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Ads can now be targeted to you based on Historical Data Social Media

According to CrunchBase, LocalResponse is a social advertising platform that uses public posts and "check-ins" across multiple platforms to help brands and businesses identify intent and respond to it.

Formerly LocalResponse he helped advertisers reach their audiences based on social media users "check in" to a specific store. Once the user "check-in", they receive ads relevant to the store, they were browsing in.

Now LocalResponse allowed advertisers to go further and examine historical data, including messages on sites like Twitter, Foursquare and Instagram.

LocalResponse CEO and co-founder Nihal Mehta told Techcrunch functionality will be available to all advertisers of the company, but it is really focused on the retail and entertainment now, because where this characteristic is most obviously useful.

For example, if you recently tweeted about Looper while you watched in the theater, once it is released on Blu-Ray / DVD, an announcement will be targeted towards you.

Creepy, huh? This is just one of many ways advertisers are going after the customers. The best way to make you a target for advertising campaigns is simply using a search engine.

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