Startup.Synergy: a new addition, a new orientation

11:06 AM 1 Comment
Startup.Synergy: a new addition, a new orientation -

As we move quickly to Citrix Synergy, I thought a little background about his new startup component can be in order, and even a bit more the context of what we do at startup and Citrix Accelerator.

If you're not familiar with Paul Graham (PG), he is the co-founder of the seed stage investment company Y -Combinator (YC). YC brought you hits like Airbnb, Xobni, and yes, Dropbox.

"The combined value of the 21 largest companies is $ 4.7 billion. What I admit surprised me. $ 4.7 billion / 210 = $ 22.4 million, so that the average value of the startups we've funded is approximately $ 22.4 million. "(This was in June 2011)

What more could you ask does this guy have in Mountain view to Citrix? I would say a lot. the question is really what Graham has to do with the landscape of technology in large, growth trends we see in startups at an early stage, and the world almost everyone reading this lives.

My answer is that it takes less and less to do much more in terms of construction material technologies. No less in terms of IQ necessarily, or greater ambition around a point of pain or passion, but less in terms of capital and time. With the right skills and guidance, the billions of dollars companies are being born faster and faster.

This is why PG and YC question that conversation. They were instrumental first-movers for the first startups of the scene, but it is a developing trend, and we have seen the beginning. Citrix Startup Accelerator resumes on where investors like YC leave off for specific start-up in our investment objective. We fill their A-series or faster acquisition. Our offer to do it is $ 250K, an office in Silicon Valley, and helps validate the corporate clients.

Startup.Synergy May 9 e brings our role in the investment house of the landscape. It tells our story in concept, through our portfolio companies, other investors with whom we work, and the first of our next series of investments.

The discussions around this make me want to do more with my life. And that's the point. We in Silicon Valley live in a magical place, but soon enough I'll take it elsewhere. As are many. The walls are crumbling, the code becomes more intuitive, easy deployment across (AWS thank you). In the next 2-10 years we will see the earthquake and shape of the clouds, 'From Silicon Valley to the clouds covered continents. " That's what I named our investment panel, and the implications behind it, and a constant mobile connectivity will change our world. Here is what is Startup.Synergy snapshots, and this is why I entered the Citrix Startup Accelerator. If this position resonates with you, it is also why I hope you can join us on May 9 e .

NetScaler 10: What's new network

9:04 PM 2 Comments
NetScaler 10: What's new network -
Networking is one of the fundamental elements on which advanced new age ADCs capabilities are built. To be able to deploy ADCs in a variety of scenarios with various L2 / L3 devices, it is important to have the implementation of standards based on configuration options to refine for specific scenarios. Many new trends - such as the evolution of IPv6, the new developments in data center technologies, etc. -. Shaping how ADCs are deployed in the business with more and more use of always available applications
As with each new release, NetScaler 10 introduces many new improvements, optimizations and features that continue to enable new use cases for our clients. Some of the key networking features introduced in NetScaler are:
  1. Based Routing Policy (ACB) for IPv6 : PBR for IPv4 was around NetScaler for a long time and is heavily used by customers make custom routing decisions based on conditions corresponding to the movement rather than simply rely on routing tables. Policies can be defined on a combination of L2, L3 and L4 parameters like IP, Port, MAC, VLAN etc. NetScaler 10 PBR support for IPv6.
  2. Direct server return (DSR) in L3 mode for IPv6 : DSR allows servers to directly meet customer without return traffic passing by NetScaler. DSR is useful in some high-volume environments where session management is not required on NetScaler. DSR increases the overall capacity of NetScaler as one way traffic passes through it. DSR for IPv6 in L2 mode has been introduced in previous versions, but with NetScaler 10, support for IPv6 L3 DSR mode has also been introduced
  3. ISIS Routing Protocol :. ISIS routing protocol is a routing protocol state link (like OSPF) that works on L2. ISIS is still widely used and many times for historical reasons. NetScaler already supports RIP, OSPF and BGP for IPv4 and IPv6 and with this latest release, NetScaler added ISIS support for IPv4 and IPv6 as well
  4. Profile Support Network :. Network Profiles is a powerful feature that provides flexibility for administrators to control the source IP address used in communication initiated by NetScaler to the main server. The control allows the IP source in many situations where the servers need to differentiate between customer traffic compared to traffic monitoring or different servers are catering to different departments and access control is applied on the basis of IP addresses. network profiles can be linked to monitors for monitoring the health of traffic, services and vservers to real data traffic
  5. Link Load Balancing (LLB) for IPv6 :. Link Load balancing is used to manage the output traffic (Internet) companies that use multiple ISP links for redundancy. LLB ensures optimal distribution of traffic depending on the variety of load balancing algorithms to ensure the optimization and redundancy in case of a link failure. LLB is now supported for IPv6 links and
  6. reverse IPv6 NAT (RNAT) :. RNAT for IPv6 IPv6 translation to the IP source is also supported in NetScaler 10.
  7. Access Control Lists (ACLs) There are two ACLs improvements in NetScaler 10 for ACLs
  8. - 1) Flush : When simple ACLs are created, they take effect on the new sessions - but to make simple, effective ACLs on existing sessions as well, "flush" may use 2) number of ACLs : limit the number of extended ACLs that can be created on NetScaler was increased to 10K 1K

    many other improvements have been introduced, as
  1. support / 31 networks
  2. SNMP agents on IPv6
  3. Extension Header Parsing IPv6 for accurate identification of L4 protocols to implement strategies
  4. health monitoring Gateway on both nodes in an HA deployment to ensure proper failover

Citrix XenClient at Synergy - Simplify and Secure your laptops with Virtual Desktops ... To Go

10:05 AM Add Comment
Citrix XenClient at Synergy - Simplify and Secure your laptops with Virtual Desktops ... To Go -

Citrix is ​​serious about the local market and XenClient virtual desktop. This will be a major goal in Citrix Synergy 2012. You can read all about the demos of XenClient, the breakout sessions and labs here.

Last year Citrix has created a business unit to focus exclusively on XenClient. Citrix veteran Mitch Parker directs the customer Virtualization business unit as its CEO. You can meet Mitch at its SYN141 Citrix Synergy Simplify the management and security of mobile phones and laptops Ultrabooks with XenClient, May 9 e , 2012-08 : 00 PT at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, CA.

Mitch will co-present with John Woodruff of the Air Force Research Labs (AFRL). John Woodruff manages multiple software development efforts, including project SecureView to meet the networking needs Top Secret / SCI security clearance, insurance information, and for the Department of Defense Intelligence Community. SecureView is powered by version of ultra-high security XenClient - XenClient XT. We are honored to have Mr. Woodruff to Synergy. You can learn more about the breakout session Mitch and John here.

The new company's client virtualization unit and the presence of strong XenClient at Citrix Synergy are only part of the story. management better laptop and high security are key priority areas for XenClient team. Not only will you hear more about these topics at the session of Mitch & John, you will also see additional communications in this area coming soon. We hired security expert Ahmed Sallam, McAfee to further develop our security strategy. We are delighted to have Mr. Sallam in the team

So join us at Citrix Synergy May 9 e -. May 11 e in San Francisco at the Moscone Convention Centre. There are only 16 more days to register for the show then register to Citrix Synergy today!

Connect with the team XenClient online!

  • See page XenClient product
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Visit our Technical Forum XenClient

AppFlow ... finally revealed the mysterious DB packets flowing through the network

8:03 PM Add Comment
AppFlow ... finally revealed the mysterious DB packets flowing through the network -

When we introduced AppFlow in summer 2011, our goal was simple:

"a standard for application monitoring and reporting that democratizes application data from the network"

since then, we have worked hard to reach this eternal goal. While some may see this as impossible, we are committed to socialize the data increasingly applying to each new version

With NetScaler 10, we introduced the well -. Scheduled and requested - support for protocols DataBase MSSQL. & MYSQL

is a list of related DataBase new AppFlow elements:

  • dbProtocolName 32942
    Specifies the DB protocol
    1 is for MSSQL, 2 is for MySQL
  • dbReqType , 32941
    Indicates the type of request
    for MSSQL 1 is for QUERY 2 is TRANSACTION, 3 is for PRC
    for MySQL: this is the same as that specified in the MySQL documentation
  • dbReqString , 32946
    indicates the demand chain without the header
  • dbRespStatus 32948
    indicates the status of the response received from the server
  • dbRespLength 32949
    specifies the length of the response received from the server
  • dbRespStatString , 32947
    This specifies the response status from the server string

in addition, NetScaler AppFlow in 10 also has several new export settings HTTP

extra HTTP parameters :.

Enable Logging AppFlow authorization HTTP header [

Enable HTTP header AppFlow Via the lumbering.

Enable Location AppFlow HTTP logging head.

AppFlow Enable HTTP logging setCookie head.

AppFlow Enable HTTP logging Setcookie2 head.

Enable AppFlow HTTP Content-Type header logging

Before closing up, I want to highlight two important messages related :.

  1. Be sure to visit / register to stay tuned with the latest news on AppFlow and share / learn how your colleagues use AppFlow to manage their network.
  2. If you plan to attend Citrix Synergy, SanFrancisco, join the session 'SYN321' on 'Get real visibility into your cloud network with AppFlow

session details:

Number of session: SYN321

Track: Enterprise Networks cloud

Date / Time: May 10, 2:00 p.m. -14h45

Room: Moscone West 2014

session Type: Breakout

session Level: technical - Advanced

product Category: NetScaler

Type of content: Cloud-Ready Networking

thank you and look forward to our next blog on "What's new in NetScaler 10 as load balancing and Web Acceleration '!

Partners - Invite key clients to join Synergy

7:02 PM 1 Comment
Partners - Invite key clients to join Synergy -

The Citrix Summit San Francisco, May 7 to 8, is training and unmatched value of networking itself. Of breakout sessions for hands-on labs-on-one with Citrix experts, Summit is a great investment in your future, your profitability and your professional qualifications.

But you can double or even triple your ROI Summit by:

  1. Participate Citrix Synergy, which immediately follows and is included in your registration fee
  2. sharing activities synergy with your customers and prospects

Invite best customers to join synergy

Here are some compelling reasons why Synergy is an excellent opportunity to engage successfully with key customers and prospects.

  • customers are more receptive to your solutions. once they got a look at all desirable new Citrix solutions, they will naturally turn to you for help with desktop virtualization, an enterprise cloud or other project .
  • education customer makes your job easier. Synergy provides targeted training to customers, and more knowledgeable they become, the easier it is for you to explain the Citrix strategy for mobile workstyles, cloud computing and more.
  • network with peers customer can validate your advice. Synergy offers customers the opportunity to hear directly from peers about the benefits of Citrix solutions. This positive feedback can strengthen your Board and accelerate a sale

Be sure to take advantage of all the three dimensions of the Citrix conference .. Participate in Summit, stay on the synergy and encourage your customers to join you

See you in San Francisco!

XenApp Lifecycle Policy Extended

6:01 PM 1 Comment
XenApp Lifecycle Policy Extended -

In recent months, we have received comments and inquiries from many of you regarding our XenApp stages of the life cycle and support program . Rest assured ... we heard your comments loud and clear! Therefore monitoring of conversations with many of you, we are very pleased to announce the following changes to the lifecycle policy XenApp:

  1. Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop life cycles will be extended to align with the current life cycles corresponding Microsoft server platforms through technical support offering called the extended support program, and
  2. Citrix XenApp 6.0, independent of the XenApp 6.5, will be given a minimum lifecycle of 4.5 years to enable customers to take advantage of their investment already made on XenApp 6.

If you are interested to learn more about these changes, if please visit our Product Lifecycle Matrix: /lp_2317305.asp.

and if you plan to be at Synergy ... do not forget to stop the support of stand

Citrix on:
Twitter - @citrixsupport & @citrixreadiness

Price Season is upon us ... Vote for the winner of the Innovation Synergy!

5:00 PM 2 Comments
Price Season is upon us ... Vote for the winner of the Innovation Synergy! -

That's right, we entered another exciting season award where the public can influence the major IT challenges of today and voted for visionary leaders with the most innovative solutions for tomorrow. No, I do not speak of the Golden Globes and Grammys; I speak of the price of Citrix Innovation must be presented in May at CitrixSynergy in San Francisco!

I have always said that Citrix has some of the most innovative customers around the industry leaders that could rival any political candidate foresight, savvy and innovative thinking. That is why we celebrate the best examples of the Year of IT solutions for companies in the action with our Citrix Innovation Award. We take very seriously at Citrix Innovation, whether in our own technological developments, our Accelerator startup investments, or in recognition of great achievement by our customers and partners.

This year is no different! The three finalists for this prestigious award have all displayed great vision in using Citrix solutions to drive innovation and IT simplicity through their organizations. They also represent the Citrix global customer diversity in these companies from three different sectors and three continents.

We will meet the finalists, we? And then you can vote here

Educational Services of America (ESA) : ESA is the leading provider of K-12 alternative programs and special education for the US special Needs students. In partnership with over 240 public school districts in 22 states and the District of Columbia, they serve 12,000 students each year in more than 170 schools and programs. ESA uses Citrix private cloud solutions offer targeted educational opportunities for students from anywhere, anytime, on any device without requiring students to go to a centralized learning center. customized programs based on the web can easily be deployed to thousands of desktops in a matter of hours rather than 60 days required before the Citrix implementation. Take a look at the video here

IDC Frontier :. This subsidiary of Yahoo! Japan and SoftBank provides management and offer cloud self-service for customers of its parent companies and an ever -growing base of over 1,000 SME customers across the country. IDC Frontier uses Citrix technology to support its latest offering, NOAH Cloud Services, which launched in July 2011. The first Japanese infrastructure as a service offering (IaaS) of its kind, NOAH offers a fully automated cloud management service an open API, allowing the public cloud and private integration and management using a network service interface optimized for the local market. Take a look at the video here

Suncorp Financial Group :. One of the largest financial organizations in Australia with 16,000 employees and nine million customers, Suncorp has a long history of making its employees a top priority. The company has shown that commitment through pioneering work at home, mobility, and bring your Workshifting (BYO) own initiatives, all powered by Citrix. The "intelligent environments" at Suncorp-Financial first of its kind in Australia uses cloud networks and desktop virtualization to transform the traditional office environment to an open part of campus style, giving employees the freedom to work where when and with anyone, thereby improving productivity and collaboration. Take a look at the video here.

Now that you have learned a little about how these Innovation Awards finalists are adopting mobile workstyles and cloud services, I encourage you to vote for the winner! You can learn more about each candidate and choose your favorite here.

We will announce the winner on Citrix Innovation Award at Synergy site. Make sure to sign up now if you have not already, you can join us in person for the big reveal! Meanwhile, please join me in congratulating the finalists this year: Educational Services of America, IDC Frontier and Suncorp Financial Group. Congratulations to our finalists on their innovative solutions!

Project Avalon: A giant step in the transformation

3:59 PM Add Comment
Project Avalon: A giant step in the transformation - Cloud

Cloud computing is a major transformational force in the IT business today. Market leaders such as Apache CloudStack or Amazon Web Services has launched a new cloud infrastructure class that is low cost, highly scalable and easy to manage. By adopting cloud infrastructure, companies are able to enjoy the same type of data center technology developed by Internet companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon.

Cloud architecture is different from enterprise architecture inherited from the data center. For example, enterprise data centers are usually built using vertically scale server clusters, network and storage. Implementation of disaster recovery for enterprise applications require real-time virtual replication of the entire system state. Although enterprise-class infrastructure is generally reliable, when infrastructure fails, the application also fails. However, applications developed for the cloud infrastructure must assume that the underlying infrastructure can fail. Because the cloud infrastructure usually involves a large amount of computer resources, failures can be quite common. Cloud applications are designed to recover not only individual server failures and storage, but also to network failure or complete failures in data centers. Cloud applications are usually built to help balancing (GSLB) technologies that can redirect requests outside the data center failed Load Global Server. As such disaster recovery is designed for cloud computing applications.

corporate developers writing new applications will almost certainly target cloud platforms like Apache CloudStack or Amazon Web Services. It is important to remember that the applications designed for the cloud infrastructure is very different from existing enterprise applications. Cross-the-board adoption of cloud infrastructure, therefore, will only happen when companies turn their existing to run applications on the cloud. Here lies a major challenge of cloud computing: how the company can transform their existing workload

As the leader in desktop virtualization and cloud software platform, Citrix is ​​uniquely positioned to put on the Project Avalon market: the office the next generation virtualization product that is optimized to run on the cloud infrastructure and can be delivered as a cloud service. Project Avalon enables companies to transform some of their applications workloads, office windows and the most important windows, to run on the cloud infrastructure.

It took great engineering efforts to transform the XenDesktop product, which was designed to run on the enterprise virtualization architecture, working seamlessly on Apache CloudStack and Amazon Web Services. It was not easy but we did it. Here's what we learned: the workload of the existing business can be converted to run on the cloud. This is what the cloud is all about transformation.

Windows desktop is an ideal workload to the cloud. office needs tend to fluctuate as the company grows, companies merge, or with seasonal and temporary labor. If a typical user accesses his virtual office 40 hours a week, the desktop instance is inactive for more than 76% of the time. Elasticity is a great match for the cloud.

Project Avalon allows Windows desktop and Windows applications to be delivered as a cloud service. This will benefit both enterprises and service providers. Enterprises and service providers are looking for features such as self-service, metering, billing / chargeback, and delegated administration.

Interested? You can not wait to get their hands on the Project Avalon software? Follow our progress

Synergy San Francisco 2012 - Keynote Höhepunkte der

2:58 PM 1 Comment
Synergy San Francisco 2012 - Keynote Höhepunkte der -

Mark Templeton seine beginnt mit einer Reihe von Keynote Produktupdates:

Citrix VDI-in-a-Box : Das neue XenDesktop Lizenz Upgrade Programm ist für alle VDI-in-a-Box Kunden, die ihre skalieren möchten Farm weiter und VDI-in-a-Box auf XenDesktop upgraden möchten. Citrix VDI-in-a-Box hat den kürzlich Best of Interop 2012 Award in der Kategorie "Cloud Computing and Virtualization" gewonnen.

Auch bei AppDNA gibt es News. Der Countdown für den von Windows XP Support zählt langsam runter, der endet Support in 2014 - von Millionen von zu müssen XP to Windows 7 Apps portiert werden. AppDNA führend ist bei der Analyse der Anwendungen von DNA - Informationen über So können mit Anwendungen und Anwendungstests Kompatibilitäts-Checks Kombiniert werden um so leichter zu entscheiden, ob das Bestehende Applikations-Portfolio kompatibel ist und werden kann migriert. Die neue Version 6.1 ist verfügbar in Kürze und macht es für Kunden und Partner leichter, die Lösung zu installieren und einzurichten. Die Vereinfachung of Assesment Prozesess bedeutet, dass noch schneller Migration-Projekte werden können umgesetzt

mehr dazu:.? / Blogs / p = 174188129

CEO Der Citrix kündigt die Akquisition der NxTop Lösung von Virtual PC a - die Technology verstärkt die customer Citrix-eigene Virtualisierungslösung XenClient zukünftig wird und in der Enterprise Edition integriert werden. XenClient ermöglicht mobile sichere VDI Desktops Laptops und für PC. Die Enterprise Version wird um neue Management-Funktionalitäten erweitert, um es zu Großkunden ermöglichen, die von einer Verwaltung von Vielzahl business-Laptops in einem Unternehmen zu verteilten vereinfachen. Die Lösung ermöglicht es Laptop-business Benutzern die Leistung von virtuellen Desktops "to go", und es macht weitaus sicherer kostengünstiger und für die IT, Tausende von Unternehmens-Laptops in den Unternehmen zu heutigen zunehmend mobilen verwalten.

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Innovation Award Citrix Der
Warum sind gerade für Innovationen Technologie Unternehmen wichtig? Weil herausragende Technische Entwicklungen nur dann sind wertvoll, wenn sie werden auch eingesetzt. Den Jahr für Jahr Beweis treten die Kunden a Citrix. Der Citrix Innovation Award honoriert die Kunden, die neuste Citrix Technologien produktiv einsetzen. Bei dem Award werden und drei Kundenprojekte nominiert letztlich der beste ausgezeichnet. Mark stellt die drei Finalisten vor: Suncorp, IDC Frontier und ESA. Die drei der Citrix Implementierungen Finalisten wurden in einem kurzen dargestellt video - als Gewinner wurde ESA (Educational Services of America) prämiert

Arbeitsstile Mobile & Cloud Services
ging in der Mark . Keynote nachfolgend schwerpunktmässig Citrix auf die Lösungen ein, die es heute ermögichen, mobile Arbeitsstile zu und unterstützen bereitzustellen cloud services. Eine Lösung, die Online-Zusammenarbeit fordert, ist GoToMeeting . Die neue Version, GoToMeeting HDFaces mit das ist nun auch für iPad und die verfügbar flexible ermöglicht mit dem Apple Tablet unterwegs Zusammenarbeit von Qualität HD. Eine weitere Neuigkeit: GoToAssist ist nun für Android und das iPad verfügbar und ermöglicht es Administratoren, Support the leisten von zu. Beide Produkte kostenlos zur Verfügung stehen

mehr dazu :. Http://

Die durch die Podio Akquisition erworbenen Technologien werden zukünftig in Citrix Produkte und integriert sorgen für soziale verstärkte Zusammenarbeit. Tommy Ahlers von Podio führte als die GoToMeeting Integration Demo vor live. In seiner Demo zeigte Funktionen der er einzelne Collaboration-Plattform, die individually werden kann und Bedürfnisse Angepasst're so Einzelpersonen und ermöglicht Teams, social media Umgebungen zu arbeiten. Das integrierte App-Konzept von Podio ergänzt verschiedenste Workflows und um Strukturen Activity Streams

mehr dazu :. Http://

Benutzer und heute ihre tauschen Daten über share eMail, FTP, USB oder die Cloud. Im letzten Jahr hat Citrix ShareFile einen Storage Service Cloud in breast aufgenommen product portfolio. Auf der diesjährigen Synergy wurde mit of angekündigt of ShareFile. Sharefile StorageZones mit, die "iCloud for business" - es ermöglicht, Daten in einer Public Cloud (Amazon Storage, um zu Daten in Europa sichern) oder in einem Private Cloud Rechenzentrum bei dem Kunden selbst jeweiligen vorzuhalten. Das kann auf Ebene Folder individuell Angepasst werden, dass so sensitive Daten im eigenen Rechenzentrum (Private Cloud) - Daten und allgemein zugängliche, offsite (Public Cloud) gehalten werden können. Jessy Lipson, VP & GM of Data Sharing präsentierte ShareFile Funktionen wie und Outlook Integration Device Integration Sync sowie auf dem iPad in einer Demo

mehr dazu :. Http:// /news.asp?newsID=2324215

receptor & CloudGateway

Das von TechPreview Citrix Receiver ist bereits mit eine Weile ShareFile verfügbar, das wird im Juli final release diesen Jahres veröffentlicht. Receiver mit Follow-Me-Data ermöglichen Funktionen es, dass Anwendungen wie Daten über dem Benutzer unterschiedliche Endgeräte folgen. Apropos Apps: Windows Anwendungen sind heute weit verbreitet, aber es werden immer mehr für andere Apps - non-Windows Plattformen - entwickelt. Eine Herausforderung ist die Bereitstellung und das Management Apps dieser. Brad Peterson führte CloudGateway vor live. Die Lösung integriert die unterschiedlichen Apps und ermöglicht es Benutzern, auf Windows Applikationen, SaaS Apps oder über einen mobile applications universellen Client - Citrix Receiver - über die wie unterschiedlichen Endgeräte Tablet PC oder ein Google Chromebook zuzugreifen. Neben einem Service StoreFront (Citrix Receiver) und dem Gateway Service ist eine der content controller von der Komponenten CloudGateway. Das neue CloudGateway 2.0 beinhaltet jetzt die Möglichkeit, Mobile Apps zu verwalten. Darüber hinaus wird das Produkt um Follow Me-Data Funktionen aus der ShareFile Akquisition erweitert

mehr dazu :. Http://

PC remotely erweitert FlexCast Technologien
Flexibilität ist eins der von Hauptvorteile XenDesktop. Die Lösung mit verschiedenen unterstützt unterschiedliche Benutzertypen requirements an einen virtuellen Desktop. Mit den in XenDesktop integrierten FlexCast Technologien kann die jede Art von IT virtuellem erstellen office speziell zugeschnitten auf die individuellen requirements einzelnen der Benutzer hinsichtlich Performance, Sicherheit und Flexibilität. XenDesktop religious wird um eine Möglichkeit FlexCast erweitert: mit " PC remotely " zuzugreifen remote möglich ist, auf einen PC desktop. Brad Peterson zeigte in seiner Demo, wie er diese Funktionalität nutzt, um auf seinen eigenen remote PC seinem Büro zuzugreifen, auch wenn dieser im Ruhezustand (Sleep Mode) ist. In einer weiteren Demo zeigte den er auf einen Zugriff VDI Windows 8 Desktop, der über einen touchfähigen Bildschirm wurde gesteuert distance. So ist es möglich beispielsweise, die Funktionen Devices neuster in Verbindung mit aktuellen Betriebssytemen und zu nutzen Apps, die im virtualisiert geschützten bereitgestellt werden Datacenter. Eine weitere Neuerung war die Ankündigung HDX 3D Pro Graphics Kits für XenDesktop

Mehr dazu :. Http://

Neben der Funktionalität und einer Flexibilität Desktop Virtualisierungslösung spielt der wirtschaftliche Betrieb einer eine Lösung solchen wichtige Rolle. Bereits auf der Synergy'11 Barcelona stellte Citrix Technologien vor, um die TCO virtueller Umgebungen weiter zu senken. Dort wurde die HDX-on-a-Chip Technology in Zusammenarbeit mit und NComputing Texas Instruments angekündigt. Eine Neuerung in San Francisco War die Ankündigung of "All-in-One Zero Client" von HP, der ist und somit nicht nur "HDX-ready" die Möglichkeit bietet, virtual auf Apps und Desktops zuzugreifen, sondern auch mit 13W Stromverbrauch extrem sparsam betrieben werden kann. Das ist eines der ersten Endgeräte mit der auf einem Chip HDX Technology -. Weitere Systeme werden folgen

War im ersten Teil der Benutzer-Keynote die Sicht und die entsprechende Citrix Strategie im Vordergrund ( English / NE / news / news.asp? NewSID = 2324091), fokussierte sich auf Templeton nun-Technologien Datacenter. Als er erstes kündigte CloudBridge 2 year - das neue output beinhaltet einen Self-Service Catalog von gängigen Clouds, sind die vorkonfiguriert, um sich zu einem mittels CloudBridge Unternehmens zu verbinden-Datacenter. Daneben wurde eine neue "One Click" Provisioning-Funktion in aufgenommen output das, die es macht wesentlich leichter, mit sich zu verbinden externen Clouds. Kunden können neue Clouds darüber hinaus zum Katalog hinzufügen CloudBridge Service

Mehr dazu :. Http://

Citrix CloudPlatform, Powered by Apache CloudStack

Citrix CloudPlatform ist die erste Kommerziell unterstützte cover Orchestrierungs Lösung auf Basis von Apache CloudStack . Mit der neuen Version kommerziellen können Kunden schnell und einfach zu Ressourcen virtualisierte Rechenzentrums-automatisierten, elastischen, Self-Service IT-Delivery-modellen weiterentwickeln - und das mit den gleichen Technologien, die weltweit mit denen erfolgreichsten Clouds gebaut wurden. Citrix CloudPlatform hat bereits mehr als 30.000 Community-Mitglieder, Tausende von Anwendungen und zertifizierten hunderte von Produktions-Clouds, die zusammen more than 1 dollar a Milliarde erzielen Cloud-Umsatz. Mehr als 100 neue Clouds entstehen derzeit im Monat, die auf CloudStack basierten

Mehr dazu :.

NetScaler 10 für AWS

Das neue NetScaler Release, wurde vor welches of the gut zwei Wochen, nun die beinhaltet TriScale Technology. TriScale adressiert dabei die drei Schlüsselfaktoren im Bereich der Skalierungsmöglichkeiten, die heute in modernen Infrastrukturen benötigt werden: Scale Up, Scale Out Balance In und. Durch Verwendung eines Clusters statt eines Paars-HA, wird garantiert Hochverfügbarkeit, Ressourcen im Idle-Mode vermieden und Leistung und höhere Kapazität bereitgestellt. Kapazitäten können durch einfaches Hinzufügen je nach Bedarf erweitert werden. Das neue Release NetScaler 10 bietet eine ganze Reihe neuer Funktionen und damit die erweitert Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Lösung -. NetScaler services wird vom Klassischen Delivery Controller und zur Application Networking-Plattform für die Cloud

Citrix hat heute auch ein von Tech Preview NetScaler 10 für Amazon Web Services vorgestellt. Als die Funktionen der Bereitstellung NetScaler Amazon Cloud service macht für einfacher of Unternehmenskunden, neue Instanzen NetScaler in seconds, ohne Vor-Ort-Bereitstellung, Konfiguration oder Verwaltung - je nach Bedarf hinzuzufügen und in der Amazon Cloud zu betreiben. NetScaler 10 für AWS ist ab sofort verfügbar (

Mehr dazu: asp? newsid = 2324093

Project Avalon ... der in der Wolke office
Die letzte der Neuerung Synergy 2012 in the San Francisco War die Vorstellung von Project Avalon . Mark Templeton das Projekt als "die nächste Phase, Service Cloud jede und jeden App Windows workstations Windows als echten über jedes Netzwerk und bereit zu stellen jedes Endgerät". Avalon ist auf und XenDesktop CloudStack abgestimmt und optimiert, multi-mandantenfähig und die als ermöglicht Bereitstellung von Windows Service Cloud (WAAS - Windows-as-a-Service) und über mehrere Standorte Clouds. Die Public Beta ist für das zweite Halbjahr 2012 vorgesehen

Mehr dazu :. Http://

Die Video Aufzeichnung finden Sie auf der Keynote Citrix TV.

Many HDX ads Synergy this week

1:57 PM Add Comment
Many HDX ads Synergy this week -

Today is the last day of Synergy 2012 in San Francisco, and if you could not attend the conference, you can not not hearing all the news around HDX technologies HD experience we build i nto XenDesktop, XenApp, VDI-in-a-Box and Citrix Receiver. Thank you to Citrix TV, you can consult my seminar on What's New With HDX? as desired. Learn all about the universal print server for network printing from any device, remote PC access from across desktops, devices based on new architecture HDX System-on-Chip , videoconferencing scalability optimizations for Microsoft Lync and Cisco communications Manager, and progress in our HDX 3D Pro technology for high-end professional graphics.

Derek Thorslund
Director of product management, HDX

Meet Citrix Geek of the Week - Stéphane Thirion

12:56 PM Add Comment
Meet Citrix Geek of the Week - Stéphane Thirion -

Comrades Community Greetings

The "Geek the "series of blog week highlights one of the members of our outstanding community each week, so you can get to know more about them and what they do in and community!

Our Geek of the week is

Stéphane Thirion
CTO / Owner - IT Architect
Paris, France

What was your first computer project and what was your role?

My first real project was in 01 in a private bank based in Paris, I had to understand and stabilize a Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 (Windows NT4 Terminal Server Edition) farm of 20 servers. They had many questions mainly because of printer drivers (BSOD classic at that time) and in 6 months I had everything works like a charm with new applications and deployed office. The server installation and deployment was just completely automated by scripts. When everything has been stabilized, it was time to migrate to MetaFrame XP on Windows 00. I was at that time between the director and the engineer and I learned a lot this year, read every line of " Citrix MetaFrame Tuning Tips "written by Rick" master "Dehlinger and learning concepts and basic principles of virtualization.

Tell us the story of how you started working Activlan?

Serge Rajevic (CEO Activlan) Activlan started in 00 and I am the one of its customers at the time (iT Manager in a comic business) and he asked me to join him on several occasions, this is one of the best decisions I made in my life. Since then we have progressed together and continued to Activlan cultivated daily on the virtualization market in France. I am now CTO and architect of this very cool company.

In addition to being an IT architect / consultant, what other industry and employment appeals to you?

I love my job, I know I am lucky to have a company that always follows my move and push me to go ahead and worldwide. Prior to my current job, when I was in school, I wanted to be a coroner (!) And now if I had to move to another job I would radically change my world to become lighthouse keeper and photographer to Kerguelen island.

What is your favorite in-comic-book became a live-action movie and why ?

I do not know too much about it, but I think Wolverine is ultra cool. With his skeleton adamantium metal alloy, three retractable claws bone in each hand and a healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any wound, disease or toxin at an accelerated pace who can beat him? It is the strongest and one of the most mysterious Marvel characters.

What is your favorite Sci Fi movie and why?

My favorite Sci Fi's Battlestar Galactica movie - the plan because I'm a big fan of the series. This blend of science fiction, strategy, action, betrayal and intergalactic wars is amazing.

What is your favorite thing about living in France?

I think I could live almost everywhere I went, I was born in France and I live in this country since. I especially like the food and wine; nothing can beat a mixture of all French cheeses with a glass of red wine. Although France is a small country; we have all kinds of landscapes, mountains, seas and oceans, cities and countries, even volcano and beautiful islands.

What do you like so far from being a new Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) ?

I can not talk about this, I'm under non-disclosure agreement, but I can assure everyone that reads this interview, it is super cool to be involved so deeply in technologies and the most secret research Citrix. Being with people who share the same interest in virtualization technology is very interesting and since I'm new in the CTP circle, I learn a lot by listening to everyone talk.

What is your favorite series of all time TV (past or present)?

As I mentioned earlier this is Battlestar Galactica, but I'll choose another one, my second favorite is The Shield. I love this series because it looks so real, the police do their job well and are constantly forced to choose between the bad and the worst result of having as a policeman.

What was the biggest Citrix deployment you have architected / implemented, and what was the takeaway?

greatest Citrix architected I was a French government institute, around 44000 seats where I had to think how to provide the right desktop for each user, automation and industrialization all solution. On this scale, architecting this kind of infrastructure is a technical project, there are also political, organizational and social dimension that I should consider in order to be able to have the best results. This work was a very good blog provider for my blog (

What subject would you like to further discuss Geek Speak events in 2012?

I think this year I will focus my presentation on XenDesktop / XenApp, CloudGateway, CloudPortal and CloudStack. I would share what I think makes a good engineer / consultant and how to last and try to stay on top in this work, what it means.

What is your favorite and why Citrix technology?

This is undoubtedly XenApp, simply because I started with Citrix MetaFrame 1.0 and I think that users will always need their applications to end. I learned so much with Citrix over the years, in collaboration with Citrix pushed me beyond.

View Stephane blog and follow him on Twitter @archynet!

Laura Whalen
Citrix Systems, Inc.
follow me on Twitter

optimizing the environment and higher density

11:55 AM 1 Comment
optimizing the environment and higher density -

Join us in this webinar to see how you can achieve optimization the environment and the highest density and solve challenges onboarding with the AppSense management Suite in conjunction with XenDesktop 5.6. In this session, Michael Kleef will talk about some of the recent performance of tests in collaboration with XenDesktop 5.6 AppSense Management Suite and show how you can solve the challenges of onboarding, optimize your environment and achieve higher density. But wait, there's more! It will also examine how to connect this joint solution in your environment, leveraging your investments with System Center to reduce support costs and simplify your environment

Details :.

Webinar: Ensure the optimization of the environment and higher density and solve the challenges of onboarding with AppSense Management Suite in conjunction with XenDesktop 5.6

When :. 6th June 2012, 13h00-14: 00 EST

Hosted by: Citrix Systems, Inc.

Where: Register here

Craig Ellrod, senior Manager technical marketing, Citrix Systems
Michael Kleef, Director of Business development, AppSense

Search catalog Citrix Ready here

Join Citrix Ready program here

Exclusive live Webinar: Develop your own marketing and events Increase your sales pipeline

10:54 AM 1 Comment
Exclusive live Webinar: Develop your own marketing and events Increase your sales pipeline -

Register Now for this Live Webinar Tuesday, June 12 at 14:00 EDT and discover this amazing platform! Learn how to customize the new BYOD, Workshifting Synergy and invitations to events and registration pages. In addition, blast your email invitations and reduce your marketing expenses. It's FREE! Do not miss this opportunity

We'll show you how to:

• Customize an email invite
• Create a registration page
• Send contact list
• blast an email invite to your contact list
• track records and email metrics

REGISTER NOW on Gen Citrix site request Concierge marketing home .

Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

After 20 years at Microsoft TechEd, which could be New Citrix From this year? You'd be surprised!

9:53 PM Add Comment
After 20 years at Microsoft TechEd, which could be New Citrix From this year? You'd be surprised! -

More than twenty years of partnership with Microsoft, Citrix and here we always find our sponsorship of Microsoft TechEd for being one of the most interesting and beneficial partnership activities we undertake each year.

year after year, we continue to have cutting edge conversations with highly technical participants who come to our booth to see the new features in our product portfolio, and discuss how we integrate and latest Microsoft support offerings.

This year we are delighted to have been selected as finalists for the Best of TechEd in the Networking category; recognizing the new Citrix NetScaler 10 with TriScale technology for innovation. Our new technology powers TriScale all applications and data delivery NetScaler capabilities including DataStream - offering better performance, scalability and visibility for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. We are proud to be the only "network" provider to deliver rich capabilities dedicated to MSFT deployments.

The TechEd judges are all editors from Windows IT Pro, SQL Server Pro, SharePoint Pro and Dev Pro publications. 280 submissions only three finalists were selected in each of five categories. Selections are based on the strategic importance, competitive advantages and value of products to customers. Anticipation is high to hear about the winners! Make sure to stop and see the latest from our team of NetScaler. In addition to selecting the main prize by the jury, there is also a price "Attendee Pick", too! If you are registered to attend TechEd take a second and vote for your favorite product (hopefully fav is NetScaler, but no pressure!)

In addition, we will present Citrix AppDNA recently introduced software. Citrix is ​​a AppDNA application migration software that enables companies to automate, model and manage applications faster migration of applications, easier application virtualization and streamlined management applications. We have a demo pod dedicated to help customers understand how to accelerate the Windows 7 migration -. If you are issuing definitely stop by and see how we can help

And of course, we are always happy to show you the latest in our range of products XenDesktop. We have people in our partner in ComTrade's booth this year to help us tell the story of our management and how it integrates and supports Microsoft System Center 2012.

In addition, this year we have a very exciting promotion for all participants who could translate a Disney cruise! Stop, listen to our experts "booth presentations and talk to our staff who will be only too happy to sign up.

I hope you come visit our booth (booth number 1800) for more information on Citrix products and solutions that align with Microsoft products to help improve your business!

'Nails it' Citrix NetScaler 10 at Microsoft Best of TechEd 2012!

8:52 PM 1 Comment
'Nails it' Citrix NetScaler 10 at Microsoft Best of TechEd 2012! -

Hot off the press from Microsoft TechEd North America 2012 last week in Orlando, Florida ... Citrix NetScaler wins 'Best Of' in the networking category with our new technology Tri-Scale NetScaler revolutionary. Tri-Scale presents a completely new vision in the extension and application delivery through a public or private cloud infrastructure. This includes the ability to scale application distribution in three dimensions:

  • Scale-up allowing elastic expansion through flexible "pay rise" so you pay for the capacity you need
  • scale in simplicity and consolidation through the NetScaler SDX platform. SDX allows to fold up to 40 individual NetScaler instances on a single hardware platform 2U with complete isolation of resources without sacrificing performance
  • scale-out through the NetScaler grouping, allowing megabit to terabit lateral expansion , increasing port density and linear really adding capacity at all levels without increasing management complexity

as enterprise applications continue to evolve, both in the way they are architected and deployed, NetScaler Tri-Scale provides the most flexible substrate delivery service in a dynamic application infrastructure change. If you want more detailed information on NetScaler 10, visit the blog to Abhilash / blogs / 2012/04/18 / NetScaler-10-a-historic-release-with-100s-of-new-features

now, it's pretty clear that the message around NetScaler 10 is the scale and flexibility and we achieved important milestones in this area. Keeping with that theme, we have also focused our efforts in the presentation of some key elements of how we scale Microsoft Enterprise Applications ... specifically MS SQL 2012. NetScaler DataStream newly released technology allows us to intelligently analyze traffic base data at the actual SQL query giving new levels of optimization, fault tolerance and visibility MS SQL native traffic. NetScaler 10 adds an important new feature to DataStream which promotes this feature, allowing seamless integration into SQL 2012 "Always On" deployment strategy.

During the interview with the judge TechEd, actually I demonstrated NetScaler DataStream fronting a SharePoint 2010 environment deployed across an availability group back-end SQL 2012. The demonstration focused on three key areas

  1. Visibility. Since NetScaler is able to analyze and understand native MS SQL, we used AppFlow and Stream Analytics reports to demonstrate an action from top to bottom for the SQL traffic. Not only this powerful point of view visibility to flush out badly coded applications and potential Open back, it also allows real-time feedback, allowing you to create granular policies to address this type of behavior to fly.
  2. Fault Tolerance. The intelligent use of SQL-level monitors, we could demonstrate that NetScaler is able to follow not only the health of the database, but also able to detect any cases of the database are primary or replicas. In SQL 2012, NetScaler can actually take the place of the Windows auditor to provide greater scalability and faster both locally and globally as needed and also provide failover read / write-split feature in the primary databases and replica.
  3. Optimization. Connection Thru unloading, multiplexing and caching, we demonstrated the performance of the end user better overall, as well as unloading of the large server, which all contribute to significantly scale up the database layer. SQL Intelligent content switching allows partitioning or sharding database, both of which are significant in scale approaches to database architecture.

The demo really brought light that NetScaler can provide the scale and value added in a MS SQL 2012 environment ... but keep in mind that all these features are valid for all versions of MS SQL 05+.

Best of all, this was done demoed from a native Microsoft test environment that we built in Redmond in recent weeks and were remote access.

I will publish more in the technical detail way around this, so stay tuned for more about NetScaler DataStream and MS SQL 2012!

Why Change Culture Office will help stimulate our economy

7:51 PM Add Comment
Why Change Culture Office will help stimulate our economy -

My company, Citrix has recently conducted a study on the work / life balance with Wakefield Research to preview both the positive aspects and challenges of modern office life. Although some of the results are very funny (such as creative excuses people use to avoid going into the office these days), others emphasize a point more prominent on the state of American business. In order for companies to grow and prosper, we need to start thinking outside of the box (and certainly beyond the cell) regarding building effective teams. Specifically, we must learn to create and maintain a workforce that operates talent wherever it may reside, empower people to contribute regardless of location and timing. Bottom line :. we need to change office culture to support the way people really live and work today

First, let's take a look at some of the survey results that show what people say about the state of the place of work quo. Almost uniformly expressed their frustration with working parts of kitsch office, some bad bosses and colleagues. Of the 1,000 office workers surveyed in June, 74 percent secretly hate corporate events, be it a baby shower or a costume Halloween party. Nearly half (49 percent) of respondents find it difficult to work with a know-it-all and 44 percent working with a whiner. More than 50 percent believe a "constant complainer" would be the most annoying type of person to sit next to every day. Thirty percent planned their vacation time opposite their holiday boss to maximize the time away from their supervisor.

Although these figures suggest that employees do not care or are not invested in the success, which is rarely the case. Workers care about what they do, perhaps more than ever. In fact, an overwhelming majority of office workers - 72 percent - say they would be more likely to respond immediately to an urgent e-mail holiday work than they would be to pretend they do not see. What frustrates most people is the office of the bureaucracy -. Events and procedures that sap productivity and morale while having little to do with performance

The majority of workers who have never worked for distance (64 percent) said they would be willing to atleast give up an advantage or pleasure (including lunch breaks, alcohol and coffee) significant to work at home just one day a week. This indicates some pent-up demand. And when people do sneak out of their cells, they usually do it so they can take care of themselves: the # 1 reason people have slipped out of the office in the middle of the day is to 'exercise. This is a good thing, if our goal is to build a healthy workforce that can balance work and personal life.

Nevertheless, the survey respondents indicated that the notion of work outside the office is still not accepted everywhere. Fifty percent said their boss opposes remote working, while 35 percent feel their boss simply tolerate. Why, when parts of the study show that people want to do a good job, even when they are not on the clock?

Certainly there are professions that require local presence, such as aspects of health and retail industries. But a growing number of organizations rely mainly on knowledge workers, and they have the opportunity to adopt a more flexible approach to the workplace allowing employees to use tools and technologies that allow them to connect and collaborate everywhere with anyone. And if we could change the remaining opponents believers?

we can. The heart of any successful business requires teamwork, collaboration and collegiality, but it also requires empowering individuals to achieve their best performance. By equipping each individual the tools and technology to do their work from anywhere, we will evolve the modern workplace in ways that benefit employees and the organizations they serve.

Think about how small changes can add up when employees are given more control over their schedules and the ability to work from home one day a week. Time they actually spent working - and the strategic and creative thinking of their work - often arises they worry less about driving to the office, gas costs, rushing to day care, office politics and not having enough time to be healthy and work. Companies can cut costs on overhead costs, rents, air conditioning and maybe even employee health care. This is a win-win situation.

By trusting and empowering our employees, we ensure their productivity and happiness, which in turn help build our business and strengthen our economy. It's time to take a fresh look at the development of office culture.

Floored at Velocity event!

6:50 PM Add Comment
Floored at Velocity event! -

Since I was working on the Citrix booth at Velocity event this week, found an appropriate expression to say 'floored', but according to what we did at the event, a different sentence can work as well :-). Sunil Potti, VP and GM Citrix NetScaler group, can say that "Nailed" on his time or Greg Smith (NetScaler Sr. Marketing Director) can say he "killed" at its meeting in small groups, but anyway Citrix booth was strategically placed and I got to see some of our current customers and potential new customers to this event. Many participants are super technical IT administrators and members of the Ops team who really care applications and are concerned about the performance, scalability and operational monitoring tools /. They wonder how they can handle and manage massive data just when everything works well, always and firmly. They come so they can see what other experts are and what tools / devices have worked for them and what they can be doing to improve the way they do things.

I had to explain everything about the NetScaler features such as load balancing, caching and compression to actually improve application performance. In addition, we AppFlow can help monitor the application. With partners such as Solarwinds, Splunk and other business analysis tools that follow AppFlow standards, IT administrators can gain visibility into their applications. As traffic passes through NetScaler, we also Analytics action function that also take rapid political action based on the data and the model that administrators seek. More on Analytics Action can be found in the docs NetScaler after entering your login information

I had several engineers come and ask how NetScaler also help secure their applications -. So I gave high-level DDOS, protections against overvoltage, Web Firewall application and many other features. Previous blog already discussed some of these NetScaler security features for quick reference. . Velocity website available here for all the details of the event and future events

is a picture of our booth before the opening

Must partner to succeed in the era Cloud

5:49 PM Add Comment
Must partner to succeed in the era Cloud -

Citrix Summit San Francisco inspired us as well as we informed of the new guidelines, progress and ideas. One of them is that the former exceptions of the PC era - such as app stores, wireless and mobility - are the new assumptions of the Cloud Era. The number of highly mobile workers as a segment of the total increases dramatically. Consequently, two macro trends arise :. Workstyles mobile and cloud services

People want to intermingle their professional and personal lives as they are. To succeed in this new era, Citrix partners need to help their customers to provide a continuum that gives the shortest distance between people's work and life with mobile workstyles and cloud services Citrix solutions.

what are the key go-do after Summit San Francsico for partners?

  1. Take Citrix history, our vision, and make it your own. This means leveraging our key gaming solutions to build your go-to-market around mobility management, bring your own device, and Workshifting. Connect to MyCitrix to access the information, tools and resources.
  2. The leverage we're good at and what we know. Add AppDNA to your existing business and learn more about it, as this can be useful in your consulting practice. Learn how to sell, position, and makes installing VDI-in-a-Box. NetScaler attach to each proposal and think NetScaler as an opportunity to up-sell and cross-sell to new parts of your customers' organizations. Build App Stores for each client. Prepare to upgrade customers CloudGateway Enterprise.
  3. Do something new, to invest in new ideas. Start selling software as a service. ShareFile sale alone, GoToMeeting alone or combined. Also, enjoy the promotion partner that extends a corporate account ShareFile free for one year, including 20 employees. Details available on MyCitrix.

ready to take full advantage of the huge commercial potential of the cloud era.

ready for Citrix Barcelona Summit October 15-16 for more training, networking opportunities and new strategies. Register now.

XenDesktop 5 DataStore - ConnectionLog

4:48 PM 1 Comment
XenDesktop 5 DataStore - ConnectionLog -

It has been nine months that I posted and I was really busy with client projects. I'll start a new blog entry talking about the ConnectionLog SQL table XenDesktop 5 datastore. Currently I am supporting a customer on site and help them solve a user problem connecting. Looking at the table chb_State.ConnectionLog in the SQL database, I can check the past of all virtual desktop connections for the last 2 days and connection failures, if any. Connection failures are indicated in the ConnectionFailureReason table column and an integer value can be from 0 to 5:

0 - Connection is successful
1 - Failure to prepare session
2 - VDA registration timeout
3 - connection time
4 - connection failed because of a license
5 - Failed to connect because of the ticket

other columns BrokeringUserUid WorkerUid and can be referenced UID AccountNames WorkerNames tables and obtain user account ID and VM hostname.

by default, the login history logs are stored for 2 days before being purged by the XenDesktop Broker service. However this can be changed by creating the registry entry "HKLM Software Policies CitrixDesktopServer Logging ConnectionLogLifetimeHour of 'type DWORD on DDC servers. The value is set in hours (default is 48 hours).

Finally, I want to mention an excellent tool that you can use to easily retrieve diagnostic data from the database. This tool is called XDDBDiag and the latest version 2.3 can be downloaded from CTX128075 . using this, you can also do a check of the consistency of data on the data from your database and outputs as the value XD5 in connection logs comma separated (.csv) located in a compressed file (.zip) .

Latest News Citrix Mobility Pack

3:47 PM Add Comment
Latest News Citrix Mobility Pack -

There are some news to share on the Citrix Mobility Pack.

  • Citrix released a new revision called XenDesktop XenDesktop 5.6 FR1. With this version of XenDesktop, it now supports the Citrix Mobility Pack and Mobile Application SDK Citrix.
  • The SDK documentation is now available in Japanese and Chinese. There has been much interest in Asia and this documentation should help developers in this region.
  • Jason Conger and I will present the SDK to BriForum 2012 Chicago, July 24, 2012 at 16 hours.

We started working on the next version of Mobility Pack SDK and Citrix. Customer feedback played a major role in the hierarchy of functions. It is not yet too late to express their views on what the SDK should support. However, the window to change the requirements rapidly closing.

Citrix Mid-Year Report canal

2:46 PM Add Comment
Citrix Mid-Year Report canal -

Citrix channel Mid-Year Report

If you had the opportunity to read my inaugural blog of last October there were three areas of focus for 2012 that I mentioned. These three areas are: allowing partners the necessary tools to participate; be profitable and successful; level engagement of our field sales sales teams; and the introduction of the SMB program. Now that we have reached the halfway point in the year, we'll take a look at our report card and see how we do

Enablement :.

The January blog was devoted to our Academy and Citrix Partner Enablement calendar 2012. In between, there are more than 125 of empowerment and training for partners in 2012, in all major cities in the United States, Canada and Latin America.

In February, we announced two very lucrative promotions to our industry-leading Citrix Advisor Rewards (RAC) program. Here are the details of the announcement:

100% Bonus: This promotion allows our partners to benefit from a 100% bonus, double the amount of payment RCA, they would normally receive. With a typical car payment of 10% of the SRP of products sold, this promotion would double that amount to 20%.

This is up to 20% of the margin on an edition of XenDesktop and NetScaler partners that sell, and which is valid for the entire calendar year 2012.

new customer bonus: This bonus promotion helps partners target new customers and reward the extra effort that the sale to a new customer requires. The new promotion the customer has a 50% bonus above the payment standard RCA.

For example, if the standard car payment is 10% New Customer bonus payment would increase this to 50%, for a total payment of 15% of the PRS. New Customer bonus also applies to any product in the Citrix portfolio that qualifies CAR, and is not limited to one version or special edition.

A number of partners have asked if these two promotions can be combined, and the answer is absolutely yes! If you use my two examples above, a partner can earn up to 25% CAR on one occasion.

In the middle of the year, I am pleased to report that the partners have exceeded our financial projections, which means partners are product sales engine than expected, and thus driving more profitability in their businesses.

We also announced a new major channel initiative, Cisco and Citrix Partner Accelerator. After more than a year in development with a first-mover in the market, this joint initiative offers compelling advantages for joint channel partners on customer requirements for mobile workstyles and desktop transformation. focuses our go-to-market partner on the Cisco Virtualization Experience Infrastructure (VXI) and Citrix XenDesktop. This allows partners to provide a highly flexible and secure solution with unified virtual desktops, voice and video

Commitment and SMB :.

I have deliberately combined these two categories, because we have made some changes that impact both.

with the introduction of the SMB program in February, we announced the creation of a team focused on SMB Citrix. This team will be responsible for customers with less than 500 employees.

I know you're wondering: "Why is this exciting and important," As part of our announcement, we also made a significant change in how we compensate our internal sales teams to respect of the SMB. New for 2012 is a space where no change of land resource Citrix (sales Reps, SE, etc.) are compensated for SMB sales. They will not bear quota will not receive credit quotas, and will not receive compensation on the SMB space with fewer than 500 employees.

This change is a dramatic and positive move for our partners. We have a dedicated inside sales team that focuses on space SMB, and the partner community will become our only field sales team basis for all SMB business.

with over 95,000 companies in the United States alone that meet the definition of SMB is a huge market opportunity for Citrix and our partners. And we have the right model go-to-market in place for this to be extremely profitable and successful for Citrix partners.

In May, I saw many of you at the Summit and Synergy in San Francisco. With over 00 participants in total in the event of this year's Summit offered a place to meet a lot of partners over the four days.

First of all, it was great to see partners in the Summit, and equally exciting to see the partners providing the Synergy clients. Taking advantage of two days of full engagement with the Citrix teams, then share this knowledge and information for two more days with customers was incredible. Both partners and customers have left San Francisco excited about Citrix and the rest of 2012.

As we enter the second half of the year, I would say that Q1 and Q2 2012 have been a great success in achieving our objectives of the partner program. While some partners expressed some uncertainty around our program that we started in 2012, the mid-term evaluations reflects a very positive vision. In the words of Paul Kunze IntraSystems our incentive programs, "We are definitely taking advantage of incentives, and we have seen a significant increase in our revenues and profitability this year with Citrix" We believe. the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, and we will continue to hold us accountable for the constant improvement of Citrix sales channels through programs and promotions because nothing speaks louder than tangible results. But for now, we think we are at the head of the class with a solid "a"

Finally the allocation of this month, I would like to leave you with this: Summit and Synergy in Barcelona. October 15 e we'll kick the Citrix Summit, followed by Synergy 2012 at the International Convention Centre of Barcelona Mark your calendars now;. I want to see everyone in Spain in October.

Happy SysAdmin Appreciation Day

1:45 PM 1 Comment
Happy SysAdmin Appreciation Day -

You know how there are these jobs out there than you think "I could do it !; it does not seem so difficult? "I know people think about marketing, especially engineers for some reason. And then there are these jobs you intoxicate and make you wonder how the hell these professionals are. In this category, I put doctors , equipment designers, amazing leaders, the people who design the road and down ramps in cities, and virtuosos of any kind. You know who else I want that high esteem? system administrators and anyone in a technical role in support that helps me continue to do the things I know how to do by constantly doing things that I do not.

Today we celebrate those people who help to correct little things that bother me the same question over and over, did you reboot? and are always there when we need them to keep us up and running. Whether your brother-in-law Dennis comes to your rescue when your printer breaks down just before you print it really matter compared to the technology gurus in your office and offices around the world that keep our technology ticking and the current internets d execution:

THANK YOU! We could not do what we do without you.

Streaming app v6.7 Released!, What's new ...

12:44 PM Add Comment
Streaming app v6.7 Released!, What's new ... -

Citrix Systems is proud to announce the availability of the next version of Application Streaming, v6.7 30 e July, 2012. This version is available in a jiffy the availability of v6.6. Despite the short cycle, this version has many changes and additions that enhance the stability, compatibility of applications and performance / scalability. . This is in line with the feedback received from our customers over the last few quarters

Highlights of this release include:

  1. Diffusion 64bit applications to 64bit platforms: This is a direct response to customers asking compatibility 64bit applications
  2. improved SDK :. for customers using SDK to create profiles / packages for application streaming, the API to create improved browser plug-ins, set the rules, sign packages, and also manage services
  3. Improved Extension -. In response to market demands, overhead single server scalability has been significantly reduced. This represents the ability to run more XenDesktops with application streaming as the previous version of Application Streaming.

For more information, see the v6.7 application streaming.

Note :. The Citrix Streaming Profiler and Citrix Offline Plugin components are updated

it is not necessary to recreate the profiles / packages (although it is best to take full advantage of changes in the two components). Citrix Offline Plug-in works with the previous version of profiles / packages, as always

We look forward to hearing from you and Happy streaming

-.! Ram.

ShareFile is Offering Free Partners Two Years of Service!

11:43 AM 1 Comment
ShareFile is Offering Free Partners Two Years of Service! -

ShareFile it easy for users to securely store, sync and share business documents and files, both inside and outside the business, while allowing users to sync files to all their devices seamlessly.

Now Sharefile offers Citrix partners, Enterprise account free subscription for one year when you subscribe to

again, earning a second year free by answering two simple requirements:

  1. Sell four or more Sharefile accounts
  2. Each user of the employee on the account must attend a scheduled webinar by ShareFile

This is a combined value is over $ 4,000! Enjoy 20 employees licenses, 20GB of storage and bandwidth, encryption of stored files, Outlook plug-in, drive mapping, and integration Citrix Receiver. Reducing the accountability of data leakage, easy access to all your files on all your devices, and decrease the amount of email storage taken up by attachments. Give employees the experience they want while giving them the control they need

Upcoming webinars :.

  • Wednesday, August 15 Save now
  • Wednesday, September 26th Sign

the second year promotion runs until 31 December 2012. You must be an active advisor Citrix Solution, System Integrator, ISV, or distributor to qualify for the promotion. For more details or if you have questions about ShareFile, contact Ted Randall.

Repeater DEVELOPMENT at the speed of light (near ... ..)

10:42 AM 1 Comment
Repeater DEVELOPMENT at the speed of light (near ... ..) -

Development Branch Repeater and around platforms repeater has undergone a major rapid improvement in the 4 -6 months. Including the release of SDX 1500 and 00, un-paralled in its ability to support simultaneous HDX high-level meetings, Repeater slowing starting to become a force in the market for WAN optimization. Thank you to the heroic efforts of engineering and product managment- many of BR dams rear are the most critical issues. We know realize need to continue to show stability, but put our money where our mouth is, but we are certainly accelerating on track. Here are some highlights that need to be highlighted:


6.1.1- Enhanced stability H.323

6.1.0 - signed with Kerberos Support SMB2 (supports NTLMv2)

· MAPI (Encrypted with multi-media area)

· support for WCCP L2 with NSLB on all platforms (SDX appliances and general BR)

· 6.1 Repeater plug-in acceleration

· WCCP mask improvements to support low-end routers

· ShowTechSupport - Collections diagnostic data - Some improvements to the user interface

· Branch Repeater VPX on Hyper-V

6.0.8- increased supportability H.323

6.0.7 - increased stability, improved reporting and collection of diagnosis

6.06- support for the Branch Repeater for NetScaler SDX 500/1000/1500/00 Appliances

Citrix XenClient Webinar Replays Available now!

9:41 PM Add Comment
Citrix XenClient Webinar Replays Available now! -

Citrix XenClient extends the benefits of desktop virtualization to mobile business computers and makes the PC more manageable, reliable and secure. With XenClient, he gains control over hard to manage laptops, and users can access their virtual office anywhere, at any time, even while disconnected from the network.

know everything about XenClient by visiting our latest webinar!

  • TechTalk: XenClient Enterprise Deep Dive, August 16 e , 2012 Replay link
  • How to enable mobile Workstyles Tomorrow ... Today ay, July 24, 2012, Replay link
  • High performance virtualization: multi-level security, isolation and auditability for mobile and office, June 20, 2012, Replay link

See and experience XenClient by downloading a free trial today.

Join the conversation by connecting with Citrix XenClient team online!

  • Visit product page XenClient
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Visit our XenClient Technical Forum

20% of Facebook access the social network on mobile devices Members

8:40 PM 1 Comment
20% of Facebook access the social network on mobile devices Members -

Facebook latest quarterly report filed with the SEC found that nearly 102 million people - 20% of Facebook members - accessed the social network solely on their mobile devices during the month of June 2012. It was up 23% from March

Our Mobile Analytics report in May 2012 found that the average. iOS mobile subscriber spends 20% more time on Facebook than the average subscriber Android.

See statistics on mobile usage of Facebook in our February and May 2012 reports here.

-Anna Yong

What inspires you?

7:39 PM 1 Comment
What inspires you? -

There are times when you are caught in your tracks and you need to slow down to take a second look at something. Such is the case with Matt Woodrum, a 11 year old from Worthington, Ohio who attempts the impossible on a daily basis. When asked to participate in its schools operating day, he decided to volunteer for the longest race, the 440 yard dash. Not necessarily surprising for a child of 11 years, except Matt has cerebral palsy that limits his ability to walk, let alone run. In an interview with ESPN Matt said: "It's really fun for me to go as fast as I can. I'm not really a fan of going slowly. "This is the thing champions! The thing that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. As I watched the video, I am afraid. I am caught in my tracks. I was inspired. Matt is not only a champion in his own right, but the love and support of her family, her friends at school, and in this case an elementary school teacher Phys Ed believes in him. this is also inspiring.

what inspires you? Is the work you do? Is this the time you spend with your family and friends? as I watched Matt Woodrum run around that way I have done some thinking and I asked that question. I felt blessed that my inspiration comes from a variety of places. in fact, every day I get up and have the opportunity to work with some of the most inspiring people of the world. I have over 2,000 partners who inspire me in the field as part of the Citrix service provider program. I have a dozen people I work with who are tenacious about their work and "have their backs to each other." I'm inspired by a manager / coach who believes in what we do. We started this thing in July 09 on a wing and a prayer and many believed he would not be much. Now it is a thriving and growing faster than anyone expected ... all because of the people and partners that make it happen. It's inspiring too!

There is an old adage that says. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" It happens that I work and partner with people "difficult" Not so difficult in the sense of. bravado, but in character. Thank you to the thousands of participants in this race that led to so much success in such a short period of time.

the next time you need some inspiration, just look around. you might be surprised by people right outside your door working, partner and coach you. I know I am.

Congratulations to T-Mobile and Vodafone

6:38 PM Add Comment
Congratulations to T-Mobile and Vodafone -


Congratulations to T-Mobile and Vodafone - the two first mobile Internet service providers in Germany, measured by 2012 Netztest of 'Chip' magazine. More details on the report (in German) is available here

Bytemobile understands that the mobile Internet -. Especially in regions and countries where consumers have many choices - is highly competitive. We look forward to continuing our efforts with our customers to create the best mobile experience possible data

-. Anna Yong

Mobile Data: It's Where The Money At

5:37 PM Add Comment
Mobile Data: It's Where The Money At -

In its report of second quarter 2012 financial results, Deutsche Telekom has shown an increase of 19 % in mobile data revenues to € 484 million. This was 29% of ARPU (average revenue per user), against 24% for the same quarter a year earlier. In the European segment of society, smartphones now represent 60% of all units sold, against 43% a year ago. This helped drive mobile data revenues up 21% last year.

Vodafone Group reported a similar trend, with growth in mobile data revenues by 17% year on year to 1.6 billion £. This represented 16% of group service revenue for the three months ended June 30. Vodafone Mobile Internet revenues in Europe increased 47%, as smartphones have become more and more ubiquitous.

intelligent capacity TM solutions help leading mobile network operators such as Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone offer a superior quality of experience (QoE) for video and web applications to their mobile subscribers . Customers happy with cool features are more likely to adopt new services and increase mobile data usage -. contribute to improving revenue growth and profitability of their service providers

-Anna Yong

Mobile Device Management for the Real World

4:36 PM 1 Comment
Mobile Device Management for the Real World -

Mobile device management encompasses more than the seemingly simple aspects of combining the familiar laptop management tasks with the mobility patterns found. I mean, laptop business management consists of very mature practical, so why are IT professionals so concerned with the management of the new generation of mobile devices? Well, mobile devices today are much more prolific, more heterogeneous, have both personal property and business models, and are increasingly used both as a primary vehicle and the calculation support systems

The organizations have tried -. And failed - to apply draconian tactics to BYO IT and mobile devices. Imagine walking into the office on the first day with your new BYO device and have your IT department to seize and install "the required management software" that takes control of all parameters and helps make all data on the device unusable when they want. as user , would you accept it? Although strict device security measures are required for certain uses, not how manage a BYO program.

Unfortunately, this mobile way management has been watched in recent years. the reality is that management device is a familiar way for IT to win and to maintain control. the more complete answer is that device management is just one element to be considered in the context of a mobile management overall strategy

There are three main models of device, application and data management :.

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM) -. management of mobile phones, tablets, embedded systems, printers
  • mobile hypervisor - Split personality switch between personal and professional. The virtual equivalent of carrying two phones
  • Mobile Application Management (MAM) -. Granular management of applications and data.

What is the key to determining which technology is best for you? If you succeed, you must have. If a company needs to manage all aspects of the unit, the company must have the device. It is identical to the familiar company owned and managed laptop model.

Is MDM suitable for BYO? No. For users of BYO, MDM means More Draconian Management . BYO Note that by definition implies an experience personally owned. Note that these three models are not exclusive. In fact, MAM is free for MDM and provides more granular control over applications and data that current MDM solutions.

The following two examples demonstrate the use cases of mobile management in health care and government.

  • Health. Today, doctors are generally very mobile entrepreneurs working for independent multiple practices, clinics and hospitals. To maximize productivity and mobility, many doctors are also BYO users - and often iPad users. Compounding mobility is the fact that the use of health care involves some of the most sensitive data. The information on personal health care (PHI)
    Using Citrix CloudGateway (which integrates with XenDesktop and ShareFile), the doctor connects to their personalized set of applications delivered and managed through the business appstore. When local applications are desired, native mobile apps are already available in the appstore - wrapped with all configuration and security settings required to run on doctor's iPad. A doctor working for two different hospitals, goes simply App Store each practice to select the desired applications and automatically have unique applications required for each hospital appear in separate groups or accounts on the device. The IT organization of each hospital manages versions and updates required for all of their applications and places them in their respective application stores. And for doctors who need access to their data, ShareFile allows transparent access to the data if the doctor uses an iPad or a health care workplace.
  • governments. Governments require ultimate control over their sensitive data. The appeal of tablets and smartphones has been strong with government employees, but these devices must remain strictly managed government-owned with clearly defined control limits devices. Employees are not all of government working with secrets that require the ultimate security, but only one-size approach to device security does not reflect this reality.
    starting with a hardened operating system and MDM, governments set configuration parameters that require device encryption and passwords for access to the device. Cameras, removable storage and Bluetooth are disabled. Siri dictation and other services are not allowed. The devices are also protected by security suites to thwart malware. Strong mobile security, right? The problem is that the safety device level is often too restrictive and does not allow employees to use these devices in good manners in the right situations. What if the worker needs to get on someone else's network or requires an external application? A more granular set of security measures to greatly improve the user experience and provide more specific safety measures.
    To maximize mobile productivity and security, devices, applications and capabilities are provisioned and managed according to the role. Policies provide granular control over native mobile apps and HTML5 based on factors such as the type of device, type of network, user password, the login frequency, and whether or not a device has was broken prison. access based on location is activated, allowing the use of applications or sensitive data in secure locations.

When used together, CloudGateway (an enterprise mobility management solution that includes MAM capabilities), XenDesktop and Sharefile benefit workers and IT by simplifying provisioning, account management lifecycle, delivery and visibility on the use of both internal and external applications. Security features provide single sign-on (SSO) across the borders of the application, managing passwords, role-based supply / de-provisioning and inter-supplier visibility. These features combine to increase the effectiveness of security and provide management and supervision necessary for the Cloud Era IT.

We would like to hear from you. What types of mobile devices are used in your organization - or BYO owned business? How do you manage these mobile devices? Tell us about the benefits and challenges you face. All we hear from you helps us to make our product better!

Also, thank you to Kurt Roemer and Bruce Franson for their help with this blog!

Video quality Audience Matters

3:35 PM 1 Comment
Video quality Audience Matters -

Youtube content will be another slaughter poor performance, to better support their goal of earning advertising revenue. To quote FierceWireless "It is definitely look more like a traditional broadcaster who is interested in money from advertising and quality of viewers."

Since quantity and quality of viewers are the main drivers money on advertising - and advertising will be part of the newly released iOS YouTube app (just in time for the iPhone 5) - YouTube will consider additional measures to quantify the quality of the audience -. time display, in addition to number of views

Bytemobile helps operators to do the same - quality track viewers of mobile video - through content providers - by tracking the length of the video footage , quality (resolution) video delivery, user experience (stall ie video.). For example, our latest Mobile Analytics reportshows that mobile YouTube sessions last for 8.5 minutes on average, while VEVO sessions are just over eight minutes and Dailymotion sessions are less than eight minutes.

-Anna Yong

Last day to register: provide Enterprise Class data sharing solution with Citrix

2:34 PM 1 Comment
Last day to register: provide Enterprise Class data sharing solution with Citrix -

JOIN US for today's webinar 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 AM PT . Does your IT team is trying to control the use and sharing of consumer style and unsecure file synchronization services? With Citrix ShareFile It can provide a secure solution, enterprise-class follow me data while meeting the needs of mobility and collaboration of all users.

Join us for this technical discussion to learn how to:
• Empower users with instant access to data that is synchronized to all devices
• Enhance collaboration and productivity through Sharing secure file both inside and outside the organization
• enterprise data security standards Meet and compliance via a security service
• Keep control with a managed service that allows IT decide how corporate data can be viewed, stored and shared

Share, synchronize and secure files on any device, anywhere with Citrix.


Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

How Citrix and Alcatel-Lucent products work together?

1:33 PM 1 Comment
How Citrix and Alcatel-Lucent products work together? -

What are the different workloads that can be optimized by using both technology and / or would you need to set up something different in your configuration for optimal performance ? If these are some of the questions you have in mind, then come see for yourself by coming to the next webinar:

Optimized network infrastructure for virtualized applications and cloud services based

in this webinar, Citrix will talk of fresh distinctive features of NetScaler and Alcatel-Lucent will talk about the uniqueness of their application current network and how it provides dynamic network to ensure the perfect performance.

best practices will be discussed when the two technologies are in your network and how it all fits in Citrix XenDesktop environments.

moderator (Peter Bernstein) for this webinar, it will also be interesting because it is an editor for TMCnet so hopefully he and Rohit Mehra (IDC Analyst) will wake some exciting network deployment scenarios for cloud based services and customer use case discussions.

Gotta love the discussion panelists, it is always good to hear different points of view! Come help move the discussions and ask questions :-)

The worst nightmare of a retailer .Uh ...... Oh!

12:32 PM 1 Comment
The worst nightmare of a retailer .Uh ...... Oh! -

It is almost Time- online shopping time is! Each year, we mark our calendars to shop until we drop. The next day (day aka. Turkey ) Thanksgiving to be the busiest shopping day in the world. For most retailers, it is considered the largest volume transactional sales for the year. Some of us tag with our significant other so that we can be physical placeholder in long lines. Not me! I plan to boycott the stores and will do most of my shopping online. The trend of online shopping has become much easier with retailers offering a high level of shipping discounting- without speaking, free on most orders. How unconvincing? In 2011, consumers generated 46.63 billion dollars in online holiday revenue. What is amazing is that Internet retailers believe holiday online revenue will increase in 2012 to $ 54.47 billion, up 16.8% from the previous year. Holiday spending online this year will account for 24.3% of all US retail revenue.

Let Fast forward to Friday, November 22 e . We're a go for launch, Book vacation online. Millions of consumers will flood online to take advantage of discounts via PC, MAC, Smart Phone, iPad, etc ... Traffic is Smasher, sales are generated ... ..and .......... .............. ..Uh Oh!

" I am frozen and the page is not responding. What's going on here? I'm the cashier and was about 4 minutes. I'll try to cool off the page again ... .Still no response! Arghhhhhhhhhhh! 6 minutes later ... "

have set the frustrations? Can you imagine if I shopped online for 45 minutes and $ 400 dollars in my cart waiting to check? What are the chances that the consumer decides to kill the connection and go to a competitor's site or maybe come back later to discover the reductions are no longer available? " Houston, we have a problem! " Have performance problems or not being able to access your website Global retail online in the holiday season can really put a company at risk of holiday sales meeting goals. missing revenue can influence global activities, the price of shares, the employees status and more. That's a lot of money to play with for not having your site and running to meet the demands of the holiday season. Some of the articles that I read earlier reported major retailers have experienced failures during the 2011 holiday season that resulted in lost millions of dollars. What are the ways to address this scenario to happen? Do you have the available disaster recovery plan to launch if the site is missing? How about if your site can handle the 30-50% extra holiday traffic peak? Capacity problems?

we saw an increase in the amount of online retailers looking to Citrix to help solve the said scenario. Citrix Networking product supply some of the biggest names in retail brand in the world. Products like Citrix NetScaler Pay-As-You-Grow with TriScale technology can help you to scale and eliminating costly equipment requirements with an upgrade license key. Pay-As-You-Grow is a simple licensing model that provides 5x faster performance on demand without new hardware for better investment protection.

Deploy only what you need- No need for expensive hardware refreshes to increase performance. Eliminate costly over-provisioning to ensure that the current equipment will meet the future requirements. There is a better approach :. Buy only what you need today and easily scale your network as demand grows with a simple upgrade software license

Instantly upgrade for performance Citrix the transient traffic NetScaler Burst Packs offer even more flexibility. Burst Packs allow you to convert an existing NetScaler MPX hardware or VPX virtual appliance deployment in the highest performance available for the particular platform for increased capacity for up to 0 days. This allows you to provide only the necessary performance for limited peak traffic periods, reducing capital and operating expenses, the long procurement cycles and installation time for new devices.

Try Citrix NetScaler today! Tell them you want the Bhavin Sodha special!