Providing CAD applications and workstations with VDI mainstream

5:36 PM
Providing CAD applications and workstations with VDI mainstream - goes

We know the current generations of popular CAD software are from the old world of design in isolation and must, as a more coordinated Community functioning global design system. Moving the design models and data from distributed PCs in the data center speeds up the design process and gives engineers more freedom working style. The acceptance to implement new ways and use to the current generation of CAD technology, means IT managers Designer help overcome barriers and to improve the competitiveness of their business in a manner sense.

providing CAD technologies with server-hosted virtual desktops (VDI) and the data from the PC and into the data center opens new doors to move. Near-real-time model updates, faster model loading and better cooperation, security, analytics and transparency are vectors for new innovation and value, VDI makes possible.

In December Forrester Research Principal Analyst Dave Johnson, a research report published on the subject: "Accelerate Product Design with digital workspaces for 3D visualization: Current innovations in graphics hardware and digital workspaces". This report Dave Johnson shares his positive views on the recent results of partnerships between the graphics processing unit (GPU) titanium NVIDIA, desktop virtualization pioneer Citrix, Microsoft, network hardware manufacturers, and a variety of server manufacturers. several interesting customer case studies of successful implementations of CAD technologies based on VDI solutions from Citrix and NVIDIA and informative technology recommendations and deployment best practices for IT managers are also included in this report. Click to read the full free report here.

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