Alerts privacy: Canadian wireless providers waiting in power and more stories you need to know

12:56 PM
Alerts privacy: Canadian wireless providers waiting in power and more stories you need to know -

Privacy Alerts

This month in privacy alerts: the Canadian wireless providers are awaiting a decision of privacy, the draft bill investigative powers is under fire, and more! Here are the stories that we have met since the beginning of the new year that you should know about.

0 companies have signed a student Privacy Pledge

Privacy Alerts Student Pledge

You can recall some controversy last month about a claim that Google was collecting EFF and Google the research of data mining students. Given the nature of this hot-button issue, it is not surprising that the confidentiality of student data is in the headlines again. This month, more than 0 companies have expressed support for a commitment that promises to "protect the privacy of students with regard to the collection, maintenance and use of personal information students." Interestingly, Google is one of the 0+ companies that have signed the pledge. Read more ...

ICO UK CRITICAL Survey Project Monitoring Bill Powers

Privacy Alerts Investigatory Powers

Bureau the information Commissioner in the UK criticized the proposed investigative powers of the bill. The ICO has warned that weaker encryption than the bill proposes is latent with the risk and also argued that the bill would provide adequate justification for the reasoning behind a year of mandatory data retention. The Bill Powers survey project is the attempt by the British government to replace the law of emergency surveillance, DRIPA, which expires at the end of the year. Read more ...

Canadian wireless providers expect Decision on the privacy of data of cellular phone

Canadian wireless providers

Rogers and Telus, two of the largest Canadian wireless providers, are awaiting an Ontario court decision on their Charter of rights challenge. The Charter of Rights challenge disputed orders "discharge tour" production that specify the two main carriers on personal information data on about 40,000 of their clients. Read more ...

The NCSA is keeping Data Protection Day Internationally, January 28

Privacy Alerts DPD

the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance is organizing an international Day of data protection on January 28. the objective of the confidentiality of data Day is to raise awareness and provide education on the importance of privacy and protection of personal information. The hope is that through this event, more people will play an active role in safeguarding their data. Specific events organized by NCSA will take place in January in Washington, DC and Los Angeles. Read more ...

Be sure to stay on the lookout for more alert to privacy as the new year progresses.

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