Q & A: Is Secure Public Wi-Fi

10:42 AM
Q & A: Is Secure Public Wi-Fi -

Lifehacker posted a Q & A where they find definitive answers to the questions that were submitted to about security on the Wi-Fi? .

Here is an excerpt:

[…] I have nothing special or private in my email, and I'm usually just surf the web. Do I really need to load on virtual private networks and other tools when I'm all alone in the cafe or connected to the library?

Slightly Paranoid

Dear Paranoid slightly,

You raised a big question. We often discuss the privacy and security, especially with regard to public Wi-Fi networks, but protects you worth all the fuss? We think so, and then we understand that the VPN and other security tools can slow down your system or be buggy and weird sometimes we have to fall back on the old adage, "security by obscurity is no security everything. "

is there really anyone out there snooping public Wi-Fi networks?

again, this is one of those" why tempt fate "kind of scenarios. The coffee shop is one thing. The library can be a more tempting target. "Wi-Fi" airport almost certainly someone on it in search of juicy data, as does the network-from your hotel know, the one with FREE Wi-Fi opened as the SSID? Whether or not a person is riding on this open network in order to steal passwords or because they are just curious, there is no reason for you to take the chance when you do not need, especially when a good VPN outsmart most if not all their efforts. Rest assured though, there is someone sniffing around the network, guaranteed.

If you are curious about how VPN works, or if you are looking for fast VPN service, reliable and affordable, register at IPVanish VPN.

Q & A in full Lifehacker

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