Citrix Service Provider Technical office hours Citrix Service Provider hard to share - or just - technical issues with Citrix experts. Via GoToWebinar, service around the globe have direct access to Citrix experts from engineering, architecture, product management, technical sales, product marketing, Citrix Service Provider Program team and the Citrix Solutions Lab.
Current Citrix Service Provider. Partners can fully webinars under the Citrix Service Provider Center of Excellence community section
top were seen 5 questions in this quarter Citrix Service Provider Technical Office Hours webinars:
1. Can you share how to directions in a multi-tenant environment XenApp and XenDesktop implement?
This is a topic for Technical office hours is the Citrix Service Provider Reference Architecture. Updated in July provides the Citrix Service Provider Reference Architecture for Microsoft Cloud OS detailed guidelines for designing, implementing and managing a multi-tenant Citrix-based hosting environment. Some new Citrix Service Provider were interested in tips on getting started, while established partners were keen to understand the new version of the update to the latest XenApp and XenDesktop releases and upcoming additions.
enjoyed all hear directly created by Citrix Solutions Lab engineers about the true life service provider environment in the Citrix Labs. The Citrix Solutions Labs team really tests and maintains any publication to provide proper guidance for the reference architecture available to ensure Citrix-based desktop-as-a-service environments can be effective, scalable and reliable. (Tip: Enjoy more 1: 1 conversation with the Citrix Solutions Lab Team Citrix Summit).
2. What happens with Cloud Portal Services Manager?
Service with Cloud Portal Services Manager will find a quick way business scale and the self-service experience that today's end users expect. Digging in more details of the new Cloud Portal Services Manager 11.5 release, the team was able to answer highly technical questions about Microsoft Active Directory synchronization and the elimination of day-to-day manual processes with automated service provisioning.
Service with Cloud Portal Services Manager were interested in providing beyond today's Citrix technologies hosted in expanding and Microsoft offerings such as Lync and Exchange. The full list of user services available today with Who CloudPortal Services Manager 11.5, then share feedback about additional services for deployment with CloudPortal Services Manager
3. actually XenMobile is to hosted?
Hosted Mobile Device Management company for Citrix Service Provider, particularly among customers in the financial services and healthcare markets, where customer and patient data is at risk. The two major telcos and smaller service providers will see the value of hosted XenMobile be and sell it successfully today. (See hosted XenMobile case studies with a Citrix Service Providers and Financial Services Consumer buyer).
for Citrix Service Provider, XenMobile also includes hosted Share File, as File Synch and shares is an added bonus. Share File is also a great advantage for service providers go into account in competitive situations. Integrated and secure, Citrix Share File is enterprise-class file sharing for mobile users built -. And a big advantage over other partial solutions
4. How app orchestration different from what I do it manually?
Citrix App orchestration 2.5 was very extensively covered by the technical office hours, both because it issued only a new app orchestration release in August and because of it. Citrix Service Provider
automate the deployment of multi-tenant environments app orchestration delivers cloud-scale automation from a single interface and central management domain more accepted broadly has is. There were several in-depth questions about the new app orchestration zero Trust isolation feature highlighting Microsoft Active Directory Trust do not have to be for a service in place to manage the client-hosting environment. See more in the blog: Citrix App orchestration 2.5 debuts zero confidence Private Domain Delivery Model for Desktops-as-a-Service
5. How much technical content to be covered Citrix Summit ?
For service providers, Citrix Summit event in January Partner include a full track of technical and business information. It is no secret that the service provider track many meetings on the technical side, mobility, networking and virtualization contains additional technical meetings in Summit cloud tracks. Explore the thresholds Citrix Summit session list for more details.
In addition, a Citrix Summit Ticket will include the ability for teachers-led labs and self-paced labs, and a non-batch certification exam. All Citrix Service Provider must have 2 certified technical contacts, so that the on-site certification exam is a great advantage. Further information and registration at the Citrix Summit website.
Current Citrix Service Provider partners can view the full current and past webinars under the Citrix Service Provider Center of Excellence community area.
Useful Links
- Back hours Technical office shooting
- Citrix Service Provider Reference Architecture
- Citrix CloudPortal Services Manager
- Citrix app orchestration
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