Privacy is a myth in the digital age?

2:46 PM
Privacy is a myth in the digital age? -

Privacy Is a Myth?

For anyone who chooses to use the Facebook app Home they are essentially agree to waive any last remaining parcel of privacy, since the application is still back- plan.

If we think of the days before Facebook, back to the famous mail "you have AOL" slogan, online privacy is much simpler. User names that were created simply to chat with others via the Internet, most likely did not reveal the name or anything else that would be considered "private", but rather served the individual legal "alias".

But then came Myspace and Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and the list goes on and on social media sites that allow users to be searched by factors such as the name, email address , the age, size and even the state of the relationship.

We are always, always connected and not private. The thin line between private and public has disappeared what privacy we think it is still online is an illusion.

We all leave a light footprint online, resulting in everything we do to be followed.

Today, governments can learn about a person through a virtual research they can through a physical search of the house of this person.

Read Why VPN for how IPVanish using VPN can change the online privacy of myth to truth.


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