3 signs that you are being spied

8:28 PM
3 signs that you are being spied -

Do you know what is right to look at the line on you or what a stranger may you learn about social media sites you use? Here are three signs that you are being spied on and probably not by someone who makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

For example, in this video, the actor Jack Vale proves that some people do not know that what they post online is to read or can be used (in this case) for the panic !!

this video is warning sign # 1 that any fool could look at your life online. They are viewing photos of your pets, your children, the meal you had for dinner, your dad's birthday and they know when you are not at home or even in the country because you are marking yourself wherever you go!

Warning sign # 2 is the fact that the founder of Amazon.com Jeff Bezos wants to use drones to deliver Amazon purchases within 30 minutes of ordering. Drones! The mention of what caused the ears of skeptical of privacy to perk. They are concerned about data gathering and espionage capabilities of drones that lead to constantly suggest the FAA mandating each drone and consider the privacy issues with the same force that the safety rules.

Texas MP Ted Poe has also designed a backup of the bill the rights of privacy of commercial drones, warning that "companies could use drones to collect information if it is to take a Photo of your patio furniture or the registration of the brand and model of your car. " More on Amazon.com drones Raise red flags for privacy rights.

The third warning sign as if you needed another are the constant news about digital privacy and how companies are dying to capture our every move, including our bad habits, hopes, dreams, search by keyword, location, age, sex, education - you name it and the marketing companies want. It has been said a million times in a million different ways, and again here it is ". Our digital lives are not our own"

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