Gartner Symposium ITxpo Day 3 Report

10:04 PM
Gartner Symposium ITxpo Day 3 Report -

So here we are on day 3 of the Gartner Symposium ITxpo. I have been won some of the highlights and insights during the show blogging. The first entry in the series deals with the overarching themes of the show, as expressed in the opening speech. The second article looked at the different, but both very good keynotes from Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft) and Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple). Keynote Today was with Peter Thiel, who is a well-known venture capitalist and co-founded and former CEO of PayPal. Peter continued the trend of engaging and informative keynotes at this year's show. He sat down for a Q & A with Gartner analysts, and said good detail on about his thoughts on what makes a good investment ideas on education (for which he is also known for its views), overrated trends and what they for larger company takes to be innovative.

as Peter Thiel co-founded it. PayPal as potentially as an alternative currency He and the rest of the team quickly learned that it was difficult to create a new currency, existing currencies work pretty well. They then decided with a strong value proposition to focus on a narrow part of the market, and they chose power eBay sellers with a set of better and faster way to collect money from their clients. This realization is something he brought in his keynote address expressed that companies should take to heart today. renew When searching for something new, the company should not look to replace that already works well, it should look to do things. orders of magnitude better than what's out there That's what he sees today in its investments. He is not sure whether large companies should experiment several things that often is what you see, or at least if they do, they should have the right attitude. Too often see people in several experiments as playful, and when you do that, you will have to lose. Instead, do only things that you have a strong conviction. If you have a short list of things that you have a strong belief, you can get things done.

Can large companies move the dial? Peter said, this can be tough. He also mentioned many large companies innovate to stop because they are so large. He he mentioned skeptical of Apple Pay is because how big is Apple, but Apple has already done it. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple was Apple at that time was still a very large company. He led a substantive shift away from computers consumer electronics, but also had the conviction and the plan to do so. Substance over process questions and many companies spend too much time on the process and not substantial.

One thing is said to underserved today vertical integration, or complex coordination to a well-defined plan. That's another thing that he studied when new projects funded and is another area may differ large companies. Peter said that complex coordination is not done well in our society. What Tesla did do, was new when introduced its electronic automobile? Most of the components that it uses, already exists. It was put together to coordinate the things that better than any other already existed. The same applies to Apple and the iPhone, they did not invent the phone, but you put components together better (or orders of magnitude better) than any other.

What are some of the precautions when investing? Stay away from trends. Peter is always skeptical of anything that can be called a trend. Big Data, Cloud, Internet-of-Things (IoT), etc ... It is not that there is merit in the trend, but as he said: "prevent Hyped trends for people to think clearly about what they are trying to supply" . Instead, look at the specific use cases that can be tightly defined and differentiated. That's where it looks like, and where companies should look like when to assess in the innovation and investment.

Another good discussion and Keynote. to think Anyway, as businesses and individuals evaluate areas to be innovative. When Peter was asked what areas have room for innovation, he noted that it is for innovation in many areas still potential, and a few areas that are potential cyber security and mobile integration come to mind. That makes sense to me, and if you look at the technologies and products, the Citrix in the innovative, beware these areas quite well.

If you're at Gartner ITxpo this week, make sure you stop by the Citrix and see stand, what we now employed.

Chris Witeck Principal Technology Strategist is at Citrix Labs. Citrix Labs is an applied research organization in Citrix. To update on what the Citrix Labs team follows, and projects the Labs team is working, you can in the Citrix Labs LinkedIn Group Subscribe

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