Internet Privacy Laws Part 4 of 4

10:04 PM
Internet Privacy Laws Part 4 of 4 -

Internet Privacy laws affecting freedom of expression, due process and innovation

the fourth and final Internet privacy Law you should know about is not confined to the United States as the previous three. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) concerns the online sharing between countries on either side of the Pacific. According to EFF, "The TPP is a multi-national agreement secret, trade that threatens to extend restrictive intellectual property laws throughout the world and rewrite international rules on its application."

The nations currently negotiating the TPP is the United States, Australia, Peru, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Canada, Mexico and Brunei Darussalam. As the 16 e round wrapped up last week in Singapore, Japan now wants to participate and rumor as Thailand and the Philippines are also interested. This could delay the proposed deadline of October to complete negotiations. The TPP is much more than digital copyright laws and intellectual property rules; it also affects employment, access to medicines, foods and products, etc. read everything the TPP covers.

The TPP meetings secret problem with advocates of the technology that negotiations are happening behind closed doors with little transparency. The TPP has chosen to let legislators and the public in the dark. the agreement draft was never officially released to the public for the only public information, and the media is leaked text. EFF considered section leak concerning the right of intellectual property of the United States proposed and provides a detailed overview of the requirements and changes.

Why should you care?

Essentially, the TPP risk your freedom of expression, due process, innovation and the future of the global Internet infrastructure. It threatens some of the most basic rights that provide access to knowledge for the citizens of the world.

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