1st place in rate comparison
BestVPNForYou is dedicated to providing a in-depth analysis, notes, and speed comparison tests to help consumers make an informed decision about a VPN provider that best suits their needs. Given that the purpose of the use of a VPN is to be anonymous and safe while browsing the Internet, speed is probably the most important factor for VPN users. Therefore BestVPNForYou performs a full speed test on each VPN provider on the market.
In the latest VPN speed comparison test conducted by BestVPNForYou, IPVanish came 1 st place with a speed rating of 92.5%. Speed comparisons are based on the following methodology:
- Bandwidth test - overall bandwidth measurements
- Download Test - determines what a user experience while downloading
Based on 4 test points, IPVanish set all # 1 place and with a standard of clear other scores premium VPN providers. This is a testament to the quality of our network, which is 15 years in the making and is ongoing optimization and expansion efforts every day!
IPVanish VPN protects your identity and online data, undesirable marketing of blocks, puts you in control of your IP address and much more! Try it today for as low as $ 6.49 / month with a with a 7 day money back guarantee
To see the detailed results of the speed test and read a full review, visit VPN Speed Comparison -. BestVPNForYou.
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