Internet Privacy Debate At SXSW

6:25 PM
Internet Privacy Debate At SXSW -

In a CNET sponsored debate at SXSW, representatives of the ACLU sparred with the Electronic Privacy Information Center and technology policy think tank on the future of "big data." ACLU advocates for limited freedom for the use of data, but with certain regulations. People fear that their privacy is invaded when these companies have so much information about them. Through data mining and monitoring of research, it is now possible to learn an absurd quantity person. Companies can track your purchases, purchasing habits, searching habits, and more to create a profile on your allowing them to market more effectively other things. Some believe it is an invasion of privacy. Others believe that is the future of marketing. At present, there is a gray area, but these groups are pushing hard on both sides. It is only a matter of time before there is something similar to CAN-SPAM to track user data online.

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