Mobility + video = Massive Opportunity Citrix

4:59 PM
Mobility + video = Massive Opportunity Citrix -

I attended the Mobile Video Optimization Conference in beautiful, sunny almost Brussels last week to provide support to our compatriots soon Byte mobile. I expected to hear a lot of talk about the growth of mobility and how video will overwrite the existing 2G and 3G networks that exist today-basically the mantra "sky is falling". What I do see is that most organizations involved Space-mobile video content providers, software and services providers, and mobile operators themselves, while watching the growth of video on smartphones and tablets as the perfect vehicle for improving the quality of experience for mobile users. When I pause to think about it, his very similar to what Citrix every day in our services portfolio; improve the user experience user, anywhere on any device. Certainly the end to end delivery of video and data on the mobile operator's network is a new challenge Citrix.

The real value that can be extracted from optimzing mobile networks is not in network - its to network. services based on the value that focus around the quality of experience for users is the next big challenge for mobile operators, virtual network operators, content owners / providers even. That's where Citrix can help ByteMobile become the next great enabler for any device, where everything comes with a guarantee of quality of experience. Exciting things no doubt.

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