What is the greatest threat to the privacy

11:18 AM
What is the greatest threat to the privacy -

According to Slate - "The greatest threat to privacy is neither Facebook nor the NSA is. our own apathy. "in a recent Washington Post poll 56% of Americans consider the NSA snooping acceptable, while 45% think it should go even futher. Compare that to an AP-CNBC poll in 2012 that found that 13% Americans do trust Facebook to keep their private data. the majority of respondents have little or no faith that Facebook protects their privacy.

These surveys suggest that the average American is more comfortable with this the government is doing than they are with Facebook. most Americans assume they will never be outside of an investigation, and the government has little use for their information. for many people, the fear of having an illicit relationship, a photo racy, or personal communications unintentionally revealed to their friends and colleagues is more visceral - and more realistic - fear of being poorly prosecuted for a crime

Maybe be the longstanding rumor surrounding privacy Facebook and other Internet companies opened the way for public acceptance of spying for the NSA? Why not let the government get on the skirts of the Googles and Microsofts? The problem with this attitude is, however, you can not withdraw from the NSA spying program. This is not to say that Americans should not tolerate online spying by the NSA - just that we should not adopt a blasé attitude toward it

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Source: IOL SciTech ..

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