XenClient (or XC for short) is the Citrix provides virtualization local office, providing increased security and simplified management for laptops of the company. XenClient is designed from the ground up to be open and extensible. It starts with the use of open source technologies such as Xen, Linux kernel and many more technologies. Next XC uses a single VM service architecture allows the system to be extended via the functional breakdown. These VMs services are generally small purpose built virtual machines that provide new services to the platform for local or virtual desktops running on them
architecture Up VM service was used by Citrix to allow XenClient to have :.
- A virtual machine user interface encompassing dedicated Citrix Receiver for XenClient UI
- An isolation of VM network for XenClient XT edition that provides security at the network
- VM VPN service for XenClient XT edition by allowing VM secure network tunnels out-of-band
intention from the start of the XenClient team was to open the VM Service architecture 3 e parties, allowing them to extend the XenClient platform for new and interesting ways. One of the companies we work with is Virtuata.
Virtuata uses the extensible service virtualization XenClient VM architecture to establish a dynamic root of trust. By design, the XenClient hypervisor acts as a Trusted Computing Base (TCB). It then allows Virtuata extend trust dynamically loadable legitimate executable programs forming a dynamic root of trust. Once running, only the code in these good programs can work. Preventing the right applications to be infected, they lock the kinds of advanced threats (such as farms and code injection attacks and facing back) that led the news for the past two years. So rather than wait the attack happen, then publish this reactive signatures to detect particular attack, they proactively protect known good programs and legitimate directly into memory.
The combination of XenClient and Virtuata led to the creation of safer and Assured Computing Environment. I'll talk more about our vision for Safer Computing Assured in the next coming "XenClient CTO Blog Series" so stay tuned.
The integration of the software with Virtuata XenClient will be demoed at the Synergy conference in San Francisco this week. It is stated in the Citrix booth in the demonstration area XenClient from Tuesday night.
Stop and check. I'll be there with other key members of the XenClient team meeting with partners who are interested in discussing this technology and other potential new integrations with XenClient.
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About the author:
Ahmed Sallam drives technology and product strategy of working with ecosystem partners for Citrix XenClient and client devices emerging virtualization market. Before Citrix, he was CTO and chief architect of McAfee's advanced technology, now part of Intel Corp. It was co-inventor and architect of DeepSAFE, co-developed with Intel Labs, and co-designer of VMM CPU VMware security technology known as VMsafe. Prior to McAfee, Ahmed was a principal architect of Nokia's Security Division and a senior engineer at Symantec. He holds 18 issued patents and over 40 patent applications pending. He earned a BA in computer science and automatic control of the University of Alexandria
Ahmed Follow on Twitter :. Https://twitter.com/ahmedsallam
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