Announcing the Multi-Region Model AWS CloudFormation for XenDesktop

2:21 PM
Announcing the Multi-Region Model AWS CloudFormation for XenDesktop -

By Paul Wilson

Since Peter and I have introduced a model CloudFormation in the blog "Restart your farm XenDesktop in AWS CloudFormation with a model, "we have received numerous requests readers to update the model to support multiple regions and availability zones. In recent weeks, we have prepared the ground to meet these demands - copy the appropriate images Amazon Machine (AMIS) to all regions and update the model CloudFormation JSON to use the newly copied AMIs in each region. These AMIs were also updated to resolve some of the timeout problems were seen with the original AMIs.

Today we announce the second version of our AWS CloudFormation model with multi-region availability and simplified installation script. This version allows readers worldwide to build a XenDesktop farm with shared hosted desktops (XenApp) in the cloud Amazon AWS easily and quickly.

Version 2.06 of JSON CloudFormation template can be downloaded from here and includes access to two new AMIs. This version of the model requires a specific additional parameter to the region AvailabilityZonePref, is necessary. We had already released version 2.05 but this latest version (2.06) shows the correct envelope for the designation of different availability zones. JSON previous model showed all caps with the accompanying example.

The new parameter specifies the availability zone (AZ) in a selected region. The setting is necessary because sometimes the necessary resources are not available in AZ, so at runtime Amazon returns a list AZS to try that have the necessary resources. The AZS valid list is always subject to change. At the time this blog was written, however, the following AZS were available in each region. Note also that the housing is import. so use the names as indicated in the table below for your preferred Availability Zone.

Region Current availability zones
uS-eAST-1 us-east-1a, us-is-1b, we did 1c us is 1d
uS-wEST-1 us-west-1a, we west-1c
uS-wEST-2 us-west-2a, we west-2b, we west-2c
EU-WEST-1 eu-west-1a, in west-1b, in west-1c
SA-iS-1 its east-1a, its east-1b
AP-SUD-1 ap-southeast 1a, ap-southeast -1b
nORTH AP-1 ap-northeast- 1a, 1b ap-north, north-ap-1c

the best way to generate the current list AZS valid in an area is to go to the Dashboard screen EC2 and EC2 access the console of the region, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

in most cases, using the area in a region will be sufficient. If you are unsure choose AZ, select the region is a zone. Since there is a wide range of potential AZS and no way to validate in advance when the parameter is provided to CloudFormation template, you must first verify that the specified AZ is indeed correct. When I tested each of the images of the region, I used the default zone A for all regions, except the US-EAST-1 (because AZ was forced to resources) instead used US-EAST-1C.

If the AvailabilityZonePref parameter you specify is not a valid AZ, model script runs for a few minutes, and then rolls back so that you can try again. - :)

For detailed instructions on using the v2 CloudFormation template, download the installation guide here

The use of this new model in just a few hours you have built a XenDesktop farm in your selected Region in the AWS cloud. Ready to publish desktops and shared hosted applications. You can use the farm for a number of objectives, including:

  • Application Testing
  • Business Continuity
  • Test Proof- of-Concept XenApp performance in the cloud
  • Learning to manage AWS resources

We appreciate your comments and suggestions about our new multi-Region AWS CloudFormation template for XenDesktop.

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