Warrantless searches of communications of Americans

12:55 PM
Warrantless searches of communications of Americans -

The Washington Times published the following information via the Associated Press:


Administration Obama has conducted research of American communications in the framework of the national security Agency surveillance operations targeting foreigners located outside the United States, senior intelligence administration has confirmed in a letter to Congress disclosed Tuesday.

The research was authorized by a court secret surveillance in 2011, but we do not know until Tuesday if such research on the Americans had been conducted.

The recent recognition of warrantless searches on Americans offer more insight into the US government's surveillance operations set up after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 01 the government has broadly interpreted these laws to allow collection of communications of innocent Americans, the Obama administration maintains practice are legal. But President Barack Obama has promised to review some of these programs to determine whether the government should be led this type of monitoring at all.

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