Encrypted instant messaging service with Octoblu

8:39 PM
Encrypted instant messaging service with Octoblu -

Recently, we have the ability to send encrypted messages with Octoblu. We have a simple proof-of-concept encrypted chat service to demonstrate this new feature,

You can watch the video here :. Encrypted Chat with Octoblu

requirements: npm install

  1. -g meshblu-util
  2. install npm meshblu-secure-chat
 cd node_modules / meshblu-secure chat meshblu-util-register> meshblu.json meshblu- start util keygen meshblu.json npm 

On Machine B

 cd node_modules / meshblu-secure chat meshblu -util register> meshblu.json meshblu-util keygen meshblu.json npm start 

unencrypted message from computer A to computer B

 / UUID (UUID of machine B) each this # => read {device :, payload: "Everyone can read '} 

send encrypted message from machine A machine B

 / UUID (UUID of machine B) / encrypted true Shhh .. . It's a secret! # => GET https://meshblu.octoblu.com/devices/(UUID of machine B) / public_key # ----- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ----- # MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAl + 1lSZNRVZfODbgre2og # YuwGjc0SJuAfGLDBKApl4TE8yfEnbwBQHDFWs2l2YkTFfDVvP4gckssW1pcbquG2 # # zbqIvoeuDvAbdetUTffuGl0rzSubh4biSSQfYzallHbxYUNqICBaJWaX1mOck5bC ZK / h R + + wnNXJyMt26XXHdjL6hIInJajo0kjf DeNY7xSYXSjL2jMAPVExl3BuSHhS # hT5lqq5pKCWLtT0DIUndVxVg0poOJXDBJsC / n6CfTfPWt9n48C8MIDymOArxHNbn # LQ3ftDEX3g0Vo + DgJE912DIuWLDRVviHAPtschh4KEVYJFkFOpXnR0kLWnCUH7Vl # SwIDAQAB # ----- END PUBLIC KEY ----- # => {encryptedPayload: 'HKAVoOUccZHoZC1MvxuQ8bOAc6dyHoVd2v83ncf3 # eNXFDst80Vt8sYyV4U3Nm0jFnuaKx6jS8MCZ9CPlPwrvfEdn1UI8BRxZhUNDV183 # Gug2UZNDByp + cTp11nW9MbrvdQhFOX0NlhkoMCFgafFNImvZoYsmHzXOMKtpM7s3 # a8PrN ++ + WKF2Rm1dyY4AwQ3g02DxqjpOn1SYQI1s UnsKzeNgCtEodoEC0rkb81Gi # xMvovD9d9YmJIy4oc1k6Gg5KpFZ4aU9kVxCOrN0U6tSpRE3U0hzFJ / LFwDWvkiAg # 4EoDPKzCE + UBMoH4i7s6LoYdyz1vVI6mbulNBgT / yEY5mA == '} 

, seeing the source code on GitHub: octoblu / meshblu-secure-chat

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