Internet Privacy Laws Part 2

6:25 PM
Internet Privacy Laws Part 2 -

Internet privacy laws impact how the government gets your digital files

The second law of privacy Internet, you should be aware of is the law on sharing and Cyber ​​Intelligence or CISPA protection. This proposed network security law and the Internet enables companies and the federal government to share information to avoid or protect against Internet and network attacks. The grants broad new powers invoices to companies allowing them to watch your private communication to find and obtain "threat information." It also cancels all existing federal and state laws.


The bill has received advocacy groups such as the American Library Association, the ACLU, Reporters Without Borders and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). On Monday, these groups and others sent a letter to Congress on Monday opposing CISPA. The letter states, "CISPA information sharing system allows the transfer of large amounts of data, including sensitive information such as Internet records or content of emails to any organization within the government." An attempt similar was made last year to defeat CISPA but he failed despite the veto of Obama.

Although the bill has not received a vote in the Senate CISPA was suspended around Washington, DC in recent years and was reintroduced last month making it a highly controversial piece of legislation in the near future.

opponents of the law are also concerned about companies turning information to the military branch of the government called the national security administration. the Center for democracy and (TDC) technology Mark Stanley expressed concern about the NSA, "Because he is a military entity it must be secret ... so we have no idea what he (personally identifiable information) will be used for. "

For more information visit :. FAQ on CISPA EFF and why it is dangerous

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