New VPN server in Mumbai Paris +

9:03 PM Add Comment
New VPN server in Mumbai Paris + -
VPN Server Update!

Our users have the server of choice than ever when using the Web with a connection encrypted. With a current network of 40,000+ IP range on more than 500 servers in 60 countries IPVanish provides secure access to Internet in every corner of the world. Only last month the world Top Tier VPN service provider has added new servers in Mumbai, India and Paris, France. Mumbai is a nice addition because it is a new location for IPVanish.

If there is a place where you want a VPN server IPVanish visit our server expansion page and submit an application. We want to hear you

For as low as $ 6.49 / month each IPVanish subscription includes:

  • Access to the fastest VPN global traffic
  • Zero logs
  • unlimited bandwidth
  • 24/7
  • free VPN software and applications
  • unlimited switching server

with IPVanish you can surf the web anonymously while preventing hackers from stealing your data, and move blocks of censorship! Register now.

Our Interview with Hamid Khan - Secure Sessions Podcast Episode 11

8:02 PM Add Comment
Our Interview with Hamid Khan - Secure Sessions Podcast Episode 11 -

"It is really critical for people to understand that while much attention and conversation is usually placed around federal agencies like the FBI and the NSA […] local spy surveillance and infiltration even before the creation of [the] FBI by several decades . "- ​​Hamid Khan

in this last installment of our secure Sessions podcast, our Josh host Hamid Khan on the line, coordinator for the stop LAPD Spying Coalition. Stopping LAPD Spying Coalition is an alliance of organizations and individuals alike who came together to reject oppression and policies that all suspected civilians in the eyes of the police state. The vision of this alliance is to dismantle popular espionage sanctioned by the government and intelligence gathering. Such an effort, as detailed by Khan, was a campaign against the predictive police.

This particular discussion was very educational, with Hamid pulling the curtain on local supervisory practices. As much as we talk about spying of the federal government, it is rare that the conversation trickle down to local level. But some of the largest cities in the United States - Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and especially - have a long history (with LA dating as far back as 1923) surveillance and infiltration

insane amounts. firepower and surveillance equipment that has made its way to the army LAPD, the database Joint Terrorism Task Force that some 14,000 local law agencies subscribe to, and unethical lines intelligence gathering guidelines used by local police - no topic is too outrageous for this duo.

Listen to the podcast now a revealing discussion of the data paths, predictive police, the initiative "see something, say something", and more!

10 False Security Password Not Make you probably

7:01 PM Add Comment
10 False Security Password Not Make you probably -

It's time to learn some tips that will help you improve your security password-protect your data (with all the combined powers) get to untouchable side

password security

logically think: would you rather secure your home with a fragile lock or a system of bolts, locks and alarms to strengthen? the security of strong password is the only door to prevent a hacker from entering an email, bank account or personal social media. Gone are the days when "ref123" would cut, and the decryption password technology out there today, it is imperative that you avoid common passwords missteps safety.

It is now easier than ever for hackers and tech-savvy teens to get their hands on password cracking programs, most of which - like Hashcat -. are available for free download online

When you create an account on a website, your password and login information is stored on a corporate database as "cryptographic hashes" which are strings of letters and numbers. Hashes are confused until they are executed by an algorithm that converts passwords in clear text. password security by cracking programs allow hackers to run hashes by an algorithm, after which they are presented with the password in plain text, allowing them entry into your account. There are also programs that use brute force to gain access to an account

However, there are many ways to fool these programs, then here are some tips to keep your password to be cracked .:

1) You are not using a password manager

We understand that it can be difficult to keep track of multiple passwords for different accounts, we suggest using a password manager like 1Password, LastPass or Dashlane. LastPass also allows users to secure with its own password! This is a much safer alternative to maintain the security of your password contained in an unsecured plain text document or written on a sticky note attached to your office in order.

2) You are reusing some of the same passwords.

If you end up being the unfortunate target of a hacker, it is much easier for them to invade multiple accounts if you use the same password for each of them . programs by cracking passwords are designed to find similarities between the passwords, and with the same, it is much easier and faster to crack, leaving all your accounts vulnerable to attack.

3) You use a combination of names, places and dates easy to remember security password.

Many people create passwords using information that is easily accessible on their social media accounts, such as birthdays, birthdates , favorite places, or the name of a pet. Since this information is easy to Sleuth, avoid at all costs when creating a password.

4) Your security password is too predictable.

a great way to escape the pirates is to create a single sentence that you can shorten an acronym using the first letter of each word in the sentence. It also helps to replace a letter with his counterpart visual number (eg 1 for i, or 3 e) and add symbols. For example, the phrase "Remember my password safe and secure against hackers" If translate "KMP5_5FH" Because this translation does not make sense and is just a jumble of letters and numbers, it is harder to break.

5) You shared a password with a friend.

Although it should be common sense to avoid the practice, it is surprising how open most people have with sharing their passwords with friends and family. the more people who know your password, the higher your risk of a slip that could lead to your account hacked.

6) your password is on the list.

not we repeat, do not use passwords such as "password", "12345678" or "abcdefgh." the use of these simple passwords simply set yourself up to fail, and their convenience is not worth not the headache that will come from being hacked.

moving side things, looking for a Norwegian university graduate school of science and technology shows that nearly 75% of users start their model lockscreen password from the top left corner . These passwords "easy" are not only easy for you to remember, but they are easy for hackers to crack; it only takes a few seconds to expose these passwords.

7) You do not update the security of your password, even when prompted.

Every so often, most secure Web sites invite you to update your password for security settings. While some of these sites allow you to use the same password more than once, you should always change your password to something completely new. Most brute force password programs work off of similarity between others and previous passwords, making it an easy feat to crack a password that you use over and over.

8) You do not know yet multi-factor authentication.

multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of password security by requiring another authentication method on top of your strong password, so we always recommend its use when it is offered. MFA combines two or more independent powers, as something the user knows (password) and something the user physically (cell phone).

9) You create passwords based on the order of password requirements.

When there are specifications on the length and the characters in a password, please do not make the mistake of using them in order they are listed. Most sites suggest using uppercase and letters, numbers, maybe even a special character in lower case, and this is usually the order in which they are created. Stop this habit now and mix! Do not begin a password with a capital letter - or any bill for that matter -. And does not always place adjacent digits with each other, for making your predictable password hacking programs

10) You are picking the security questions and answers the easiest

not to answer a security question wrong password or your strong password will be useless. While it's easy to remember your favorite color or the animal's name, it is also very easy for hackers to make a proposal or a comb through your personal social media pages. Answer questions that only you know the answer, and would be almost impossible for anyone to find out.

Iran Blocks Internet again before the election

6:00 PM Add Comment
Iran Blocks Internet again before the election -

Just before their election, the Iranian government blocked Internet access encrypted again. This time, they expand the block to include VPN access. Many companies use VPN for added security. No SSL, HTTPS and not any VPN not mean Facebook, Google Apps (Calendar Gmail, Google, Google Analytics), online banking, and many web-based companies can not operate. Some e-commerce sites must suspend operations until the block is lifted. All websites based on Iran must experience extreme difficulties and I feel bad for all Iranian web developers out there who can not do all the work today.

Full Article at Reuters

Top 7 WiFi Hotspot Security Tips

4:59 PM Add Comment
Top 7 WiFi Hotspot Security Tips -
  1. Use a secure network , not an open network. If you do not have to enter a username / password to log in, chances are that if you get free wifi, someone to get a free access to passwords you use and other unencrypted information about you as you use the Web.
  2. Use your built-in computer security. Windows 7 allows you to set your location to "public" network which gives you a one-click solution for enhanced security at a public network.
  3. Avoid sensitive tasks on public networks. Until you can access a secure private network, try not to do your banking online, shopping, and other tasks that require your financial information.
  4. Use HTTPS and SSL. many popular Web services, including most Google applications, use HTTPS and SSL security. You will notice these sites have "https:" instead of "http" and that is a sign that its a website safely. Many modern browsers have a color change in the URL bar when you're on a site that uses HTTPS and SSL. In general, avoid entering personal or financial information into a site that uses HTTPS and SSL.
  5. Configuring a firewall. A firewall can act as a gatekeeper for data traveling to or from your computer. Many operating systems have built-in firewall software. Windows allows you to configure security general firewall, but if you are looking for a more complete solution, the market is flooded with options.
  6. Updated frequently! An easy way to make sure you 're not an easy target is updated frequently. Apple and Microsoft usually release several security updates per year. Unfortunately, when they announce a patch that corrects a security flaw, they are publicizing the flaw and anyone who has not updated now vulnerable. Put your applications updated, too. the application updates can fix gaping security holes and potential exploits.
  7. Using a VPN. Using a virtual private network (VPN), as IPVanish VPN, you can effectively secure your access by routing your Internet connection through a server in another location. It adds an extra layer of valuable protection between your PC and your Internet service provider.

How do companies profit by tracking your online business

3:58 PM Add Comment
How do companies profit by tracking your online business -

Have you ever wondered how companies like Facebook and Google make their money, outside advertisement? It might slip you a little

recent interview with NPR Joseph Turow, author of The Daily You :. How the new advertising industry is defining your identity and your worth, revealed the seedy underbelly of the Internet ... sell you. No doubt about identity theft was a major problem last ten years, but we can say a new form of identity theft has emerged as data mining.

Track your online behavior has become more widespread than ever before. Not only track your web traffic business, online shopping, interactions with social media, the content of your emails, but they are collecting this information and the formation of a profile on you using all they can find online. For starters, there is everything in your Facebook profile (age, industry work, marital status, location, etc.). Then they combine it with other information they have on you, as your recent purchases, from which they can deduct your level and interest income, you are likely to buy in the future, and then serve you personalized ads based on this information. Many companies assemble these profiles, then sell them to advertisers for a profit. It is perfectly legal, but annoying nonetheless.

If you are looking to protect you from unwanted monitoring, consider IPVanish VPN. By using a VPN, you can change your IP address, making it very difficult for merchants to track your online activity. Monitoring systems can not correlate your IP address to the cookies on your computer, so outside the current session, tracking is virtually impossible.

Full Article at NPR

How to protect your privacy at work

2:57 PM Add Comment
How to protect your privacy at work -

If you are in the office and you fear your web activity is monitored, you may want to consider take additional measures to protect you from prying eyes. Not to say that you should not violating company policies, but if you need to check personal email, and your company has unrealistic guidelines for Internet use, there is no reason why you should not be able to check your personal email on your lunch break or in an emergency, as long as you stay productive. That said, consider that a violation of company policy is to risk losing your job

Step 1 -. Your computer. Check your computer for software that could be used to track your activity. Search all running software startup software or third-party remote desktop as RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC, LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, etc., and disable it from running. Note: Your work will have noticed that, you request to reactivate, and require that you let run

Step 2 - Your network .. Using a VPN such as VPN IPVanish, to install an extra layer of protection. Your work will be able to see that you are connected to a VPN, and voila.

Full article on Lifehacker

4 reasons why VPN is a must-have for business

1:56 PM Add Comment
4 reasons why VPN is a must-have for business -

1) Security Alert! Data Breach.

In 2011, several large companies have been hacked. Sony Playstation Network was hacked twice last year, compromising the personal information and credit card over 93,000 clients. An employee of the IT displeased released their anguish on Gucci, turning their temporarily before being caught servers. Even Stanford Hospital was a violation, drain patient medical records last fall. Bottom line: businesses fleeing permanently information and customer privacy is violated. A VPN can prevent many of these security vulnerabilities.

2) hybrid data storage

Companies are increasingly diverse. A team can host files on BaseCamp, use a CRM files shared via Google Docs, and store corporate databases on private servers. A firewall is simply not enough. By requiring employees to use a VPN, you are leaving you vulnerable to a data breach

3) Security Alert !. Smartphones.

People connecting to public WiFi more often than ever in hotels, coffee shops, airports and many cities offer localized WiFi. Smartphone usage will only increase in the foreseeable future, and using public WiFi, users are leaving themselves completely exposed to hackers.

4) physical Vol

You might remember Apple lost an iPhone before a product launch as an engineer left his phone prototype in a bar. There is always the risk of physical theft. While you might not be able to protect proprietary hardware, you can still protect your data. With VPN, you can protect your data with a single click. For more information, see IPVanish.

We conducted user data requests Twitter

10:53 PM Add Comment
We conducted user data requests Twitter -

leads us User data requests Twitter

Governments worldwide have demanded to see Twitter user data for accounts that recorded content to protest against their governments or against the censorship laws of their government. Twitter released its first transparency report revealing the US as the main author with 679 applications, of which 75% have been observed. Other countries have asked for user data information because they wanted to censor or remove illegal content in these countries. The question of censorship is very sensitive for Internet users globally. The security of your identity when it comes to online viewing is highly dependent on the security of your IP address.

Protect yourself and your identity by investing in IPVanish VPN service.

Full article in Wired

How to secure your password?

11:54 AM Add Comment
How to secure your password? -

With all the recent hacking that was going on between LinkedIn, eHarmony, and now maybe, it's important when replacing passwords or even create new ones that you find one that is secure. The amount of time it takes to crack a password increases with each character you add. Stay away from using only letters and throw some symbols and numbers into the mix. Alphanumeric are much safer, but only with the length. Consider this: an alphanumeric password is only 6 characters would only take a few seconds to crack, but an alphanumeric symbol with a 10-12 take a few weeks. Online security is a major concern and you want to take it to the next level, consider the IPVanish VPN service to help protect your confidential information while you're online.

Read more on Slashdot

Gamigo Hacked - 11 million passwords leaked online

9:52 PM Add Comment
Gamigo Hacked - 11 million passwords leaked online -

gamigo, free German gaming site, has been infiltrated by hackers there are more four months and has recently resulted in the display of 11 million online user passwords. As if passwords were not enough, the list also boasts of 8.2 million e-mail addresses with Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, IBM, Siemens, Allianz and ExxonMobil. All these were posted on a hacker cracking passwords site look to as a reference for future use.

Gamigo warned users to change their passwords after the break in March and were deeply disappointed to see the data leak four months later. This dump passwords, the largest seen this year, can mean a number of headaches for users of the site that many people use the same or similar passwords across a variety of sites.

Do not make the intruder facilitate this, be careful with your password and secure your privacy with a VPN account IPVanish today.

Read More at ArsTechnica

IPVanish opens a new VPN server in Brussels, Belgium

8:51 PM Add Comment
IPVanish opens a new VPN server in Brussels, Belgium -
VPN Server Update!

IPVanish is pleased to announce the addition of another new country service: Belgium. This new VPN server is now available for all customers to connect to. There is no extra cost for users to enjoy their safety and anonymity while connected.

This addition now bring IPVanish VPN up to 19 countries and more than 54 VPN servers, all for the low cost of $ 10 per month, making it the best value in the VPN industry. Why wait? Join now!

As always, stay tuned for more announcements and additional benefits of being a customer VPN IPVanish!

IPVanish Premium Released Today

7:50 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Premium Released Today -

Today IPVanish released Version This release fixes known bugs that occur with older Windows operating systems. All users are encouraged to initiate IPVanish normally and upgrade as required for optimum performance.

IPVanish Offers Best prices in the market

6:49 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Offers Best prices in the market

IPVanish offers the fastest full VPN service featured at the lowest price.

Recently, VPN services Notice interviewed IPVanish Director of Communications, Lawrence Traynor for how IPVanish differs from the competition. Here are some of the contact points of the interview that prove IPVanish is the # 1 choice for a VPN service.

  1. support is available 24-7, 365 days a year
  2. All VPN protocols are supported by servers IPVanish
  3. The only kept journal the activity of the customer is the date and time of connection to the server, the duration of the connection, the IP address and the amount of bytes used. This information is used only to solve all the problems of connectivity possible.
  4. No user activity is recorded. IPVanish respects the rights of privacy of its customers.
  5. The partnership offers users FlashRouters preconfigured routers delivered to their door.
  6. IPVanish can be used for SaaS applications and games.
  7. Subscriptions come with unlimited monthly access VPN
  8. IPVanish client is free
  9. 7 new servers were added during the month of August
  10. IPVanish offers the best market prices

see VPN services Notice read the interview and see how IPVanish compared to other services.

IPVanish VPN adds new servers in Germany and South Korea

5:48 PM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN adds new servers in Germany and South Korea -

IPVanish Global Access broadens today with the addition of two new servers

IPVanish is pleased to announce the addition of three new servers, two in Seoul, South Korea and one in Dusseldorf, Germany. This addition IPVanish promotes the goal of being the fastest service, the most reliable VPN in the world. With 2500+ IP 56+ servers in 21 countries, IPVanish provide you the fastest connection speeds wherever you travel.

All servers plug directly into Tier 1 IPVanish VPN network and VPN support all protocols, including OpenVPN (TCP and UDP), L2TP and PPTP. Both new servers are available now for new and subscribers to access existing without any additional cost

IPVanish offers unparalleled features such as :.

  • Multiple Connections
  • Unlimited use
  • Free User Friendly Software

Stay tuned for further announcements as IPVanish continues to work tirelessly to provide the best and lowest prices VPN service on the market. Recently a Mac VPN client and adding the server in Hong Kong were released.

If you are currently using the IPVanish, your online identity and data could be at risk. Read more here. For as little as $ 6.49 per month, you will gain security is priceless and freedom online. Take control of your Internet access today.

IPVanish Mac VPN Client v.1.1 release

4:47 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Mac VPN Client v.1.1 release -

IPVanish VPN Client v1.1 release Mac Today

IPVanish VPN is pleased to announce the release of v1.1 of their Mac OS VPN Client today. This version is a major upgrade from the previous version and now includes support for Mac OS 10.6.8 and above.

IPVanish is introduced VPN Client Mac OS last month offering customers an easy way to connect without having to set up each server individually. The Mac OS user now has a VPN configuration process painless with the ability to change the connection type with a single click

Some key features include


  • Setup Wizard
  • fully customizable auto-connect options
  • seamless transfers between servers and VPN protocols
  • bar status of the VPN connection
  • Ability to sort servers by location and ping time

current IPVanish users will be prompted to upgrade to the latest version after the client launch as normal .

If you are currently using a VPN service, VPN IPVanish try today for as little as $ 6.49 / month. With VPN IPVanish your online identity and data are secure, unwanted marketing is blocked, you control your IP position with 2500+ IPS + of 56 servers in 21 countries to choose and protect the Wi-Fi hotspots. It is also very easy to install, customer service is available 24-7 and the software is free!

Now is the best time to start using a VPN service as the holiday season shopping is here and everyone is to search online for the best deals and making purchases from their mobile devices. Do not be a victim of cyber theft, protect what is yours now.

IPVanish Press VPN Windows Version

3:46 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Press VPN Windows Version -

OpenVPN is now enabled on the latest version of Windows Client IPVanish

IPVanish has some new interesting. Last night, the new version of Windows VPN client IPVanish was released, which now makes it possible to allow OpenVPN on Windows 8!

Please note that OpenVPN is not enabled on Windows 8 by default. To enable it, open Preferences and check the appropriate box. IPVanish the customer does not need to be restarted to activate OpenVPN.

In addition, if OpenVPN is enabled on Windows 8, it can be selected for automatic connection when the client starts.

IPVanish continues to work hard to build the richest VPN service features and reliable in the world and wants you to get the most out of your subscription. If you have questions about OpenVPN on Windows 8, we are here to help you. The support is available 24-7 and your satisfaction is our No.1 goal

IPVanish doubles its global VPN presence in 2012

2:45 PM Add Comment
IPVanish doubles its global VPN presence in 2012 -

Global presence VPN IPVanish doubled in 2012

Global VPN Service IPVanish entered the industry February last year with a background of 15 years in networking, IP services and content delivery services and the explicit aim of providing VPN speeds best, most secure connections, better support and the most competitive prices on the planet.

in the short 10 months since its inception, IPVanish team worked tirelessly to expand its global VPN from 2500 IP addresses on 33 servers in 13 countries 3500+ IP servers in 60+ 28 countries worldwide, making it the fastest -growing tier 1 VPN provider in the world. In the 4th quarter of this year alone, IPVanish added servers in the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa and South Korea. In addition, a customer IPVanish Mac OS X VPN was introduced, giving Mac users a seamless experience with switching VPN / IP servers.

Although the addition of new software, additional IP addresses 1000, 27 new servers and 15 new countries is a great achievement, it is not all IPVanish was up. In addition to their $ 10 unlimited plan VPN / month IPVanish also launched a multi-month discounted VPN plan offering unlimited access plan for $ 26.99 three months and an unlimited access plan 1 year for $ 77.99. The actual reduction of the monthly price for only $ 6.49 / month - the lowest monthly rate for full function VPN service on the market. All service packages are loaded with premium features, including :. Unlimited access to Tier 1 VPN network IPVanish, free software VPN IPVanish, 2 simultaneous connections and unlimited OpenVPN, L2TP and PPTP connectivity to one of the fastest VPN pillars worldwide

Expect you more great things to come from IPVanish in 2013 as they continue to add new features and remain committed to providing the absolute best VPN experience for the lowest prices in the industry.

FBI surveillance: Do they need backdoors or Hackers

1:44 PM Add Comment
FBI surveillance: Do they need backdoors or Hackers -

FBI Wants backdoors for surveillance

In recent years, the FBI was said? that monitoring is "going dark" because internet technologies become too difficult to intercept with their tools for applying the law. They want the Internet e-friendly listening and a fair commission bill that will most likely be offered this year.

But Wired magazine offers "a better way to protect the privacy and security on the Internet can be for the FBI to get better penetrate the computers." Because the public or not, the wiretaps are an implementation tool of the necessary legislation. "But backdoors mandatory wiretap Internet services encourage as much new crime because it could help solve."

As we all know the new endless stories of online identity theft, cyber criminals looking for flaws and abuse in our mobile devices, computers and networks and generally much faster than that we can correct them. Each connection and interface increases our exposure and the work of a criminal is facilitated.

The Assistance controversial Communications Law Enforcement (CALEA) passed by Congress in 1994 created suspicions about how the new wiretapping capabilities would be protected against criminals. How can we prevent criminals to manipulate the new wiretapping features and how would we know even if they were?

These suspicions were successful in 04, when a hacker entered the backdoor of a Greek cell modification and listened to the government officials. Although this particular case happened abroad, the Wired states, "There are a few years, the National Security Agency of the United States found that each telephone switch for sale to the Defense Department had security vulnerabilities in their implementations mandated wiretap. Every. Single. One. "

with the risks mentioned above, you think it's time to revise CALEA, but the FBI did Do not think. "They want to massively expand the mandate wiretaps beyond phone services to Internet-based services :. instant messaging systems, video conferencing, email, smartphone applications, and so on "

The reality of this situation is that there is no need to talk about adding to intentional backdoors technology until it is understood how to prevent those unintended. Read the full article here, Wired, "the FBI Hackers, Not Backdoors needs."

Today is Data Privacy Day

12:43 PM Add Comment
Today is Data Privacy Day -

Today is Data Privacy Day created to raise awareness of data privacy

data protection day, January 28 has been recognized by the United States for 5 years now. Canada, the United States and 27 countries of the European Union officially declared today to raise awareness of the importance of data privacy. day data protection also serves as a reminder to check your online presence.

In an article published today on "So much of what makes us unique, our education, personal health, finance, social activities, habits purchase, are all stored in multiple servers and systems available for slicing, cutting, analysis and targeting. We are well publicized. and businesses today can barely function without it. "companies need your data online so that they can target advertising to you based on your buying habits, research habits and websites visited.

As we stay informed, entertained and connected online via text, applications, videos and various social networks, it is important to tell the current privacy. According to a survey conducted by Microsoft last week, nearly half of the population (45%) feel they have little or no control over how their personal information is shared when online.

The simplest and most effective way to take control of your privacy online is using a VPN service. When using IPVanish you can check your security bank accounts and credit cards, personal emails and work and all other sensitive information without risking your privacy. You are also hidden behind an anonymous IP address so that your every move is not followed and your data online is not registered

More on "Why VPN -. IPVanish".

Your ISP spying on you

10:41 PM Add Comment
Your ISP spying on you -

Protect yourself from ISPs Spies

With the launch of "Six Strikes "anti regime -piracy yesterday, also known as a" copyright alert system, "it became clear that your ISP spying on you. Although the ISP could not sit back and watch in real time, everything you do online, it's damn close.

Your ISP can read anything you send over the Internet that are not encrypted and tracks IP addresses you contact, which means they know the websites you visit. What ISP collection is mainly metadata (IP addresses and port numbers) and that information indicating that you are communicating with. The staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Dan Auerbach told PC World that your ISP is monitoring "you are sending an email to, but not the content."

So they might not be followed by the contents but it is available to them. ISPs can see what pages on a Web site you visited and what you wrote in an e-mail if they want. There is a legal limit, eg the US, ISPs are not permitted to share the content with the government. However, they can share metadata with whom they please.

Auerbach said there are "a lot of opacity surrounding what they actually do. It is difficult to know what a given ISP is doing with the data. "If you've ever tried to read a privacy policy (which very few people do), they are rarely clear and easy to understand. When you stop to think about the amount of time you spend online in a day or a given week. - Who is a lot of information that your ISP collection and containment for about six months and two years

so how do you protect from prying eyes the simplest and most economical for? protect your IP address and the data online is by using a VPN. IPVanish VPN allows you to securely connect to 3500+ IP 0+ servers in 41 countries. When using IPVanish you choose an anonymous IP address that 3500+ we offer and your real IP is hidden, so it can not be followed.

once you're connected to IPVanish, all content that you send over the Internet will be encrypted. This means it will be readable by the source, it is intended.

IPVanish VPN is as low as $ 6.49 / month for an annual program and comes with free software, step by step instructions, visual guides and 24-7 support. You must not be a computer expert to use IPVanish it is simple and easy enough for anyone. Join today to be protected from prying eyes.

IPVanish Ranked # 1 by

11:42 AM 1 Comment
IPVanish Ranked # 1 by -

IPVanish Ranked # 1 by review team on the basis FRANCAISE-

We are pleased to announce that IPVanish received the "# 1 Best Offer monthly" awarded by a VPN review team based in France top, This is a great honor and a testament to all the hard work and dedication our operations, development and support teams. on behalf of everyone here at IPVanish, we thank to bring our service to the test and the recognition of our performance and reliability

You can view our previous review of VPN services here :. Http: //

It is now time to start using a VPN

9:40 PM Add Comment
It is now time to start using a VPN -

Start today use a VPN to protect what is yours

today, in a private matter between Google and 37 states a settlement was reached for Google to pay $ 7 million for the unauthorized collection of data. For Google Street View project, the company mistakenly collected and stored consumer information, including email and text messages, passwords and web stories.

According to CNET News, "The regulation requires Google to destroy the personal information it collects during its Street View project, create a new employee training program on the protection of personal information of consumers, and create a national advertising campaign to educate consumers on how to protect their private information. "

This story is just one of many in the latest news about the misuse of consumer data and breaches of privacy. In the new copyright alert system at Spies ISP Snooping the FBI on Google Customers no shortage of evidence of why consumers should use a VPN to protect their online identity and data. Regarding online security, a VPN is simply the easiest efficient and economical to protect your privacy.

When using VPN IPVanish you can choose from a secure global network of over 3,500 IP addresses on 0+ servers in 41 countries. This means that your real IP is hidden and can not be followed by the search engines and websites. You will feel safe browsing the web because your privacy is protected, your identity is hidden and your location is chosen by you.

IPVanish VPN is easy to configure and offers free software and visual guides for Windows 7, Vista and XP, Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad and Android. For as low as $ 6.49 / month, you can easily protect your identity online without searching through endless configuration menus and obscure settings. Try IPVanish today with a money back guarantee 7 days and see for yourself.

Why privacy is important for everyone including you

8:39 PM Add Comment
Why privacy is important for everyone including you -

Privacy is important for everyone because it is a right

a common misconception about privacy is that only people who have something to hide should be concerned with it. But privacy is for everyone, even you and it is not only necessary and important, but it is also a privilege. This is demonstrated when looking at the definition of privacy Merriam-Webster Dictionary :. Privacy is the quality or state of being apart from company or observation and freedom from unauthorized intrusion

basically means privacy is a right freedom from observation and intrusion. This is a right that everyone needs to protect and that is where privacy laws on Internet come in. In particular, the Act on the Protection of Electronic Communications (ECPA), the law plays a huge role in respect privacy as a right in a free society and it also affects the economy.

enterprises move their sensitive data from outdated paper files to the cloud storage. Gone are the days when files of paper records are kept in the offices of physicians, therapists' offices, accounting offices, etc. Today, all personal and confidential information has been made electronically. Industry maintained over time so why is not the law?

The ECPA has not been updated since 1986! Privacy laws obsolete hurt small business, because it makes them insecure consumers about the security of their private information. A recent study by the Pew Research Group reported that 71% of IT experts believe that most people and companies will do their work almost exclusively in "The Cloud" by 2020. Therefore, the ECPA should be made day to provide online customers the same legal protection they receive offline.

Watch the video below from to see how things have changed since 1986 when the ECPA has been created, then visit the website to see what you can make.

Causes BYOD security threats for employers

7:38 PM Add Comment
Causes BYOD security threats for employers -

Causes BYOD security threats

recently conducted a study on Cisco BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) some shocking information was discovered. With about 0% of US employees who use their own smartphones for work, one might think that this tech savvy individuals would be safety conscious. But as Cisco discovered, when asked about the vulnerabilities of smartphones for Bluetooth, wireless networks and protection by password - the typical BYOD employee was clueless

The results of the survey include:

  • 9 out of 10 Americans use their smartphones for work
  • 48% do not know on opening modes Bluetooth
  • 40% did the word I`ve not protect their smartphones
  • access 52% unsecured wireless networks

This idea means that millions of workers able to work from anywhere with an Internet connection are causing security risks to their employer. Using an unsecured wireless network is the No. 1 threat to cyber security, last year a popular plug-in was discovered to operate devices connected to an unsecured Wi-Fi. So not only your own personal information compromised but it is the business data that you work for.

What is also disturbing is the number of smartphone users who do not use a password protection and numbers differ between operating systems. More iOS users about 66% use passwords while only 54% of Android users lock their device with a password.

Another problem is Bluetooth discoverable mode BYODers leave their device. According to Symantec, "When a Bluetooth device is discoverable, it is very easy to analyze ... and upload private data"

While BYOD gives the employee flexibility of modern work -. Capacity responding to emails working and use of work related applications, because precautions are not taken, it is causing headaches for iT.

did you and your employer a favor by using a VPN. IPVanish offers free Android and iPhone VPN software and 24 × 7 technical support. Protect your online identity and data to Wi-Fi hotspots because IPVanish encrypts all data you send to Internet. All with IPVanish for as little as $ 6.49 / month, you control over your location of IP addresses by selecting from 3500+ IPs on 0 servers in 41 countries.

IPVanish Ranked # 1 Reviews Compare VPN services

6:37 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Ranked # 1 Reviews Compare VPN services -

VPN services Notice Compare IPVanish Ranks # 1


Just a short 3 months, IPVanish was considered comparable to longtime leader HideMyAss industry by VPN services Reviews and came in just behind HideMyAss 2 e place. But recently, VPN services Opinion conducted a new series of VPN testing and are pleased to announce that IPVanish replaced HideMyAss and now ranks No. 1 in the 10 providers VPN 2013 top!

VPN Services Notice is dedicated to providing in-depth analysis of the best VPN providers that will protect your online identity and data. VPN providers are classified according to the reviews, notes submitted by users and the objective opinion of their expert team VPN

The following are excerpts from the journal :.

Once you are connected to the VPN service IPVanish, a secure Internet connection between your ISP and IPVanish is established. Everything you do online is encrypted and anonymous, making unwanted access to the contents of your Internet activities almost impossible.

IPVanish also provides the necessary software to connect to their servers for free. This software is available for most platforms and installation takes only a few seconds. IPVanish limits or fees for bandwidth, allowing you to enjoy IPVanish without restriction of movement.

Once you're connected to IPVanish service, you have a variety of security features available to you. These include the ability to change the server you are logged in, your IP address, and a variety of other protection measures to keep you connected to a secure VPN service 24/7.

To read the full review and make an informed decision about your visit VPN provider - Comparison of VPN Chart -. Reviews VPN services

Quantum Internet offers perfect security for government

5:36 PM Add Comment
Quantum Internet offers perfect security for government -

Quantum Internet

According to the MIT Technology Review a government laboratory has used internet more than two years quantum. Internet Quantum offers a perfectly secure communication based on the laws of quantum mechanics.

One of the dreams for security experts is the creation of a quantum internet that allows a perfectly secure communication based on the powerful laws of quantum mechanics.

The basic idea is that the act of measuring a quantum object, such as a photon, is always changing. So any attempt to spy a quantum message can not fail to leave telltale signs of espionage that the receiver can detect. This allows anyone to send a "one-time pad" on a quantum network, which can then be used for secure communication using conventional conventional communication.

As great as the quantum internet sounds for secure communication over the Internet, it is not a public option. The only best option to protect your email and personal data using IPVanish VPN. IPVanish encrypts all that is transmitted over the Internet making it readable only by the source, it was intended. This means your online identity and data remain private.

With IPVanish you control your IP address and can select 3500+ IPs on 100+ servers in 43 countries so no matter where you are in the world you will have secure access to broadband. For as low as $ 6.49 / month you get free VPN software with visual step by step guides, 24-7 support, multiple connections and unlimited bandwidth.

Try IPVanish today with a 7-day price guarantee. tells you what you need to know about IPVanish

4:35 PM Add Comment tells you what you need to know about IPVanish - helps consumers make an informed decision when choosing the best VPN meet their needs. As a trusted resource, provides an information site, including how to choose the best VPN, VPN service advice and important things to remember when using a VPN. recently conducted a comprehensive review of IPVanish VPN covering everything from "How IPVanish work?" The review also answers questions other VPN review sites are not "What kind of security does offer IPVanish. "; ensuring consumers have the most complete representation of IPVanish VPN service allowing them to choose their supplier wisely

the following are excerpts from the journal :.

IPVanish is great and the best part about it is that it is incredibly easy and simple to set up a VPN connection. All you have to do (after installing the software, of course) IPVanish is open, select a remote VPN server and the related protocol you want to use, and press connect. the application automatically connects to most optimal server for the selected location, and it will handle all the necessary components to keep an active VPN connection. You can even activate an automatic reconnect feature that allows you to automatically reconnect to a VPN server if the connection is still cut off.

IPVanish is actually ideal for any type of network use or connected application. IPVanish is presented as one of the fastest and most reliable services VPNs around, and that is certainly true.

IPVanish is actually one of the cheapest providers VPN around, offering excellent functionality for relatively low prices.

to read the full review and to learn about how a VPN protects your privacy, please visit IPVanish Review -. VPN software

CNN says "Privacy? Forget it, we're all online celebrities "

3:34 PM Add Comment
CNN says "Privacy? Forget it, we're all online celebrities " -
CNN logo

According to an article published yesterday on - The controversy over the National Security Agency data mining has given rise to disturbing columns with references to Orwell and Kafka, insurance politicians and jokes (made on the Internet, of course) on the government looking through the blinds.

But often lost in all this is simple fact. this is the world we did

During this time, we do not read end-use licensing agreements ( bo-ring [1945007!]) freely exchange personal information on Facebook and insults on Twitter, enjoy custom recommendations on Amazon and swipe key chains to take advantage of targeted reductions in grocery stores. - places we often take pleasure in tabloid covers revealing invasions in the privacy of other people

level paparazzi So you thought exam was only for celebrities? of Syracuse University Anthony Rotolo has news for you: Thanks to the Internet, we are all celebrities on some level now

"In reality, we're all kind of on" Big Brother " - on a reality show. "Said Rotolo, a professor who heads the laboratory Starship NEXIS, focusing on social networks and new technologies. "Every time I lecture, every time you give a lecture, someone will be live-tweeting it. There will be someone posting a picture on Facebook. We are redefining the celebrity in this age, and everyone at any time could speak publicly without knowing "

Read the full article here, and then visit IPVanish. - Why VPN for how the aid a VPN protects your identity online.

IPVanish Mac Client v1.3 Released

2:33 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Mac Client v1.3 Released -
Macintosh Applications

The IPVanish team worked tirelessly to continue to improve the overall user experience IPVanish for customers in the whole world. Today they released a new version of the Mac client, which comes with several improvements:

  • Log improved status area in the main window
  • the sort column now persists across application instances
  • app now includes a default list of servers on the initial launch
  • improved stability wake of a long sleep
  • OpenVPN no longer requires the ability to call the house the first time a server is used
  • the combination of a laptop lid closed and interrupted connectivity no longer causes the accident implementation
  • improved stability when Internet connectivity was lost
  • fixed several events that could trigger IPVanish breaking down or pin wheel

All users will be prompted to update to the new version (1.3) once they launch the Mac VPN client.

IPVanish continue to develop new features and improvements to give its customers the best speeds, the most secure connections, the best technical support and the lowest price available anywhere.

If you are not a current user IPVanish, sign up today for as little as $ 6.49 / month and begin to surf the Web safely.

AT & T to start selling information about its customers

1:32 PM Add Comment
AT & T to start selling information about its customers -

AT & T seeks to follow companies such as Google, Facebook and Verizon starting at sell the vast amount of data it collects from its subscribers every month. AT & T said this week that it is considering selling, it's wireless and Wi-Fi client locations, using U-verse, traffic patterns on the site, the use of mobile applications "other information".


AT & T that customer data will be anonymous and in some cases will be grouped with other subscribers, which they say will protect a customer's privacy. They did not reveal when they will start selling the data

Source :. BGR

IPVanish network expansion includes Las Vegas server

12:31 PM Add Comment
IPVanish network expansion includes Las Vegas server -

IPVanish, has again expanded its global VPN network to include new servers in Las Vegas (United States) Tallinn (Estonia), and a second server in Olso (Norway). This latest expansion of the VPN 7000 puts us on 100+ IP servers in 44 countries worldwide!

Over the last 15 years, IPVanish built what is now the fastest and most reliable network VPN in the world. By constantly adding new server locations in our Tier-1 network, we truly deliver military-grade encryption VPN service to all corners of the globe. We are committed to continue expanding our network, improving our VPN software and adding new features

reminder, here is an overview of our progress over the last year :.

-44 servers were added in 16 countries
-Free customer IPVanish Windows was introduced
-Free customer IPVanish Mac was introduced
-Free IPVanish Android app was introduced
-Several towers IPVanish VPN software updates were released

Try IPVanish today for as low as $ 6.49 / month with a complete software with visual guides, 24-7 support, switching unlimited and free and easy server to use more!

Keep Calm and Encrypt

10:29 PM Add Comment
Keep Calm and Encrypt -

keep calm and Encrypt is the motto of the new privacy Seeker

keep calm and Encrypt - this slogan, a game out of the Second World war posters from Britain, is the new motto of the private life of asylum in the era of mass surveillance and data mining. The idea is that even with the expansion of surveillance, some data can still be kept away from eavesdroppers, so it is properly encrypted. It is the assumption behind the insistence of whistleblower Edward Snowden only communication via encrypted lines and is the basis of monitoring groups, such as freedom of the Press Foundation to help journalists learn to communicate through these conducted with their sources.

The use of encryption is clearly a smart move in this Orwellian era. After all, even with impressive codebreaking capabilities of the NSA, secure encryption still works. In fact, it is done well, it works so well to preserve the confidentiality of data and locking away from snoops that the government has launched an aggressive campaign to transform the concept of "secure encryption" into an oxymoron.


Read the full article online privacy is a right? - then find how IPVanish VPN keeps you safe with the encryption VPN Why?

IPVanish Named Best VPN Provider 2013

11:30 AM Add Comment
IPVanish Named Best VPN Provider 2013 -

Best VPN Provider 2013

Using a VPN is essential to protect your identity and online privacy. A VPN creates a secure environment for everyday Web tasks such as shopping, e-mail communication, paying bills and managing money accounts. By establishing a VPN connection IPVanish before accessing the Internet, everything you do online will pass through an encrypted tunnel. So what makes your invisible Internet traffic to third parties and to ensure your online identity and data are secure.

That being said, it is important that you choose a VPN provider that best suits your needs. You can help make this decision by visiting a reputable Web site VPN Review as VPN choice has made their work to provide consumers with comprehensive reviews and detailed information on why and how to use a VPN.

When the VPN providers comparing the criteria you want to include service, speed, support and price, which is the same criterion Choice VPN used to name his best VPN providers 2013. Not only choice VPN select IPVanish as one of the best VPN providers in 2013, they also set up a full evaluation of the product. The review of information on the following points:

  • Continued expansion of the network and growth - In a year IPVanish added 44 servers in 16 countries
  • confidentiality and maximum security for a minimum price - Subscriptions for as low as $ 6.49 / month
  • unmatched speed and Uncapped - IPVanish offers Internet speeds up to 40 mbps

to read full review and make an informed decision on the VPN provider that is right for you, visit the review site VPN IPVanish -. Choice VPN

Try IPVanish with an unconditional 7-day money back guarantee by visiting Order Now -. IPVanish VPN

What do you know about Internet Security?

9:28 PM Add Comment
What do you know about Internet Security? -

Take the Quiz to find out what you know about Internet Security

TechWeekEurope has established a 15 question quiz so you can test your knowledge of Internet safety.

Despite the comfort that you feel on your couch or at your desk, the Internet is far from a safe place. Like any society, it is the unscrupulous hacker target that use more complex strategies to destroy or steal valuable data. Do you really know how your firewall and antivirus protection? Do you know exactly what dangers are on the lookout for you?

Take the quiz now!

Source: TechWeekEurope

IPVanish VPN for mobile phones

8:27 PM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN for mobile phones -

Use IPVanish VPN for mobile privacy

According to Qualcomm study on mobile devices - your cell phone is the No. 1 of the most important technology in your life! Many people say mobile devices have made it more efficient and productive, able to handle more and stay informed.

The brain statistics reported the following statistics mobile users of the device:

    • 46% Browsing the internet on their phone
    • 37% check their mobile phones every 30 minutes or less
    • 66% take their mobile phone at work (if given the choice between their phone or lunch)
    • 76% agree mobile technology is especially useful
    • 68% sleep with their phones next to their bed at night

given these statistics, it is logical to use a VPN on your cell phone because of all your devices, it. is the one you use most

5 reasons to use a VPN on your mobile phone are:

  • Protect your information from the hackers and identity thieves
  • Hide your IP address for anonymity
  • Bypass Internet censorship restrictions when traveling
  • Use a connection Wi- Fi hotspots safely
  • private Internet Surf

IPVanish VPN provides free software such as the App IPVanish OSX (10.6.8 or higher) and Android client with IPVanish step by step instructions and visual guides. Both are also available for either automatic or manual configuration and IPVanish also provides a 24-7 technical support.

For as low as $ 6.49 / month for an annual program, you can choose from 7000+ IPs on 100+ servers 44 countries with unlimited sever switching, broadband connections and unlimited bandwidth.

Try IPVanish VPN today with a money back guarantee of 7 days and start protecting your mobile privacy!

Kim Dotcom resigns as Director Mega

7:26 PM Add Comment
Kim Dotcom resigns as Director Mega -

Kim Dotcom resigns to pursue political aspirations and other projects ...

Kim Dotcom has resigned as director of Mega, the cloud hosting service, he successfully launched earlier this year. A statement from the contractor of the Internet decided to free up time for other projects, including ongoing legal battles and political aspirations. In a few months Dotcom will also launch a new music service, whose name is kept secret for the moment .

On January 20, a year after Megaupload was raided in 2012, Kim Dotcom launchedhis new Mega service file storage.

in a few days membership site went from zero to over a million, and in the weeks since the site has continued to expand its user base.

introducing Mega was one of the most important technology launches this year and the company's privacy has big plans to expand its activities in the future. But despite the early success, Dotcom Kim chose to spend.

Deposits in New Zealand Companies Office reveal that Dotcom was replaced as director Mega last week. The move was confirmed by CEO BusinessDesk Mega Vikram Kumar, who said that the founder of Mega will use the time to work on his many other projects.

One of the new dotcom companies will focus on is the platform of music formerly known as Megabox. Unlike Mega, the new music service will be operated by a company owned by Internet entrepreneur himself.

Dotcom told TorrentFreak earlier that he dropped the name Megabox for better, to be revealed at a later date. Dotcom said that, unlike his other projects, it will not be using the "Mega" brand for the new music service.

There are currently 22 developers working on the project and it is expected to launch a few months from now.

In addition to the music service, Dotcom also has political aspirations. There are some days hetold TorrentFreak that he wrote a draft program for a new party that wants to participate in elections in New Zealand next year.

Read the full article at Kim Dotcom Mega resigns as director to concentrate on the music Venture - TorrentFreak

IPVanish Partners with Sabai VPN technology to provide solutions without stress

6:25 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Partners with Sabai VPN technology to provide solutions without stress -

IPVanish VPN Partners with Sabai Technology

Since its creation and successful partnership of IPVanish with FlashRouters, they created another partnership to give our customers options when selecting a router.

This latest partnership is with Sabai Technology.

Sabai Technology focuses on the development and distribution of VPN routers, and has developed a custom operating system based on the Tomato open source operating system. The purpose of technology is to make Sabai VPN routers and other VPN technologies affordable and easy to use

Sabai Technology is currently the only company that offers the following features :.

  • Double bridges - allows both local and VPN connections from a network connection
  • Port Forwarding - using this feature makes it much easier than DD-WRT
  • VPN accelerator - designed to help you get the fastest possible speed of your VPN

If you are not currently using a VPN secures your IPVanish connection and puts you in control of your IP address, which in turn:

  • Protects your identity and online data
  • Blocks unwanted marketing
  • keeps you safe on the Wi-Fi hotspots
  • provides a virtual firewall
  • Bypass Internet censorship restrictions
  • Shields your business against cybercrime

once you are a customer IPVanish VPN, you can extend the benefits of subscribing to your entire wireless network by purchasing a VPN router Sabai Technology.

Some of the advantages of using a router Sabai in conjunction with your subscription IPVanish are:

  • Increases the security of your network, prevents packet sniffing and doors back in the network
  • Enters VPN appliances otherwise unable to run the service
  • Great variety and range of hardware solutions for every budget
  • of World-class technical support one-on-one, including remote Service

for more information on Sabai technology, visit Sabai VPN Routers technology.

Examples of behavior Why we share online Too

5:24 PM Add Comment
Examples of behavior Why we share online Too -

6 Examples of Why We Share Too Online Behavioral scientists According to

Become an expert of privacy is not an easy task, just read the privacy policy for a recent application purchase is so time - that most of us simply accept whatever the conditions and Privacy start using it immediately. We could say that we care about privacy, but we're not actually doing anything about it. Why is it?

The following examples, from 6 reasons we share online Too Much, According Behavioral scientists, shed light on why we say one thing but do another concerning confidentiality.



To test this, Alessandro Acquisti of researchers went to a mall and random buyers offered two free gift cards. They were given either a gift card of $ 10 allowing them to anonymously shop or a $ 12 gift card that would link their names with their purchases. Then those who received the $ 10 card was asked if they would like to exchange for a $ 12 card (essentially selling their privacy for $ 2) and vice versa.

This experiment proved that those who started with more privacy (one $ 10 card) valued much more than those who started with less privacy (a card of $ 12.) This allows to understand why so many people willingly give away their privacy, while so few will pay for protection.


For six years (05-2011), the team followed 5,076 Acquisti Facebook user activity. Until 09, when Facebook changed its privacy settings by default users have gradually decreased the amount of information they have shared publicly. See what happened:


The sense of control you earn just by ticking a box before permission to publicly disclose personal information makes you more willing to share. Without an authorization box less people are likely to share similar information. In other words, it is the only control offer on online privacy that encourages one to be reckless with it.

4. We love Embezzlement

Social networks give users some control over how their data is shared, but very little control of how it is used by the service itself. Typically, the site will promote the degree of control they give you on how data is shared - for recent edition of example Facebook comments / messages feature. This way, the user is misdirected and does not focus on how their data is used by Facebook.

A Carnegie Mellon study released in July found that incorrect caused people to communicate some information about themselves that they might otherwise.


In general, as a society, we seek instant gratification and value. Therefore, the same psychological quirks that cause people to smoke cigarettes may also explain why it does not preclude sharing personal information online.


Ignoring the threats to privacy is easy, so it is what most people! As noted above, become an expert in privacy is not an easy task. "Even those who are sensitive to privacy among us can decide not to protect their privacy," says Acquisti. "Not because they do not care, but because it is just too hard."

VPNMag launches three new international locations

4:23 PM Add Comment
VPNMag launches three new international locations -

Sites VPNMag launches three new international broadening their global reach

VPNMag, a reliable source in the world VPN has expanded its scope to include international markets. Now, VPN clients in Spain, France and the UK can turn to VPNMag the following sites to learn more about VPN and determine which service is best for them:

http: //

VPNMag is a resource of information excellent, providing a forum for questions, current security news, product and service advice and a variety of other interesting topics for current and potential users VPN.

Earlier this year, they published a detailed opinion IPVanish VPN claiming the company as one of the few truly global suppliers in the market VPN summarizing IPVanish as :. a VPN service with great functionality nucleus such as two simultaneous connections / unlimited server switching / unlimited speeds, great value for money

VPNMag used their own 'special VPN classification criteria "based on a series of important factors must be considered when choosing a supplier. the team loves VPNMag VPN because they live and work abroad providing Internet and computer solutions to customers around the world. they created the site to share their expertise and to help consumers choose the best VPN service.

VPN consumers worldwide can turn to VPNMag to determine which VPN service they want to use. It is a outstanding educational source that offers the best VPN service in 2013.

Shared endorsements is coming Conditions of Use Google Change

2:22 PM Add Comment
Shared endorsements is coming Conditions of Use Google Change -

shared endorsements allows Google to use your information in their display ads

from 11 November 2013 to Google Terms of Service change becomes effective. The biggest change to Google uses to be aware of, is the setting "Shared Endorsements." The change allows the company to use your username, profile pictures, and "implicit approval" in its display ads. This change is the first major change since 2011 when Google+ was launched and the user data was combined in a profile

According to CNET News :. "Shared Endorsements" was available to Google customers since 2011 as "one Customize" in Google+. The name change serves to strengthen unified services account Google, which began when he changed his policy Privacy in 2011.

Google highlighted in bold in its terms of service changes remarked that "you 're in control of what you share," another step to avoid further legal complications.

An industry source noted that Google does not change old one user personalization settings. so if you have already refused to have your name, profile picture, and approval appear in Google ads, it will continue to respect this decision. the default setting for shared Endorsements, however, is to use this information in display ads.

It is possible that the ads will wind up like sponsored stories from Facebook, which recently settled a lawsuit on up to $ 20 million. If riders shared not follow in the footsteps sponsored 'Stories, Google could soon be on the receiving end of more control of the Federal Trade Commission. It is therefore clear warnings from Google and toggle opt-out are intended to provide protection against legal action.

This change simply reminds the Internet user's concerns in online privacy. We live in a time and society where all share what you ate for breakfast in the image of the ultrasound of your unborn child has become commonplace. Is it really a surprise that Internet companies think they can use the information we gladly share for their own gain?

IPVanish Rated # 1 global provider VPN

1:21 PM 1 Comment
IPVanish Rated # 1 global provider VPN -
Best VPN Provider

IPVanish Rated # 1 global provider VPN by, one of the main sources of VPN review of the industry, opened the week by honoring IPVanish as the # 1 provider VPN in the world! Prize nomination this week after weeks of exhaustive testing services with VPN providers established almost a dozen. The IPVanish team could not be happier with the results and would like to thank IPVanish to include in the test group! is dedicated to conducting in-depth analysis of VPN providers in the market that protects your online identity and data by putting you in control of your IP address. IPVanish was ranked the # 1 provider VPN in the world based on the following criteria:

  • protocols - PPTP, L2TP and OpenVPN
  • price - as low as $ 6, 49 / month
  • Customer Support - 24-7 / 365 support
  • Quantity and location of servers - 100+ servers in 44 countries
  • Customized software - award-winning software Free VPN
  • Types of IP - 7000+ Shared IP

See IPVanish review and learn why we were chosen as the top VPN service worldwide

about IPVanish :!

IPVanish VPN protects online identity and data by putting the user in control of their IP address. This provides a wide range of benefits including the ability to protect you on Wi-Fi hotspots, exceed website and IP blocks, speed up your online game, the marketing side block and more. You can learn more about our company and check out more of our "best of" nominations IPVanish on the About Us page.

IPVanish Windows Update

12:20 PM Add Comment
IPVanish Windows Update -
Windows Client Update

IPVanish Windows Update Version

The IPVanish development team works around the clock constantly improve our VPN software and the development of new features. We are delighted to announce that they have just released Windows version with several enhancements and fixes. They are as follows:

Improvements :.

  • OpenVPN is back in the selection of the main protocol and does not need to be enabled via the preferences
  • X button closes the application, but minimizes the application to the system tray.
  • customer IPVanish now remembers the last protocol.
  • task bar icon now displays the connection status of ..
  • client will not ping any server while connected to VPN


  • fixed popup feature to allow reject IPVanish several instances occur.
  • Fixed exception caused by a IPVanish double launch of the Quick Launch bar.
  • Fixed exception caused by the log window when OpenVPN connection fails.
  • Fixed the icon presentation.
  • Fixed anti-virus IPVanish reporting applications as a false positive.
  • fixed color display problems on Windows XP.

IPVanish offers free VPN software and easy to use for all subscribers. We make simple and transparent VPN configuration by providing step by step instructions and visual guides. We also offer both automatic and manual configuration. Sign up today!

IPVanish VPN Partners BoxCryptor

11:19 AM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN Partners BoxCryptor -

IPVanish VPN Partners BoxCryptor

The VPN IPVanish team always keeps an eye on new features and services benefit our users. A special service has stood out and we are delighted to present BoxCryptor , the most recent, tried and true partner IPVanish!

BoxCryptor has been downloaded over 1 million times and is revered by several thousand customers, and for good reason. If you store sensitive files in the cloud, whether for business or personal matters, an encryption service is a necessity to protect the confidentiality of your data transfers. easy to use BoxCryptor service puts you in control of encrypting all your uploads and downloads with the following characteristics:

  • Adds encryption to your cloud storage additions (AES-256 and RSA cryptographic algorithms)
  • works with all major cloud storage providers like Dropbox, Google Drive and SkyDrive
  • support for all cloud storage providers that use the WebDAV standard such as Cubby, Strato HiDrive and ownCloud
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android

BoxCryptor IPVanish VPN service compliments to give users more online protection and comprehensive security available. Subscribers to these services can rest easy knowing that their information is protected both online and in the cloud.

For a limited time, all visitors who understand "IPVanish" in the coupon box at checkout BoxCryptor will have an exclusive 20% discount on their subscription BoxCryptor. Free basic accounts-use are also available. To learn more about BoxCryptor visit

Android users: Read this

9:17 PM Add Comment
Android users: Read this -

Do not compromise the security of your Android phone by downloading applications that may be malicious. Here are some signs that you might use a suspicious application:

  1. Once the application is installed, the system displays what has been requested permissions - which allows an overview of whether or not the application is safe. For example, if an application (eg. Website wrapper) requests permission to send and receive SMS messages ... serious red flag .
  2. Access to your contact list is another application for leave to be on the lookout. If the application is not related to the contact data are likely the application is malware created just for phishing scams and spam.
  3. Another application request is shaded for the authorization of the location. Either GPS or network -. If an application does not need these data requests, the most likely location information will be collected and sold to advertisers

The best way to keep your Android safe from dangerous applications only get apps from official and trusted sources such as Android Market or Amazon Appstore.

Rights chief UN Deems Internet Privacy as important as the rights of

10:18 AM Add Comment
Rights chief UN Deems Internet Privacy as important as the rights of -

Yesterday The Guardian published an article Navi Pillay, a chief UN of human rights and also the first woman of color to serve as a judge at the court in South Africa. Pillay has asked the UN to prepare a report on the protection of the right to privacy with regard to the governments of leaking Edward Snowden spying and collecting personal data. In an interview with BBC Radio with Sir Tim Berners-Lee - known for the invention of the World Wide Web, Pillay said:

"Handset and collective action by all can put end to serious violations of human rights ... that experience keeps me going and address the issue of the Internet [privacy], which is in extremely troubling moment because the surveillance revelations have implications for human rights ... people are really afraid that all their personal data is used in violation of traditional national protections. "

Berners-Lee warned that online monitoring undermines trust in the Internet, and last week issued an open letter, with more than 100 groups and freedom of expression activists, protesting against the systematic interception of data by governments worldwide.

IPVanish VPN believes everyone has the right to online privacy and should take steps to protect their identity and personal data online spies, browsers and cyber criminals. That's why we offer a VPN service that is not only affordable, but easy to use! We offer a free VPN software and you can use IPVanish on multiple devices (including mobile) with broadband connections and unlimited bandwidth.

Currently (until 1 January), we offer a 25% savings on an annual plan, simply enter the coupon code HOLIDAY13 upon departure and the discount will be applied. Sign up today and start IPVanish VPN to protect what is yours!

Why you should use a VPN on your mobile devices

8:16 PM Add Comment
Why you should use a VPN on your mobile devices -

According to The Verge - New documents reveal NSA massive collection of data from mobile applications:

recently disclosed NSA documents have shed new light on the attack from the agency on data disclosed by smartphone applications. By targeting the application configuration data, NSA and GCHQ are able to pull data from general characteristics such as age and ethnicity in a specific location based on GPS. The documents describe several tactics to dig up this information, including direct control over the application's configuration data and information sent to ad networks.

Use of application data permissions as to jump, NSA is able to get all data advertisers have access to , the collected trace data this Marina manner against the database metadata based on the Web. The documents highlight Angry Birds as an example of an ad-supported application that sends data potentially useful for ad networks, allowing the NSA to capture data in transit.

The document also specifically instruct members of agency staff by "intercepting Google Maps queries made on smartphones, and use them to collect large amounts of location information." A 2010 reference document also highlights Android phones as sending GPS information "in the clear" (without encryption) giving the location of the user NSA whenever he or she pulls up Google Maps.

more advanced capabilities were also presented from the target agency malware program. A list of targeted plugins slides to allow "hot mic" recording, high-precision geo-tracking and retrieving files that would achieve any content stored locally on the phone. This includes text messages, emails and calendar entries. As the slide notes in parenthesis aside, "if his [sic] on the phone, we can get it."

This can be frightening news, if you use the IPVanish mobile app for iPhone or Android, you will not have to worry about what data is collected from your phone! Before going online, you simply connect to IPVanish which will then spend all your online traffic (email, IM, search, etc.) through an encrypted tunnel. This means that all third parties, including your ISP will have more visibility to any of your online traffic.

mobile apps IPVanish offer peace of mind when using your mobile phone. Try IPVanish today for only $ 10 for a one month subscription that includes secure connections 110+ 7000+ IP servers in 47 countries, putting you in control of your IP address, which in its turn protects your identity line and data, bypassing Internet censorship restrictions, and much more!

Attention iOS users: Apply security updates Now

7:14 PM Add Comment
Attention iOS users: Apply security updates Now -

UPDATE: 26/02/14 Security Update to 10.9.2 version was released and should establish SSL problem for Mavericks.

Apple has updated its mobile operating system iOS to fix a bug that fixes a vulnerability that could allow web diversion for example by allowing a capture attacker to modify data in sessions protected by SSL / TLS. Users should apply the security update to all devices Apple ASAP to avoid falling prey to a Wi-Fi hotspot or malicious router exposing the iOS default.

The bug is in the open source code for the SSL security library Apple especially in SSLVerifySignedServerKeyExchange () function. The code is essential to skip a verification step in the key exchange with the server to prove their identity and authenticity.

The validation iOS bug also exists in Mac OS X 10.9.1 Apple desktop. Use Chrome and Firefox as Apple Mail, Messages, Safari programs and many others are vulnerable.

"Do not use unsecured networks (eg Wi-Fi) while traveling, until you can update devices from a trusted network," advised Alex to Radocea IT security biz tech CrowdStrike in a briefing on the SSL vulnerability today

Source :. Register

The 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web

6:13 PM Add Comment
The 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web -

The World Wide Web turns 25 tomorrow - March 12, 2014 and Pew Research Center recently published a report to the 25th anniversary of its founding by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

March 12, 1989 Lee wrote a proposal for a system of "information management" which became the concept and architecture for the Web. When he released his code free in the world on Christmas day 190. - he became the way for people to have access to documents and interact on a network of computers called the Internet the Web has become particularly attractive once Web browsers have been improved to allow the graphical display of pages on the network.

"Using Web browsing it, research it, share it on-became the main business for hundreds of millions people around the world. "The report looks at what has happened over the last 25 years in how far the Internet has shaped Americans' social life and personal relationships, and how its woven into American life.

For example, when the Pew Research Center conducted a study in 1995-1942% of American adults have used computers had never heard of the Internet! An additional 21% knew that it had something to do with computers.

Another way to demonstrate the growing importance of the internet over time is to look at how often people go online. Today, 71% of American adults surveyed say they use the Internet every day, while in 00 only 29% did so

The study all kinds of data interesting such as :.



See the survey in its entirety to the digital life in 2025 -

IPVanish VPN launches French website

5:12 PM Add Comment
IPVanish VPN launches French website -

You Speak French?

If the answer is yes is for you. IPVanish The team worked hard to bring our high-performance VPN service to speakers of French and today we are pleased to announce that we now offer a French field: /.

now, all you need to know about IPVanish is at hand in your native language, such as:

10 rEASONS tO USE IPVanish of

  1. Protect Your identity and Your online data
  2. Software VPN Free IPVanish
  3. Check the location of your IP addresses
  4. Protect yourself LORs dE Your connection to WiFi
  5. hotspots
  6. Speeding up your online game
  7. Block Unwanted Advertisements
  8. Works on Several Devices
  9. OpenVPN protocols, L2TP and PPTP
  10. broadband connections, unlimited bandwidth
  11. Protect Your company cybercrime

IPVanish is one of the best VPN service providers Lifehacker

4:11 PM 1 Comment
IPVanish is one of the best VPN service providers Lifehacker -

Last week, Lifehacker asked readers to share their favorite VPN services in this recital following: the performance, protection of anonymity, non-discriminatory against protocol or traffic, prices and servers. Everyone needs a VPN service they can trust, that is not only reliable but also affordable while providing benefits such as unwanted marketing blocking, protect your online identity and data, and overcoming blocks censorship.

IPVanish meeting all the above requirements, you can read some comments from our customers happy here. For as low as $ 6.49 / month, you get a free VPN software and your choice of 14,000+ IP on 110+ servers in 47 countries and more

Some of the things Lifehacker had to say about IPVanish of

they use shared IP addresses, so when they say that no one has a clue what you are doing when you are logged, they mean it.

they will present multiple connection protocols, do not discriminate types of traffic or the use of ports, and do not save anything.

IPVanish won praise in the wire contenders call for speed while connected

Read the full write-up to five top suppliers VPN services. - Lifehacker make an informed decision on the best VPN for you.

Our latest server Addition

3:10 PM Add Comment
Our latest server Addition -

It is no accident that we have already doubled our IP offering this year, IPVanish team is working hard to remain the only true Tier- 1 VPN network in the world. Our number one goal is customer satisfaction and we recognize the complexity of using international Internet, and the need today to maintain online privacy.

Which is why we continue to grow and add servers that meet our customer needs. Our latest server uploading is located in New York, increasing our number of servers NYC current four.

More servers means more choice and more flexibility for our customers. See the complete list of servers here

IPVanish VPN secures your connection by putting you in control of your IP address, which in turn :. Protect your identity and online data, undesirable marketing of blocks, provides a virtual firewall bypasses Internet restrictions of censorship and more

Learn how IPVanish works by visiting Why VPN - IPVanish ..

v2.3.3 Windows OpenVPN client

2:09 PM Add Comment
v2.3.3 Windows OpenVPN client -
Windows Client Update

OpenVPN just released a new client v2.3.3. This client includes OpenSSL 1.0.0g that reduces ongoing concerns with the bug heartbeat (heart bleed vulnerability). Our first rate Test Dept. verified for use in all versions of Windows OS assets, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

SSL V2 has also been removed to further improve the security of a website IPVanish on the Windows client.

Internet Privacy Prank

1:08 PM Add Comment
Internet Privacy Prank -
Internet Privacy Prank

Internet Privacy Prank

Watch this video to see how easy it is track down someone online - or to be harassed. All you need is a name ...

BuzzFeed asked a group of people to do an interview in privacy online. Those interviewed did not know the interview was actually their online privacy.

A crew in a van took the information given to the journalist of the street and used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Tumblr, and more to find revealing information on 'individual.

The team then relayed the information to the reporter through an earpiece.

The video was shot on location in Los Angeles.

So how easy is it to find your information? Have you checked your privacy settings recently?


Choose VPN recommends IPVanish prevent online fraud

12:07 PM Add Comment
Choose VPN recommends IPVanish prevent online fraud -
choose vpn

In a recent select VPN blog titled "A Must Know about IPVanish VPN provider" the following points were raised:

  • with the rapid increase of online fraud, it is important to use a VPN
  • VPN keeps your personal data in any security
  • IPVanish is operational worldwide
  • A VPN does more than enhance the online protection - it bypasses the restrictions of censorship of the Internet and more
  • IPVanish is a reasonable price (as low as $ 6.49 / month)
  • using IPVanish while traveling will continue to have the same access to the internet you do at home
  • IPVanish bypasses censorship blocks

Visit choose VPN to read full reviews to help you determine the best VPN service provider for your needs and why choose VPN recommends IPVanish. Read more in IPVanish - IPVanish VPN -. Choose VPN

FlashRouters Memorial Weekend Special

11:06 AM Add Comment
FlashRouters Memorial Weekend Special -

From today until Memorial Day, our valuable partner - FlashRouters offers 10% discount on all routers. Just enter the coupon code mem10 of upon departure and the savings will be deducted from your order.

The DD-WRT routers on IPVanish measure offered by FlashRouters are an output of the solution of the box to anonymize your entire network via a VPN IPVanish server of your choice (with over 0 to choose from! ) All supported FlashRouters OpenVPN and PPTP connections and allow you to encrypt your entire network with a single IPVanish VPN connection.

The advantage of using a DD-WRT router custom is that each connected device encryption on earnings and a separate IP address in the country of your choice. With FlashRouter you can connect Xbox360, Nintendo Wii, PS3, Sony SMP, AppleTV, Roku XDS, and many more features!

Visit FlashRouters today through Memorial Day to Save 10% on all IPVanish configured routers.
