Spy that your research on health?

9:16 PM
Spy that your research on health? -

Your health research are shared with third parties

In a study of 20 popular health sites, seven were found to share research information to third parties such as traders and manufacturers, which could come back to haunt users, according to experts.

do not assume that you are anonymous when seeking information on health topics sensitive online, experts say. Search terms for certain websites of health media users shared with outside companies that track consumers and target advertising, according to a new study.

Dr. Marco Huesch, of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, has used the interception software and found seven of the 20 popular health sites provided research information to third parties .

The study did not indicate whether the research data have been used for more targeted advertisements. But Huesch noted that consumer information "is very valuable" for retailers and manufacturers.

"These things are not free. People who invest in these third-party data are sophisticated technology companies," he told Reuters Health.

"At the end of the day, these tools are used in ways that are pretty unsavory and creepy." For example, he said, an insurance company could use the research data to discriminate by not announcing deals with someone who has sought information on depression

Source :. NY Daily News

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