States XenApp 6.5 (App States)

1:32 PM
States XenApp 6.5 (App States) -

States XenApp 6.5 (App States)

The reason why I am posting this blog is that I asked a few times by colleagues that the application States? I thought it makes sense to share with the wider community because it gives a better understanding of troubleshooting application connection problem.

From XenApp 6.5, we introduced a new session tracking status. This value was added to track persistent and specifically states before and also launched for the purpose of sharing sessions. This is called the state of the application, or simply state App. This can be seen in the application center console or via PowerShell commands SDKs

of all that we are not trying to replace desktop remote services of existing session state first. we build on top of it to describe the different status of the application within the session. These states application will still be active force or disconnected

The State request is broken down into five different statuses :.

  • N / A
  • PRE-launched
  • Lingering

N / A

This status is reserved for console sessions, listeners, RDP sessions and ICA server session that have running applications within them. These sessions therefore have no application state (N / A No app). These sessions are ignored for the purpose of pooling of the session / prelaunch / persistent.


This means that the applications are running in the session the user has launched. This matches the existing behavior of the active state of the session. Pre-launch and persistent have become active capacity once a user application to another application, and the connection made in these sessions is successful


This is the state of implementation is an application that has been preconfigured for the pre-launch status. When the user authenticates against the receiver, a session is opened that allows users to quickly launch applications by sharing the existing session. It has no active applications running in the session.


This application state occurs when an active application has been closed in a session. That still leaves the still active session so it can be shared quickly when other applications are launched.

Application Not Running

This is the state of the most interesting application, which tends sometimes confused. These are sessions that are still active but do not have the specified applications running in them. You may think, is not similar to a persistent session? The answer is no, then how a session can enter that state of application? Consider the following scenario; the user launches a published application, the initial process starts and the application works as expected, at one point during the session, a secondary process is initiated and the primary session is over. It is at this point, the session is still active, but her condition is considered as the application does not work because the initial process is completed. This could be normal behavior in certain applications.

This state can useful when solving problems termination request logoff, because it means that some process was not terminated. To put some context behind read kb article by my colleague CTX133328

Update :. This behavior can also be exposed when publishing explorer.exe you can learn more about possible workaround CTX133835

In addition to the App center console of the state of the application can be found in the register and using the XenApp PowerShell command (where n = session id).

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Citrix Ica session N Connection

AppState NONE = 0

AppState ACTIVE = 1


AppState PERSIST = 3

AppState NOAPPS = 4

 PowerShell Get-XASession -session  N  

See current sessions on an RD session Host server[1945004~~number=plural]

a Field Guide XenApp 6.5 for session pre-launch

/ blogs / 2012/02/10 / field guide-to-xenapp-session-pre-launch /

XenApp AppCenter 6.5 Display Console Application Application Status not Running

Published invisible Explorer on AppCenter console CTX133835

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