IPVanish joined Apple to Stand Up For Security

1:21 PM
IPVanish joined Apple to Stand Up For Security -

Stand Up for Security

The Apple vs FBI saga was dominating the discussion in recent weeks. It all started officially when a California court has served the technology giant with a court order to help the FBI Apple Unlock iPhone belonging to one of the attackers of San Bernardino. Apple's public resistance to it was offset by their official movement to oppose the court order, which led many to take sides. Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, John McAfee, and Edward Snowden have all expressed support for Apple, and we are no exception. Regarding data protection, IPVanish supports Apple and their efforts to defend the security.

The FBI defended their request by stating that they are asking for help with a phone. However, that application has been questioned following reports that the Ministry of Justice of the United States wants to help Apple in releasing atleast 12 other iPhones. But even if they were just asking for help unlocking a particular phone, the unlocking capability could never be limited to a single device -. and that is why this case is so important

Apple said the FBI requests will create a dangerous precedent. While the FBI publicly pose the debate as a question of an iPhone, Apple is fighting for the future of privacy and data protection. Apple, a heavyweight in the technology industry, has been working for almost ten years to establish tight security and encryption features to their devices. Their opposition to the order of the court in California represents a desire not to see the job through lower government members who simply do not understand how encryption functions.

in his Customer Letter address the court order, Apple CEO Tim Cook said:

"We disagree with the demands of the FBI with the deepest respect for American democracy and love of our country. We believe it is in the best interest of everyone to step back and to consider the implications ... ultimately, we fear that this request would undermine the very freedoms and freedom of our government is to protect. "

IPVanish stands with Tim Cook and Apple. The FBI request Cook and Apple to make their substance less safe products. Such request was formulated as a balance between national security and privacy. But as Apple, we believe it goes beyond. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, we migrated more and more aspects of our lives in our devices. There is a great misconception about personal data if we are not shielding something that we regard as embarrassing or shameful, we have nothing to hide. But the use of encryption to protect personal data is not to keep a lid on some dark secret. More importantly, it is about public safety. Banking information, medical records, addresses and locations are commonly found on personal devices nowadays. You certainly do not want information getting into the wrong hands, and the weakening of iPhone encryption makes this probability greater than it is now.

We support Apple in their struggle to your privacy and data protection, because this fight is in the center of IPVanish. Our VPN service protects your online presence and keep your private information. When you use a VPN connection IPVanish, all your online data through an encrypted tunnel. As the only service VPN Top Tier true in the world, we offer top speeds and the most competitive prices in the world, while remaining absolutely committed to preserving your freedom online and keeping you safe anywhere and everywhere you go.

Stand up for safety! IPVanish Join now!

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