ShareFile Saves the Day

8:39 PM
ShareFile Saves the Day -

Towards the end of last year, Citrix acquired ShareFile to offer cloud-based option to securely store, sync, and share files. I was really excited about the possibilities that this acquisition under Citrix and ShareFile joined the team in February. I was at Citrix Synergy this week to talk about ShareFile Enterprise and our great new StorageZones feature that allows administrators to configure ShareFile with storage on site.

The event began with a keynote phenomenal where Mark Templeton laid out our vision together. The entire speech is great, but if you want to just pass the data section, it begins 41 minutes. Bill Carovano and Bharath Rangarajan teamed on a session that provided an overview of ShareFile Enterprise and how it integrates with Citrix Receiver.

Thursday, Juliano Maldaner and I presented the first of two sessions (so popular that we had to repeat it). The session went well even though we had a lot of demos and Juliano and I were feeling pretty good about the rehearsal tomorrow. Friday, Juliano prepared demos two hours before the session and everything was ready. I felt so confident that I did not even bother to bring my laptop to the session because we ran the slides and demonstration on the same machine (cue soundtrack horror film.) As we were on stage with 8 minutes to go until we began, everything seemed fine, so we plugged in the laptop to video and the screen went black.


I said "no problem, we are just 8 minutes a hard reboot and start over - we have time" Second restart and same .. At this point, I begin to be a little worried that I go out and asks a colleague in the audience just borrow their laptop to show our slide while Juliano continues to work on the demonstration machine (thank you Adam!) I did have a copy of the slides on a USB key in my pocket just in case, so I thought it will not be a problem, but when we stuck the USB into the laptop could not read it (Adam - it really is time to upgrade to from Windows XP.) This is where ShareFile saved the day. I ran the tool ShareFile Sync on my machine and so even if I had not explicitly supported my files, they had been automatically saved for me in my ShareFile account. I quickly downloaded a copy machine borrowed slides open and started on time.

While the immediate crisis was averted, we still need this demonstration machine running after my opening few slides, but bought Juliano enough time to try again and this time he worked (with a few seconds to spare.) You can see the relief I yield the floor to the first demo when Juliano gives me the thumbs-up he is ready to go.

Watch as ShareFile Saves the Day!

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