Protect yourself means more than - passwords
Anyone who has visited an Apple store more than once saw some poor fool Facebook account has forgotten to log out. Many times this results in a person to enter on behalf of the person and causing all sorts of havoc. It is obvious that this kind of event is easily preventable, but it highlights an important fact, Internet security is more than just having a great password. Just ask Mat Honan.
If you have not heard of Wired writer Mat Honan now had thrown his life upside down. First his Gmail account was broken into and deleted. Then they entered his Twitter account (via his Gmail account) used to disseminate hate messages, and finally the greatest harm they wiped away her MacBook, iPad and iPhone. How did it happen? were linked as many of us are its accounts. However, hackers are not just crack his Gmail account and automatically know its Apple or Amazon information. They used social engineering to crack open these accounts. Apparently, Amazon data reveals in clear text on its site is used as authoritative information with an Apple account, and therefore with this information in the accounts and Mat devices in hand have been compromised a bit like a line of dominoes.
Although this lax security procedures events exposed to both Apple and Amazon, it has also exposed the personal security failures Mat. These are the same mistakes many of us make our own accounts. It is easy to set the chain accounts, Facebook connect to all social programs, use the same credit card for each location online, and use authentication to a single factor with Gmail or other account pivot. It can be easy, but that does not make it wise or safe. What can we do to avoid becoming the next Mat Honan? Well, there are some things that will help you:
1) two-factor authentication Institute with Gmail and other accounts Lynchpin
Gmail and other services allow for authentication two factors. The two-factor authentication will help you protect your accounts, even in the case of a cracked password. With Gmail's two-factor authentication will send a code to your mobile phone to verify that you are who you claim to be. No authentication code without entering the account. To configure this authentication in two steps in Gmail, go to your Security Settings page and set 2 verification step. To protect against the possibility of losing your phone, you can click on "show backup codes" and print. These backup codes will allow you to access the account without your phone. They are all single-use codes intended as a last resort in order to print them and keep them in a safe place.
2) Use SSL and VPN When Wi-Fi public
When you are on a network public Wi-Fi, it does not know who did watch the data flow which may include your user names and passwords for websites you visit. Be sure to protect your traffic in the most basic of ways. $ 10 a month is a small price to pay to keep your accounts and information protected using someone else's network.
3) in particular on important accounts Use Once and passwords complex
on your most important accounts, particularly anything that has to do with the bank, use a word unique password that is complex enough to prevent easy hacking. Although this level of security can not be required on each site (I doubt your account needs), you should definitely use it to your bank, 401K management, connection credit card issuer, etc.
4) safety issues need not be answered honestly
Just because the security question asks for the maiden name of your mother does not mean that you can not not the answer "Cylon" or better yet "Cy10n".
5) accounts Isolate
Mat Honan's accounts were attacked because its Twitter account has been linked to Gizmodo's account. Do not do the same, keep them separate, keep them safe.
6) The use of credit cards and not the online debt cards
debt cards are usually directly related to his bank account. If someone fraudulently towel on your account, you probably have the money eventually, but until then you may not be able to make the mortgage, rent or car payment. With a credit card, you can dispute the charges before paying.