Last Christmas we published Citrix Receiver for HTML5 1.5, focused on interoperability, with features such as HDX insight and support Cloud Bridge. This publication helped our customers introducing Clientless access mode increase for Citrix Workspace Suite.
Receiver for HTML5 1.6 is built with additional performance and usability improvements. Here are some of the major improvements in this version:
bandwidth efficiency - Significant improvement in bandwidth efficiency when the XenApp 6.5 or the legacy mode of graphics in XenApp, XenDesktop 7.6.
which. In improvements done Audio processing further improve audio-video experience HTML5 receiver The total memory requirement for recipients for HTML5 is lower with this press release.
Receiver for HTML5 allows users to 2D and 3D graphics workload through a browser from a workstation-class access endpoint. Now you can access it for the visually lossless mode in HDX 3D Pro.
Citrix recommended access mode with Receiver for HTML5. By NetScaler SSL for all supported versions of XenApp and XenDesktop or direct SSL connection to XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 If you use this mode, make sure you enable the policy for WebSocket connection and open the appropriate port mentioned in the documentation. It is also important to the Receiver for Web option correctly on storefront for a successful connection.
receiver to implement HTML5 is hosted on storefront server. If you will be automatically installed 1.4 2.6 Storefront, receiver install for HTML5. To update, you can install Receiver for HTML5 1.6 on Storefront 2.5 or 2.6 server. Do not install any receiver for HTML5 1.6 with storefront versions prior to 2.5
Experience this version and let us know how it works for you!
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