FBI surveillance: Do they need backdoors or Hackers

1:44 PM
FBI surveillance: Do they need backdoors or Hackers -

FBI Wants backdoors for surveillance

In recent years, the FBI was said? that monitoring is "going dark" because internet technologies become too difficult to intercept with their tools for applying the law. They want the Internet e-friendly listening and a fair commission bill that will most likely be offered this year.

But Wired magazine offers "a better way to protect the privacy and security on the Internet can be for the FBI to get better penetrate the computers." Because the public or not, the wiretaps are an implementation tool of the necessary legislation. "But backdoors mandatory wiretap Internet services encourage as much new crime because it could help solve."

As we all know the new endless stories of online identity theft, cyber criminals looking for flaws and abuse in our mobile devices, computers and networks and generally much faster than that we can correct them. Each connection and interface increases our exposure and the work of a criminal is facilitated.

The Assistance controversial Communications Law Enforcement (CALEA) passed by Congress in 1994 created suspicions about how the new wiretapping capabilities would be protected against criminals. How can we prevent criminals to manipulate the new wiretapping features and how would we know even if they were?

These suspicions were successful in 04, when a hacker entered the backdoor of a Greek cell modification and listened to the government officials. Although this particular case happened abroad, the Wired states, "There are a few years, the National Security Agency of the United States found that each telephone switch for sale to the Defense Department had security vulnerabilities in their implementations mandated wiretap. Every. Single. One. "

with the risks mentioned above, you think it's time to revise CALEA, but the FBI did Do not think. "They want to massively expand the mandate wiretaps beyond phone services to Internet-based services :. instant messaging systems, video conferencing, email, smartphone applications, and so on "

The reality of this situation is that there is no need to talk about adding to intentional backdoors technology until it is understood how to prevent those unintended. Read the full article here, Wired, "the FBI Hackers, Not Backdoors needs."

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