open structure of online life.
  4. efforts to resolve the TMI (too much information) problem could overcompensate and effectively counteract content sharing.

experts in this survey noted a broad global trend of Internet regulation by regimes that have faced protests and intensified surveillance of Internet users. They noted that countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey blocked access to the Internet to control information flow when they saw the content as a threat to the current regime. China is known for its "Great Firewall", as Internet censorship by most foreigners, including those in this prospecting

Read more on the net threats - Pew Research Center

http: // www. / 2014/07/03 / net-threats /

VPN is a fan of the new authority VPNs

6:38 PM Add Comment
VPN is a fan of the new authority VPNs -

Today, a new authority over VPN reviews and information called VPN Fan was launched. This new site provides comprehensive reviews of VPNs, which includes hands-on tests of each supplier:

  • software
  • Apps
  • speed
  • Privacy
  • Performance

test results are complete with visuals like the one below and are published on the site.


One thing tenders Fan VPN differentiates it from other review sites VPN is DNS leak test. This test shows if the VPN provider you use your DNS information leaks by being connected to one of their servers. You can see how IPVanish done by visiting IPVanish Review -. VPN Fan

VPN fan is designed to help the novice and the advanced VPN user make an informed decision about which VPN service is best for them and offers tips and how -to is to make the most of a VPN.

VPN Fan Visit today to learn more about Top 10 VPN, Reviews, Coupons, free trials and Guides!

4.5 million personal records stolen by hackers

5:37 PM Add Comment
4.5 million personal records stolen by hackers -

Community Health Systems, which operates 206 hospitals across the United States, announced Monday that hackers recently broke into its computers and stole data on 4.5 million patients. Hackers gained access to names, social security numbers, physical addresses, birthdays and phone numbers

Anyone who has received treatment from a network owned hospital in the last five - years. Or was there simply referred by a doctor outside -. assigned

The large data breach puts these people at increased risk of identity fraud. This allows criminals in bank accounts and credit cards in their name, to take loans and ruin personal credit history.

company operates hospitals in 28 states but have their largest presence in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas. Read the article by CNN Money

If that does not scare you enough, quiz Cybercrime Economy - .. What hackers know about you

Bitcoin is now available as a payment option IPVanish

4:36 PM Add Comment
Bitcoin is now available as a payment option IPVanish -

We have added to our cryptocurrency Bitcoin multitude of global payment options. By adding this option, users can now enjoy complete anonymity, VPN service not only himself but also by selecting this option and the private untraceable payment 100%.

We take the privacy of the Internet seriously and put you in control of your IP address, which in turn blocks bypasses censorship, stop limiting the FAI, protects your identity online data, keeps you safe on the Wi-Fi hotspots, provides a virtual firewall and shields of cybercrime. Our comprehensive offer covers 14,000+ anonymous IP over 135 secure servers in 60 countries.

IPVanish With VPN, you can watch what you want (your favorite TV shows, movies and sporting events) from all over the world. IPVanish Visit today to register for a new account using Bitcoin and save 15% on your first billing cycle, with the coupon code FIRST.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates on offers, new security and other fun stuff.

5 Wireless Safety Tips

3:35 PM Add Comment
5 Wireless Safety Tips -


If you are an avid Internet user, you're probably familiar with the terms "wireless Internet" or "Wi-Fi". in recent years, the label of a wireless router without price has dropped considerably and it only takes a few minutes to install. most (if not all) broadband Internet users currently have one in their home.

did you know that if your wireless router is not installed correctly, you may be an easy target for a cyber criminal? these sneaky individuals scour the net lurking for vulnerable targets and are very experienced in piracy of home networks. If they manage to do it, they can easily access content on your internet enabled devices such as your computer or devices mobile. to protect you and to have the best possible protection for your network, we compiled 10 wireless safety tips to protect all of your Internet traffic moving through your wireless router.

  1. Change Default Administrator Usernames and passwords - Most wireless routers on the market today are preconfigured with a default administrator name and password password that allows you to connect to your router and set all parameters, including security settings. Just change these defaults to a combination of password stronger alphanumeric will ensure that a hacker does not gain full access to your network by connecting using the default administrator username and password for your router.
  2. Change the default SSID - All wireless routers and access points can be identified by what is called an SSID. The SSID is the name of the wireless network and most manufacturers set the same SSID for all of their routers by default. For example, the Linksys router is Linksys default SSID. Changing the SSID will not by itself ensure that you will not be hacked, but it shows an attacker would be that you have taken the time to configure your router, you are not an easy target and they will most likely lose interest and let your peace network
  3. not Auto-Connect to open unsecured wireless networks -. Log in to open and unsecured Wi-Fi networks is risky. Free Internet is tempting to use, but auto-connect to open Wi-Fi networks could also make you vulnerable to attacks
  4. Turn firewalls on each computer and router -. Firewalls provide an additional layer of protection if it is enabled on your devices and wireless router. A firewall can block an attacker would have to breach your network via an open port or unconsciously forgotten port open by malware on your computer.
  5. Turn Off Wireless during long periods of No Use - When you're away from home or you will not be using your wireless router for an extended period of time, turn off -the. In doing so, you prevent unwanted access by attackers.

Meet tool ICREACH- NSA Built To Search Our private lives

2:34 PM Add Comment
Meet tool ICREACH- NSA Built To Search Our private lives -


There are no secret national security Agency (NSA) began to encroach on our privacy by creating surveillance programs like PRISM and xkeyscore. According to the new documents given to Intercept NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, it appears that the NSA does not believe they went far enough. These newly released classified documents revealed that the NSA has created their own search engine similar to Google called Intelligence Community REACH or ICREACH. This engine was designed to find and share over 850 billion records of information including: phone calls, emails, locations of mobile phones and Internet chats. This information is freely available to nearly two dozen US government agencies.

These documents provide the first conclusive evidence that the NSA has huge amounts of surveillance data readily available to the national bodies of law enforcement for years. Documents relating to ICREACH specifically mention the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as key participants involved in the program. At that time, ICREACH not seem to have a direct relationship with the large database NSA 215, previously reported by The Guardian, which stores information about millions of phone calls of ordinary Americans under Article 215 of the Patriot Act. Unlike ICREACH, the database 215 is accessed by some NSA analysts and may be consulted during the terrorism investigations.

10 Tips for Smart Shopping This Holiday Season

1:33 PM Add Comment
10 Tips for Smart Shopping This Holiday Season -

IPVanish Shopping Smart Series

IPVanish is pleased to announce our Series Smart Shopping . In the coming weeks, we will publish valuable information to help you keep your identity and secure this holiday season. The first part outlines 10 tips to secure your identity when shopping online and in stores.

1. Check your social status. Although you might be tempted to spread the world about how excited are you for your holiday trips or Black Friday shopping sprees, resist the urge to broadcast to the world that you are not going to be home . Many people do not seem to expect that everyone on Facebook or Twitter know they are about to leave, and this is a dangerous thing to share.

2. Stick to familiar brands you know or have heard of. But even then, you have to care -. Criminals often deliberately misspell the name of their fake websites to look like a top family business brand

3. If you are buying from a new supplier, search carefully a good test is to see if they can be contacted if the order is wrong -. Search email, phone number and / or an address, and a return policy. The history of feedback from a buyer provider is another good sign of honesty and reliability.

4. Use a strong password. Try replacing the numbers of letters such as "pa55w0rd" instead of "password." Some websites allow the use of symbols such as! and #.

5. Only use secure sites Look for a URL starting with. "Https: //" instead of "http: //". Also look for a closed padlock in the browser address bar -. By clicking or double-clicking it, you'll be able to see details of site security

6. Avoid shopping via Wi-Fi hotspots. public Wi-Fi networks are common places for hackers to enter your information.

7. Be especially careful when using your mobile device for online shopping. shortened URLs often used because they are user-friendly phone, can also encourage you to visit risky sites.

8. Make sure your children do not have access to your online accounts. to limit their access to your credit card and bank information on your devices.

9. Never use the same password for multiple sites. This minimizes the risk that a hacker can access your other online accounts if your information should never be compromised.

10. Use IPVanish VPN when buying online and on the road. We strongly recommend to use our service to secure proactively your personal information. Our VPN allows you to unblock websites, bypass geographical restrictions and stay anonymous while surfing the web

Sources :. Kaspersky Think Safety Guide and Consumer Reports

Support Upgrade Announcement

12:32 PM Add Comment
Support Upgrade Announcement -

We appreciate the patience of everyone as regards the answers you get support IPVanish. Our recent subscriber growth has been overwhelming, and honestly, we took a little off guard. With this, we have diligently respond to all support requests we receive in the order they are received. Unfortunately, this means that some customers had to wait longer than expected for an answer.

We listened to your comments / suggestions and in response, we have not only been in the upgrading process of our ticket system to allow a larger volume, but our staffing levels support this volume. This is a work in progress and we appreciate the continued support and understanding of our customers as we grow and improve on our VPN Support. For more updates scheduled services or if you need help, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Updates iOS App IPVanish

11:31 AM Add Comment
Updates iOS App IPVanish -
iOS App Update

Based on user feedback and our continuous effort to improve our VPN service for our customers, our iOS app was updated. The latest version, v1.3.5 IPVanish VPN for iOS is now available for download at the Apple iTunes Store and supports the iPhone and iPad.

Current IPVanish iOS VPN subscribers are advised to update to the latest version during client launch. If you are not yet a subscriber current IPVanish iOS, you can try it free for 7 days

New features :.

  • Support for iPhone 6 and 6+. Our latest version is now compatible with both iPhone 6 and iPhone devices. This addition allows free use our VPN service when traveling on the latest version of iOS.
  • Background seek support for the list of the city. This feature allows the occasional refresh application server list of cities even while background. This will keep your VPN connection to disconnect.
  • Error alert when unable to connect. When the application is unable to connect successfully to your requested server, you now receive an "error message. This notification will inform you select another location and try again.

We hope you're excited about the new features we are and we look forward to hearing your feedback on how we can improve our VPN service and application to best meet your needs.

Updated IPVanish OS X App

9:29 PM 1 Comment
Updated IPVanish OS X App -
Macintosh Applications

reddit users : Test our new desktop application OS X for a chance to win gold reddit! Just leave a comment with your comments on this blog for a chance to win (do not forget to enter your e-mail address so we can contact you for you GILD). Not having IPVanish? Register now and get your first month for a penny with coupon code DORE .

to IPVanish We are delighted to announce the release of a new desktop application for Macintosh. The latest version, IPVanish VPN v2.0 is now available for download on our website and supports Macintosh computers running OS X 10.10+ . Based on feedback from users and our continuous effort to improve our VPN service, our Macintosh app received a major facelift and a backend upgraded to start

Selecting Server - Map, city

At the forefront of the sleek new design is our new selection of server options. We have integrated our server list with an interactive world map to provide a visual representation of our global coverage. Using the map, the IPVanish subscribers can use the zoom-in / zoom-out feature to view coverage by region and select the best server.


Do not worry resistance change, we still have the main list of anonymous servers you have grown comfortable with! In fact, we moved to organize the list a little more. Now you will see that cities with multiple servers (Amsterdam, Budapest, Los Angeles, etc.) are grouped together. When you select the city you will be automatically connected to the server with the fastest connection of the bunch!


Due to popular demand, we've added a Kill switch to our new application. The Kill switch off automatically (or kill ) all network activity if your VPN connection is lost. Just as easily, your network connection can be reactivated from the IPVanish application. This new feature can be turned to the right within the application connection settings.


Random switching

This function was found to be widely used in our Windows client so we drove to this new version. This option is enabled by the user allows to change your IP address automatically on the basis of a pre-selected time interval.


Our new Macintosh application was developed with the activity of our user in mind. We wanted to allow users to customize and tweak the application so that it meets their individual needs at startup. At the heart of personalization features is the server "Favorites". By selecting the star icon next to each server name, users can build a customized list of favorite places. We have also added the option to choose between the DNS default of our application IPVanish VPN or DNS third of your choice. 10

In addition to the major updates described above, we have added a large number of finite settings and updates for a more efficient application. A form of intuitive support allows us to collect more relevant information regarding technical questions and account. Improved crash reporting sends error information to us soon so that we can crush according bugs appear. Coupled with integrated access to more inclusive account, smooth design is a major upgrade of the Macintosh V1 application, and, finally, for a richer experience.

We hope you are as excited about the new features we are, and we look forward to your feedback on how we can improve our VPN service and application for best meet your needs.

IPVanish Birthday Celebration Sale and contest

10:30 AM Add Comment
IPVanish Birthday Celebration Sale and contest -

There's a party in order and you are invited to the party! IPVanish turns 3 on February 24th! To celebrate our anniversary, we mean "Thank you" for us one of the most popular VPN providers in the world making. On this special day and only 24 hours , new users can register 50% all VPN plan for their first billing cycle by entering the coupon code: ANNIVERSARY when signing. This offer is valid for our 1 month, 3 months, 1 year and plans to IPVanish VPN subscription.

Already a subscriber? new and existing users are eligible to enter a draw for a iPad mini 3 Wi-Fi 16GB loaded with 3 months IPVanish VPN service. The IPVanish anniversary celebration contest begins today and will continue until April 3 e 2015 . Additional entries can be earned for signing up to receive updates IPVanish, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter / Google + and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

We thank our current and future customers to choose IPVanish.

Enter now!

Take our survey for a chance to win!

8:28 PM Add Comment
Take our survey for a chance to win! -

During the last quarter, we have slowly been improving our applications, our servers and support customer service to make your experience with IPVanish even better than before. Ready to analyze the results of our work, we now seek user feedback on our new service and improved VPN. We want to understand how and why you use a VPN, what you think of our product is missing, and most importantly, how you evaluate our service. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete, and the success of the will as you enter a gift for a maximum of 1 year of free VPN IPVanish Chromecast Google, Amazon Fire TV Stick, and more !

Take the survey now!

Please complete all questions to the best of your ability. Your answers will always be kept confidential and the information you share with us will be used to improve our services for all users IPVanish. IPVanish not a user yet? There is no better time to begin to browse the web safely and anonymously. Use the coupon code 'BLOG15' at checkout to save 25% on the invoice! Sign IPVanish today!