The Top 3 excuses why companies migrating away NOT Microsoft Windows Server 03

7:50 PM
The Top 3 excuses why companies migrating away NOT Microsoft Windows Server 03 -

What Today?

Why the deadline missing on Windows Server 03 to migrate? And perhaps more importantly, it is reasonable?

I So far blogged is missing on the r isk of the End of Support period for Server 03. Today, if at the end of Support (EOS) period imposed by Microsoft on July 14, 2015 search, I hear more and more of the same reasons for not concern migration. These excuses are like belly buttons. Everyone has at least one, and they are worth nothing.

Take this most frequently repeated complaints of Server Admin:

  • "I have too many applications accumulated over the last 13 years"
  • " I'm pretty sure that I have apps, the 2012 R2 are not compatible with Windows Server. "
  • " I think I have applications that are not using the Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10 11 ... "[1945015arbeiten]

But this need not be the case. If you use the right tools from your toolbox, you can get control of your 13-year-old app library and that the migration start today. The tools that I speak, are Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp plus AppDNA course

Server 03 migration Excuse # 1 :. Too many applications

Let's look at the first excuse to look at it, "too many applications". With AppDNA show it just at the highest level folder (directory for you IT veterans) and set to import the MSI that it discovers. In a few minutes it will be to find all your applications in the subfolders and reports back to see your entire application landscape. No more hushed conversations about apps may or may not know. It's all spelled out for you in black and white. Well, Red, Yellow and Green actually

Server 03 Migration Excuse # 2 :. Application Compatibility Challenges

What the second apology on our list. Yup, removed AppDNA that one as well. The RAG reporting AppDNA you say with certainty if an application has a conflict which versions in conflict with and specifically why it is in conflict. Sometimes you can "fix" it by a shim on the App application (yellow). Sometimes there is no problem at all if you thought it to be (green), and yes, sometimes an app is just a hard stop (red) and must be re-encoded or retired.

Server 03 Migration Excuse # 3: Application Remediation

but what about the applications for Windows Server 08, but red for 2012R2 as green or yellow of AppDNA get reported? You're right. This can be a Sticky Wicket. But here is from your. Use the RAG report, to find out what exactly causes be the app for Server 2012R2 red. Perhaps it is necessary to consider an operating system that the application is not in the installation. If this is the case, you could be on an older operating system such as Windows, the app convert with App-V sequence 7. then stream it and run on a XenApp or XenDesktop on 2012R2 hosted environment. As an OS check the app installed only you skipping are virtually at startup. Check with the seller to App-V maintainability course.

Finally, we will address the applications that simply show how red for the year 2012. Do you have to re-encode or retire? You can get with a little luck and find that the app is on Server 08 R2 and Server 2012 R2 red but still could provide green for Server 08. For these applications you will run at a XenApp environment on top of Server 08 . Although this is a short-term stop work at least you meet your deadline EoS and your business running after July 14, 2015.

How to?

  1. You can start today with a free trial of XenDesktop
  2. Login to the joint Microsoft and Citrix up Webinar on Server 03 setting End of support
  3. Visit for additional resources on this winning partnership

Start migration now with Citrix XenDesktop, XenApp and AppDNA and save your sorry, for the things they really need: your anniversary, your spouse birthday, Valentine's Day ...

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