12 safety tips for shopping online this Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

11:05 AM
12 safety tips for shopping online this Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday -

Safety tips for online shopping

There is the most wonderful time of the year - and for online shoppers, that is. With unbeatable sales of all your favorite brands brutally appearing left and right, the Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday may have itching you get out your credit card and let the beginning of holiday shopping. Before you start spending, however, it is important to know how to keep your online identity and secure information that cybercrime is as widespread as ever. To help, we have set up 12 tips to help you stay protected as you shop this holiday season.

1. Check your social status. Although you might be tempted to spread the world about how excited you are for your vacation or Black Friday shopping sprees, resist the urge to broadcast to the world that you're not going to be House. Criminals snoop around this type of information to use to their advantage or hackers from entering your home while you are away.

2. Stick to familiar brands you know or have heard about. As you can see some exciting offers pop up in online ads from unknown brands, it is important that you resist the seemingly good deals. Often obscure brands like these are not trustworthy and end up being nothing but scams. However, you should be careful, even with brands and companies you know - often misspelled criminals purposely name their fake websites to sound like a family business top brand

3. Use. strong password. many shopping sites require creating an account. While this may be convenient to store your payment information, product preferences, and more, it also provides ample opportunity for hackers to rummage through your sensitive information if your account has a weak, easy to guess password . To create a password, avoid using one that can be easily guessed by looking at your social media profiles such as the name of your pet or your birthday. Another tip is to replace the letters of numbers such as "p455w0rd" instead of "password." Some sites will also allow the use of special characters such as! and #.

4. Use only SSL secure sites. There is an absolute must that the website you are shopping on is protected by SSL, which is essentially an extra layer of security. Search a URL beginning with "https: //" instead of "http: //". Also look for a closed padlock in the browser address bar - by clicking or double-clicking it, you'll be able to see details of site security

5. Say "no" to free. Wi-Fi. If you consider making your purchases online on the Wi-Fi, as in an airport or a coffee, think again. These public networks are hotbeds for hackers to enter your information while you shop online. Resist the temptation to use the free Internet, regardless of how impressive a downloadable coupon can be.

6. Use extra caution when you use your mobile device for online shopping. Using your phone or tablet to the online store can be great practice for individual on-the-go, but it comes with a large security risk many online shoppers are not aware. URL shortened, often used because they are phone-friendly, can encourage you to visit malicious Web sites. Play it safe by sticking to your laptop this holiday shopping season.

7. Never use the same password for multiple sites. In addition to creating a password, another protection key is never using the same password more than once. This is the great mother of no-no line because it is another easy opportunity for cybercriminals to hack your accounts and steal your information. Creating different passwords minimizes the risk that a hacker can access your other online accounts if your information should never be compromised.

8. Use official apps instead of web browser on your phone. As always, a common rule of thumb to stick to online security is still using official applications rather than sticking with your default browser. Applications for major retailers such as BestBuy and Amazon usually have an extra layer of security and encryption, making them safer to use when you are in public.

9. Based Payments Try smartphones. data violations of both department stores and big box stores have led to millions of credit accounts and compromise throughput. Yet, faced with these violations, the mobile payment technologies such as Apple and Android Pay Pay can not be cloned as cards over traditional magnetic strip. Consider using these technologies in your holiday shopping to keep your physical cards safe from thieves

10. Do not leave your phone unlocked For crying out loud, it's on nearing 2,016 .. - set your phone to require a password or biometric scan for access. It may seem like common sense to most, but you'd be surprised how many people skip this very important safety measure. This goes double if you have connection information to financial data connected to your device.

11. Trust your gut. Just as you would not go into a physical store if something was shifty, not shopping with online retailers that give you a bad atmosphere. You may feel like the site is too much information or prompts and notifications appear a little off. If this is the case, simply exit the operation and leave the site - you'll thank yourself later

12. Use a VPN when buying online and on the road We .. strongly recommend using our VPN service to secure proactively your personal information. Our VPN allows you to unblock websites, bypass geographic restrictions, and remain anonymous while surfing the web. IPVanish with VPN, you will have peace of mind knowing that your purchases online is 100% secure.

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