Earlier this week, Sen. Charles Schumer (DN.Y.) has made some headlines by calling FitBit and other activity trackers as " nightmare of privacy "for the collection of user data" can potentially be sold to third parties, such as employers, insurance providers and other enterprises, without the knowledge or consent of users. "
FitBit perhaps not the ideal society to isolate, but Schumer correctly stated that there is currently "no federal laws that prevent developers to share personal health information with third parties." He said the FDA issued health information privacy guidelines on medical applications, but he said that fitness applications do not fall under the protections of privacy.
Although it appears that the law did not follow the new technologies on privacy protection and consumer safety, you can take some steps to protect yourself.
- Consult privacy policy, in particular as regards the sale or sharing of your data, the manufacturer of any equipment you use to transmit or store personal information. (Googling the company name and the term "policy confidentiality "generally works well.)
- Learn how your data is well protected while being transmitted or stored. Is it stored locally on your device or in the cloud? Is it encrypted for transmission?
- Never use untrusted networks (such as Wi-Fi) to send personal information any type of device you are using.
Source: Consumer Reports
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