Creating a Meditation traffic light with Octoblu, Phillips Hue and NeuroSky MindWave

12:31 PM
Creating a Meditation traffic light with Octoblu, Phillips Hue and NeuroSky MindWave -

One of the first projects I did when I was connected Octoblu able light meditation or concentration control. Maybe like, because any self-respecting techie I enjoyed star wars and I really wanted to use the power and control things with my mind. I bought a NeuroSky MindWave and it was one of the first things that I integrated with Octoblu. I also have an interest in meditation and biofeedback, so I decided to create a game Meditation stoplight, where the light of my meditation would show effort. Red would to show little to no effort Meditation, yellow moderate meditation would show effort and green, high meditation would of effort.

The objective would be to keep the light green, as long as possible (which sounds much more difficult it is). I also presented a project attribution to Here's how to create a mind-controlled light with a Phillips Hue

1. Pair with your computer

Move the switch on the NeuroSky MindWave at Setup your NeuroSky MindWave Mobile / pair and hold it for at least 5 seconds. This is the Mind Wave in pair mode. Couple with the Mind Wave mobile phone via Bluetooth

2. Download and run the NeuroSky ThinkGear connector

If you have purchased a NeuroSky MindWave mobile, there is a brainwave starters kit bundle included. It has set a starter plate with the connection NeuroSky ThinkGear. Install the package and run the ThinkGear connector

3. Align your Phillips Hue

3.1 Connect your phillips color bridge to an Ethernet port. Wait, to make all the lights on the phillips color solid. Press the large link button in the middle of the bridge and go to to discover the internal IP address of your bridge.

3.2 Follow the steps in the getting started guide and identify your light-number

4. Download and install Gateblu -http: //

4.1 Perform go Gateblu application

4.2 to and log in with your account information

4.3 Co Add Connect> node

4.4 Select Gateblu from the list of nodes

4.5 Select Already the UUID of downloaded and select Gateblu application. It should in the name field.

4.7 Add Adding a new Gateblu [1945002dieUUIDinderlinkenunterenEckedesGatebluAnwendung

4.6 Type match a name for the Gateblu Gateway]

4.8 Run the Gateblu application
4.9 the UUID in the bottom left corner
Note 5. Add a color to your Gateblu

5.1 Co Connect> add nodes

5.2 Choose Hue from the list the node

5.3 Select the Gateblu gateway, you should UUID match added in the lower left corner of Gateblu application

5.4 Enter a name and the IP address listed when you click level https: //

6. Add Add a NeuroSky MindWave your Gateblu

6.1 Co Connect> node

6.2 Select Mind Wave from the list of nodes

6.3 Select the Gateblu gateway that you added should the UUID in the lower left coincide corner of Gateblu application

6.4 editing Mind names and save your changes.
7. Set up your flow in the Octoblu Designer

You can download a template import of flow by. the link below and paste into your browser You must replace the Phillips Hue and Mind Wave node with the node that you created in step 5 and 6

Once you are done, you should be able to impress people by lights to change with the mind, which is a pretty cool trick.

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