Must partner to succeed in the era Cloud

5:49 PM
Must partner to succeed in the era Cloud -

Citrix Summit San Francisco inspired us as well as we informed of the new guidelines, progress and ideas. One of them is that the former exceptions of the PC era - such as app stores, wireless and mobility - are the new assumptions of the Cloud Era. The number of highly mobile workers as a segment of the total increases dramatically. Consequently, two macro trends arise :. Workstyles mobile and cloud services

People want to intermingle their professional and personal lives as they are. To succeed in this new era, Citrix partners need to help their customers to provide a continuum that gives the shortest distance between people's work and life with mobile workstyles and cloud services Citrix solutions.

what are the key go-do after Summit San Francsico for partners?

  1. Take Citrix history, our vision, and make it your own. This means leveraging our key gaming solutions to build your go-to-market around mobility management, bring your own device, and Workshifting. Connect to MyCitrix to access the information, tools and resources.
  2. The leverage we're good at and what we know. Add AppDNA to your existing business and learn more about it, as this can be useful in your consulting practice. Learn how to sell, position, and makes installing VDI-in-a-Box. NetScaler attach to each proposal and think NetScaler as an opportunity to up-sell and cross-sell to new parts of your customers' organizations. Build App Stores for each client. Prepare to upgrade customers CloudGateway Enterprise.
  3. Do something new, to invest in new ideas. Start selling software as a service. ShareFile sale alone, GoToMeeting alone or combined. Also, enjoy the promotion partner that extends a corporate account ShareFile free for one year, including 20 employees. Details available on MyCitrix.

ready to take full advantage of the huge commercial potential of the cloud era.

ready for Citrix Barcelona Summit October 15-16 for more training, networking opportunities and new strategies. Register now.

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