Our interview with Priya Anand - Secure Sessions Podcast Episode 8

2:45 PM
Our interview with Priya Anand - Secure Sessions Podcast Episode 8 -

We are almost halfway -way through the first season of our podcast with this eighth episode of secure sessions. This time our host CTO and devoted, Josh Gagliardi was able to get Priya Anand on the line. Priya is a journalist of consumer fraud for MarketWatch and a new reporter for BuzzFeed. Some of his more recent coverage includes the Act on the protection of email privacy, a bill that would require US government agency first obtain a warrant before asking companies to put the e -mails customers. Another recent story delves deep into one long asked that question recently came into the mainstream :? How many times the government demand of companies for your data

In this edition, Josh Priya and delve into the security the rise "Internet of Things" and the legal competence encryption wave. Listen to the full episode to hear opinions and Josh Priya is about what it takes to live as a modern citizen.

There will never be a balance between security and convenience? Listen now to the discussion, or read the transcript of the podcast secure sessions this week.

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